py®_ C uas ! Tukspay, Feb,. 20. The Speak.r fook the chals at 3:30 p m. PE"ITIONS. Thke foilowicg pretitlocs wore presented :-- | _ Mr. Hag--Petiticn of Wallace Townukip | Councii to logal'ze a osrtain by--law. ] |\ _ Mr. Mer:diih--Pstifoa of Wm. Morkt-- | mer snd others3, of Lond4on, prayiny for Zet:ln amesdiments to the Spirlt Licsnse 0 Hon W, Masdongal--Peili n of L 0. L No, 200, prayieg for the incorporation of | the Orspgs Astoviation. | _ Mr. ¥eredith--Potition from thirly lodgs: | to the eame purpose, | l THIRD READING3 | \ _ The BHl respecting the Srattord anl Haron Raliway was smended in Commilites, recelved the third re--ging and pressd. ©EE HAMILTON COURT HOUSE, Mr, SEXTON drew attention to the state of the Court House «t Hamilton, which had always yroved loadcquate for the transac tion of businegs, _ The county of Wentworth ard tke olty of Haw'!l'oa bad determined to bi¥ld a new Cour:--House, the olty agrecliug to pry 60 pos cent ot ths cost and the Councll 40 per cent. Ha asked the House to ruspend its ruls and aliow a measurs to bo Intro¢ uced for legalizing the agresment enteor. ed Into by the sounty and the alty, Hemoved the fims reading of the Bill. Tie Bi.l was rosd the firsk time. THE EDUCATION BILL * Oa tko m« t'on ;t Mr.ROOKS,the House sgate went loto Comm.ttos on the Bill to serd the serwal Ac*s: respeoting the Edu: casicn Departmess, Public and High Seiools, 1 and the Uuivorsisy of Toronto. 1 Mr. RO®S moved as amenmint to the ' eB ob that the eleotlon ot school trustees sbould take yplase on the BaD:e day ar mant-- elpal eleotJons. After some discucslon the amondiacnt wis withdrawn. The Committee rose and reported. SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATEL Mr, SPELKER road a mersage from His Horour the L--us. Governor, transmiiting easthrates of furtbher sums required for the public serv'ice as folows :--Bohool of Agrl-- exliure, _ OGueiph--For erechion of cheese frotory In congection with the proposcd dairy, $3,000. Or motlin of Mr. Crooks the mossage with the accompanying eatimate were rc-- ferred to the Committse of Supp'y. i Leing itx c'cleok the Bpeaker lefs tho chair. e rgnrigs KorICEBS 0O# MOTION, Me. Cameron--On «ho third reating of p'll No. 83, ulpzo'.l.:«f the Tcronto Sirsct Ralway Company, will move that the Bill | -- be not now read a third time, but be re: | _ ferred back to tho Committee of the Wasola 'r House to awmoid the sam: by shritking ont | the amendments male to ihs first o'.l?u by the rzald Committoe,. k Lir, Wilkon--On the Shird m&lng of Blii No 53, Teronto B:reet R.liway Company. he will move that the words " wooden block" be Insersted after the word * esbble,.