Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Feb 1878, p. 7

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Foie u i | came up, to makea specch on both sides of ; | it, he having been a mgmber of both political *| _ Mr. HARDY moved, " That the resolutions parties, hbut not very long at one time on | be referred to the Committce of the Whole either side. 'The hon. gentleman would on this Bil}," find that if he fired guns the Government | _Mr. CAMERON moved in amendment would give him back gyun ftor gun and shot "That the resolution be refered back to the » for shot. In relation to the matter betore Connniltee, with insz'uctiogg to eliminate the House, it would have mattered very the clause affecting private secretaries," - little if the resolution under consideration Mr. FRASET, then took objection on a' a had been left out altogether. point of order to the motion of the hon.! d Mr. CA MERON, [When strike it out. ourable the Provincial Becretary , | s Mr. FRASER continued to say that it RETURXS,. ' I wmh{ have m.uttc_rq-(l very lit{lc .beca.msa the Mr. HARDY presented copiecs of alt | * Bill was one relating to public service, and returns respecting the humber of pupils in | } if an hon. member had had a personal the Agricultural Collegs ard their rcsi.t | ::Ivrk,lnlm'i.n't'hn' ml:\tt(;r }fatll:m't been men. dences ; also copiecs of all the correspond. tioned here, ie would have been put down ence with the honourable the Minister of | C as he always had been put down in Education 'respecting the discontinuance of | ) § t:"" a';:ttl;):nr'csil (':'3 '" t(ll::i kr Osf :':":' cll"s the Journal of Education, | s 3 0 other ; the -- particula ervic Der= o¥ promn: fastp» | q formed _ would be performed in just EXPECTED MEASURES, | f the satae way., The object of all Bi}!s should In reply to Mr, Cameron, | 3 be to provide for emergencies, and this Mr. MOWAT said the measures relating | ( measure only provided that in case such to landlords and tenants and voters' lists | " a measure should become necessary at any were being rapidly prepared, and would be | |, future time such officers could be employed. brought down very shortly . | fj Lo would ask the House if it would be right Mr. MEREDITH hoped these measures | ' that in m:\v suen an ofiicer were uppn.nm?d, would not be sprung on the House at the and \\h('; would in all probability be friendly | close of the session, when there was no time d to the Government, he should be foreed upon | to consi f o m i . 0o consider them, the next Government who took office, 'The % paragraph, therelore, provided merely that In reply to Mr. Flesher, he should go out i necessary, but the Minis-- Mr., MOWAT said he conld not name the ter succecding to the vacancy could easily day when a measure would hbe introd uced retain the services of the clerk if he so de. providing for the disposition of the Mercer sired. He denied any intention on the estate, part of the Government to make any addi-- Mr. MuWwaAT moved the adjournment of | p tions to the staif at prosent. _ He said the House. " that in case hon. gentlemen on his side of 'The House adjourned at 10:15. | the Ifouse should make such appointments, ie hearees .l d as hon.gentlemen on theo oppos'te side main. NOTICES OF MOTiOXN | d tained was the intention the Government vi | was still responsible to 'the House, 'The 5 Mr. Lnne---.(_)'nl M.(:n(lu{ ,\l?.e."--,-l"" to' ; d public service required that certain work amend t'he Agriculture and Arts Act. R | C un s Mr. Sexton--On Monday next--Bill to | should be done, and he had no doubt that if on gs ca% \ h | * PAAA in 'Lir is amend the Joint Stock RHoad Company's Act, | f they wers to ask the House for additional m+ + # = L# . Ih se 9 3 Gary Also--Bill to amend sections 442 and 445fof | d assistance it would be granted if necessary, > Municipal Institutions Act. -- Als Bill\ l The Hon. Attorney--General bad a large the Municipal Insti L 1OS Act. o na T ul | ppas i i um to amend the Act respecting Jurors. Also | : amount of correspondence, which required Bi ind 11 t relating to the ex. | f that he should hbave a privat secretary ----Bill to amend the Act relating to the ex. A > + private Ts enses of Criminal Justice. f though the work which was generally desig. perses 0 3 nated private corvrespondence was merely the ~*~~me~®misen dadnsonns a c.\.'c}'mn'éc of z;{lng,?-ultjznl I\:ttern, which EFXERMPTIONS ComMMITITER, -- really were the wotk of the hon. gentleman ---- as the Premier ot Ountario. He ventured to 'The Committee on Exemptions met at 11 | : say that the Hon. Attorney--General would o'ciock this morning. , require to devote the wholc of his time to Presont ---- Messrs. | Forris (Chairman}), the work of correspondence in order to get Hardy, Miller, Sexton, Calvin, Graban § J EL s £o% £ 2+ ) ) & 4 is | it off his hands. 1 it was desired by the l Hargraft, Boll, O'Donoghue, Harkin, Hobin-- | House that these ofticers should be permas | xnn,'M-'rvdith, MeMahon, Chisholm, Wills, nont officers of the Department, he should , and Patterson (Kssex), ffer no p"'""""[ 'zl'-'c"'"""' R | Afier routine business, Mr. CA)H',.[:_O'N }-)1\r<-sxgal'suxr,vr::~40 M, "_"1 | 'The Chairman read copies ot the petitions , hon,. member n'n "l""flnll'H'hrudllclllg such | sent to the House from the city of Belleville a matter as was his attack on the hon. | and the Corporation of the City of Toronto. member for South Simcoe. _ IHe admired led br ; the principle of the hon. member for Wel. | Mr., IT:\}:DY mov'("d, F"C"ljh'.']' i Mr. | § land in resigning because such a great | Miier, «That the (..\::rk be 'n,",t"f"','.' tn' ' hange as Confederation was not submitted | compile a list of the Siatutory | Exomption ij p ¥() the people. The speaker defended the and that 500 copies be pr inted for the use of | 3 hon. member for South Simcoe at consider-- the Committee," Carried. f 3 able lougth, after which he said that the Mr. Menrsorru said that it seemed to him , expenses of the Attorney--General's office in that certain members of the Committee s 1869 were $7,165, and in this year $14,980, were determined to burke the enquiry, so 2 * which was a specimen of the economy of that no report should be maudo duing the l the Government. _ IHon, gentlemen _ on present session, § this side Offuw l{uuw did lllotdWiSh' foir th'is Mr. Haroy demicd any such intention. f rovision of the law ; they had no « esire to A Em "AA un prik K nSid thomselyge behitd an aot, of Parlia-- . NZs StrtEnimm in roferring to the free use | o . y gas companies and water companies of i ment, **> _ «e the public streets, expressed his opinion | _ _ Mr, MOWAT said that the expenses of that theso compauics should not be exempt-- : | his oftice had increased, but the volumse of ed from taxation. He moved, seconded by \& work bore a much greater proportion to Mr. Bertu, ©Thatsub--section 6 of section 6 the expense now than then ; every official of the Assessment Act stand for further con-- = in his Department was overworked. sideration." -- Carried, a The amendment being put, was fost by a Moved by Mr. Granax, seconded by Mr. vote of 28 to 43. MivurR®, "That sub--section 7 of section 8, re-- ' Mr, MEREDITH then moved the follow. lating to property belonging to conntics or j ing amendment :----" That this resolution municipalities, stand for further considere-- . shall not authorize the appointment ot pri-- tion." -- Carried, yate secretaries to any of the Departments Mr. Haroy moved, seconded by Mr. unless the Order in Council authorizing Grananm, ©'Lbat sub--section 8 of section 6,re-- f such appointment be first authorized by the Inting to the exemption of the Central ' Assembly," ® Prison, Provincial Roformatory, etc., staad T ! The vote being called for, the ameudment as at present." -- Carried, | was lost by a vote of 20 to 39. Mr. Miousr moved, seconded IJV Mr. ; _ The original motion being put, was car. Sextox, «That sub--section 9 of section 6, } ried on a vote of 41 to 23. relating to the Industrial Farm, Poor House, f The Committee then rose and reported. Alms House, Orphan Asylum, House of In-- dustry, Lunatic Asylum, etc., stand for f further consideration." Carried. | 4 ----

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