. . P "ii," "a I': m" I 'nk "ra F . ' l' ' r . . ' ' ., Ie,; i" g F . w, :""~--'=--_-:_---~~«--~-~-g_--: ' '." o/WV 'cl, CONSOLIDATED STATUTES. . T _ L ONTARIO LEGISLATURE " _. Mr. hf0WAT presented the Bna1 report l _'r 'crrv, ' of the Commission on the Consolidated _ it . ----_- . Statutes. _ "slhird Wrliaemsnt--/rhird Session, . ' Mr. MOWAT moved the adjournment of -- he House . L .. The House adjourned at 3:35. amenity: Assrunnr, Toronto, Jan. 16, l878. NOTICES OF MOTION. ' The Sneaker book the chair at 3 o'clock. i " Mr, Ihurson-0n FJiday ngxtThSelfcrit br, , 3 committee be appointe to consi or e o .. . , I ETITIONb' i lowing; resolutions, and with instructions to T I he following petitions were prcscutcd l-- _ 'eport to this Home thereon '.-- PETITIONS. l. Tsat the growing importance and in- , l err-using population of Llectoral Division " Mr. Patterson-ot W. B. scarth, , " Algoma, together with the diversity of mm." 1larvvy, Alex, Manning and others, 1 local interests naturally arising from differ" pmyin'd' for an Act to Incorporate the 'ko.. _ races of soil, climate, and the occupations ' "WW Land and Loan Company. t of the people in a region of such vast ex- . Pry Mr. b'inclair-Ot the Municipal Coun.. tent, render it expedient that the said cil of the County of Bruce, praying for the Electoral Division of Algoma should be passing ofan Act to enable the county ot "tbdivideti, to the end that it may be more "I'll?" to assuma the payment of curtain' 'ully represunted in the Legislature of On- ticctioncl railway bonuses. I 1,rio . . Por Mr. 's'ittciair--urt the Municipal Conn. 2. That from and after the date on which til ol the township of 1a'ltlo'eliv, to the some the term of the present Parliament of 0n- clo ct. tario shall expire, by lapse of time or other- By Mr. lhuilter-ot the J',clicvillc and wise, it is expedient that the present Eleo- North "Hangs L'rsilouv Cu. toral Division of Algoma shall be abolished, p,y Mr. t'outts-(n' I"? munici mlitv of and that the Provincial District of Algoma "n. , n. . , . . i . . shall be divided into three electoral . .' vn ot t halhmn, in behalfoi the Board . . . q m l)irt.ctor.s of the Eve and Ear Itttittmwy tivitiiontr, called respectively Eastern 'i'orouto. . , Algoma, Central Algorna, and Western Al. Irv Mr Ctrtttt tlr l t_t . goma, each of which shall return one mem- the Li " f, ("If . ot, l '/ly,i,e2e.11y, ot her to the Provincial Legislature. That the ' te' "I' U x tlvig t, o T'.'" I'" " Electoral Division of Eastern Algoma shall why Mr. . C'outts--.Uf the municipality of be bounded on the east by the present east- 'l illawy 1(ast. trtt boundary of Algoma, on the south by Mr. Chisholm-Petition of the carpora- the International boundary line,on the West lion of the town of Brampton, asking forthe by a line drawn from the international line [Massage- of a Bill to authorise the coustruc~ to the north-westerly point of the Grand tion or water-works. Manitoulin Island at the Straits of Migsitrsa- p, » Mr. )lvnuith-Uf the Municipal gua, thence northerly to the line separating ("Him of the city of London, asking the the towushtps of Bright and Thompson, on passage ot an Act to amend the Act entitled the north coast of Lake Huron, and thence G An Act for the count ructiott of water-works l ilue north to the northern boundary of the tor the citr of London." _ Province, and another north by the northern i, , . . boundary of the Province of Ontario. By Mr. Paxton-ln behalfof tho Whitby, , . Port Perry, and Lindsay Railway Company. 'lhat tho Electoral Division of Central . . - 7 , , Algoma shall be bounded on the east by the NEW I'Al'sLihMEN1'Al'A' BUILDINGS. Electoral Division of Eastern Algoma, on Mr. mam. mitt-.1 whether it was the in- the south by the iptcmwonal bounilury tuition til the Government to take any ac- line, on the west IT, 1-00 meridian of tyi de- tion during the present session with a view trret18 of 1v,ti1tc1on,r.11.11tt. and oo ttt myth to the construction of new Parliament by the Without boundary of the I'ruvinee buildings tor the Province of Ontario. of Ontario. . . . Mr. MUWA'l' said it was not. .And that tho Electoral Division of West, . . "" em .hlgoma shall be bordered on the east hML'N0.1iEN'1'tt' TO TIIE DtJNKIN AC I'. by the meridian of 87 degrees of west longi- Mr. cunnurrox asked whether it was hide. on the south by the international the intentionot'thc Government during this boundary "my; Am the ."fsgi northwest, Session to propose amendments to "I'd "on? by _tlty boundaries of the 11'0- chapter 182 of the Revised Statutes, PM)!" l , "co " ntarip. ! larly known as the Dunkin Act,aud it so, In , -e..eP2"eht.'.'.'l'5"'l"...eet+ 7. what particulars it is intended to amend it 'l Mr. MUWA't'--Until it is decided by the Supreme Court whether we into any juris- . diction in the matter of the Dunkin Act, it is not tho intention of the (lovermuxnt . to consider the question of amending that Act. STATIONERY FOR THE PUBLIC DE- 1'A1l'1'MEN'i'b'. Mr. SCOTT asked it the stationery, he., supplied to the Public Departments in Toronto, and to the Legislature, or to either or any of them since the list of January, 1877, was purchased by public tender: as . formvriy, and if not, why 't Also, the name ' or names, and the place or places of busi- ness of tho person or persons from whom such stationery was purchased? Mr. WOOD -The printing paper has all twen supplied by tender. Some stationery other than that has. 1 believe, been supplied by purchase. SUPPLY. On motion of Mr.'W000, the House went unto t'onunittce of Supply. The item of $379,815 required for the public service until the estimates for 1878 were tittaliy pe-sed, was carried, and the Committee role and reported. The item was concurred in.