Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Feb 1878, p. 2

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r a l r' i it " Hi, ' f . t', ice 'l'uttcrsou had convinced him ' .." - 31:. Crooks), as he felt sure it had con- I ' ity DEVON ttutm ami those prepared by . vineed the great majority of the people of P.. Kirkhutd. lie sN.d p. McLellan had C . this Province, that their was no tuundution denied that he was obtaining any assistance, C for the chargtswhirh had been made against l whereas ly (hir. Cameron)_ c.o,0.i, not be- , _ the personal integrity of these gentlemen. t, "we, 8eetng the great Similarity of the , lie was very glad to be ubletu trike advan- papers, aud fryy what he could learn ' tape of the services of the gentlemen com- front tho eydyce, that there had f prising thcCrntral Committee. The gentle- not tty! colrusion between him ,and , I man who appeared to be the target against Mr. Kirkland, and it was man'fcfti 'I whom all these char,ws "ere aimed had from what he saw, that the gentleman wan , , bout titugtiizcd by all who knew hint as was furnishing itssi.st.anc.e.to Mr. hchellan , l, the t'on-nwst man in the cause of education woul.d be advanced in his profession and 3 in the Province of Ontario. lie was first provided with a situation. , . . brought to the notice of the people pf 0nla.. On the item of $17,750 for the training ot tio by the c.'liciot way he conducted a teachers, , l T school in l armlouth, Xenia Heetiii, and was Mr. CROOKS explained that the increase I, ( irtduvoi to . hair" "is: tic ".1'1 ty oti15,5o0 overlast year's estimate was in- f , s' iilkcl' J, 6:313: thine"? S'iitiiémitiic tended to cchr the tmvelling expenses of I ', t ._- ,. PN"' s ',rsCs, tgt ' .-., l . , a i abiliti, especially in that, particular branch, tti:td1up:L/1,c/f,1d1.enti't thingiiinaiiii _ i ia wht.clt, 8ur "ho?! shin?" had 1"yv.lously I that each student required about $10 for 1 . been dviicivut,becarnu evident, and it was t 'ellin'r ex ienses and $25 for each ses- . ' l mainly duc to his cxtraordinary "ability, or sighs iiiaiinteilianee. About $1,000 was also , j'. tt,t,nie,',..attt1'i/ii.iilh,aet:'e/'t1 1iiutittf included for the inspection ot'Modcl Schools, ; n, ,ii'_- hian, that this country stood so high to-day l "hm-"fill he. was not sure that it would be i f . in the dcp'artrncnts of mathematics and t whim . . . . ', , r' arithmetic, as Well as general literature, ', After a short discussion, the item paimed. . , I It was Dr. McLcllan's abiiity in that respect ! On the item of $35,200 for superannuiitcd I , I that Iii-ought him to the notice of the Conn. ', teachers, r il, , . cit 1u,'l'//l'/..if.,les1.e1iyy, with respect to l Mr. 1mm saidtltugreat diiliculhy was t [l t the y'oe.elt,iio',y./,ftf.,aj'? to see that there sometimes experienced in obtaining this F. Jt'Jl'a/,'r'l',1 Ity :1: It? 3:051: Jamil; money, and he asked for an explanation. 'll'l' holding of this investigation. Some .M' CROOKS explained thalt'thedniodo fd I of these causes of irritation, however, he distribution] Y" fully corp nine y 'lt l, " had endeavoured to remove. The competi- statute. A l t rat was ('ff,'f,'fff,'l,5 was .or _ k tion between High Schools for the Govern- teachers l? ha.ve hum. cmploye . a certain 7 ment grant had been a fruitful cause of length of "inc m teaching, to cutitlu them 1 alll jealousy and ill-feeling, as well as the power to the allowance. I of discriminating between one High School Mr. MACDOUG A LL .asked what proper. and another which belongcd to the examitw tions of the teachers contributed to this fund. I ers and inspectors. These diiricuities, how- _ Mr. C1l00Ets'-All teachers have to con- ewnlliad nowlhcen p.,t,ici1g, reméwed. There _ tribute. It is compulsory, , was a so a ce mg o yea misy etween the ' t . . High Schools and the Normal Schools l the item then passed: - a" to the war in which thus were L' On the item o'f'$22,990 (or, Nomral and spectively supported. " was also thought- ' Moilvl 1iclyels (loronto), . wand one of the charges brought betorc the I Mr. LA UDER asked for an explanation of _ Commission was based on tho beliof-that the two sums asked for teachers of elocu- _ Normal School students had an advantage tion and domestic economy. ovcrtlioscwho ("WC "P for examination Mr. CROOKS said that perhaps domestic ', 2.t2t', {with sly/it,',': l", iiimimfuin'hi arts would bea better term. He explained that l tu',',',');". it, a": 0:15:23 ti? e",".,',',',', Cindi the item of domestic economy referred to , t . there emit" how he notiiirig like rivalr'v be- 2h: introduction of sewmg and cookery,and ' . t . . , cw other things not on the regular pro- .' tween the High and the Normal Schools. gramme oftcaching. ' All candidates for certificates were required Mr MERFDITll k . 1 rl . I to obtain all their literary or nott-profes int d'd to to .1, tl as": l' wither," was I alone] training at the lligh Schools, while l T e, tall ac lt.'tie thuorctically or ex. 1 the two Normal Schools of the p mm" y. _ _ Province were reserved for the ipro- Mr. Crt00Ks-Experimenta11r fessionul training of teachers exclu- Mr. LAUDEli thought that his constitu- sn'ely. After exprOSsing a high opinion of cuts would not be willing to contribute , ,the character" of Mr. Kirkland as an it- to these modern innovations. However, he - , striicttli'r, Mr. Crooks said that had tire eln- hoped it would work well as an experiment. ' iqulry cen conducted by a tribunal n he l. , - . V i slightest degree partial, the results of its sval'ei2e,si1,riytig"iue,t tsti-lgollmxuise ! labours would have been entirely lost, and a prize books for the ll d .1 S h il 0 a 5 _ fatal blow would have been struck at our - " - 0. L C ou tl. educational system, for it would have de. Mr. CR00Ks .expluined that the fees of _ I tt stroyed for all time the hope of ever these schools amounted to about 823,000, so i , being able to possess a body that they were really a source ot revenue, ', " with such important functions as those l The item passed. 'r " whictiuvolrcd the examination of and the [ The item ot $11,700 for Normal School at 'H awarding of ccrtificates to persons seeking Ottawa also passed after a. few explanatory J' to become teachers in our Public Schools. remarks from Mr. Crooks as to the working _ He congratulated the House and the country of the institution. i ' trpon it: investigation havin been so " .. , . i 2 thoroughly and iiiipzirtially 0015",,th that On the item. of f"u455 for Educational " l no tease Museum and Ctbraro . ' nable person would now be able to , . , I believe the suspicion that any of these Mr. LAUDER said he noticed that there i gentlemen could not be thoroughly trusted was a large decrease, and he. supposed that I' ' in every respect, and that they were, not in- it meant that the Depository would be " dividuals in whom the public could not thrown away, and that no money would be F L I Possess the fullest confidence. Nothing required for apparatus or maps. T had occurred to sully the character of any Mr. CROOKS explained that he had been ' l one of them. (Cheer? loolring into the matters relating to the De- l ; Mr. CAMERON sai it was evident from pository. and he found that the stock had Li I the remarks of the Minister of Education been accumulating until in 1875 there was that the gentleman whom he had been no less than $931000 of stock on hand, which eulogizing so highly was to be looked upon he hoped to havo reduced. He also intend- , . by the country as worthy of promotion. The ed to introdcee a new system for the supply , . i , firylirtg of tho learned judge in the matter of books so as to reduce the expenditure to ' 4" th" in.vesrtisration, was riot a question a minimum, l I ('Sti2,fad ltzifnipzrlhgps as intlelli- ol?:,,,',,.?,?..'.:.""' items passed after a short ' . '.n given ya 'ro Sb' :- com ete . . . ' . .. 'd'e2fi .12ng 'lat, ct'ntth,'i1tit1 323?: l',"-,"""'."."'? 1reposiimy, t0;'05. be difficult to peruse the questions given Education Department, $21'975' by the extuniuers.without tinding a similar- b'riscellamsoue, t8,500.

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