M' fl.ld and no hmo -Hi M to .h 'h'oh no Government h.d an ; I y contro) I% | Injust'ce done to the farmer with °':' ':;- war ocmpotent to Ontario to say who should , _ | and the great pflw-domc;o l'lx"l" :\h e or who should not vota w!grinth.boundndel f | :I::l I;';: .half.fi::fll}t'l; uE": l: ; ol.l m'; o:' t&oj'l'cnhu.'ndhho( r. }')Awson) truabe | 1t world be sithlog that should not ;3 zeen-- :leoflon h:v..lt'l!o :l':ln:: :!m:n:r'l:tg'lzl!:x;: | a son walking to the poll to klil the fataer's who had abandoned the huntar's lifte and who | T Iv:::',o' a w:rtT l:"l;'w.l'l{oh h;} ll"d no veat3d had settled on land, brilt houses, and livei 3 ea s ls 'virtuaily a Bill to provide In every respzck like whits men, would not ,' a plerality of voting accordiceg to pro{orly. be lost sight of, TIadianrs when they had t;-- ' | He quoted MJl upon this subj--c), come ed4ucrited and clvil'zed, whmor they ' and conterded that the words of that Uved cn reserves or not, should bave all the @ | eminert polistlcal economist were conclasive privileges of white men,. It was contrary .. sllmt auch a meature. Hs ropelled the to the spirit of our insrltutions t> 3 ea tbat frau{ulent prackices Inr besn ra-- bave a pcople living among us to 3 scrted to by his side of the Houss, ard sald | whom we refused the common rights of t atif is had baen prackiised by auny party l freemen, The Indlaus woere a brave f 1t was the pa:ty of the hon,. gentlemsasn who | and Intelligent race, not naturally Inferlor to 3 | bea made the obavge. He said that J7 his the white man, and if we could lst the few | county, when such cases were tried, there who remained feel and know that they J«. ' | had cor been asing'le vote on eliher alde boured under no Gisadvantages, it would ' | rejected, (He said that where fraudalent tend tly to promote their ctvilization and d | mmn kad been rescr'iad to it woald ts advm'or::n{t. d# C k s i g:fi":f:flhnfi'::' | d m ;;mi :: Mr. FERRIS considered the clars to f though the prastlce should have p.r availed which the Bill referred were entitled to the thas "was no reason why it rhould be legel. reliet afforded. In answering the objsction 3 Ize0. 'The mej»rity cf larimera' sone alroad made that the Bi'l conferred representation l have votes, and altost all farmors' sope "! without tax.t!ov,, ho sald that the father A -- workirg) with their parents ander o paid for the son's earnings, which was just $ 1 agreemcnt, it may be verbal, by whlohuthmcy as goou as the son being assessed for the participate in the profits or crops to battar fnoone The countty Aepended upon the 3 ; their cndition by acqubing another farm farmers for the prosporlin of the connity: through the means which they bave helped | ':dh'" could foreres ro danger in enfran. s to tesure bo the . fsther. . Thors it h Uical | chisirg their sons, He did not fear that the o ~R diat betweer _ the -- fatinore " Bout Bill w'onld cause atrife; it merely gave the $ atd those qualified by the ino: me franchtse, S epursieh from bis Amaeh weo was mmtraly ~% those latter belog tazed, a distinotion which ht siepe mt gpdirone dive gooly 4: Hrotel ue sc i alf ps weuld hold gocd oven in mauhood suffrage, 'Me ustce of a mutual and imp!lied partner-- | «S He then prc3eeded to orilticlss gevers') of So 4 8 | w provisions of the Aot--instancing sccYon 4, Mr, MACDOUGALL (3imooe) said he f which enables a ycuager zon to go to the rcze t> oppose the Bill beomuse of the prin-- t ocunty judge "1 swerr that hi# father's olple involved--a new principle in the polit!-- w farm "is under--awmessed, -- He contidered osl reforms of our ccountry. We carno; $ thereforo that 1u.3h a measare should be per: rext seasion refuse to endorse the mearsure ~ c miseive, and the father allowed the opt'on of of the member for Welland if we : prss ~@ glving bis nnl,'voto.Bo}pohhfiont where the this Bill, and endow this class with the Act would requ'rs some amendment, taking franokise simply bscause they ars bora of a | particular exception to several paris of the farmier and livicg after age under the roof | oatb, Aoting upon the view that those in tree. This led inevitably to' universal su'-- the House ahould jadge Shose matters frage; but he was opposed to it from ex« & brought uader their oonslgcutlon to the boak f'm"" reading of history, aud obzervatlon, ; of their abllity, Irrespective of how it may & _ baving always _In the end | to aff:ct them in the future, and oven auntloipa: dissater in the State. Even in the United . tirg that their opponents would make po: Btates no man of intelligence was in favour litical capital out of their actions upon this of this universal "fl"li' No one he had matter at future electlons, he would vote ever met, from Prerldent Linsoln down, had C .R'h.' the measure for the reacon which hs ever approved of it The result hari besn _ had rpccified | the rame in all countries where It had bzon Mr, MACMAHON sald_that the sous of | oo Roihor aple ame priariple is beleg ' meskharics were placid differently from the l::' 1 o this country, _ Hrs this 3 Sobe of farmers, ~'Ihe ons 'of meohas'se queition agitated the mind of the country ? R geperally left home on their obts!n'~g their ds e navier Heanl ib u{ mecsure which msjority, or elss set up In business 'n the |'fl°°:' the people shouid be submitted f same town and werze sssessed rs cooupruts, to the people and time allowed for ; snd thus were allowed o record thelr volm ite discussion _ He fourd a universal expres: j | He though$ the Bill should become law, | 'l';' of disgust at this measure in his con, ; ' | _ Ms, DAWSON consldered that ths BA l i at lulfno%. which is to a large extent agricul: $ wwik a step in the right diyostlen, nad that 1f \ d uoise this Bat were .hl:fltgy.n:l(. pudt mac 8 the frarchiie were to ko extended at all it | orlme. _ He would iua% the hht:rw:fm&': ' should k. amcog the farmsrs, these who | Bil,. Mr. Blake, then a youn nd' thari. * cullivated the scil, l1% was the sifent dl-- astio politiclan ' in & 'dlll'l oc si reotion in which the {ranchlse could be ex-- Aurota, ptodut;ed wlthpn ::nt 'f'fm}' h" | | tended, and he ( :ir, Dawron) would support large number of what ho' or'lodon" N the Bij}. Whiie, however, we hnvg & ing reforms; amovg them he su elkg ':l':; | great deal abouk extendivrg the frau. | farmera' m; frauchiss, One ohnsggof the Bill | ohise to meckanlos' sons and other classes, was that it should into eff 1 | no one ever sald arything about a vary de. | What was that for"m.I: 1 ? 't fwt is mog. | servirg class of Her Majesty's subject: who ' bers of this H % b 1+ 46 1 ) tay OV | | were entirely depiived of clvil rights,. There min'i:n. '1"ho g:f::rm "nl: 'I' Lower asy | were stll rome rammants of the racss from wil then b to ol M l O Dbmel on | whom we bad taken the country in differant | people of l(::uo':u 'I::I t';:: fiffi' (;u:: t'o d | distrlote In bis (Mr. Daw.on's) constita« | | in thi iet 18 .i d ntrofu ced | enoy tkero were several thourands of Ia: Obal alaps of / % P pocee treate as j [ s eos. iavy of them were siH 1n a prini. ( | ;d.d'l:l:?: t cf 'vgton for 1878; and they ' Aive cordition, kut there were als> mauy of | record th:i; vot.u fo:. tl:l:l: alftie w} sedr political {rlands | thom far advenced, and quite equal to thir l They thought that the iacome franohiss | | pelghboure, ard it was uniair thas these woh:{d strengthen their rt;o bl:: 'fi:o ol.l' | | prople ihov'd be deprived of the franchle. Slcoal move d.hl not woku:moo' afall rh y The reseon of this wes that by the extating propose now to bala: c ; this b f u':. T .of .y. | law the enfranchisement of the Indians was ohise. _ He thoughs, homv' .::\' :':n | made contingert on the breaking up of their would find that this sgain .1:'1' be <4 rererves, u:: they were so much attaohke4 t» take, _ He then IVO'MI o';:rl !. I!:' i the tribal syatem and their old customs that don at the first test of the Ballot Ao}, just they would never convent to thbis. This ot-- #o abate a m:u :;.o nfi.d Bnllotle\, higk noxlous Jaw had been in exist:mcs for a vorg the members of the-- Goo foan inone , long period, ard no Indian khad ever taken the operation of this ovornm':nth evy us dubdg * adventage cf it, The Dominion Aot of last We had passed no Blll?'l.l'kn"thh. o!rhvouv& | year was a mero _ emksliment of alter we have gi ihafrn 'I:ldou, thi | the old Jaw*, and it did not maeke olass we on n'"'hk .l o. e Sh. | the cordition of the Indians any jeoted to the :'nding"r oT mny Ereacutny tox | teatter. As makters stocd, a wall--to do class which u'x 1 af Spe Aenohtee to a | Intian could not offer bis vots at an elestion Ho burde ul:l'i a o sikks io fhs Sontiry. ;'l'"" his '"'"?l' n 'f'l?"lwl Thers were In. Te was a fatmer's sn ;::;llfn ::ed';:: ::Ho ans very well cff ia Algomse, some cf c B ' v:!hom g::p" th':- oMldlnn to Enlo;o for the!r¢ flf v.voa:. &m'::-t.ovl.:.ug:fd;:: ;?\!ch::' ::l. educr sn4 sure ~ople so far ad: ' y :!anfog a} t&m :"0 syhogldplnot be deprive1 :?n'. ';iho'::fy'.:';?::'tu l;g.o.;:firgl:;: olvil rights, bscaure they happenel so + i draw a small eunulty for llidl 3'30!1 |h:y :::l tl.;c.l a"'k.a'r"':'" apron strlogs, and | kba¥A ccded t3 the Government, sud over sover, stirripg, active young men | who go forth to rush their way in the world. |