of Beaumont, He had beon tol4 that the | ' Provinctal Seorstary had baeu iaformed long | | beforehe (Mr. O'Bulitvan) hak moved in the | matter of the nor ha'ding of the isquest, He & would like to know to whom Mr Langmulr's y ltlliu.ou to hold an irquest wers given, : eoause Dr, Riddell presented himeelt at the y glu ard was refuw«d permission by the § W.'.. to hold the inquiry, Eitzer th« arden disobeyed instruotions, or he never recelved those Instruotions Uader similar olroumsetances is world be cary for officlals of the CGGovernment to present reports | that might cover up the greatest infamy, | The law was that it was absolately necessar | to held an inquest on the body ol any pr{ ; somer who died in geol, and w{y war an on-- &hy pot held in this crse? It was sald that » man was buried befors the ordor of the medical cfficer was given for an engqairy; but 8 most people would say that is wis the dutg § _ y\MWUY of the W;rien to give this order. An ap: bfi) s mpflflo report on the ccoasion would have n ** dead men tell no tales." He bad been Informed that the guards knew of MoKel-- vey's danger, and were askod by him to pro-- cure a pricet ol his own rellg!oar, The motion was amended as suggsstod b : Ml'. WMc Carried, e 7 | The House a' journed a} 1 :10 p. m. -- ! Tuespay, Feb,. 20. The Speak.r kook the chals at 3:30 p m. PE"INIONS. The foilowing potitlors wore presented :-- «e | _ Mr. Hag--Petition of Wallase Townskip ¥ N¥ | Councii to logal'ze a cartain by--law. YA | _ Mr. Meriéitih--Pstiton of Wm. Morll-- h | mer sn&4 other3, of London, praying for Xa:ln amesdments to the Spirlt Liosnse 0 Hon W, Macdongsl'--Psil in of L 0. L No, 200, prayizg for the incorporation of | the Ocspgs Asroviation. | _ Mr. Meredith--Pstition from thirly lodgs: | to the eame purpose, | \| THIRD READING3 | |\ The Bill respecting the Stratford anl Haron Raliway was amended in Commiites, recelved the Yhird re--:ging and paesed, ©EE HAMILTON COURT HOUSK, Mr, SEXTON drew attention to the state of the Court House «4 Hamilton, which had always proved loadcquate for the bransac tlon of business. _ The county of Wentworth aed tke oity of Hawl'oa bad determined to bu¥ld a new Cour:--Houso, the olty agreclug to pry 60 pos cent of ths cost and the Coumncll 40 per cent. Ha asked the House o :ruspend its ruls and aliow a meatute to be | Introcuced for logalizing the agresment enter. cd Into by the sounty and the alty, Hemoved the fiiss reading of the BillL Te Bi.l was rosd the first time. TIHIE EDUCATION BILL * Oa tko m« t'on ;t Mr,'ROOKS, the Houre sgale went lato Comm.ttos on the Bill to luerd the sevwral Aots respooting the Eda--« caticn Depatmess, Public and High So'ioo!s, and the Uulvorstty of Toeronto. Mr. RO®S moved ans amenimint to the eB ot that the etectlion of schnaol trustees sbould take plase on the same day ar muni-- elpal eleotJons. s After some discucglon the amcondiasnt wie withdrawn. The Committes rose and reported. SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATEL Mr, SPELAKER road a mersage from His Horour the L@us. Governor, transmiiting exthrates of furtbher sums required for the public service as tolows :--Bohool of Agrl-- culture, Gusiph--For erccior of cheese frotory In congection with the proposcd dairy, $3,000. Ozr motlan of Mr. Crooks the mossage wikth the accompanyicg ertimate were rc-- ferred to the Committse of Supp'y. Ti Leing stx c'cleok the Bpeaker lefs tho chair. ooo KoTrICES O# MOTION, Me Cameron--On ths third reating of p'll No. 63, ulp:o.l'.;{; the K« r»:::fi Su':'c: g:h-:::o(:m::".'o':m?':&,? bdo.n 06'&' '(i or bsulder stone" in ferred back to tho Committce 0) and ":dog:fi is Committes of ths Houre to amoid the sam: by lof $,000," j the amendments mafle to ths fuedto say )a motlion 4o road Blll No \m'tkt member fhe olty of Toronto, a third the satd Commitice, .1( amocdment that said BMr. W\llon---On the third "xcm 2];. third tims, bfl: :;.' %"'" No 53, Teronto B:reot I'..';lhud on rbnk to Commitiee of th. he will move that tho "'°".°.:'§§'mh lostruotions toa strike on: blook" be Inversted aftcr the wor'" incurd amendment to the same, Lan as . hatugprarmnc--csmee