RC M ASemeaee Een Pss CPRRC Y CC C0 8 esn % : > # of the House. (Hear, hear.) The .éic:ew'llnii'gllxy Izti)gfi:n;ex;g::afi(licmn:og&: | f matter had been referred to last session oure onthes Minisics: and 19 the mo | more than once, and a gengral desire had' 'of losing their places ? They found been expressed that such a distribution | 1 t fit the pMinister of Educs. j should be made. e must remember that | :i;g hi:nself had appeared before the throughout the country, everybody could judge and made a statement. -- He not afford or was not inclined to get a copy ; hadg ead carefully the report of the Ct;mmis- -- and it was important that there should be 'on:.r and he ';'ound that, instead of its . various places throughout the municipali-- :;le'n 'a judgnient. or Suck °4 repork as ons % ties where they could be consulted, and as NC a JUUC d 1 the evid it i > know might have expected from the evidence, the magistrates were generally the best known the argument of an advocate, _ 1t was an men in the community, the general interests fad Lhe arg un f s * s could not be better served than by argument justifying, defending, and excusing | s'uoplying each magistrate with _ a | the charges dml?d: u:gamst the::;.ands 3}0:1" § | copy. (Hear, hear.) He (Mr. Mowat) was 'l"p';ftel dttl?i k:brexg)r;s::be(:;en o(;hinw + agreed _ with the hon, _ gentleman peopic £D0u it f.e f FREH g t as to the importance of supplying the wrong. The mode of investigation pursue [ + s s Cant in this case, he would take occasion to say, i magistrates with copies of the criminal laws was unconstitutional, and most certainly es A | Fntbe bar upoane a comepongane mill inexpedicnt. . |The_ honourble gentleman f the Dominion Government with a view of se-- Orposite and NIS colleagues s g\ | curing such an arrangement, and that the re-- given th';'.r l:e(ris::" lztrte'::ht?gmtg ;?:sca:}: -- 4 sult was that the distribution would soon be and investigated the charge o ce f ( made (Cheers.) He thought the hon, gen-- was an abnegation of the proper duties and 1 . s S ukunaink i f his Department for a Minister | tlieman in speaking of the magistracy had functions of e o f , not done thgm justice, and that it was not, tg p"?c("ie'.i i ftlns l?;??c%%cz;ld.l.x:';::s?g § as he had stated, the exception to find them : eml:s Sss O la' p] howed thifthigpoliG 1 sufficiently educated for the duties they ore the House plainly showe i ie were called upon to perform, (Hear, hear.) calcxperm_)enthadnotwurkedassat:sfactorxly He belicved that the reverse was as was claimed, Who were the members of .' f the exception, He concluded by congratu-- the Central Committee? 'Strqng partisans of lating the House 'that the Governor had the hon. genflcman'and hl;'; friends. He was | been able to bring a bill of fare before glad to see that Ts Grose, that great x . 1R them to which so little objection could be authority on matters political and other-- C3 f: made as had been made to--day, _ (Loud wise, did not quite concur in the sweetened f cheers.) 9 * report prepared by the learned judge, With c ' ho uk regard to other matters referred to in the 4 The second paragraph was then carried. Address, he was pleased to hear that the pub-- P f On the third, | lic affairs of the Province had gone on suc-- Mr. MACDOUGALL (Simcoe) said that | cessfually, but he did not think hon. gentle. some of the references to the prosperity of | men opposite deserved all the credxt' ; ' the country might be justifiecd by the facts ; ' for _ this _ satistactory . condition _ of | { # but there was little or no information io | things, Many legislative measures had | F 4 show that this prosperity existed. _ He be-- | been improved _ and assisted in their * lieved, with regard to the lumber interest, ) passage by members of the Opposition, f 4 that it was not quite true that it was in a and be thought the Legislature as a whole » prosperous condition, for according to his | deserved whatever credit might be due. In information the banks of the country were | regard to the revised statutes he'bellcved | [ carrying nearly all the capital invested in ! there was still room for reform, There was | that interest. ~ He proceeded to a general a general 'mp?"_w'! abroad especially | criticism of the Speech, and referring to among non--professional men, that it would | | educational matters, raid that the events , be well for the country to follow theexample | of the past year had fully justiGied the fears of the mother country with respect to | h 'that some members of the Opposition hud' judicial reform, and he hoped that the | § | expressed that the change in the Educa-- hon. gentleman would submit a final" U | tion Department would be a benclit to our | measure to carry out the principles which 4/ school system. It would appear that the | had been introduced into the law in a crude ' [! Minister, instead of using the power he | way and so make a uniform and complete 1 possessed as head of the Department, instead | system, The country would rejoice in a f of devoting his time and attention legiti-- | reform of that kind, which he believed ; mately to the discharge of his duties, had would be of great advantage to the people. # allowed matters in his Department to go There was a strong feeling that our legal 1 almost as the officers under him might system was too complicated and exten-- | . direct. When a theit of examination papers sive, and any steps taken _ towards had taken place the hon. gentleman had its simplification would © be welcomed. 4 | not investigated the irregularity himself, 1t time permitted he might mention several but had appointed a Commisioner to perform other measures which might very well re-- > that duty. And they found also that when | ceive a share of attention, 'The use of \ | charges affecting the conduct of gentlemen | prison labour outside of prisons ought to be under _ the control of the Minis-- | confined to--actualicriminals; and as for the * ter had _ been _ preferred, _ a judge | measure relating to landlords and tenants, § had been taken from the Bench and | : he did not know what the proposed change i} appointed as a Commissioner to perform a | | was, but presumed it was something very duty which was entirely within the province | trifling. After referring to the proposed R [ .. of the Minister himself, He (Mr. Mac--= measure relating to joint stock companies, ;. dougall) objected to this government by | Mr. Macdougall resumed his seat, it being & Commission, 'The . present Administration six o'clock, W had distinguished themselves above all other Mr, MOWATHsaid that he understood that & ' Adininistrations by assigning their admin-- | the members on both sides of the House * K-\ % istrative duties to Commissioners, in Eng» | were desirous that they should not 8it to. & f land, some years ago, an important discus-- | night, and hé therefore moved the adjourn-- $ sion had taken place on this very question ment of the debate and of the House till & of government by Commission, and he to--morrow,. | '¢ thought th(_a arguments which had bcfrn ad~ | --The motion was carried, and the House | vanced against that system applied with pe-- | adjourned. ! culiar force to this country, He thought the j | 4 six Commissioners who formed the Govern-- | NOTICES OF MOTIONX f ment ought to be able to preside over their . d * » own departments, and to discover and rec-- Mr. Lauder--On Monday next--Enon{ 4 'ti (y abuses if they existed. l'le wo_ulc_i like to } Ministry whether or not : Commils::;gnuz:: | know how much these tw0§,omm.lsslons had issued during the recess to enquire into 3 cost the country, He believed it would be matters pertaining to internal economy of 3 their duty to constitute a Committee of the the Central Prison, and, it such a Commis-- | i lHouse to enquire into the matter. They sion was appointed, whether said Commis. | $ found that in the first year of the Minister's sion made any repo;'t | t tenure of office he could not undertake the f i | g supervision of the officers of his own Depart-- . _ Mr. Mowat--On Friday next--That t ment, but had brought down a judge from it be an Order of the House that the busi-- E3 the Bench to perform his duties, and the re-- ness of each day shall commence with f sult was a white--washing report, The evi-- prayers ; that a Special Committee be ap-- § dence had been taken in a most irregular pointed to consider and report upon a form -- * | manuer, wituesses being allowed only to of prayer, and upon other avrangements in + | come forward as they liked. Did the Com-- I | missioner fancy that material witnesses |