| ment 1o be in the porition of a mershant 4 | braytag $40 C00 or $50,000 a year, and owing to the flastustions in prises is would not pay thke merchans or the Government to adver. tire ; 1 would be far better to come in, look a} the goois, sake their chanees, and buy as they require; the item of interert in a large ortur would be saved by not buylug at once. To Mr. Ferris--Ths Governmenst pursues the universal practice of tha trade. To Mr QGiveon--It would plase the Gov-- e--nment in the position of a retail merchant; I thizk it bokter for a merobant or the Gov erement to bauy about onos in three months To the Chairman--I consider Mr. Ling-- wulr and Mr, Shorkt keen buyers, and t:llfy | effictent for the duty of purchasing, To Mr. Liuder--The system I would rccommend would not apply to books; the argument is not avalogour; tea :l:"'"":'; I b;lvo non;. in ail my expori« 8e, boen able to du exaotl ' order for tea pllects # :MR | To Mr. Ross--I don's believe our best | hcuges would trouble themselves to tender tor groceries; the :ample of tea that might be tendered for at the begloring of the year weu'd not be in stook at a subsequent Jno. acd the quality of the second quintity might be poorer than that ordered. To _ Mr. Ferris--I have somnstimss seen 120 or 140 chests of the same teas; teas run from 20 to 170 chests; a particalar line of tea can enl{. be suppiied to the ex-- tecxt of the lot; it is the same as with but: ter; when the quantity of one farm is ex: busted the quality of the next would pro-- bably not be the same; there is a fixed stan: derd by which flour can be purohased. To Mr. Lrader--Thers are no brands of | eyrups To Mr, Merrick--Amber syrups vary in prics; there is a number by which they are kn--wn. To the Chairman--I have eupplisd syrups to the Govern mont. No Mr, Landger--The Government can buy the same as any other oush customer at 5 so 7 per cent over cost; I don's think they can ds beit«r than that To the Chairman--I always bolleved that we were onmpsting with other houses. To Me. Merriok--I am aware that the Gio-- verement advertlesd for pork and flour; the prices vary, and I don's thiok thas a merobact wou!ld atk for tanders even for perk; I gnt the Government in a similar po-- sitton; the same rule regarding the valus of pork ard flour dcoes not apply to g:iccatrlies, which Fave ro brand; we know soap by goades; the average lines of teas are 50 «o 80 sbeatr; I don's think it is a proper thing 1o give price lists without samples; I don's think wholesals importliog houees would tender, as they very seldom _ do; tbey would not biad _ thomwelves to supply the particaiar line of tea all throegh the year. Grocerles are not in: «peoted like flour, contcquently the ten-- dering syatem is cpen to abase To Mr, Rss--The Governm«nt could be iz posed upon by a dichoness deales. To Mr, Merriock--Io poiltios I am a sup-- porter of the present Administration, To Mr, Gihson--My oplaiinis most de-- cid.dly opposed to advortising for groceries, on monsunm: of tue s mail profs on them and th» flastzraUon of prices. s To Mr. Lagaideo--MUr, Laogmai: baught then ard there whou be first called. | _ To %he Crbatsman--Ths whola of a long Ii~ ; of tean le nos often boughs by a ratall me--cbant; I don's consider It advisable in sn> o ®a business to buy a whole year's stcck ty a«dvance; 1 know of no ona «ho does. Use Committtee then adjourned 4ill 11 | to morrow (Thursday) morning, | m_