Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Feb 1878, p. 5

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i ® ; .« f l i & t employ private secreumies, ana that those assigned by Order in Council, without an C | oflicers should go owt of office with the re. reference to the Le',.*.islature.' The Quebeyc CE . tirement of the Government," That was not Act, also passed by a Conservative Govern-- : --A in accordance with the genl.ns'of our in-- ment, made a similat provision. 'These _ 34 stitutions, or with Reform principles. He facts showed that Conservative Govern. e contended that, unhk9 the Ottawa Govern-- ments _ were fonder of Ordors in p > ment, there was nothing which the Provin-- Council _ than _ Reform _ Governments. ; clal Government should dcsi.ro to keep (Hear, hear, arid laughter.) 'The proposed s J A secret, and alleged that a privato secre-- Bill, however, provided for the laying of all A ' ' tary had never been employed under these matters before the House, so that every F B ¢ | the Government of Mr. Sandficld Macdonatd, member .might be prepared to stand by ( 4 | The appointmnnat amounted really to an ad. them, and that everything might be setted t C 1 k | dition of the amount of the private ~secre. by one Act of the House. As a mat-- d tary's salary to that of the Minister whose ter of fact, thorefore, there was not & 4 j secretary he was. too much Order in Council in this Mr, MOWAT said his own was the only Bill, matters of internal management only 3 f department in which there was a private being left to be dealt with by ;Orders in a \ & ; secretary, --(Hear, hear.) The work of cor. Council, which was the only fair and proper o B respondence in each of the other depart. course. He contended that the provisions c M f monts was performed by a clerk in the de-- of the twelfth resolution, with respect to I . partment who was a shorthand writer, and the giving of gratuities to retired servants, F y . on that account more valuavle for that kind were necessary to do full justice to the d § of work, The simple term, " privatesecretary," clerks? and to the country --at the same time. ; should not be taken to indicate that his Out of some 260 clerksemployed by the Gov. j 1 § office involred anything secret, for ho was eranment about two--thirds had been appointed : not aware that his private secretary 'VM! by the Government of Mr. Sandficld Mac-- o i possessed of a single item of knowledge that | donald, many of them had been in the & i B might not be communicated to the world. | service for a long time, and the majority 3 1 & There was nothnqg to conceal. (Cheers.) | were marricd moen. -- The '(Government < 1. M"; Ml"!"'")" H--Why should he go out | should not, therefore, interfere with them of office with the Government ? | capriciously. When any of them were re. F Mr. MOWAT said he had no objec--. moved the charge upon the revenue would ' ' tio;x to his remaining, but experience seemed not be increased. % to indicate that a successor to the control + n § y of a department should not be obliged to di:l ':L M'A_('D(LLG'?LL_MP pose. they | all employ a person as his personal or private 2nte. -- C RUC iter.) s } secretary who acted in the same capacity for Mr, HARDY said that suggestion was ~"ok his predecessor, 'The provision madso in the something like the charge made aghinst the € resolution was more in the interest of hon. tGovernment by the hon. member for East gentlenmren opposite than of the Government, Toronto that there had been fmore insanity (Hear, hear.) Aud whether the person in since the present Government had been in ul question were callod a clerk or private power, (Laughter.) _ He bad heard it E: j secretary, or anything else, was immaterial. stated that if there was anything to F 1 , (Cheers.) sead a Conservative mad it -- was % Mr. CAMERON said that all the work of to deprive him of office. (Cheers and || k officers of the Government should be open laughter.) With reference to the resolution | to public inspection, and if there was a no-- of the hon. member for East Toronto, he , cessity for the Attorney--General to havo a denied that the shorthand writers woere used person to do private work, he should pay to write private letters, _ HMe showed that his expenses from his private purse. The the salary provided in the Bill &Sh"l't- Attorney--General now employed one more hand writdérs was really less than the amount n oflicer than Mr. Sandfiecld Macdonald had. paid at Ottawa, for there he received not m e Mr, MOWAT--Theroe is twice as mucl only $1,000 as a clerk, but $600 also as a | i work, --(Hear, hear). private secretary, _ That was what . was 6 Ar. CAMERON could not see the evi. meoant by the Act of 1868. As the Attorney-- | f donces of it throughout the country. Re lieneral stated, his was the only Department I belicved there was now mors crime and in-- | in which a private secretary was engaged, I "' sanity in the country than formerly, but but if in any of the other Departments there 3 g' that increased the work of the Provincial , was a clerk who could also write short--hand, Secretary rather than that of the Attorney-- it was an advantage to employ him for } General. correspondence, as he could do about ] Mr. HARDY pointed out that ncarly all as much in that class of work as five men A the observations made by hon. gentlimen who only wrote long hand. (Hear, hear.) P 6 opposite applied to the Bill, which was not e closed by saying that he had inserted f yet under the-- consideration of the the clause allowing a Government to dismiss ' j House, _ whilo hardly one of the a private secretary employed by a previous I resolutions had been demurred to. Those Government, especially in the interests of | 1 \ observations would be more to the point if hon. gentlemen opposite. _ He had no objec--| | a resorved till the Bill came up for its second tion whatever to the person being continued f reading, In justilication of the eloventh and in office, | ; twelfth resoiutions, providing for the em-- Mr. MEREDITH instiiuted a comparison | ployment ot persons outside of any Depart-- between the salaries paid under the previous A moent llll.dt.'l' npccmlvxrcumst:\.nc(-s,he quoted and present Administrations. HMe objected | [ t the opinions o_t Mx:. Miall and Mr. to the form of the resolution as adimitting of | § | -- Langton, givea in evidence at Ottawa, a private secretary being atiached to ench{' | to the eflect that such a course was some. Department, whereas the Premier expressed | | times advantagcous and necessary. . He himself as desirous of their being only one, | q'uot',:d to the same effect the roport of an and that one attached to the Premier, . o oeom Si oi ie t Mr. MACDOUGALL (Simeos) maid that - been alleged that there was too-- much de-- | no one could find fault with any attempt to R e in' . F fiicicut Civil Service, as it is a pendence placed on Ordera in Coun-- procure an efiicicut ('1\1 in -- nF e cil by theso rosolutions, There were common comp....at that """"_ o. ,l"r""']'s, two _ ways _ of -- making appointments, in tho.Sc'n"wc whose fitl'l't.'bs {(:OHTITl? onTt." | namely, either by the fiat of the head of a in their being .1'01,'."('"1 T es Ot,}'(' lt)a;l"' U f Department, independcnt of an Order in in power, 'This Bill does not prevent the | + n A p s of this, as it says the Lieut.-- Council, or by the more open, thought{ul, ('nn}muul.l?c h il "may" &c. He referred | and proper method of an Order in Council, Governor m,(o","l" O nn}_ | Te wivilege at | which could_be called for by the House at to an alleged abuse of this J § I | any time, -- In England uo statute whatever Ottawa. 1| ' existed with reference to ay pointments, hir. BETHUNE asked for the name. | ail such being mado by Orders Mr. MACDOUGALL--I do not care to | r in Council alone. In -- Ontario we mention his name. -- He has been rcfcrreq to ' made them in a much more apen fashivn, already . -- The speaker continued by saying | A | ' 'The seventh resolution provided, that the that so long as the heads of Departments | salaries should be fixed by tho Legislature, are honest there is no nsed of a law to | (Hear, hear.) Now, what was the system of bind them. He referred to a vote of censuge | & making appointments adopted by friends of recently passed upon Earl Beaconsfield for | I | hon. gentlemen opposite ? He quoted from promoting a stranger over the heads of old | a _ Ciyil bervice Act passed by the men in the Stationery Department. 'This ho | | ' old Government of Canada, of which (the speaker) argued showed that in the in-- | ' ¢ the hon,. member _ for South Simcoe tegrity of the heads of each department l } was a member, and which provided that ap-- was the employees' best protection, Me | i pointments shonld be mado and salaries | 3 ( Th

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