L-. , I Am." ' ' _ ~ 1 , v i f: .' V I I F,q . Mt I " " , II '" r r-," .- . f FN W'.,i,ftc;,'};;.,. , , '; ." --.,I:,I ,' r, . C' C."ih5?i"'e' T'..hel 'ra..' EFS" V M t ",; t ' _ ", Ti'" ' e). t . cd,',; Irt.trdr Presented the renort ot the . beeninade tor mu" yistt--they. came backi V m t1'ei,,tiey1..r, appointed to enquire into and had not a word to say in the way oi . a ten relating to the Central Committee com plaint. (Hear, hear.) The opinion not and also the evidence taken before the, only of leading Canadian stock-raises, but . &une. of prominent breeders from the other side of ' I . THE AGI'I _ , - , the, line, had been highly in favour of the Mr TOOL}; _CLI"1URAD COLLEGE. . stock kept on the farm. He would "Imam ll' moved for."a, return of all gladly enter upon a further discus. 'f ' from 'Ill', attending the Agricultural College tion of the, whole subject, but jr, , to the L commencement of the institution for the fart that the Report of the, College ' '.' the "It liloscnt time. been return to give " the year 1877 would be, down in a few t with 'llllf) of tho students in full, together days, when hon. gctttleman would be in E' i it rchldenee of their parents or guard- P)slcsrsion of all the facts regarding the . , w, e yy'tyyl their profession, trade or occu- Institution. There was no objection to the T - Int-1?"; also to show the Present place of tN1urn, ' I " ret'stt once and 1 . ' _ e . . v k dents as shall f,'.',",?:)",?,,"::," 'll1,c,1t1.1 21; . Mr. I'OULLY said that he had no inten- {I I the len'rth of time Zach'st do it:;"30 i.iotror.t.tuactityr: the management of the i L, innincdbju the itll/lr/itll,,'.','," 'ffl (133:3; institution; bvithere was afecli".g that it C . i I t, _.. , _ . ' Was not fulfillin r its orizinal obicct. ' ' . wish to be understood as t 'bl . , , t l f, -, v y'. J " munagi-mcnt of the iti',d1tt,ii..'g hill: 1 Mr. S)1.uf.lu'H'r.orh'. said he was pleased to :1 I , many people throughout the Gail were .103" that the mtJu1tt of those now attyr" . , I t f . . y ." log the college wore farmers' sons as .iaat ' o opinion that it was not carrying had not b . u . . c. . u .21, TI " i ' v out the objects for which it had been cs- ' ecn IU' faT. m ttt) I)? MV te, I ..\blislu-d llc belicw -d tl at if ' . fil Improvement ho attributed largely to the electors kw": tnl'an tk 2r, 1,Ti "I tty efforts of Opposition members in bripging I, I' - I would lacunae li" f'ii'our 'JlQ1U1g1 "ill the matter to the attention of the (iovarn- ft, i " I institution. The object of his motion was. ment and 1c9t., country. IIeIrefcried in 't I 'l to ascertain if a mam-it ofth t de I Snppoitot this new to. resolutions olierul 'al E , who attended the (Silk-3o ..e 3 ll if"? last. session by Opposition members, and , I i Ill ' tlieinsclv is t 'r . . It .1] were CVO tttg said that though the Government had voted V , ' [" A c.' .0 "an", ttra pursuits or not; them down, they had found by a circular ti t 333th" Tm"'" prevailcd that mun." of ttoem issued shortly After the, Echion closed by Ci ll . " '~.1,2011";sat-icgrlaéiishfir'fi:tttglltllligg..st}i:::ilgg tlIeIPrtIIsiiiIcnt of the Colli'iwI It) 1'an prin- l . 1 , " . . 'th Ct ' . i; -e t Uri" " Te last winter, in company of other members,to big"? 2),1t',1giseod1.tiot"' N JC'ett au trtorl T " " notice that the stock was not at all of the t . . i ' i kind that should be expected on what was .mn MO.WAT say the lion. mctnber was l , I t termed a Model Farm. lie found also that t.tu'tst.aken m 3.35""ng originality ttt tvgacd i ' , ' Ill the amount realized from the sale of surplus li', yu' resolution last session to have low" _ ' ' " stock had come far short of v. ..;it had been Isrnps nominate students for the College. ' p . , expected, though a large amount of money hat 'PIP"' of , scheme reported by the . l , ' had been expended in its purchase. Judg- CIOD'HIHSSIOD app oin!cyl before the institu- . ' , ing from the questions which were given to tion commenced, w.hi.c.h laid down plains for ,V the studcnts, there was a great necessity for the purpose of regulating the proceedings of , "tl teaching ot a more practical kind than that Ily) College, andIthe Government had H" t which was now in vogue in theCollrge. Iyovr'd?! the pp. The principal ochc- . I ( lie found one question to be u Give. tion to the resolutions ofl'ered by the lion.I b" i l , the zvolopi'al classification of the gentleman last session was that i , i II sloth, whale, bear, ox, rat, baboon." the demand for scholarships Pu' not le, ' and n number of otlwr nliii..i'.ls, " indiivg up great l',' to ylyit ot the pl.au 130'"? follow "I: : ~ with it man"; and he has surprised to SIT out. the desire that the institution should I i that "man " "as tho ltht on tho list. have pupils from every portal the co.un.try . FW ' , i ' r " ' '" ms e i cvcrv JO ', um ie oniinissmn 3 , . . (Laughtcu .) . l l d flt, ly,. tl'ltdd)' "l Ji' ti 1y - . Jt 'r,' ..t. I c, _ .. bl in mare in in esire. ll in 10 ear - I r. "vi ' In?" '/f.lai1riy'r.1( l'rrul.-.lhc tin,? shall le 'I period of the college a comparatively small i, tt i . I "i': (1 'rr'I fo . number of applications was sent in,so there ' 'p? . . = - _ "NU", Conti "loll that tIre "it" hadi)ecnnoajectintryingthepropoised plan. I a , . oi I. I insinnuonI ":ir- Ito give .pr;ictiru'rl Atprcsentthe Collegewasreceivingmorcand at l , = , truths-Ado "y"11fii., min. in the iiuprovcd I more public attention and public approba- ' I . "" l J, , methods cl "y:riulturc. Ile trusted l tion; so that the time had probably come p, i Il l - alien tIhIc fl'..?" "tl brought down "hen that rule might be followed with ad- , g " . l 'p won 1 snow n h at; of aliUirs l vantnirc. , t a I , G that Would be s:ili>hictorv to the , .0 _ 1 . , , , t l B ll country. "It showed that the institution l MliilfAljnLn was sorry to SL0 that thc l il was hidiillinw its oti "l'l'll oi.' 'ct l ' "I .' hon. IlieasIurcr propo.sed to increase the p- . . , I quite stlt't'. "If: tfi', I oiiiii I'I VHH li' I (it "in I" pcnditure in connection with the institution I ' . .5. ft' l l E: I g'(,r- " .' 'Et . the moi-me of its ci,.tablishv, or, rill dining the cooling year. Ile contended .- , l Ji. . . ' ' 'I '.1 l tInt that the Agricultural College had not been, - tttaint: itetliCI i but ll the Farm was ttot, mm" and never would be a success unless there r i'iii'iiiiltl: :'fI'S'Ihll'I"1:113:"HI'I'LI'II'HI'I'I'i'lII'I'I'II'I l was a radical change in the way in which it 'l ' h' ' . III "we . .. 14", . F ""4 " t C' t was managed. lie wouldlike to hear why i I . I tel; . IN D d I t the Government had dropped the bonuses to . I _ J r. ri;it Fill t mt pinging by the re- students. " V marks ninth: by the hi n. gentleman he ex. I Mr. WOOD said he did not propose at this , w, lit i this 1,,t1,tlc'di"',t//,f1,,'pi'lule "2:33.132? :35: tJI,", to 'litiu/tshtehiii" question at Ire/till,'; Tlw. 2' l , , ' ' a i. I .'l, F "I_ "." 4u'titilnt .3: , .. ;I I he could {more him that when the return L:::::::l:?t(lli; t"i'2',s.,'ilr,tt'A)'gl"i't11teirtd'fCi. il I l l , :2:31:11::ittiizzt'3'itiered:writhing? I Id:', /'tfl',r,y,)'t,i.ig,1 of hon. je,ie.,ttji,'c'tgii'1t,'1t,t' I i l Il P . . . . . . . .: I..- l that ie increase in cxpendi uro a ecu I a I _ ttif/ut',.),') "$33,111: uti"xtrhel.'fin'ic')1l, "I i very small compared with the increase in I I ' l E from 'tII/Jil/lj;'; 1,1egea'Ur,',"l,tlar in Jr,' the number of pupils? lht turning to- , . I I country he no: sure that it never stood "will" and expenses, it weight be. found' t , I" 80 high in . the popular estiin-itiou tllit'ltl'hc'l. 2'lt' yery 1tiad; like _,',ri','/iitiig,l i i " ' ' Li 'rerotor uudcr . . w uties - .: as to-day. (llcnr,hem.) '1'iwyhadhada wing iuid ltliiisc CI [lu/s'.,',",:'.'""',,),'))',,," cgmbined l I; I added to it, by which additionnl ncco1umo- duties had occupied that oiticiM sixteen . I '/, dation to thc, extvnt ot 45 pupils had been hoursa dav and he found himself unable to , , l ' . afforded; So that while they had only some continue them any 1onzer owitrg to his i F , 40 pupils last your, it was now occupied to health giving Bay' iiif'iil the acireum- , , its greatest capacity. It was now mums"?! stances the government deemed it neccs- I l » , bvfarniers' sons from every section o t c " Al . , l ', , r (bunny, With regard to the sale of stock, ','i')l',ydlUl twain": of fair pldl'l tott m'dsf ll? ii ' r l t1 ' I "ciitlcinan knew that the cxpecta- "map? ' 0 ItWO some. one, e 50 to per Dim , , , ll ', P 10".; -i- b "l"? throu,urltout the entire the duties of bursar. (Hear, hear.) With i y it 1 "Quad: Ill, "I- 'd/ttl',',,' l'c'iliZCd last year by regard to the matter of bonuses, he, might t ill r , I.'rovilfu' li'fII 'II Ci' t . llvtst As to the remark that if in the past students were , ll l ~5' ironic.) to 30 piIl :11 I. [Ill,"',". -tted that the thereby induced to enter the College, and .i ll quality of the b' Ci i if "E: t ' wes'nt tire the Government were now able to till the ' a L hon. gee/f/y.'.'.'.'., J/I' "I" 'l,.,?.",,):",'),')?)",.',')', institution without bonuses, their discon- " ("113 ¥;'('"m";i.$ talc :liiisnlalii day to liml tinqumIiIe was not only creditable but a step . . _ t un I News" '. t _ :' . . , tie ire tio x . l , i fiiiilt with the stock of the farm. Whcn It', C tt of economy. (Cheers) I I I f hon. members paid it visit to the harm last I I l'; i, ilinter---thovtih no special preparations bud I t I . . . . C' I : q i