Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Jan 1878, p. 2

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[ ~® T revine got trapped by a license detective in conse« f e ~ e, and herein more particularly for quence of having unintentionally broken | _ _ . | ) the Lieutenant--Governor and the Houso of the License Act, and said that that gentle-- f | of Asi}embl Y, in their legislative capacity at * | man--one of the most respectable merchants t f . this time assecmbled ; that Thou wouldst be in 'Toronto--might be sent to gaol, and, | pleased to direct and prosper ,,£l1 their under the operation of the proposed measure, :if;:lsultlatlonsh to fthe advancement of be compc}llcd to work on the highways as a or i se o s | far({ gt' 0{1'!' Soger';gcx:ya'.n(:l oil:::l ;;ro":li?\c: %f | COI;;INUD L ow. i t di 4 * r. MOWAT said the proposed Act did $ Ontario, that all things may be so ordered not subject any person to hard labour who * , and scttled by their endeayours upon the was not subject to hard labour by existing best and surest foundations, that peace and laws,. If there were laws which unjustly $ happiness, truth and justice, religion and subjected persons to hard labour, those laws | picty, may be established among us for all oughtto be changed. Whateverevilarose, arose i s generations. 'These, and all other neces-- | from the difficulty of saying what classes of & saries for them, and for us, we humbly beg : persons should be sentenced to hard labour > a in the name and through the mediation of and what classes should not. Hard labour was iR Jesus Christ, our Most blessed Lord and | ! only annexed in cases where the offence k Saviour.--Amen, | was a crime, in the moral sense of the f d Our Father which art in Heaven, hal-- | word, y !l?xwycd b_cl ll lg' ngmc. Thy ht;ngdorqthmie. | |__ The Bill was read the first time. y owi one on earth, as it is in | oomur Aenxg + omm A + & HMeaven, Give us this day or daily brcad.] \| THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, ' And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive Mr. MOWAT moved the first reading of A -- them who trespass against us. And fead us a Bill to confirm the revised Statutes of T/ P not into temptation, but deliver us from | Ontario. He stated that the Bill was intro-- ¢f B evil.--Amen, | duced on a recommendation of the Statute ( ,(fi WINDING UP OF JOINT STOCK CoM.-- ' m:ssi?ner;;. In the course of the work 3 s \ &A PANIES. sohdat;on a vast num(l;cfi' of pc:xln:: i (ek .L 3o ' f arose as to the agreement of different Ac a C' Mr MOWAT moved the first reading of and clauses, etc., o?x which it was absolutely 6 m 4 2 yhor & bill respecting the winding up of joint necessary that the Commissioners should ul y' stock companics. Moe said the Bill was awrive at some dccision, It was ex-- <H l o8 founded partly upon the law in existence in tremely advisable that these volumes should ¥ JA d England adapted to our cireumstances. Its be made the law of the land, behind which | 7 z 1 general character was to afford companics no one could go. In order that thel 3 -';', » the means of winding up by their own act. decision of the Commussioners on any points P } ht :. Hon, gentlemen familiar with legal matters might not be liable to dispute, they had | NCE knew the great difficulty there was in wind. recommended that the course taken in the C ing up an incorporated company--a difficul-- Province of Quebec under similar cireum-- 5 ty so great as to be almost insuperable. 1t stances should be also adopted here. A a | fl'cqllt'l.(l_\' h lj);\('ll('(l that a company was no number of amendments were made by the ; L. 8 ; l()llgk'l' in a condition to carry on business Qll(:bCC L(-gis[uture to the code roport,ed by ' I F | without being actually insolvent, but there the Commissioners, and they were, by a pro-- 7 ; i ' e were rights to be disposed of amongst thc\ vision of the House, incorporated in the . sharcholders and other matters which ren-- | code, which was made the law of the land. dered the winding up difticult, 8o many j The same question that arose here was | + | joint stock companies are being established | afterwards suggested, viz., that there was | that it was also found convenient that there | room for the argument that persons might M | should be no easy method of winding up un-- go behind the code, and question the cor-- § & | less there was good reuson for it, Me rectness of the consolidation,. To avoid ¢ trusted he had succeeded in preparing & such a contingency the Quebec Legislature y Y i | measure which would meet the aceeptance | passed a law giving effect to the code as o % | ot the House. | it was, That was the simple object of the § h . E l The Bill was read the first time. ( Bill he introduced in relation to the Ontario CIP | EMPLOYMENT OF PRISONERS. stututcg, which he thought the House woula [ : Mr. _ MOWAT moved the first read-- Wheis bhaihin T s o roak phey ; C ing of m Bill to provide for the Mr. CAMERON wished to know if the NP [ i' employment of persons sentenced to TCIP(."'t of thcd('mlntnll;b:lwm'fl-sx Comnxug;c.lficd El & hard labour in the common gaols "l mrel ";": UUI;A ie ""'"lmdas._tfi whether . $ without the walls of the prisons. 'The t}").' '""' L-Oiw 't)'f'nd 0"""? '? cf' 5lf°rt -- & 6 | Bill, he said, corresponded very nearly with of w ?l-lt he aw was f'."' prosent, 11 was very ( | hat passed by the Dominion Farliament on desirable that the revised statutes should be JF- " + ,l o us fon of which hows rothing more than the law of the land, and : the same subject,the operation of which,how hat 48 isid £ (ihis Hous \ | ever, was confined to persons sentenced to iat persons _ oulside o his House /A ' ll.zm.l'l'v.bour under the laws of Canada, and should not legislate for it. Unless fl > | did not affect those sentenced under the the report stated what changes were W \| es ons in made, it would be too much to | | laws of the Provinces., It was found by cx-- e PB i ce f ¢ | perience that a large proportion of offenders ask the House to say that what had been [')cr i 2o ho dol' Cour hnd been guilty dono by the Commissioners should be E ' ;i'nbtf&%hcsoof T'iovifichl laws, and a great adopted, however much they might respect many suggestions had been made, from 'To-- t'l'xe gentlemen who composed the Commis-- % n ronto and other cities, that there should be sion. [f| provision to meet that class of offenders. Mr, MOWAT said it would be utterly im-- . e was not proposing to alter the law as to possible to mention all the points of diffi-- al the class of cases in which hard labour culty. _ There was only one case in which i should form part of the sentence, but there had arisen any doubt as to the law, F simply to bring it in accord with the gene. Unless the IIol{sc assumed the consolidation f ral sentiment that provision should be to be correct, it would be quite impossible $ made for the employment of ofienders to have consolidation. _ It was better that [ F against the provincial laws outside the pri-- the (:unsulldt}tu_m should be adopted, even i ' f f son walls, Great evils arose from persons if the Commissioners were unable to say being incarcerated in our gaols and hay-- that they had not made some mistakes, be-- | ing nothing to do. The prisoners them-- causo,if there were any,the Legislature could ' | selves were often injured thereby ; the set them right, _ To point out every doubt | less -- guilty were compelled to as-- that arose in the minds of the Commission-- sociate with the more guilty, and ull. man»-- ers would be an endless task, ner of evils were apt to result, In '""w_."f Mr, MACDOUGALL (Simcoe) said it | those considerations, he presented a Bill wou'ld be very satisfactory to know if thcrc' for the consideration of the u"u": s was any case in which the law had been , Mr. CAMERON said it was quite impos-- | wittingly and purposely chaunged, ' sible for him to say whether l'llt':l E:ho;l.};lsfl[)-f Mr, MOW A'T--Certainly not. [(*4, | oo on s CDD Soid 'de sooiica was of Mr. MACDOUGALL said that if the Com--| persons to whom it coll: ld(:lclg---!'i"ly oppose missioners had sought to consolidate the course small, but he shou ns work ns'cum. law just as they apprehended it, the diffi-- } I any ntti.:ln.Pt to makohpe;"i'f"hw'l rs who were | culty was a very small one. -- But he agreed ; | mon criminals upon t t'}:i:l" réc)ognizcd as | with his hon. friend (Mr. Cameron) that | not guilty Otn:om;cntigncd the -- case il{wy must preserve the prerogatives of the a crime. t ho had | ouse,. * { rchan wh ' * of a Toronto merc t Mr, MOWAT said the Commissioners had endeavoured to state the law just as it ex-- a + c s ,'_-------_----*, bs Nug

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