vee that the COredit Valley Rallway cams within tho category of rallways entitled to Provincial ald. fi wes nok a lise of Pro:-- vincla) importaros, but was a looal and a Compoting line, The ccuntry should not be calisd up--n to give competition to exlating lioes _ He had vo particular aympathy with the Grand Tronk or Great Woeatera Rallways, ow ng to the manner in which they had disortwIrated agai~st local traffio, but etili he though*s that the country should do jJus-- oo to the Britich !'),;ndholdo.n and not dam. ago their propzty avais'ng competitors. Such a cvarss might tond to ahake the oredit of Uzsnada in treo English money markek | The promoters of the Credit Valley Ratiway Municlgal Loan Fu24, for about ten or tweive hundred miles of rallway in Ontarlo The now soheme had enabled the Govern-- ment by a grant of about four milllones, alded by seven mtillons of municipal bonuses, &~ »ubsldize 1,800 miles of rallroats _ The Goverpnment had about $1200,000 of the Rallway Aid and Subsldy Fand ia band uncalled for, ard he thought it would be wire to charge the new grants on thas undrawn balance, subject to futare claims of tha rords to whish it had been voted, rather than to look up largs sums for rail: way purpores, Ha was prepared to vote for ald to the Credit Valloy, but would desire some erp'anation why the Gove'nment had relleved that rosd of the obligation to go to Bt, Thomis, Mr, MOWAT woved the adjournment of the debate, Cartled, f Mr, MOWAT moved the aSjournmen't of the House. 'Ihe Houte adjsurned at rix o'clsc's, The Sperker took the chair at 7:45 p.m, RAILWAY AID, The debata on the Rallway Ald rses!u-- t'oms was reaamed. of Crown Lands had not been able tolgln more information regarding the Ostawa line, Heanticipit:d ere long having a line from St, Thomas to Halifazx, throurh the Oredit Valky, &oc. He agreci that it was a proper and the Government bad very uncertain views as to what was a proper finanolal basis for railways, _ Bome were reputed good which bed no subsoribed oapiial; ogn:rs which had a sma\er or largor caplital. He Mrs, OBREIGHTON stated that ho intend--: od to vote for the amendment of the memver fo Londoen,. On so posrlnle ground could he Earoe which nundy corporations had ac-- quired in the United States, and a posk!b!-- lity that a aimlilar atate of affairs might pre-- vail here, ho thought the CGvernment was actizg wisely in not corsontlog to ald rail@ays a'ready completed, such as the Toronto, Grey, and Bruce, In such caror the proper course world be for the rallway to bord their road, as was done in Eng: which I:;;l R :hn!x:l;:: o; Iug;r csoltal.h B!; ur 8 p--haze :Lnon shou bo';:i an ead to, and that in view of faurure applications the Government should require a eubsoribed or pald--up oapital :(l;'\;al to the Government grant, and should adopt a fixed rate per mile to which raill ways shou'd he allowed to issae bords. He |hot;¢ihl the present syatem had, however, enabled the thing to refuse ald to the North Simooe, seeing that their arrangement for a lease with the Northern Railway Company might never be ratified, Kuowing the difficultles with which all Goverrments bad to labour in regard to these matters owing to the demands of their supporters, he had great plsasure in supprrt Ing the Government scheme generally, and wey, that Algoma or any of there poithern éistricts abould be entiiled to spe. clal consideration, because they contributed largely to the public revenue. With regard to the Toronte, Grey, and Bruo»,he was not very much in favour of the extra--constitu-- Moral mede which some membe'rs of the House had adopted of exprossing their views upon that rotd, ramely, by pstitlioning themrelves, which was what mfl .pslio.. ticn amonnted to,. Considering the doani-- caroe which rallway corporations had ac-- Provinue to premats railway enterprize more coononmloa'ly thkan formerly. -- Prioe §0 Con. federation, old Canada had invested $22,-- €00,000 in tha Grand Trunk, Great Wes: t--ra, and orthern R:ilways, of which Ontarlo baA contribut:d $12,000,000, to-- gether with about rix milllons fram the ing the Government soneme gonmu{. 210 copgretulated them on having brought one forward that ho was sure would commend Itself to a msjority of thae people o! the Pro: vinoe, (Hear, hear.). He denied, however, Mr, EKODGINS thought that hon, members EVEEING SE3ESICMN, and _ Ksamininlstiqula _ Rall-- 1@ 000 2 10 CI@ C P20E DOCE VERISEICU I0 S | past, and he heped no more would bs built Trunk. Thore was not sufficiont Srafis tor swo liner, and to bulld a seoond route wou'd be an act of injuetice to the Eaglish orp!ta'-- Ists who had in vested their money in the Groud Trunk, Mr, HUNTER would support the prasont grant to the Oredit Valiey, but he would not lu%oort aby further grant to that road e thought the Toronto, Grey, and Bruse should receive a grant, concidering its present difficultics, Mr CLARKE (Norfolk) thought the To-- vonto, Grey, and Bruce was deserving of ald. He was sormy to notlcoe the contracted views which some hon gentlemen held on the subject of rallway aid, He contraited thke n'l'_l:ayh gol;o) of thedpnnni Government with thas of their predecessors, maintaining Abat the former wis a lHberal and statesmau:-- like policy compared with the lattor. He wouald support the CGovernment scheme in its on-- ""t'o | Mr, ROSEVEAR said he was opposed to tbe whole railway soheme of the Govarnment (Laughter) He thought with regard to the Uredit Valley that every meambar who spoke in favour of the scheme had a whe:lbarrow . of bis own to Orlva (Lanchiar \ Taa of bis omn to drive, (Laughter) Too many railways had boen chartered in the bave not shown that they had put any of their own money in the undnlnflnn they were aimpiy bonus hunters. When the pro-- moters of the Toront», Grey and Bruce sought the ald of the municipalities, they subscribed for stock to treamount of $300,000. He onpsidered thas the Toronto, Grey and Bruoe Railway had not been fairly dealt with, He did not see why the Govesnment should re. fure to aid thore companies who had ender-- voured to help themselves 'The Toronto, Grey, and Bruce was not a completed line, be: cauzse they had not paid for their right of way. The farmers whose lands had bsen taken at a valuation werae not likely to get paid If the Government refuned assistance, Mr, LAUDER could rot support the amendment. Kkhe municipalitiss along the road had spent largs aums in aiding the rall-- way, and it would be bard if the Govern-- ment, by rofu:ing to aid the rall way, should cause the erp:inditure to have no resuit, He defended the sctlon of members of the Rouse sigring a memoraudum to the Government prayieg /or aid to the Toeronto, Grey, and B:uceo, and said that was the only way to approach the Coovernment in regard to morey matters The Teronto, Grey, ani Bruce had been the means o% bringing as much money to the Crown L--n4ds Doepart-- ment zs had been pald it by the Govern-- ment, The technioal objsotion to the alding of the rallwey could be very earily obviated The memberfor Algoma should hava used bis ir flaerooto got the Dominion Governm esnt to make Prince Arthur's Landing the tor-- mirus of the Pacific Ratlway, instead of Fork William, then the grant to th» small line betweer these two places would not have been required, He charged that the Gov-- ernmers had violeted the old soheme of Sandficld Maocdonald sesslon after ssssion. The alding of the line from Prince Arthur's Landivog to Kamin!stiqula would simply tend to encourage spsoulators, These specu-- lators--who were suppoerters of the Gov.-- erament--hbad already received the benefit of the large smount »+pent upou the naviga-- tion of the Kaminleatiquia, He would oppose the amendment, Mr, MASSIE repudiated the idea tkat the English capitaliste bad been an insjary to this country. On the contrary the country was largely indebted to these gentlemon for the Grand Tropk and the Great Western, The intereats of the bordholders should ba care. fnlla consideread it they ever expecied to get their ald for further railwav enterprises, He conterded that the Ored!t Valley Raliway had not a setfli iently solid financiel basls to justify the expectation that it woul4 be bulit wish the Government ald _ The Treo:: nurer bad state4 when the $2,000 per re{lle was formerly granted to the Credis Vallsy that be expected this would enable it to ke built; but they had beon obliged to come to the Houte for further a'd, and he feared they would come sgain, The effecos of bul'ding the Credis Valley so thak it tanged the To-- rento, Grey, ano Biuo«, weold preve raln-- ous to the latter rord, He did n~t think that thae Toronte, CGrey, and Bruse kai ubs kadow of & olatm for further ald ; ay it was begor n::d cor pl t-d'w!-huut the ¢exyp «. kikt--m af s«wal s4d yY _ w n uic . alisk Of uid bo the rosd, Hae ho;od' the Lrngllnn-.-a wou'ld cever thirk of be'ping #o build a iize like the Toronto and Otiews road, which wou'd ack as a competing lHee to the Grand 1 VarB® yoRansk i0 §$00 36 1T% Valy Ratl +a; hn# he woula stresususly cpgoss ny faribyr elavid Of SGOR mMG. e weuld EUDDDe she p esent grant to tbo e t: Val y Rail +a, Leut c Bc l .e