Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1877, p. 2

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* on t e e es e soee e e eapenent e e e m v -»' 5 S9o Ne es R »,5, es E/, e ; J . o o / ----IP ig 19 7 * fex-- e of the citizons of To-- y s A ol | lf tene emernra § reranorafasenis Wl x P $ .auMhtfloot that > If jhe Toronto Sirest Raliway were bound [ 13| f mlémt?& % should have pouer by the original :'fll:'.m to ":E 'h':'fi*u'fl' . 11 f + Aiage Com: e c Wakbd Tost Tht Hon mcrl"'::flu 'nlr':l \h:: the?t'ml «s Bireet Ratiway Uspany thould be baund to Fallway stould. by pub. baok to its eviginal ~ MM"' p'h' ir the rord agreement. If theve was one thisg more E unot an Mud o siguram Loones than auother they were bound #o qonserve j : d V fieies n h -m.d"n..::fl that it was the difinlty, Independence, and . :.'"'h e' !uln,': :ll inder ; the honesty of this House. It wwould be a #orry f by m]c.'.'" 1t t ::4 for word the thing if one side or the other allowed iteelf f oyg 'r ffi: BUI of this to be influeroed by an outside intrinnation 1 -- Seaaton," l?h '?M o.l':* ";.d been stragk that it was actuated by improper moticss---- ; J } ""b"b:,.::w Mee in othker words, that their votes bad basn . out in * iwproperly obtn!nodi' Is v::'l'd.fi: & he:'llnn h + akore war an amend.-- protert against such a sc a URe [ f ml:: lgAdo" fiefl;fit't'eo of the 'Whole, Mon If the House'Gectded that the leglelation | ' ! ib rought by these who were jJobbying on the 3P s Mr., FRABER rsald If ho recolleoted aright t s1 "the clity _ sbouid e refamed, t is 8 there was zo amendment with regard to this K'Ihl rense he moved the following amend* ' 4[J j particniar provision, The clty had asksi in ment *' That the said Bill be referred back f 11 . dn oinfgamagier apdndl on 9l pereniver it to Commistee of the Whole with instruotions | P roadway was not commtrusted or "'"fl:l to amend the samo by atriking out the first, RifT to the sathfechion of the COilly tlo. seoord and third clauses, and inserting io [ & P " mt in Waitice, mod cThep "The pureuint len thereof the words following, 'Beotion 1 BP L(E . ahm:' mui'f' "b: :::%:::;::;an and 1ts renewal sub--sections, and seotions 2 ? i i i , 6 wa Fe a aq s y 1| 48 hours to the satisfaction of the Englaeer, and 4 of oe Victoria, chapter 63, are hereby | $ 3 $ It not, such repairs would be executed by \ repealeqa,' '. am'a | I ' the Ocrporation and the expemse charged to "~\ | _ Mr, CROOKS raid he wished to e%y:--' ;. 1 § the Company, If such gr"' was not the reasouns which inflaenc:d him to support | $ | ' 4 i: slemihs w ile walr JA wnven the amendment. He supposed no one took ¢ || & after a demand had been made in writing, m't"hhmwrfl"d the city | ; the Engineer might prohiblt the Uempwny of Toronto thanu , but this controversy i 5 E. from ruoning their oars on the rallway, This Involved a question in the settlement of 4). ' order was to continue in foree until ravoked which mere partiality could have no volo?. : f adverssly by the Ragineer; and for every aar The qusstion war, how could the Leglslature, 1 is yunsing during tho time the order was in which possessed but one chamber, best t Jt j effect the Company shou'!d be lHable to a administer its functions in the intereuts of F ": fine of $50 'Iho(mmuoni mflwny of the the Province? He felt satisfiecd that this ' ( E:. Streot Rallway Company was also rendered House would consider it going beyond' its ' P %. liable h"XIm.m"N"OW'y' functions if it were to assume the I | § | h.: Bach a BHl as that havine hert freets 1 funotions of a court of law, and Interproted b[I 1|19 what was mote natural than shat the Street the language of a comtract binding when [ Cld ? Railway Company should come and try to both s agreed to 1t _ On the one hand & mA i53 oppcso the granting of noh"oxtrwrdhny they mu:m unloipal corporablon represent: A E* E . powers to the Corporntion? They had come ing the Inter. sts of a large and growlog com: || K)/ f (as every mas or company bad a tight to munity, ard on the other a corporation, the i P y | some whese rights were b:iing lnndod& creature of the These parbies AL before the Privase Bills Oommitise, and ha ATHroU Iato an menmn.ui:.l anotioned by the | | ' -- éone what they conld to state the difficalies egirinture, 'M'z was supp set to be Tegn', | | £. uuder which thoy wounld be placad uxnl!d,lnd biating, ' Jart as a private | ' || f by such leglrlation, Now, the city 0 was upon private individuais, _ He i | 4| y of _ Tcragto salid thast the KElolys hl"d "":'r Tnown se ank c onta since "he f | y > bhad been iobbyiog loz the purpose o!dflulng had sat in the House wlml."o "m Legisiabare 1 {| : a comsiructlion coa the agroement esen't had consented to interpret a binding i A | k from what !% weas intsuded, while the t+c} contrect bet ween Ewo -- dontrad partios, ie I. C l was that 14 was the oltsens otf Tor n:o He thought therefore that the lno}filatlon of . I i. through their mlicitors and the olher pro-- lart year was wrovg, and should not have L § || E. mwoter» of the Bill who asked Wist the orl. been allowed. The olty of Toron§o attempt-- 31 I | B * _ if"l t':'f"n should be set nslde, The ed to iInterprat a contract in a certrin way, : § || * s lelys bad never acked this Honue divesly and in their own advantage. By allowlog / 1: l -- or indirectly to plaro any cmstruoon, this the House were striking at the root of NE (|| . 1¥ g004, bad, or indifferent, apen tze orlginal the binding forcs of a contrack througbout 18 1| J contract, On the contrary, they were qulte our whole community, Could the Lsgi:la» -- liP «e K.. willing to abide by it, agda did Rot as ang ture with propriety assume in the slightest KB (B . > Isvours or oonctsalons from the olty degree to affect those rights which the crurts 6 & B ot Toromte, The Bill of Lart sar of law were the proper trivunals to decide? OAP °0)' t#.: mnin, aftee golsg to the Private 'The question lay in a nutskell, and had re-- h t [( ¥O | «e '.'" Blis Oomm!"u', and that Conm't ference to the construotion of a pm!cal.r | -': C 1| a . . tee, after homing tho maticr disounseed I:'y term in the agreement, It was not contend: I $ l' | ¥° bott a'des, desk cl to evggest the amead-- od that this :s".mg was an invalid one, | & 12 mexnt which afieerwards besama law, He 10, was obtained by means which this Logl-- --~ ' J' » thouglit the h::l' n;lll:h. the Private &m: lature were nok bound to recognize, is i ? I AFR ~ Committcs made last semion was tha Mr, CAMERON sald he agreed with the ' (| & they bad not said to both partiese--and he hon, the Treasurer that it would bo wrong to | P !Id telleved the Company would have been per: interfere with _ private rights, but he | 1 SS feotly willing that is shou!d have been s id could nokt accept the proposition that the : | . 11. ** You munt just do as the privete fudtvidu. matter in controversy was one solely affeot: | l 1 als would huve to do--ssitle these difficul-- Ing private rights, {. related to public in: J )R : Mies in the ordinary Courts of lew." Is was tereats that wore groater than the privats Cl 3% now rald that by the Aot of last rights of individuals, and D'lb"fi ingerests : : | it "/a obtsined rights which they had gever the Leglalature, _ Those residents on Yonge-- | PA l 11 $9y Ned batore _ If thnt were the lcuse, e wat | atreet were cntitled to have their strost free | || h5 «M In favour of just leaving the partles where from every kind of obstracilon, No person 1 P 4T is they wore originally, He thought tha had any right to cause any obstruction to be 1 | / DWB : ts nld'or these olrowrostamors tsre question placed u"&.. street, Thae Logisiature m | | 1P iA# -- shounld ba left to the ordimary conrls of authority to the original Company to J & 1 1J jurisdlotion. Tb"'?'"."':l; exnolunfos an obstruction there to the detriment of the | £.5) | |\-- the House oovl4 with jastioes arrive adb, Taoe oltizens living on the stzeet and of the public l | orlginal agreemont haviog beon twicera'ified at large, unless thero| were some power to | f b' thl. H'"ul'(' t shou'!d not b. ret '"', ..d t cmw .h' OOIIIP'I' to m'k. .h. p'h my | _'i l ",fih' hthokrmlfl'lfipnhflou betwesn travel like the rest of the M'.'. i | the ocntracting partles _ should . be }n was said that the Raliway Company had 1 )A || loft joat as the House found it, paurticular and psoullar rights, but unfoita-- i /1 1 The House might «o frreparable Injusiics in nately for themselves they had endeavoured M ) ) eonst'ning this sgreement, for not only were to use the privileges that had been granted M ' the Toronto Bircat Rallwey Company af« them in a way that bad been detrimental to c 1 | 4 f:.oted, but the oreditors of that Company, the intercats of the citizens. They had \ ? . It had been insinuated that the action of failed to keep the rallway ia that condition on f several members of the Houe had bsen In which unquestionably by the terms of | [ 8 yoverned by the fact that money hall been | the contract they were bound to keep is As . f ;; advarced to the Company by an -ooluhvtl'-l | was remarked the othor night by the hon. THLIt C calcorporation. There was no fruth h'"t member for Stormont, the clity could indict E -,.'s;'" a statement. So fur as he war aware, whw the Company for causing an obstruction, bust l J ) money had beou advanced had been aivanced immediately afterwards another simillar ob' [ us by t'o Toeroato Savings Bink, on the struotion took place, The citizrus gfl o IH utrength of several Acte of Parliamest, 'The redress whatever, bocause the panishment ' A | whole mablter at lssue was ane ot M'. ..nd kfl!M on the oomp'uy Illl.lli be ' f {:" | | wents, a rabter of 80,.000 people agmioss | . very amail, while the saving they | e J || tbree persons, It was an unjuast and an. sffected. by not -- ksoplng the . youl | i' 4 |

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