Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Feb 1878, p. 3

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Mr. BEACON laid that, notwithstanding, morn wan a mule" way of Reviving tin-Io pay-lists, and they (mainland opportunities for wrong-doing to dw- honest men. The uccounu would be 'cropovly vouch, ed and worn to. SUPPLY. The Home then went into Committee of Supply. Ost the item of $28,000 for Public Works. Mr. LAUDER oompleined that there was no eye- tam of checking the pay-meets Bent to the Public' Works Department for payment by the foremon on the bridge and river work; The Government had to trust entirely to the honesty o' the foreman, who "normally their own politit at friends. lie eug- sut that the foreman ought'to be made to send a coloration along with the pay-line. Mr. FRASER said that if n foreman rm not hon- eet allthe decimation: he might mum would not iiai; him so, and there wujnlt no good n check on him now no it he accompanied hie piry-lito.'with a declaration. Occasionally, Also. on otlicer from the Department we: lent out to the worn, unknown to the foreman, to lee that the men veri- properly paid, end that nothing wrong Wu going on. After all, he had more faith in the honesty of the foreman than in nil the marlin Ott par-lists, or the col-titl- at", that nzignt be made, and if 1 man in the employmont of the Government wall found not to be honest his services would not he retainml for an hour. it won not fair to insinuate that th, so men would take advantage of opportunities of Pecu- lation, when there was no real ground for such an insinuation. Mr. ROSS "id he had made enquiriosintolhis matter, and he found that thn norounln' were always accomfanied by I letter stating that they were the pay-int: and were correet,aud he thought that wu a better check than tho signing of a name at the bottom of the parlista. But the most eh'octnal cheek was the sending of an officer from the Department to vi 'it the works somrtinn-s, to pay the men hinmrlf. and to no that the accounts were cor- rect. The practice panned by the llcpartnu'nt w." the mm u that pursued by large private con. tractors. Mr. GIBSON said the hon. member for East , , had charged that than immncn were frivndn Jar, Government, while Mr. Moleaworth hiulartstitretly stated before the Public Accoums Cmmnittm that they_hul been, with few exceptions, employed by the pronoun Government. Mr. WILLS thousU the mun to whom the money was entrusted for payment should be. held " spousildo for in proper puma-m, and would furnish tho Dc- partmouc with 'atutactorr vouchon. Mr. CAMERON believed that the gym... pursued in the Crown Lands Department was a: correct a mm " could be adopted. The receipt of the man who rc- oeived tin money wu placed " the bottom of tho pay-lint, and the foreman of tho works tttarte his amduit to its cmroctneu. No ohtsrge wu made against my particular mama", but thou who were acquainted with the Way um worha vm being conducted knew that the (ion-ru- ment were boil? cheated. lle thuug'ut the a 1mm "aux-La in t a Croym Lands Department sinoum be m In tho Pubhc Works Department. , Ttfe item was punt. - Mod ttl that would drum on the com: but I they tho . ht it would be on incontivo giving}. arming m the country. Ho 01th that this Bill would t,tte,'et'p,te to everyone and he wu and to and that the armor: garland iii?. Ira human-ion l van that iatthséoumat itod tr the member for South Simcoe ho advocated omen), the ttrug",', of tile drainage. m (tho maker) than quote hom A re- port made by the hon. member for South Simeon twenty-four year- Mo to the Minister of Education approving highly ofhigh drainage, and saying that the nutter Ihould not be overlooked by the Govern.. ment. Ho (the Ipoukor) nu Afraid that tho opposi- tion to this Bill was not on oppooition in the interest: of the farmer, " it profeuod to be. Mr. BOSEVEAR aid that he had been misunder- Itood. What he wanted to a: was that he approved of underdraiuano, but thought that the farmers I could pay for it themselves. Mr. WOOD then introducd a Bill respecting the in- vestment ot public moneys In dehoqun-n isnuml for the construction ot tile drain Mt ntuaiciinuios and townships. Mr. PATTERSON (Enacxforpond the Bill, and suggested that u lie over. Per up: tho Government in "can could mature . lands 1mproromentis Act. Mr. MACDOUGALL (Siam) laid that he had Icon reuon to modify hil youthful aspirations in regard to high fuming, which he now believed to be uttprofitabie in this courtry. He questioned if Gov- ernment was not exceeding it: functions in .lcndiug out money in the manner proposed. The Home went into Committee on tho resolution Ian! pasted it, and the Home concurred In the reso- ution. 0n the item of $36,700 for colonization roads, It. PABDER aid were wu nothing that requir- 'Cer "tt,9tteoueyelPt,tP.tt.t. voted in GGiiiartG fronds in Mani-toumi Lsiam1 in colic?- qumco of the representations of the hon. mambo: for Alumna: "i'iirGWiiosr." "A1 "tstettpriatittt of $500 1.; -4. h"-.. er,. van]: in MunihmHn [alum m roman it. ciutotr-auvo you any special and: in mind t Mr. YARDS!) replied that there wvrn three mdl, and an inspector mm to bo sent. up to My than: out before tho money wan to be pull. Mr. CAMERON oxproezod Isis approval of the ap- proprluior. Mr. SINCLAIR wu glad that the Government had Tttf the hum of rendering assistance to an dial! "tttera in Manitoulin. no hopod mmnming would alto bo (tun;- "null"h "In-w ing up the new townships in North Bruce, when: the toadl were very bad. Mr. DRAGON protoetcd against the unfair division of the colonization gmnts, which were entirely In favour of the Western division. Them was 3 Ni- propormmately small amount set apttt ' for the aMe'.t'rtt divilion, which. he contended. was omitted co m0"! lid than it received. The Cotatukiotter tad a 'l?: - . - . . ' - nun-ll I. Faiarui , View; I"; kilns for C'riiiiriUira" the MF. tiiirson-Uh, Monday next 4trder of the Home for a return showing. to far as the mineral hospital: of Toronto and lnndou are concerned, amounts re- mind from each municipality in puymont of-pn- tlents' maimeunnco and for patient: reside-nu of Toronto and London; income from property be- longing to hoapitall, value and description of said pmporty, fret charged to rclidonu, fees charged to non-rwidunts ; also showing the position of my funds held by the city of London and county of Middh-mx for hospital purpose: I also, a copy or ttw I§remncnt be.tween the city of London and county of h iddlosex with tolerance to such fund. "g-I-r---------)-"', Mr. FitAsritt unwanted-a rourn relating to the diseovery of gold in the township ot Marmot... The House adjourned at 12 miviniotci.O NOTICES " MOTION. Mr. Soott--tht Monday next-mn to Inland Section In of Chapter 2 of the Revised Stalin:- of Unhuio want-(Ling University of Toronto. Mr. Grange -Ou Monday ttext-Order ofthe Home for I roturn giving tho mmu-I of all Magistrates at moment on tho Commission of the Ponce, with the date lonir tsppoiattnuut, the dato of moir qualiti- cation, and the common fur which they are respec- tivuly appointed. ' Mr. yP..tez1?., Monday next -0rdor of the Home n.- n "no"-.. .. Ann __ .. . every cue the {noun w primed. r Mr. GIBSON hoped tin) relic! naked for by the hon. member for North limos would be granted- hu/iT-lf,-',,', e P91] 1 district in his own eon- It Cité , Wide? f FM a colonization road. He believed thatif the Commission" laid more atton- tion to details, the money cqunde$ to: t . It would go much farther than " di), Tim iif particulu can} it.ttrlrith be tal noon informed in which $300 Cai, paid in wag" out of $l,000 355m- prlnled for tho work. One reason of the excessive expenditure was that supplies tin-re bought at Toron- to lultuad of at the places where the work was done. Mr. I'ARDEE uni? that he paid as full attention to the appointment 0 owrseurs, &c. as "as pmrsible in the Dcparttuent. In the 'G'triiiiii' case torn-trod l". the "mu in charm) had It,',', well recommended when he cmm- into the Gowrnnmnt's employ, but it haul been nrtcrwards found that ho had been guilty of 1rresotlatititur, and he "an removed. With rcsfererure lo uupplivrs, he "taught everybody would concede that Confederation; h% gun" ranted G the other ""3?" IfiioA though 'lldil ' had been orroetditt l, Tull spout; M,' were productive of great good, and led to the 'expondituro of three time; the amour" expended on {he roads. He wan gratified to tind that the grant fur Manitoulin wand wan so MW" 3ny received by the Home. ullel IIWIII'IUI' 'u"""' II." "vt"'" ..._. --'V"V' Vote an increased tunountto the eastern section". where than WI: tb grout variety ot resource!- Mr. CREIGH'I'ON was glad the Government 11-91 decided to do something toward. opening up Pll,t toulin Island, which w..- destined who one. the Inqu important part: of the Proviuf. As it. V". Indian land, however, ha though; t o Donunion Govvrnuwnt should have spent any necessary money fo"ita itycro.yctynt. lie, a pp6rtted tho boy "10"" het Cr tiorttt Bruce in 2i requget for ad to tht Inus "1- sum-mums in hit coustituéucy. Mr. DAWSON mu c, rant to Manuaplm I11.ygu/, .tle', ua, tire' which hafbeen granted sum? Mr. DEROCHE would be in favour of over: more Toner being expended on eoionistation roads than WM expended now. There was no alone! PPI' profitably spent. He hoped the Home 13:13 The item was then paved, and the Committee race mun-M gum, qua he hoped $500 would bo not 33:38: {hat iore. '1 "a Aspen: a the "mural hospitals cunecruod, amounts re- " in payment of-pa- r patients residents of m as it it w 11mm Aj. F 153"

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