FFag asum of $1u, 000, Mr., LAUDLP thought the Government's renm.on sh--uld be givenm, «Ar N¥r BAY knew from personal kaowle4ga | tbet the Government had not got the beat | value in euppyllcs for theee roadgs, _ He satd tbat the Gosvernment had beon nalloited by | importers and masculactarers Ior orders, bas | bad not given them. He cculd come to no \ otber corclusion than tha* ths orders had bren piven to those in politisal sympachy l with the Goversmert _ Mr, FOSS said it war evident that the Lon, member was disappointed in the ralling zot bsing prooceceded with, * Mr. CAMERON salid that they chould have more Information aftar the H use had been atk»--d, tor $20 000. br WOOD ra'd it was slmply beciuse they ¢id nokt iatend this year to proceed with the fence. Mr. MEREDITH quoled from the report of the Inspector saging that a now fences was crgyently required. Mr, CAMERON quoted from the file of Tnx GroBE 0t 9%a January. 1869, aund satd that be favcoled that the Government hiai been talked to abont the propaset expendi-- ture by their subordinetes _ He thougat Is atracge that they refussd to make tie home of the Lientenact --Govercor what it skou'!d be _ Mr, MACDOUGALL (Sizone) revented the masrer in which the bhoncuable the Commissloner of Pablico Works treatad the Booss, which amvonted t> parltamentary ocutempt He thougot if the roport up n the con dition of the fence w:ere correct the renewal should take place. After a fow remarks by Mr. Sexton the eatimate, as amended, was concurred in, In tho dAlasussion u the proposnl vote of $77.300 for &s.cnhmon Roads, Mr. LAUDER eald4 that he hogsod tha bes, Commiestoner of Crown Lands wouldi revert to the cld systom o%f tuying from tlocal mercharte, as *t>o presoct sy»tonm, jadglog trom the @v'd nmse plaosd beforo ths Com-- mitsee ugen Publico Accounin, was shown to be the loark prufisail :. Mr. ROSS conterded that the evid4enas war oovo'uatve for the appszite op'ntos, asd he thougit that the presect syotem was the best, Mr, MILLER thougb$ that as the Crown Lavds Department was at preosemt oouduo®d, they uculd buy tul'y as ohesp as & oouu y merokact, and Awesded the conduss of busing the gocs ani forwarling them Hs aske¢ If they tnought is probable shat ary merohant would sell or bay a year's s« 0-- ply of any commndity a¥ ore time H:; comperecd tbe suppising ol the coloalzeasioan ros¢s to ttbe soupy'ying of lamber sbausy me», end said th»% uns plan 'gnmqll in the lsatter osse was the rame as thas pursuci by the Governmen:, Mr, GIBSON salfd that pork and flane were tondersd for, and thou,;ht that tna whole troub'e of the _ matior _ was tbat _ the _ Op;position thought that they _ boed pet a eod thing, buk row fegen4 tha, «s they hal boep l4 to-- day, * ho mosorkala {cd labsured asd hrov, h~ forth a mause"--and a «ma'l ons a4 tkat, Th y unuld noklot *blags«s, arts was too pood a chance of baoking ons Hs »aid that a large proportion of sha good ; * been supplhed by a sentl--man is o in sal aynp:tby elth the Oppssioa, which was arroyed now at its f:iends betng uo longos allowed to {attoean at the publiec orib, _ _ Nis, MERRICK to<k exospilon to tha las: rewack ol t--e bov, gest'eman, and coun\s ro*t agres with thore apeakers who ew=-- rtder:d that the best pl--n was now belog .urued. _ H« atvocited ine policy of son-- sertng for supplier as necesrary to all publ:s lostitublons, and con'd see no difficalty in its adoption. He a +d he »a4 notlced thas the ti.ts of prises fu:n'stve: to the Goversmanit bad been of no practioni valne to thom, as tbe prices were xo\ d=olded and no samjles furnished. H=> ealA sbarin cases where the «erder uuunm been adoprted the osder bed cot been Invartably given to the lo vest offerer, He assersed shit the princolpls the Gorernment bave pursued sinos they have ecme in'o 'rau had. been quite opporits fr.n what they enunclated when in Opyos'-- tioa,. I+ being 6 o'clock, the Speaker left the obair, A'tor recens, Mr, RO33 aaid he wished to osrreot tha staiement made by the member for Eis\ Grey with regard to supplies for colonizsattea roacds, to the <fisst that the witoos8sse b> fore the Pablic Acosunts Oommittee had atated that the system pursusd by the G»v-- erament was no'w a orrreot or proper one. H:« read from the repor's of the Commistee as published in the newspapers the evideac»s :f witzesses to the effect, that with regard to -pxlkl of groserles the systam pur-- sue ty the Gover:ment was ta> prnrt one, and that the terdor system oould not be pursued with regard to the»> artlc'es, In 1874 the pressnt Goverpmeat tried the rpyrtom of tender, but found 1k !n. effective, and they have had to adept the system of buylng from firss.olass honsss jost an a mero*a~t does, A merchant wou'!d not atk for a tenter, Mr, MERAICK--He would sse sample, «td would xo% buy as the Government had gonsg, Bir. ROSY --The Government did see sam-- ples whe» buyirg. He could not see how the rco'tver oruld toli in the event of tha gcods balng supyiled by tender, that the supyly was equal to ths sample sib. wited wiih the t:cder. H» osull see no better plan for the Governmsnt to pursae then to buy st the lowast markss rates. He theught, however, thas in the supply of flour ard pork the syrtem of tender might ba al> ventagecusly adopk d. nugs WVr. MEREDITH--How do the countles stpp'y their inatitublons ? Mr, ROSS--Ths osunty of Huron, which compared favourably wish other ooun-- tte _ in point of dateliizenos, o1-- dorsed the course puarsued by the Govercment, Ho said that the lowest tender for pork had bsen in such in-- stemoe accepted, the statement of the hon. member nitwithtindinog. He then de: ralled the coircumstaroes under which tMr, Daves cfiirmd to cupply at the low piice--that the eutire quaniliy was to ba Raken off his hands in one lot and at once, He wou'!o not do a pedd:iag business (near, kear) euch as the Governme«t wished him to do. He sald that there wis no oth:r tender lower than Mr. Griffitth's, He #1d not wish to discuse this matter further uatil the House was in pcostession of the {aste. Mr, PATTERRON (Eevex) moved in amerdment, * That the appzog:hfln fSor Colnizaticn Roads be reduced from $77,300 to $50.0C0 " _ He thought that thene yearly grants for the purpose of ovloniztion roads were far in exocss of the bouefite accruing to the Province at large, and were unjast to the oider cour ties, Political favouritism charao teriz d all the expenditure under this hoead of service, Tic superintendents of the ropis were appo'nted as a reward for political ser. wices, and the same rule obteined down even to the aterekeeper from whom the sup-- wn for the workmen were &nhnl. He ught that now that the Government pro-- posed to make large grants in aid of rallroads rupoing ont into the same section of the coun-- tby, it was orly rsht that the amount for ortinary reads should be reduced, Mr, PARDEE (;gpond the views of thuee who eatd that the country being opaned up wes vnfis for settlers, and was surprised s% auch an amendment _He thought that the hon, gentleman (Mr. Patterson) wauted to make poll'cal capital out of his motlon, He thou,ht that the object of the Oppcsltion in ra'zsing dissussion upon the vuying of tea and rvgar was to wartle time, Ha woeuld inform them how he found matters a% the C:own Lasds Ofice when he ssok h's portfolio, The plaa pursued in 1874 was the same as now, and had beep the samo in 72-- 73. In those lart twa mer.tloned years they were bn.il: Lon Mr. Gifitk, w»o was a frlend of 5)9»"!0-- F:om 1869 i0 1874 they bs4 brught $15,303 worth of yoo's from Mr. CGirlffith, He satd that on their colonization rords they had forty camps, and he saked what state mat. ter»r would soon be in if each oversser csald4 crder when hbeliked, Bsaides, trey could not foit, Tiero was a qucstion why did they ro§k buy ia Pet:rboro', They had no cclonizaiiou roads ia that nelghbaurhood. Mr, Jaffray in throe yeats hed on'ty «upplied $2,000 more than Mr, Griffiths, He then deferded the po iston of th» Goverament in acrepting the reud+rs they did for pork, The Oppostrics's owa puity man in the kusloes: had aett that the p--tron supplying was an emizently respectab'e man. Eo quot:d the rep'r? cf the Public Acsounts Committes in exonpncratinn of the chatge of favourltism wade sgainst Mr. Cassman, and said that YTory grocers kad stoopsd to ask the io:-- fluerce of Mr, C:s+min to get them the oontrsst, _ He wsrought that thers wore men en the Opposition banohes who ibooght that the time of thoe Pablic Ac--