Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1877, p. 5

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ments and carry Into Taw the resolution of A | oreditable manner, --He boped that the ' tha brn.' member for Eant mag. Banstose Ssin is 0 d aonld follow the good adv'ca of Tai } 2ir. FARD he thought that tae | Pwth _ potition taken by the press ud the outside e Mr., WILSON said that he unferstood a public should not be allowed to enter into remark of the Hon,. Commlesioner of Pablic their dizcussions. If the Bill was one that Works to mesn that beoause jouraale of the ; should pase into law on its merits, they shovl 1 o'ty bad r fisct«d on the House th;y shou'd _ pass it, and if not, then they should repeal it. vete againrt thelr conviotions and against | 1t had been said that the Bill would contic-- the views of=these jouinals, a principle . cate the property cf the Company, but t:e which he thought a rovelty in hfidmon. | s m":x had been confircating the Propct, He asid it must be remembcred that if the | of the Inbabitac ts of certain atreets for years amerdmert of the kop, Commilssloner of | 'nt. Asln, 18 was said that it was Lter- Public Works were carrled the matier wa ering with veated rights, It was their duty referred back to Its c:iglaal posiiion and no at times to interfere with privats rights . end put to the dispute. He thought that | when it was necessary for the public good, the Company had not dons i's duty by the d The Company had always h\:zmted the people and they bid a right to step in end , terms " pave" or "'macadamized," as pave |. legislate, He thought that bath the city ' ' for the oity, and masademizel _ for | and Company bad a parfect rlfiht to lobby | t 3 them, If is is tight that the Com:-- ard place their views as well before the | [ f | pany ohon:dd bl:nvo fl;{a'; "hnok then \ members of the House as they could, , | they shou compelle repalr i+ } + f 'l'ho'y have for filteen years esoaped what | | !U:. GIB?ng":n% ui:t m 'ho:.d Com-- he thought was their obligation, and te | misaloner oi Pa or ound that : | hoped the tights of the cifizens would be on oo ho hid uies 10 thke The whnk | Houre, and he had tricd to take the wind | maintained. It was the first time he had blosaile, He said it oar l E: | ever heard that lobbyling done in a proper out of * hk 'm"""'br ony E | mapner was a wrong thing, and thoughs it the members of ,tho Opposition blowing a a grave mistake to hint that anything of this about Txx Grozz's arkicle, and forgobting 3 /{ ktnd could influence their disouseions, that their own fi":::"":'ra ly bespattered ' Mr. BELL rose to address the House, but inrbers _ fuse on " Wce _ io * m 4 It beirg six o'clook, the Speaker laft the | arked to judge upon ruch | quir. chair. tions as the present, _ He and several i Atter reoess, o:b'onn.:uw about I\I'OOHU ::lo'u l: .t:;y oxiet. e e backwoods, He thoug at some w Rglh:.yd' afi.;!::oo?::u&. Teroute Strosk s0mmary method should be adopted to com:-- f pel the Company bo keep their streets in a J Mr. BELL said that the lawyers of t:e oper atate of regair, He thought that the f House baving falled to Interpret the coa-- | Derporation thoud bave the saime power as tract, they muss exercise their commn | ~ onl & a County Ccurncil in secing that'repairs were f sentre upon it, He said the Reailway Oom-- | carrled out promptly and efficilentl & parsy made a cry that it would ruia them so y i a ocnstruo$ the pavement of the sama material | * Mr, PATTERSON (Kisex) said he under. : as the Corgoration paved with, 'Tals was | stood that it was upon the representations of f wropg, ard they did nok now press t--is | the sollolbors of the Yonge street merchants : view, They now with to revert *to | and the citizens that the amendment of the ' their old staius thait they may fight is | hon, Commubsiover of Public Works had been a |\ out in the Courts In the mesa-- tramed. He comidered that the hon. member time the streets will ba allowed to run to rain. | had made out a very good case for the Com-- The peo;le of the city of Toronto rever bed | pavy, which he oontended bhad bean of great | attempted to press any ome into a corn<r. | puoblicbenefit, Hs considered that it was untair * | All that they Cesired was to have | for the city to attempt to gain an advantage power to say, you shall do whas is feir and l over the Kielys because they had made the reat onable, He thought it unfair that peoyle enterpgrise a commerclal success, Hoe reoad all over the Province should dictate what the opisions of Meserer. Roblcson & Kerr course was to be pursued by this House in a upon the question, which were to the effect watter that pertained alone to the city of | that the city was trying to hf.' sn interpre-- Tortonto,. He had beard that several of ths | tat'on upoun the contract which is would not constituents cf hon. members had been wris-- | legaily bear, He thonf'hl that thoss who ten to in the bope of elloiting a reply such as | were living as a diastance wirs bet. would coeroe their representativesinto votiag ter -- able to judge the _ mather against the city iaterost, He asked those | mpartially than those who were residents in who would do him a personal favour to vote | the city, Ho thought that the it tsrents of with bhim againat tho amendment of the hon. | -- third parties who had advavnced money upon Commissloner of Public Works, I thoe faith of the origlool cherter shoul 1 be Mr, FRASER--What do you want ? --= rerpected, and the Company not placad in a Mr, BELL said ho wanted an Interprcti-- W,:::f';:e '!':I::: ,':h:: 'h,:i yh}loh they were tlon by the House of ths meaning of the ® y ppernpeut orlginal contract, which mocording to the t Mr, SINCLAIR said th» t after considera-- teartmory of Col Branel was drawn up in t.n be had come to the csnclusion tha§ the a cocmmon sense way, and not as a lawyer Raillway Company were entitled tbo pave would have drawn i1 with th;bnmo lpovom}e:; as that l;udl t:ly the 1 Mr, MACMAHON | * o'ty. e railway bad prospse:ed with the ' s w $ c olty of Toronto ugfi"mgfl?:: ! | ob y. ar d the Qompny pow shoul4 bs in a ' arked them to do a manifest injutioe to the | ; tae ihms 'p«::l.lon me _ the _olty in the Street Rallway Company. Hoe held that mxtter of _ paving. Hs did nokt think the matter under dispute should be refrred that 14 could have bsen the intention of the to the Courts and not to this House, 1t had city that the atreets should be praved for % not been his intention to take any part in thirty years--the term of the agreoment-- the discussion had it rok bsen that such with macadara, _ He unmderstoo1 that the unjuatifiable abtacks bad beon made upon Compary was not assessed at all in Toronts | the charsoter cf tho members in the public He thought last year thal it was hard for | } pricts, He would support the amendment the ('ompu:f to loge their old track, so hs "% of the hon, Commizmicaer of Pablic Workse. :g:::;';:':' d"*";' ul:uml that the i'{ | Mr. MAS3IE said that he did not think in Pn uen = that the preas was excseding Its province in ::';:lr '"'d"'"" the BCompn'y"d:ko:.ld ' oris!cising the aciion of the mem sers of the 'rmbe iiiinenrdade ® "f" that s the Company woere not _ amenable House, though it should not impute any to wrong wot'ves, Ho thonght that from th« reason, and would bs glad if even inquiries bo had made the i.n'.' Compan; row they could agreoe with the Jorgoratlon was not treating the people of Toronto in » Be had no knowledge o! any impropar lobby-- \ proper marner, He considered it was th: ing. duty of the Houso to ocmpel the Com Mr, MEREDITH bere auggestsd the fo}: vany to keep their streets in proper orier lowlog amendment :--"I! the Toronto Sireet , E He bad a sufficlently high cp'aion o the Railway Orool:gmy shall neglect to keep ths | | people cf Toronto to think thas in the even: Srack or way of their rail way, or the | cfi she Company being compalled t»o pat street cromings, or the 1pie of elghtesn | - down a pavement, aad at the end of thai ; Inches on the inside of the relis in good con:-- | | leare it was not exhausted, that t'rey wouls | ditlon and repsir to the extsnt o!f thelr lia-- | @ con porsate the Company for it,. | bility so to do under the terms of the sgree-- t , Mr, DEROOHE thought that ths ge itle-- ment entercd Into between Alexander E wton * men who bad made such reference to th | and the Corporation of the City of Taronto or J ' * srilolo in Ts Gror® wers exceodinogly thin | the charte: of the sald Company, the Clty I \ tkinred, and that it had come as a godsant Engineer or other proper officers of the said f ' to certain of them to enable them to follos | «18y may give sotioe at the head office of the f*, _ / ¥be lead of the hbon, Commissioner 0| | Compacy requirlog the same to bas put in Publis . Works« e had not been atle t | good condition and repair to the extent atore: | get up ary such virtuous Indignation. H raid ; and unless the necessary works for thought that the Rallway Company was no' that purpose shall be commenced within a | deresving of more consideration tha1 thei» reasorable time thereafter and carrled on jast rights octitled them to, as it did nct with all reascn«bloe dispatch to the satistac-- | tu'flthe purporses for which is exisied in : tlon of the City Egineer for the tims being

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