Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Feb 1878, p. 6

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A ud e M * : y es ® h M § en e ob oo 1. o e m e rapr uh u e : > ic es ~8 fae : S % ' eE » s"".""'_ ;;: i e CH * e S4 P 8 + i CS ' ";}" disclaimed Ins previous remarks beina con-- the Departments, (Government members-- s §A 0 strued so as to make him say that this was £No, no.") If such was not the intention en 1. . a new thing. It was not ;.tlne law existed there could be no possible objection to o es . when he was 'in office at Ottawa. _ He allowing the amendment proposed by the y t [ statute book to e 'he 't'." h""".""t"'" in the Mr. CURRIE said he could not see that i é gentlemen :),) ": of the six honoturable any new expenditure was about to be im-- | * l taty. | He w H.Obll_c to have a private secre-- posed upon the country. < C scutleman '::ll;l{:llned }t«'). think that each He referred to ll!_c fact that the hon, tlncm- a E: ' $24,000 would't; M UV buiYaLo Secrolnry; ber for South Simcoe was watching the & o 198 these uo e spent in the coming term Treasury very eagerly, 4 i i ¢ gentlemen having full facilities Mr. -- MACDOUGALL--I ailways have ? A f | or the conduct of their private polititi-- na tina 4," * $ -- | cal correspondence, _ He then dctailed td "4 : E: h. the arrangements found | efficient when Mr.CURRIE said that the hon. geontleman & t «"the corruptionists" _ were in pow:-r had beceu watching carnestly and with gaze _ 3 A saying that the business then w'u:; ing eyes for some time, nn.d he had no doubt f f as heavy as now. Honourable gentlemen he would do so for some time to come. Te should give up a greater portion of their found that in 1871 the hoi. geflntlcman had f & own private 'engagements so as to O\'el'taj&c reccived between $11,000 and $12,000, | PS : the dutics of their oftice. Mr. MACDOUGALL--What for? | fi ks » TheCHATIRMAN asked honourable gentle-- r. CURRIE replied that it, was for his | o | men to confine their remarks as ncearly as trip up North--west. _ Healso found that the 8 . i possible to the amendment. f hon. gen{leman could not find furniture h f | , Mr. BETIIUNE said that there was no ;A"(;d enough for him t tfl}e wc]s.t, but y | ' ','] lptcntmn to make any new appointmeats. l;" T ind x'.';'m)o \'vox 1 l;:?; mrc; te i | Bince Con{ederation each Minister had bhad «lso found, by "."': way, + 1th. e w,'."h"'c". PCP R ' szmc one whose position was analogous to z';"::l I]\ltdl )" }'I"H;i]cos:'(;ll'lt;&llly "I':':t h(,ml:::(.l j that of a private scecretary. o Mir TE CL+ C Aito i a A¢ * I could u\x-rt:fke his mrr«spbnd(fjlcchilfl'lcl::fif taken pistols and. cartridges with him, for 3 f ally without the use of short--hand writers \\hu-,_h he found an item of $7 98 in the [. 1 whose services save much valuable time, Af public accounts, le also found that the [ Ottawa each Minister bas had a private hon. g\:ml«.-{n:m.ls:ul taken \.mh 'lnm a'finc §; secretary ; the public have been the gainers in 'rp':m .nf horses, so t'lmtv lfc' .h.ul '"att'l)cl( the & getting 'prompt replies. _ Surely what is Treasury then very alh;ccmi.llll_). He hoped ® | right for the Dominion is right for the he would keep on watching. (Laughter [ Es | Province. i and cheers from Government benches.) | 4 M l Mr. MACDOUGALL (Simcoey--There is Mr. .\l.\CI)()LGALL said he h{:}d reccived & ) no comparison between u(u«n'crn)mcnt hay-- the money referred to as N oificer OF "l"; . ing seven or cight Provinces and our little Government--and not for hife own pelsont Fo? Provinte use. -- The pistols were plrch_.Lsul to defend $" . be Snfigrayrrarys s tho flag which hbhe attempted to» carry E6 Mr. BETHUNE--In one sense our duties into the North--west, and the furniture § are as important and extensive as theirs. was for the Government House. He P o i | Mr., MEREDITH--We do not deal with complained that he had been several times t f | State questions, unjustly attacked in regard to his trip to f Mr. BETHUNE--We deal with questions | the North--west, of which he said he had [ c of vast importarce, and it is an open ques-- | reason to complain. He accused Mr. | . tion if our legislation on many questions Currie of having done all that he could to does not inspire the legislation of the Do-- 1"""'&'"' the a'-"lmsftwn 'Of the North--west ; ~a minion. The time saved will be great, and Torritory by resigning his scat as a Legisla-- > al the couniry will be the gainers. No man tivo Lguncnllor when the scheme of Con-- # § in this Chamber could overtake the corres. federation was bcmg brought abopt. He hy f pondence of any of the Departments in one had not done anything wrong, but if he had f $ day. it should.be a warning to't.he .prescr.t Gov-- | Mr, MACDOUGALL (Simcoe)--The Min. Wiviquemaly qake w vieiby' t P p Reqpemeet Piiived 130. | . f ister has got hbis Deputy, nl(:t afr;nd of investigation. -- : (Opposition s § Mr. BETHUNE--The Deputy has his own i e i Cl ie cU vrery important dutics. But it is not the | Mr. CURRIE said he felt it his duty to | ; . o intention of this Bill to create one single explain that he had desived as much | is office more. Would his henotirable frends | as any hon. gentleman -- could desire A opposite say that the time will never ome | to se the consummation _ of the f » when a private secretary--for each of the six l gfi?i';i':{'m:" :lij:];: I"v'::";c';s» _b"; ohte ]t"'d Ministers will be necessary? It was de. 8 00 important a t sitable that a man who knows the secrets of one to be decided without having been first | a Minister should not go over to his suc.-- submitted to the peopie of the country, in U 3 cessor. -- He did not know one single person consequence of which he had resigned his who would save the country more money seat as a 'Lcgisintive: Councillor,. (Govern-- t than one of the parlies whose business had | * ment cheers.) He proceeded to say that in 3 been the subject of discussion. (Hear, hear.) the year 1863', when moving the 'A'dd(ess in d E Mr. HARDY said that since 1871 the reply to the Speech from the Throne, he f p\ i hok 'of his Denattment bad nesarl had expressed a wish that many within the $ t the work of his Department had nearly sound of his voice would live to see the h ' doubled, a | Provinces united from the Atlantic to the s= es Mr. l".'\ RDEE said there was a gcncx'ul. ' Pacific. He had been opposed to the princi-- [ : impression abroad that each of the heads of ple ot a life Senate, and tecling the import-- ht 214 the Departments were provided -vnhlll'rlvatc | ance of the Confederation scheme he had ,', 3 _ Secretaries, w hcrc':\s tlu:n:o? was ?l.\ly the one resigned l:ig; t::cu.t n}thcr th:}n hm'o. the [# s in the Attorney--General's Department, -- In ' scheme c._xmcd.out, without being submitted Ads the Crown Lands Dopartment they /.appon. to the voice of the people, At all events in e ed to be a ('lu'k' who was a f s.h(fn.tluml l speaking of public affairs it could not be ¢ writer, and who assisted in the correspond-- said of him, as it had been said of the hon. ence, The same was 'u.l sio the case in L?m gentleman, that ho had never been elected s 4 . other Departments,. Every .\tt('nm-_\'-hzm-ml for the same constituency more than once. y3 had his Sccretaryfand Mr. Sandficld Mac» He himself had been consistent in his party | ut donald bad one. 1t 1'11':\4«% no dlt!.m'cx'wc as adherence, and hoped he ever should be so 5 d f to the name by which these ofllcclfs were long as they continued to carry out a policy j called, and it the l:lmn:.:lng of the name was which he believed was a proper one. (Go-- f all that was required by hon,. gentlemen vernment cheers.) ; | opposite, that could easily be done, Mr, DAWSON thought the attack on the | Mr. Mlll'.ldUI'l'][.1»11'310&:«1 to add to the hon. member for South Simcoe was rather j 4 | resolution that thc'lulcl tion ""m'i 'tlmt not uncalled .for, as he 'lmd never known him to f | more than ons private secretary should be do anything of which he should be ashamed. R _ | employed . . Mr. FRASER said that the hon, gentle--' : 2 ' Mr. PARDEE ( xpl;mm! that lu} would man from South Simcoe had made a general have an opportunity . of l'l't'N.U"""'r:__"""" attack upon the Government and party of \ i amendment when the proper time arrived. which he (.Mr. Fraser) was a member. -- He + | Mr. SCOTT said it should be ('nnl;'cd('d at had also written and hac px;mtcd pamphlets nce 'that the object of the r.csnlulum was on his return from the Nort> west which :'O Increase the 1 ublic c.\'pcndltllfc by just were very nu_wh calculated to misrepresent so much as would be involved in t.he'}(l:m-r ;tllit! He said that the hon. gentloman was | ployment of a shorthand writer in each 0 ays competent, when a party question C < a ;.-'; y -- iss C &

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