Mr. Fraser presented the tenth report of the Committee on Private Bills. BILLS INTRODUCED. By. Mr. Bell--Of ratepayers of Toronto to the same effect. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Mr. Pardec prosented the report of the Committce on Railways. To amend the Act respecting the Admin-- istration of Justice.--Mr. Sexton. To amend the Joint Stock Road Com-- panies Act.--Mr. Bell. By Mr. Patterson (York)--Of ratepayers in Richmond Hill for the abolition of tax exemptions. To amend the Act respecting jurors.--Mr. Sexton. Mr. MOWAT said he bhad received furthe® information in regard to the decision recently given with respect to the power of the Legislature of Ontario to collect fees from brewers. It had been decided to lay the Third Parliament--Third Session. By Nir. Wilson--Of the Council of St. Thomas, for ccertain amendments to the Railway Act. _By Mr, Flesher--Of Council of Boulton village to the same effect. td ep on 6cs Lrarstativ® Assexsiy, -- © Tuesday, Feb. 12. ; The Speaker took the chair at 8 o'clock. Prayers were read by the Rev. John Potts of Elm--strect Methodist Church, , PRIVILEGE. Mr. RICHARDSON corrected a report of his speech as reported in the Mail on the subject of the Western University. He wished to be understood uot to oppose the bassage of the Act. The following petitions were presented:-- By Mr. Hodgins--Of the City Council of St. Catharines, that the bill respecting the City otf St. Catharines may pass, To amend the revised statutes respecting line fences,--Mr. Bishop. case before the Privy Council. In the meantime, however, it was still coutemplated to refund the fees collected, but without prejudice. 'The case was importaut as a precedent, inasmuch as it might lead to at-- tempts to set aside the authority of the Local Legislature to collect any fees but those specially mentioned in the Act, or such as are specifically mentioned in the Municipal 'Acts. 'The amount at present involved was not of very great importance, but for the future it was important that the jurisdiction of the Legislature of Ontario should not be too immuch circwmsecribed. While the appeal in the present case was a proper one, a different course would have to be taken with regard to the different brew-- ers concerned. Mr. CAMERON said that as the appeal in the case before the courts was being carried on at the expense of the brewors themselves, he thought that the fees should be refunded to them at once, as the costs would far ex-- ceed any returns that would be made., He could not assent to the right to appeal to the Privy Council when the Court before which it was tried was established for the very purpose of trying such cases as these. Mr. MOWAT explained that it was not the amount to be refunded that affected the case, but there were a va-- riety of questions which might arise under the same clause, and which would be most embarrassing to the Government, as to the powers which the Local Legislature posses-- ses. If he wore to come to the conclusion that the powers of the Local Government were to be thus circummscribed, it would not only be his province, but it would be his duty,as he hoped and expected the Confeder-- ation would exist long after they had passed away, to have that Act properly amended. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE, BREWERS' LICENSES. PETITIONS. To legalize By--law No. 221 of the County of Oxford.--lHon. Attorney.General Mowat. GovERNMENT NOTICES. Mr. MOWAT moved, "That this House wil!, on to--morrow, resolve itself into &A Committes to consider the following resolu-- tion with respect to fees to Justices of the Peace :-- @Justices ofthe Poace shall be entitled to a fee of fifty conts for hearing and determin-- ing a case, whether the same do or not rs-- sult in a conviction . The Committee reported the this amendment. Respecting the debt of the County of Frontenac, and to make valid certain de.-- bentures of said county.--Mr. Deroche,. To enable the corporation of Leeds and Grenville to sell certain lands.--Hon. Mr., Cameron . To authorize Henry Scarrow to add name of Woodward to his present name Mr. Hodgins, Mr. MOWAT moved the second reading of the Bill to cenfirm the Revised Statutes of Ontario. He made explanations of the provisions of the Bill similar to those he made when the Bill was introduced, and explained the mode of operation followed by the Commissioners in their work. « The following item shall be added to Schedule A of the Revised Statutes re-- specting the fees of Justices of the Peace :--_ The Honse went into Committee on Mr. Mowat's Bill respecting the winding up of Joint Stock Confpanies. had To enable the County of Bruce to assume the railway debts of certain municipalities, --Mr. Gibson . To authorize the town of Dundas to ex. empt Messrs, Fisher from taxation. --BMr McMahon, "«For hearing and deterinining 50 cents." Mr. CAMERON said he had come across two or three errors in the revised statutes. They said that the Inspector of Prisons should receive $2,000 a year, while he was really getting $3,00q._ There was also an error The Committee rose and reported the with some unimportant amendments, with Respecting Water Works, and to validate By--law No. 212 of the town of Owen Sound, --Mr. Creighton . To consolidate the debt of Brockville.-- Mr. Deacon . The following Bills were read a third time and passed :-- Mr. CAMERON said he did not approve of this Act being sent to the Privy Council for their final decision. If they had not ob-- tained justice under the Confederation Act then it would be proper to petition the Im-- périal Parliament to give them what powers they desired. The Attorney--General had expregsed the hope that Confederation would last long after we had passed away. He hoped that the Dominion would last, but that Confederation in its present shape would not last, because it was not in the interests of the country that it should. REVISED STATUTES or oxTar Carried. respect to railway arbitration, He JOINT STOCK COMPAXNIES EXTRAMURAL LAPOTrR PRIVATE BILLS. Bill with the case, add the 1IO, e Bill f