He thought the c},lau:(.i bof t:x; r:g'ort, respect-- mm unc cce ie e t e e e e pee Ec Ee Lo e aesonpeiemnemennene n preune ing that point should be alter Mr. SCOTT was very much in accord ONTARIO LEG|SLATURE| with the remarks just made, It Woulds::(cl : smmoomeyifisimemmmens i ible to carry out the system propo + qs a x f ' 'b"y'"{;\': Comusitice without giving dissatis-- Third Parliament--Third Session, faction to some portion of the community. e | There would be compluix:ts,thwhe:hcr well Lzsoisoarivs Assexouy, or not, even as to the clergzyman T Anal ym :?::d;(('mld read the prayers tor the first . Torox £0, Janu.'u'y 21. : * time. _ He therefore thought the report The Speaker took the chair at3 o'clock. | should be amended so--as to provide for the Prayers having been read by Rev. Mr. | prayers being offered in the same way as at i Sansoun. ' | Ottawa. | 'emrTthAxa | ' Mr. SINCLATR imagined that all the PETITIONS, I ministers in Toronto would not be willing The following petitions were presented :-- | | to read prayers, many of them preferring to By Mr. Macdougall (Simcoe)--Of John | [+) | offer them extempore. The result would be Fitzgerald and two hundred others, praying | ' that the duty would be confined to that Andrew Moercer, Jr., may inherit the | ministers no{ u:m._- % or _ two :icm;llm: residue of the Mercer estate. 1 ions e ought, _ morcover, mat * ioi Chink 6 | 6 ;:atxo'x':?:"m be --iimproper _ to _ impose L'y I\lr..'l.h'l]"l':\'nt_'\, m.---'Of' the Stratford and g the duty on the Speaker, unless some re-- n""'".ln"l"u) Company,. y ligious test were imposed. _ He added that By Mr. llurd_\:----(»f Ion. Davx_ri Christie f ho did not intend this remark to tefer to the | and others, praying for an Act to incorporate a o present occupant of the Speaker's chair, but the Brant Memorial Association, k he spoke generally . Politions were received from the follow. The report of the Committce was then ing places praying for the abolition of tax adopted. exemptions :---'l'owtp \ol' \\'u(lcrloo, to]"tn otr: " . omumeo BAawr PBTW TB s Ingersoll, village of Norwich, township of | P®TTYI0XS FolR PRIYVATE BILLS, Adjala, town of Oriilia, villag'e of Midland, | Mr. MOWAT said that, as some petitions | town of Fergus, village of Yorkville, county | for private Bills bad been presented in an | of Waterloo, town of Port Hope, city of | | irregular way, and were sent back by the Woronto. clerk, it was desirable that the time for re-- TIE PHARMACY ACT. ' ceiving them should be extended. _ He l C Ece moved that the time for receiving petitions .'Mr. Clarke _ (Norfolk) _ introd uced a for private Bills be extended till Tuesday Bill to amend the Pharmacy Act of 1871. next. The Bill was read the first time. The motion was carried. AMENDMENTS TO THE MUNICIPAL sSTAKDINXG COMMITITEES, ACT. ) _ Mr. MOWA'T moved the adoption of the | Mr. BELL asked whether it was the in-- | report of the Sclect Committee appointed to | tention of the Governmeut to introduce & l strike Standing Committees. Carried, Bill during the present session fo;lthe pur-- YEXUPYPILN« or P ATION ose of amending the present Municipal \ EXEMPTIONS FROM TAXATION. iaws, with a viewbof reducing the number | _ Mr. BELL asked whether it was the in-- | of polling subdivisions, as well as to make | tention of the Government to introduce, ' the eclection of school trustees take place at | | during the present session, a Rill for the the same time, in the same manner, nnd.by | purpose of abolishing excmptions from tlgo same returning oflicers, as the election | municipal taxation ; and if so, to what of municipal councils ? | extent. Mr. MOWAT--It is not the intention of | _ Mr. MOWAT--It is the intention of the the Government to introduce a Bill during CGovernment at a very early day to ask the the present session for the purposes men-- House for a Committee (hear, hear, and tioned in the question. Opposition cheers) on this subject ; ana THE BUDGET AND THE ESTIMATES. when I move for that Committce I will state the reasons which the Government have for Mr. MOWAT said that there were none & taking that course . of the Government Orders on the paper that nc hA reLs nar is would be gone on with to--day, but it might AMENXDMEXNTS 'l()"'l!ll:. MUNICIPAL Ls int,erm:ting to Alie Hougétoknow t'lr)at' \ ACT . his hon. friend the Treasurer expected to Mr. McMAHON asked whether it was make his statement on Wednesday, or at the the intention of--the Government to amend latest on Thursday, The Estimates would the Municipal Act, so as to permit grocers be down to--morrow, (Cheers.) and others _ licensed to sell _ spirituous Mr. MOWAT moved the adjournment of ' liquors to be elected members of nanicipal the House. oys m The House adjourned at 3:25 p.m, Mr., MOWAT said the law on that par-- ! ticular point had been in existence for a ' nmmiantvermarat long time, 'The Municipal Act had been repcatedly -- revised, and the law on this point left where it was. _ The Government were not aware of any special reason for amending the Municipal Act in this particu-- lar at present ; and it was not desirable that the Act should be unnecessarily amended in regard to particulars in which legislation . + was not demanded. Mr, MOWAT moved the adjournment of the House. The House adjourned at 3:40 p.m,. NOTICES OF MOTION,. Mr. McMahon's notice of motion put upon the paper on Tuesday is for an enquiry as to whether the Government intends to amend the Municipal Act so as to permit -- licensed liquor dealers to become municipal > $ representatives ; not to prevent them, as § stated through a printer's error.