yo99 "' .1 ¥ # \, 3 "": "v.: é':a'k" " f 'Jr "' * f ' "'. i "' x $ a roperty in the parishes in which it is aity- }\)te(ll',eh:ving a due regard to its character in & A ONTAR 10 LEGISLATU RE. * -- each case, Ho went on to rctcn; :0 Uu: dif-- * fttueraf l | P ~ ferent classes of property exempt from taxa-- A « s ® tion in the city oI} Toronto, contending that | Third Parliament--Third SGSSIOH.' there was no good reason t'Wh{' they tl:!h(:l.lld x * l ranaoicedifft remmninariy ' ivileges of police protection ut + 3 Talx'z:;I;)'l'z)'tf:(::rtitol::,il:':)lm t';-e, I::{s, andl other ad-- The following is the concluding portion _ . vantages, as wc;l :uf other cla-l\'sctl of Pl'Ol':rttl{": of Monday evening's debate :-- } very unfair,for example,to exemp | IRAN i he con-- i&t\l:r?:s ot'" Post--office and Custom House Mr. (;I:Aichioi'v'&l:'v":r'; r:lli::';ltc The officrtals, who enjoyed large ipcomcs, wh«-n. gcl-(r))lt: ((\) .'t', '11: kcl:) f eratulated on the fact that the man who depended c::: his hard labour there ind been an Abundiit harvest, but for his living had to paf (mxos.. _ the harvest would have been just as good \ _ [The remainder of this report is held over if a genume 'Tory Government had been in for want of space.] power. . NOTICEs OF MOTION. Mr, WILSON--Better, (Laughter,) § y o« P Mr, GRANGE proceeded to criticise the Mr.d gon(],'{;;)(x)x:lou'rl}.'x\?(i;'r!c:(f::e Ancltll Lo railway policy of the Government, remark-- ie To r a ing that he inferred from the speech of the ! Mr. Lau.de.r--On Wednesday next--En-- |-- mover of the Address that he had had a peep | quiry df ,M'.ms"{-kw::g:(l;c; Otrhi:)(ifr:\",i};x:e( behind the curtain, and had seen evidences ?lf ;'xl:\: blzzzl;%ll?lnd':l:)i(:rg the )'oa{ 1877. It any 'I'llé)g \r["r"l&f:ngy)l";'llun('lmantat b\f-'angteor%?fi,é has been sold, what was theamount thereofz lm'd('"w- Canady Southorn, had received a wWhat rate was obtained, "".dl .t;' w'{":"' "':::}h large amount, and if he knew auything of What commission was paid? and throug that western kection of country the Canada ' f what broker or agent, if any ? Southern ran parallel to the Great Western Mr. Creighton--On Wednesday next-- for its whole length. ' Enquiry of Ministry--Whether it is the in-- Mr. WILSON .A rather think you don't , tention of the Government, during this ses-- know anything about it (Laughter.) | sion, to propose amendments to chapter 182 * '1'~_ ° 529 h i4 "to H i of the Revised Statutes, popularly known as Mr. GRANGE said, wxrh regard 9 t1c A | the Dunkin Act ; and, if so, in what particu-- colonization roads, that &the cou}ntly o lars it is intended to amend it. ;Vluit'h thoy lt';l "llt'! (fi_(' lt'l']'i'")ég;'}:l_t}'l'; ""'f::" & n iC )Crson niw 10re C «48 . ¥ Mr. Clarke (Norfolk}----On Thursday noxt (I':"xufhltcrh) f The (io"(-rnnlxcut sent --the --Enquiry of Ministry--If a decision has | "l.tlh" in, and then they starved out. bcculgivcn by tim :Suprcn:t)\ (':)'urt :: Ptll:)c :tlllcuLc.;:'ml ,lu;xvvhtcr )L He t)}.\ought that it ost liquor case, Regina v. Severn, as 'o-- & s o battear tor Hha AOnes M j :'ti?lt('i'.\ll or Dominion jurisdiction ; and, if w'"",lfl be be 'l'ir for U'L ('offtnlm"\m tto:;.n('ll;i s ot, when it may be expected,. | roaus to "'.d tho prc o(.ll.t BCLL c'xs'ou h o e it--On Wednesday noxt--If the | country than to encourage cmigrants to go » Mr. Scott--On Wednesday noext-- iu. ionery, etc., supplied to the Public De-- | c AUILEON a suaigt haigt ?)t::tl;x:::nis in 'f'owln.to, and to the Legisla-- 4 My. '" ll.fiO'\, "r.t_". 'T"'nt.""g 0"? fl.e d'fi ture, or to cither or any of them, since the | erent and gontmdu,l'm;'r; oplMOnE (i,.x.?)ro.s:;.(. Ist :)f January, 1877, was purchased by by Opposition members in criticising the public tenders, as formerly ; and, if not, why Address, went on _to say fh" "t there hgd not? Also, the name or names, and the P'ccn nothing else in the Speech from the place or places of business, of the person or lhr.oue than .the pr(.)ppired inquiry lnto * rsons from whom such stationery was sanitary matters, the sessional programme ' 4 chased sould not by avy means have been called a ' F purciset. meagre one, so important was this subject i e e n * to every member of the community, (Hear, 1 CcoOMMITTEE ON PRAYERS IN THE hear.) \If by sitting for six or cight weeks | HOUSE. they could do anything matcrial in the =---- way of removing: the disease caused I ' The Committee appointed to decide upon by detective sanitary conditions, it would 1 a torm of prayer to be used at the opening be well worth the time and trouble. The 1 ' of each sitting of the House met this mora-- asylums of the country were serving a grand | ing. Present, Moessrs, Mowat (Chairman), purpose, and he believed that as a rule they Fraser, Boulter, Clarke (Norfolk), Graham, were well managed ; but he thought that the Ferris, Markin,. Several forms of prayer people would be better satisfied if & Com-- were presented for the considcration of the mission in Lunacy were appointed to make a Committee. 'The gencral fecling appeared thorough inquiry into the manner in which to be in favour of adapting the form used in b these institutions were managed. 'The hon. the Kouse of Commons, of Canada to the member for London had complained that purposes of the Assembly and the Commit-- sufticient money was not granted to certain tee adjourned at the call of the chair, in * charitable institutions; but if he would order to allow of this form being printed make the comparison he would iind that the with the required amendments, grants were much larger than those made by NHHNHHKWNUUTHITG e remnrvarmewmmcmemcms the Sandficld Macdonald Administration,and besides, the money was more efliciently and economically expended. He was sorry that c the member for North Wentworth (Mr. Me-- Mahon) had made zome remarks reflecting ' upon the conduct of the member for Hamil-- 3 ton (Mr, Williams). 'They all knew how ready the latter was to assist any object that in his judgment deserved assistance, and he certainly deserved a great deal of credit for his laudable efforts to assist in building up the city he represented. (Hear, hear.) At| the same time, he (Mr. Wilson) agreed with | the member for Wergworth that the Toronto | end Ottawa road was one which should be | built; and he hoped that if it was able to present a satisfactory financial basis to | the Legislature it would receive a certain amount of aid, (Hear, hear.) lHe did f not concur in the opinion expressed by some hon. members, that the school inspectors had too much power and the school trustees too little, SBo far as he could see, every part of pur educational system was working ad-- mirably, and its machinery was in all res-- pects more eflicient than it had ever been before. (Hear, hear, and cheers.) _ He did not sympathise with all the remarks of the member for West Toronto, though be _ admitted that there was a good 4 deal of injusticein the present system of TT ie i n s i s y ks