i ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. _ Third Parliament--Third Sesgion. Lrsorsrarive AsszenBuy, Friday, Feb. 1. The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. * Prayers were read by the Rey. Dr.; Topp. | Mr. Speaker presented a report of the Commissioners on Estate Bills, containing their opinions on 'the following Bills ;--To convert a burying--ground in Guelph into & park or pleasure ground ; respecting the counties of Leeds and Greuville ; respecting the Elinsley estate; and respecting the estate of the late Thomas Bell. PETIPIONS®. 3i :=-- By Mr. Curme--Of the C Weliand, for amendments 1 By Mr, McCraney-- of Romney, praying fo to the Drainage Act. By Mr. Dawson--Of 1. A, yon ef 46+; of Algoms, praying for the readjustment of the representation of the District of Algoma. $By Mr. O'Donohne--Of James Hope 4 al., praying for the abolitioun of exemp-- tions. By Mr. O'Sullivan--Of the Village Cowncil of Lakefield, praying for the abotition of of Laketield exemptions , REPORT OF COMMITTEE, Mr. Fraser presented the fourth report of the Commiitee on Private Bills, which was adopted, Mr. Hardy presented the repor Inspector of Division Courts for -- 911. The following Bills we read for the first time :---- Mr. Curric-- Act. Stat _ Mr. MOWAT--It is not the inten tion of the Government _ during the present session to introduce such a Lill as that mentioned. . JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, Mr. LA UDER moved for an order of the House for copies of all correspondence be-- tween the Minister of Education or his De-- partment and the publishing house of Adam Millee & Co., and all other publishers, and also with any member of the Contral Com-- mittee, relating to the discontinuance of the Journal of Education, and the estab-- lishment and publication of the Canada School SJournal, and the granting of a sub-- sidy to the said Adam Miller & Co,,connect-- ed with the last named publication, together with copies of all Orders in Council passed relative to the Journal of Education and the Canada _ School Journal. He -- said _ it appeared from evidence _ given before a _ Commissioner appointed _ by . the Government that the Journal of Education, & publication authorized by the House, and for which money was voted by the House, Mr. Hay--To amend the Municipal Act. following petitions INXTRODUCTION OHF BILLS, ESTATE BILLS. DPIYISION COURTS. To amend the Division Courts _--Of Township Council for certain amendiments f 11. A. Lyon et al., for the readjustment a of the District of wore introduced and County Council of ; to the Municipal wet MTC »port of the for the year prcsent- had been discontinued by the Government wince last session. He did not know on what authority this had been done ; and he observed that the revised statutes gave the Minister of Education authority to continue the publication of that paper and its gratui-- } EST s 2o 4 ic uy o hn COdb toluvclrculation among the trustees of the | -- Province. He contended that the Govern-- ment had no right to stop that publication, and divert the money appropriated to it for another purpose. He also observed that the Governmont had undertaken to subsidis¢ a publishing -- house in this -- city , at the rate of §50 a month for the publication of & journal not authorized by the House, thus giving the publishing house in question to some extent their patronage. _ It appeared, however, that nothing bad yet been paid in accordance with the agreement. _ 'The Government should, he thought, have subnvitted t!lat agrecment to the House before concluding it, Mr. CROOKS said the notice was rather too wide in terms, but so far as the sub-- stance of it was concerned, there could of course be no objection to giving the House the fullest information. 'The papers asked for had been prepared, and would, he sup-- posed, be shortly brought down. 'There had not been any correspoudence with reference to the granting of a subsidy or the payment | of a sum of money, and _ he pro-- posed that the motion should be amended in that respect, Neither had thare been any correspondence with any fother house besides the one mentioned, but he had no objection to lctting that part of the motion stand. Bo far as the Journal of Education was concerned, when he took charge of the Department in 1876, he had to consider the question of its publication with other ques-- tions in order to present to the Licutenant-- Governor in Council his views on the sub. | jfect. Tho first recommendation, which | would be found among the papers, was that, ' baving regard to the circumstance that | there was in the Province no educational s paper specially -- devoted to educational | subjects and q conducted _ by _ private | enterprise, -- the _ Journal of _ Education | might be continued. In the session n(' 1877 there was another discussion as to the propriety of continuing a large expenditure | for the purposes of the Journcl, and the hon, member for London (Mr. Meredith) ven-- tured to suggest that the only value derived from the paper during 1876 was the publi-- cation of the proceedings of 'Teachers Associations. As to the question of its usefuiness, he (Mr. Crooks)ycame to the conclusion that whenever a paper published by private enterprise in the interests of education in Ontario made its appeararice, then the Journal of Education should be dis-- vontinued., In the month of June last he accidentally saw _ a copy of a _ paper called -- the -- Canada _ Nchool _ Journal, und finding that the editor and the contributors were gentlemen specially in--| terested in educatior, and who represented | every branch of the profession of teaching, | he was only too glad to bring up the qu«;;. tion before the Lieutenanit--Governor in Council, and to make a recommendation setting forth the special reasons why thci Journal of Education should be discontinued and that an arraogement should be made with the publisher of the Canade Sc/mutl Journat. 'The arramgement financially was greatly more advantageous than the previous ' one. It was arranged that the Journal of Wducation should be discontinued pafter the end _ of the dirst halt vear of 1877, and the arrangements mado with the publishers of the other paper at a cost of $300.wore, 5o far as educational interests were concerned, quite as ample us those provided formerly at a cost of over $2,000. The arrangement was entirely temp@mry and experimental, 1t was almost the un. animous opinion of the House that the Journal fof Education but vory imperiectly fulfilled the objects which were expected of it. He was ulwaya glad to '(akc advantagze of suggestions, from whatover quarter n-fi'_ ting to _ the subject -- of ¢'du:'ation gmd he 'htul spent _ considerable fim.', in -- obtaining _ information; -- but any conclusions to which ho hbad arrived bad 'l»ccn formed indcpcndcntly of the opinions of any one «-15(_:, In this particular matter, he could say with the utmost free.