Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Feb 1877, p. 2

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z'.' 7 In connoction with it. e ra~ ol | Mz. MOWAT said the hon, gentloman the 10 uons . sn's in < quarterly, ~was 4 -- overlook:d the objsct of the hfmni yaliltdho * scheme, _ The hon. member baen Seotion _ 9, having . referenos _ to ; 3 denouco!ng Uaniveraity College, ar if county payment, the sums to be levied for + x the Covernment were giving it {arther as. varions purposes, the extent of aocommeoda: j E alstanoe, -- The very opposite was the fac}, tlop, am Rev., Siat., 0 192, s149, by * s for it war proposed that the School of Pras. striking out "City Buril," defliaing what . tioal Sclecce should be removed to the Ual. P Hre o o c on tntihe office of Frurtes 8 veraily in order to take advantege of that and exouses for compulsory attendance, was, ; , Institution _ Oa a proper occaslon, if the as amended, passed. ~ 4 kon. gentlcman chose to attaok the Univer: As there were many points in the proposed <~ sity, the Government would do its daty in amendments to the High Schools Aot, the : deferding it as having been of great service . Committee, on the motion of Mr, CROOK3, | ie\ gn Comao 418 wot call tor e leaging ho _ Tas cousey tous j 3 ger t'eman & re» N{.. The Government did not tla'l:gu,lho THE COUNTY COURTS OF YORK, * subject of establisbhing the School of gm Mr, MOWAT moved the third reading'of tloal Scisnzoe for the first Mme, for ib was the Bill respecting the County Courts, Gen-- ~ taken up l:i their pred«--c:mors, whore able! eral Besalons of the Peace, and Surrogate 3 :ont was that il'n'::y nov:lr '5"3 ;hl. p:;)lio ] , Court of York, ' oney unuecesssri'y, v, Sandfel4 Mao: / mond donald's Govmmon{. after maklog all dae | * %2: ?afi'i':fu".?."m?.?.'&"b':n'» th '6?2' | y erquiry, came to the conclusion that is was | mliteect the Whole with Inatructl t. A ' l In the (gmbuo interest bo estabilish the school. | out the clause respecting th.:: ::,,::::lk: | J That Government had far bigher views than short--bazd writerr." 20 o | 3 those pointed cut by the hoo. membe:, who Mr, M 3 bad dweli on the minor poluts only. The to the OWAT repeated his explanailoas as T bigher trainirg of students was the objsot C the mcorsal: y Jor short--hand writers in these f scught _ The protent Governmen$s wished to Countts, _ The business of the ccuaty of York [ oarry cul the plan of the preseding Govern-- | was cnorm( usly greater than that of any other | ment, but en a more economiloal batls By | oovniy, and henoe tho rearon for appolating ts taking advantige of the cxisting chairs at | a rbort--hand writer for this county in pre-- tke University, a large maiount would be | fererce to others, The testimony as to the zavoed. Tho presoat ssheme fvvolved an ox-- | o eov oo reninkana ie b{n Te doge w on aditoro of $5 GOD raly,whereas that of Mv. | wevt cf short--hand writers in the cours of Sredfad Maxioni18 Heanied ont mould are | the United Statcs way sablefactory, cost $15000 yosrly, Ha felt smurs the | Mesrs, Liuder and 'Maodcugall (3ixmsoe) 'I,Iouu'l;;;l n;t syimpathlss 'Fl.h the 0+ j :0-- | 1upportcd the sm--ndment, lons 8 bor, h ts ieb woilh in pisdaoteo arpganb) io | comars beivg stopped tb9 the Tedge to on country, and we euppor able him to take ro d to th > The Committee rose ard reported the mert ooonlonc:lbb;"l'::h atop;::o:""fi.o resolation wi:hout amendment, would not charge any jadge with negleotlng ' VOTERY LISTS, Taite ht sih uvice hk Shes dirocht, her | E --ntion ha s | A "n.r. glngTh-:M the seo;nd roaling | erthelers It ¢id vory often happon that :::h | 3 4 «se iho..Vdohn Liste Aot a note was wanting when desired, _ H« | '.ln-ldplu hoetlon"-; 5o .:'u explaining | ttought that if we were to have short-- hand R "P "."P"'B 3 :.::" @ hu' h.";' ':'l :}: ndt&r:( d..cm;I o;xfitrolhour them ahould be * exer a thorght that } bers Aot to the county o:BYork ;ougl:lu:)u;i ?h': t FARMERY' SON3' FRANOCHISE, €cor t the County Courts and lead to a | | Mr, FRASER having atated that he would great inorease of expenditura. 4 copsent to obj:otlons belog raised at a :a> Mr. BETEUNE supported the Bill as it $ sequent stage, the Bill to enfrauchlce t:« | stood. He show.:d what an immensa saving ; souns of farmers in certain cases recelved §\s ; <f time was effeoted in whatever Court or , zecond reading. i nsiness ashort--hand writers wore employed. CONCURRENCE, | Hmvfi'd .h"d"t the Ht;lll. refused to 'The Hcute recelved and Th ost. :om" a e appolatment of a shortlhand concurred vuother County Oourt Judge would m"'"m from the Commiites of have to be appolnted, , He contended that f e praciice of employing stenographers ! $ The B :DUCAtT.Ios CBILLE"' t tt o {'oum reducsd the exgptnd!'mxro fn mm; cute woent in ecmanitses on the °_ oaek, ¥ Eduontion Bill, and was consideriog th * special provisions in reference to towaship Inr Haobouarct (eark board», wher, it b.lnq six O'Jlflk, the Cam-- it 'fil' AODOUGALL (Slmon) objzohd ko uittee ro:e and reported. l tte Bi'l on the ground that is involvad a grceral tax or burden on the prople, and, RETURN, Sherefore, foll undar Rule 93, which requirsd f Mr. Wosd presented a return of corrss that a mea:ure of the kind must orlginate ia ponderce snd papers ng\rdlng money e ro-- Cemmiiteo of the Whole, ' A oclved by tha late Judge Wilkzoa ar re-- Mr, BPEAKER decided that the objsotion $ 4 .p;uzat::'l'r: for thao county of Norflolk and { in this case could zot be sustained. % f! pcsition made of such money, | The House then divided on the amend-- § | he Spcaker then left the chalr, | ment, which was lost on the followlog divi-- $ ' Alter reoets, ' alon:-- | > The House sgala weut ioto Comulites of Yras--Meairs. Baker, Barr, Baxtor. Boill. Bonitor, ' ,.--| the Whole on.'tho Eduoation Bill, and took l ?,,":';:'..',Bi";.':?.;fi'"x'x':."fi'n"';';'s.';"'i':at.:"'x'flfi:' .. .«\ | up the olausca appiy!ng to the establishment Macdouga'l (3!imcoe). MeGowan, McRse, Merrick, of Public School Boards in to »nahips, V oatyn. l;mlo.non ""'%?n'"'"'"' Richardson, f L RecHcn 3 and Its various sub scotions were | , ufl';g"_ ::..:g'.',mz'pub,,' -nu.n'.nno. Barter, | patred, B:thuvne, Bishop, Eonfield, Chlshoim, Clarke (Nor-- * »4 t | _ _Bcolion 4, refesring to the afjastmsnt of };',':';wmg';,cfi'!','-".::fi",'m?,'.';. 0.'::::' &m | | | cla'ms betweon urlons in the sams township, Graham, Grauge, Grant Hirdy Hargraft May, i | |\ es smended by the promoter of the Bil! Hod,ins, Hunter, Lome, Lyon, McCraney, MoMahen, & \ war car 1:d. * Monls Miller, Mowat, Patterson . (rotk), .P.:.xh., | | n t, s P Rectlon 5, rerpesting the form;tlon and fpxhur. Wat'::'r'nt:h'. %V'lddi'n':d. Wlm::n. %.l'l- | dissolati: n of urjon school sections composed son, Weoedk--~46. ¥ ' E: ol..p.:xch of Bwo or more musiolpalities, was Tha. Bill was thon road tko $5'rd timsg and $ ' ' p A pate ;' | _ R.otlon 6, lnvzng Irohnuou to the am«nd-- DENTISIRY ACT,, : ! :.::::o?om::oy pi .':"'.':h'::fi "::""O'x:':g | . _ Tee Commiitee then went lato Commiitee | ¢ T r--, and investin in the L( on the Bill to amerd the Aot rospaoling } | Loapector®, g po #er eut -- 7 Governer bo form remote distrlcts for Inapao-- Dirtilstry, wh'ch was pasied as amendecd, tiop, as emended, was passod. Te Committes then roszs and reported. ' Section 7, auto the assessment and colloecti on ASSESSMENT ACT OF 1869. - of taxes, containing sections as to provis' o 1s 'The awendments $o this Aot wors con-- :o.:. -::::I"n.hz w:llo and ':3:'::1: uiess tiGered in Committeo, ard the Bill reporkcd, 0P t 5 olml cotors' "m'"."'?w" columns, | The followirg Bill was advanoed a atage:-- * oclleot ors of soh col rater, provislons &Qfln(l' To awcnd the Aot respecting line fences, . .é.";:oi 6t5' lmps2|2 .%1 pravh!ondl of tov?d U, EkUPPLEMENTARY ESIIMATE3 or . O., and p . | SEak ts spply aiso to" oities, Rowal nod vit oi 1§ApEREON atked the AVtorney. lages, was passed | Ver § was the intontion of the Gavern« 4 g::uou 8 uov.mu for the payment of | ::?:.'&:'l""! e ::Z tas i tnnre would b, * l sersiop, alco if there would ba ay rallway I--pislation, He said it was

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