Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1877, p. 5

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m- remiad the Hoase «has S20 C--unS, for 35 years bad lndrm to mak s« rominaticos so the High Schools and th: Uaivenity. With nmnd to the latter they wever availed themselves of the privilegs and but rarely in regard to the former, Heo might aik hon members opposite 1t thoy would contend that the nomluations to the * Tradea' Usions asd OUtzy and Town Covn:ils, bseoruse the _ argu-- =«n5 applied in referencse to the County Clouncils as reprasentatives of a_rloultura wouid apply here. It would be a more farcs to eatrust the nomluations to the Agricaltu« ral College to tha C mni, Counolis, judging by what they had done in reference to the Kigh Bohsols and the Uaivarait;, Mr, CURRIE opporsed both amondmen's, He bad no dou'b; thoe recommendatlon of a County Courc'l world have its due weight with tha Privoipal o# the Colloge,. Mr. FRASE% gointed out that $o pasa cliher of the amendaments a% this utage would ba equivalent to consuring the Government. " he smendment to the amendment msoreover iBat 4 what wasvnot & faok, viz :--Taat the ; ol y hersicforo puriued had exoladed the 1 on : of farmers. Tt also said that preferens> : he d be given to fs manw»' sous, aud h: tho ht the Hours would so% am:--m th's, beo ase theo son ouf a meokanio, if ho eleoted t> Bak io {m=wisg, bad an equal right t> adoals-- plo uith the rsouct a farmor, _ For these xessons Loh resolations should bae vot 4 dowr. Me, SCOTT said that hon. geontlasmon by rofusiag *to sneespk any saygeatlon from the Ospsetiion h d forgen him to adopt the msie he bhad adopted ot bringing this ma'ter b:-- fore th» Houso. He did nt charge that Shore was pali'cal faveuritisim in the eslec-- Sion ol paplla fiw ths tasdtasion, bus is ocrbalnly was a fair inferencsa from tho re-- matks ouf 1bhe Prlaoipal «hat thore was a dis orlminstion in favour of pug!is recoam: mended by members sgupportlisg the lostlturton. It was for tho par: goss of remaving theso difficultl«s that hbe had propssed tha amendment, It was of the greateos mxment that those who were eduoated at the institution at so large sn exponse %o tho Province shou'ld coatinue In the voosticn ¢f farming, n 1 LAS c--"lmmmé. :,."b ?'o:tlur. '?roder. 'row», Cameron, e, Con re encoun, Flesher, Gran:e, Warkin Kore, Lflndu?.icbmnll (Miadlesex) Macdougall (iimeoo) McoGowsan. Mc Kae, Mortick, Meak Mestya, O'sulilvan, Patierson, (l;'u). Preston Richardson, Scott, Tooloy, Wigle Mr, WOOD coutended that the eff:c} o! thbe Pdvo'ipsa\'s remarks hrd beon almply #bat he hed exgericzcsd a dificalty in selsoting gupils whose appliontions were endorsed b, city membe :s asd refuslog thosa which wers endoried by rural members, He(Mr, Woad) did not telieve that a doz»a msmbats of the eighty.--eight cwoposiag tho House could say tbat their applications in favour of paplis had bsen r:fas--A, nor dld he belteve shat a stogleruralo: e nbker would honestly saythat h4 believed his appiisation had bseen re'ussd broauss he represented a rural constituenoy. He regretied very much that this desbate h«d Saken plsco, Is was most unfortusate thas even a surp'cion if the falrness of the Prin eipal sheuid go abroad to the country. Tae r:fl:otlon which hadl been made apon thas gentismar have hesn as sevare as 1t had be--n undererved, (Hoar, hear ) Hsrotoforo he (Mr, Woeo¢) har* revar mage any inquiy wich regard to fsvouritism, belloving that no ruoh thirg b:d eristed; but he should take is upon bimsel! to sso thas hereatter there wis no auch favouritism, though he firnly b.lieved that he sbould find noshlag of the kiznd in the low i'atin Mr, SiNCLAIR said that !f the Initlia--« blon proved a faliure the country would justly throw a very large «hara of the blame upor hor,: entlex on oppr s to who wers trying their utwoas to make is a politioal affair, He cou'!d not understasd wahy this partionilar sdasatiozal In»tituslon of the Provicrcs should be go pormint--ntly treat:d by the Oppostion from a mere party ataod--polat. The Boure then éivided on the amen{ment to the amendm'n%, wrich was losks Yeas 29; Naye, 44, Mr, MOWAY sald that threa years was n** a lopg emough porled in which #o deslis whetber the institation was a fallure, Hs polrted cut thak though the Government ex-- p:oted to ealergs the acsommodation suth: Cicx'ly next year ho allow of ail the applioi-- tioos be'ng r--cmived, both the ameadm mt were value'es un'ess on tho supposiiion that ths sccommodation would be limited, Mr, MELRICK nald that the oollege bad be: n tsled and fouad $3 be a fatiure, remiad the Hoase shas Bae Couus; shou'd be givea aad City and Narg.-- Mssirs. Ballantyne Bartir, Bothune, Blithop, Bosfisid, vaishoim,. Clerke (Norfolk), Clarke (Wohln;tonl, Coie Jrocks, Currie, Dawson, L he 2 98 n im oc iCamice ccaie <~ Pn icnims -- Aosi ce éi;?i."(wa';:;":aa}, Ceie. Jrocks, Currle, Dawson, Deroch«, ¥ umlayson, Fraor, Gibson, Craat, Hardy, Hay, Hodglins, Lare Lyo», MoUraney, McM«i@-- . Hay, Medgins, Lare Lyo», MoUraR®Y, MCXMA-- mnlo. Moudl-,fi, Milior, )lonl, @'Donoghue. Pardeo, Parten, RobLson. Ross, Sexton, Sinclair, Springer. Striker. Weiterworth, Wikdifeld, Wil-- Mams, Wilson Woed. 44. Mr, HODGINS then moved, in amend: ment to the amendment, ' That all the words alter ' thab' in the prop»sed amend. ment be stuck out, asd the following sub: atitabted:--' The following words be added to the otriglsal resoiutlion:--'" And whlle th's House is of opivion that due weight a 14 consideration should be glven bo the recom mendations of the County Counclis for the admission of puplis to the Agricultural Ool-- Lgo, it écems 1t int x osdilont to adopt any rule for this pups#e." '" The Houte divided on the ansadmant to tke amendments, which was carriod, Yoay, 43; Nage, 27. ¥TrEA9.--Messre. Ballartyne Barter, Bishop, Bon-- RBoid, Chishoim, Clarke (Norfolk), Ciacke (Welling-- tos) Col;rOrull Curric, Dawson, Jesoche, Ferris Fin-- layson, Fraser, Clbeon, &:szham, Grant, llnd'.[ Hay. Hod;ks,l.w&uu n, MeCrazey, McMahon, Massta, Meredith, Millor, Mo#yn, Mowas,0 Douoghue, Pard 1e, Partin Robimron, Ross Sexton, Snclalr, S.riker, g.zterwonh, WiddifAe:d, Wilitams, Wikon, Wosi-- iuvs.---llunl. PBarr, Boll, Bouller, Brodor, Brown, Cameron, Code teutis, Orsighton, Baacoo, Miesbeor, Gran.e. Harkina (Keaa, Laudor, MacDsugili (mdd!eux?. Macdougell (simsoe) McGowan M Rae, Merrick, Monk,. O'>+ullran, Patterson (Kaset) Pro:ton, Richardson, Bcott, Tooley, Wigie----27. _ The ortglael mo--10n, as amendsd, was car. rk d on the same division. sUPPLY BILL, ¥r. CROOKS moved the first reailsg ol the Eopply BHL -- Carrdlad, Also ratuias resyeciing the Hamilton and North--weaternfand the North Bimcse RAl-- V# #. THK CLQsH OF THE SEY3ION, In reply to Mr:. Cameron, Mr, MOWAT said ho expectel that the FRueu:e would bs able bo olose its iavbours by Friday nexk The House atjourned at 1 :15 a m, NOTICZS OF MOTION Hen, Atiorney--G:neral Mowat -- 0. Wedneséey -- Bill intituled, "An Aot t) corrcc} verbal errois in cortain Bills passed Ahis seas:on." The amosdmuts made is Committee on Mr. Springer's Bili to amind the Assosamost Asots v esa concurred in, BUILOING 80 I&TISS, Ths House wens isto Commiitee on tke Fili to amend the Aocs reupectisg Ballding Ssoleties, and reported is wish amendmsnis LEGISLATIVE REPREI3ENTATIO N. The Houte thrn wensiuto Commlitse on the BiU toamen! cap 2. 38 Vio., respectiagy the readjustment 0° ixe representatlon in the Legislattve Asseably, M1, WIDDIFIELD exglalzned that by the eperatico of vhe B'li of last ssselon the vuilago o%f Stouffvila was attaohed to the Emet Rising or York, and thes the B rs-- etored the villaga toi:s old riting, ay the pecple desired, wert. Mr., Wosd presented the rapor; of ths Féducational Degartment for 1876. Bill was roportsd w'kkout amen{. y ASSESYUYUENT ACTS. IRETUELNS.,

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