Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Feb 1878, p. 1

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Lraisrative Asseimiy, Thursday, Feb. T. The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock, Prayers were read by the Rev. Father Mc-- Canu. The following petitions were presented:-- By Mr. Bethune--Of the County Council bf Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry, for 'cortain amendments in the High School Act. "Also=--From the same Council for certain amendments in the Game Laws. ' By Mr. Macdougall (Middlesex)--Of the Council of Middlesex, for certain amend-- ments to the License Act. By Mr. Tooloy--Of the same Council, that Sherifis aftd Clerks of the Peace be paid by salaries instead of foes, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. % Mr. PARDESE presonted the sixth report of the Committee on Railways, which was adoptoed. * Mir. PRASER prgsented the seventh re. port of the Commitice on Private Sills, which was adopted. TK WHITBY HAREBOUR, . Mr. BETHUNE wished to move that the Pill to enable the excecutors of the late Chester Draper to sell the Whitby Harbour be remitted to the Estate Commis@sioners for 'Yheir consideration, as they Lad not been furnished with sufficieat materials on which to base an opinion. Carried, INTRODUCTION OF BILLS,. The following Bills were introduced and read the first time :-- Mr. Wills--An Act to amoend the Assess-- moent Act. Nr. Bishop--An Act to amend the revised gtatutes respeciing the digging of water. courses. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE, The following Bills were read the third time and passed :---- To incorporate the St. Thomas Street Rail-- way Company----Mr, Wilson, To confirm a Survey in the Township of Caledon--Mr. Flosher,. sugzicstion,. Tle Commmittee roge and reported. MARITIME COURT. Mr, Mowat's Bill respecting the Maritime Court of Ontario was passed through Com-- miltee without amendment, The House went into Committee on Mr. Mowat's Bill to provide for the enmploy-- ment of prisoners without the walls of com-- mon gacls. Rir. MEDLEDITH asked if it was intended that municipalitivs should havo power to employ prisoners on any work thoy chose. Mr. MOWAT did not think there would bo any difficulty in that respect, as the Lioutnaut--Governor in Counc'!l only would authorize aay particular work to be done by prisoners outside the gaol walis, Mr. MEREDITH asked, supposing a municipaiity wanted to employ prisoners for general road work, would that be ®specitic work," to which the Act restricted the employment of prisoners? Ie fancied that the work would have to bo confined to a particular roud or highway. ; Mr. MOWAT did not know of any ex-- pression which would be an improvement on the present language of the Act. Mr. MEREDITH said there should be sormie provision made for cases in which the prisen labour was em-- ployed by counties with which were con-- goected towns and cities, _ It would be un-- frir for the latter to contribute for the pay-- mont of such labour if the cuunties enjoyed the ecntire bencfit of it Mr. NMOWAT said ho would consider that EXTRAMURAL LABOULR avliament--Third Session, TIURD READINGS. PETITIONS. ced if it was intended iould havo power to »ny work thoy chose. ot think there would The House went into Committee on the following resolutions :-- Resolved, 1. That the following offcers sh respectively tho deputy heads of the Departm'elrlxt':; wl.:c}n they are attached, and shall reccive such salaries resneciively as may be essigned to them by ho Legislature :« The Deputy of the Attorney--General. 'The Doputy of the Minister of Education, The Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands, The Assistant Provincial Sceretary. The Assistont Commissiéner of Public Works. Thoe Assistant Treasurer. The Clerk of the Excontive Council. 2. A fourth--class clerk shall receive & salary of mot more than four Lunired dollars for his first year's service as such, and may thereafter have an annual increse of fifty do'lars por annum until his galary is six Wundred and filty dollars por annum, 3. A third--class clerk shall receive a salary of not more than seven hnndred doliars for his first years sgervice as such, and may thercafter hays an annual increase of fifty dollars per annum until his salary is nine hundred and ffty dollars per annum. ' 4. A sccond--class clerk shall receive a salary of not more than one thousand cJollars for his first year's sorvice as such, anrd may havo an annaal in crease of filty dollars per anuum until his salary is one thousand two hundred dollars per annum. 6. A first--class,clerk shall receive a salary of not more thin one thoussnd two hundred dollars per annum, and may have an annual increase of fifty dollars per annium until his galary is one thousand four lundred dollars per annum; but if any clerk promoted into the first--class has at the time of such promotion a higher salary than one thousand two bundrod _ doliais per annum he shall con-- tinue _ to _ receive -- such _ salary rntil by length of service in the first--class he has a right to that amowat as & first--class clerk, from which time he shall» receive an annual increase of fifty dollars per anmum until his salary is one thou-- sand four hundred dollars per annum. 7. There may bo in each departmont of the Civil Soervice one oz more offcers or chicf clorks who shall recoive sach salaries respectively as may bo fixed gvd detormined by Order in Council, and voted by tho Legislature. 6, OMcers and clerks in the special division shall recoive such salaries respectiyely as may be assigned to them by Order in Council, and voted by the Legisisture, 8, If in any department thers are any special duties requiring or assigned to an officer or chief clerk, an additional salary not excsseding four hurdred dollars per annuimn may be given by Order irn Council to one or othor first--class clerks in such department, who shall have the rank of chief clork. 9. The Lioutenant--Governor in Conncil may from timo to time divide any department of the public service into as reany branchos or sub--departments as may appear most conveniont for the public service, and one of the officers or first or gecond--class clerks in such department may be appointod the chief clork of such branch, and shall perform such dutics as may be assigned to him by the Lead of the depart-- ment, and an additional salary not exceeding four hundred dollars por annum may, by Order in Coun-- cil, be prid to the persen )'o-.ciing the position of chief clork of such branch of said department, 10. As soon as conveniently may be aghor the pass* Ing of this Act, the Lioutenant--Governot in Council ghall determing the anmber of officers or chicf clerks, and the officers and clerks of cach clase, and of each @ivision,that aro required for the working of the staff of each depariment, end I'.l'ufl c'l:t_uifylthe_ same ac-- c;uding to the arrangements so detern'lined, and such elassification shall be submiited to the Legislaturs at its next seesion thoreafter; and after such classifica-- tion bas beon submitted to the Legislature, no first-- ¢lass clerk and no officer or chiefclerk in cither di-- vision thall be appointed, now ehall any person be rated at any salary higher than the maximum of the @rst--class, cxcept (1) upon a vacancy, or (2) upon the eroation of an additional first--class clorkship or office or chicf clerkship by special Order in Council, and mpon the approval by the Loegislature of the salary mpon the approval by the Logislature of the salary thoreunto atitachod ss a separate item in the ostimates of the year in which such first--class clerkship or offi-- cor or chiof clerkship is crealod, 11. No extra clerk shall, excent undar an Order in Council, be employed in any department unless for a period not exceeding three months, for whiclkke may be paid at a rate not exceeding two dollars [& diem wut of the contingencies of the depariment on the cortificate of the head or deputy head thereof, except only that if such extia clerk be an accountant, a book--koopor, or a person of epecial attainments, and employed as such, he may be paid at a rate not ex-- cecding the ordinary charge for such services. But any extre clork may, undor an Order in Coun-- ¢1}, mads on the application and report of the head of the deopartmont that the same is requisitc, bo em-- ployed for a longer period than throe months, and ho shall, during such poriod, be borne on the pay--list of tho department. At the ond of six months such extra clerk shall only be rotained in the department as a probationary clerk, if nominated, examined, and appointed as such in the manner required by this Act; a probétionary clerk may boe paid at the same rate as a fourth--class clerk. )« 12. When the services of any offcer are dispensed with, in consequence of any change in any depart-- ment, and not tor any fault on the 'fsrt of such offi-- eor, or in consaquence of the age and infirmity, or ill-- health of such ofticer, such gratuity may bo allowed him as shall bo directed by Order in Council, but not I!;oomling one month's pay for each year of his ser-- #ice. 1 13. Notwithstanding anpything in this Act con-- taincd, any person may, with the approval of the Licutenant--Governor, be appointed as the Private Becretary of the liead of a Department, but the sa-- lary or emolumont of any such person payable out of public moneys shall not exceed the sum of one thou-- sand dollars per annum, and be shall inot by virtue of such appointment become & member of the Civil Bervice, and his appointment shall cease on the re-- tiring of the Minister who appoints him. THE PUBLIC SERYICE,

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