e 3 : . L s $ copa l 1ente. m'::d u onlhznuzfic O:nuty Cousoli : I 6 o *+ _ My caumcd a og the coun hA | by "'.E.:.Y.:":::::*n g'mp::'u::"g: tbat their work was much the same as h"! -- 3 * | Gon ard East Toronto would be found hard Coonty Ccupall,and that their remuneration . to be understosd ty the psople. They ali shouid be abou: in the same proportion. | ie contenced tkat the fnorease was right, and * Many people actuaily believed that a per. ' 3 If this was their op they should be pre-- son who was competent to aot as the warden | § * | <d as henestk -..lnlon" support thelr opla-- of a courty was well quslified to be the ' I fi:. He wou'd vote for the abolition of the S oxlene °t.0°u"".,"°' To birat | | e i :adumhy, and if it were carrled he would f l!n;"l:o.llo.:;th:hdo t: 'bo a* -('}::;nl. lln":::: | w / y '::v)o the Houte never to return, (Laugh-- l :.a :th.'? n' gnat ability as the Minic: | o | er of Jastice in Ottawa, (Hear ) | e > <g | ! Mr., MoMAHON attacked the course pur-- He bad been pained > hear sousn ot 'h!l:.::n! | $ > I g(d b{ the Opposition as inconsistent. stituents epeak as If t:e Astorney--General | xd i I ben the irorease was proposed they had wis cverpaid, He would be prepsrei to | 3 I scquiesced in it, and had nevertheless in-- take the fill responsibility of voting for a | | r I Culged in clap--trap for political ..!!"rxosu ocneiderable Incre:so in the salsrlies of the | * ag p~ \| The leader of the Opposition now that Mixistre, ar he belicve4 their abilities and | ' | be was m'sled in taking the course he purausd the Imj or:ance of their dutle j | ai ; 1 utles would jaskiify F2 x: I |«lsst sersion, and. inflaenced by the houn. auch an icoreae, | * I | ::::'r :r London, had recanted what he Mr, SEXTON sald that those members | es --< . All l said. A who averred that they had not signed the | § | . ) s It «* Mr, SNECTSINGER said he refusoed last ronnd rorin for the increase had not chosen | & Fie " 2 | iar to dfin the round--robin ca'lling for an to refure the $200; (Hear, hear.) The o:y | | e | aro, Ho was prepared to vots for the ofralwyirab had vot bien raleod with re-- | -- oeay: --3 | moticn of the hou. member for Brant, gard to the Increase cf the indewnlity at 0;-- | s A Mr. §COTT could not support the resolu: s--wa. He arcuoed thit the dutles of mem-- | 88 --* ton of the member for Brant Theras was bore of thig House wore fully as important | Rsmw V in no snalogy between the House of Commons ar thore of members of the dctuo of Com. | | s r of Ecgland and this Houre. They bad no monr, Daring the last mine asselons, the | F men of weslth hero like io Eogland, and If gerstor s of the Local House exw--nds* over | ¢" 4 fx 4 the indcmaity were done awsy with many 638 0s3», and the sit'ings over 402 4s3 ; in | pa members, bimeel! ivolnded, would be com tte Houss of Commons the . snded l * pelied to reasign. With regard to the redac: | | ever 540 dayn and the siusiw, over 425 | | . > aes e tion, be «nilrely falled to 1°e why members | dayr, _ The sverage number of Aow | \<tanah" . of this House were not entitled to as fair a | pereed each fases:lon was 105 in this Houso | | s > remuneraiion as members of the House of aad 85 in tre House of Commons, Hs ; | es 4* f | Commors. The }abour involved by the pos-- argued that the legi:lation of this House was «| .+ | serslon uf a seat in this Houre was greater mure important than that of the Commons. | | + | | than that falling to the share of members ot Eliker tue members of the Legtelature got | ooo 7. the Howuss of Commons, He still held the too littl». or these of the Commons §00 | "riap~" ; same opi: ior s he expressed last seasion, and mwuob, _ He was opposed to any reduction in | P¥ «. | would vere sgainst both motions. the ailaties of Ministers, He asked the | B * Mr.PATTERSON (Essex) approved of the Houe it it did not thisk the Premisr of | e (.. ' lrorease of last year, and had ke,t falth Oater!o was worth more than one--halt of | eA | it Bie Tellow "mmimbersever si806; ~Hs tbhat of the Promler of the Domision,. Hs | | ';;: ' | defended the member for London againat the was prepared to suitain the Government ia | i k: :4 j | made sgain<t him, He would vote whateves aciion they to: k in this matter. | § ; ~X> | fmrmmfln'l c1 the member for South Mr MACDOUGALL (Simos:) was glad | | uy 4+ k Brant as a matter of conviction, He differed | tbat the question wes fairiy before the Houss 1| . 'Q! ~ s M altogeth<r from the member for Kast Grey | | and the public, It had been said thas the | Exsd > o 3 f about the sala lee of Miniaterr, which had no | public opinion was that they bad | | & ¢ f >a | councction wliih the indemnity question, | abused the trust reposed in them, Has de-- | [\ Met-- % || Miclhters wore very much uz"-li now, | nied this. 'The agitation was raised by a few | || s | ard he would rather isorease their salaries | | nenspspers writers for political purpores, bui | ) E. than diminish them, He regerded sessional | among the semible, Intslligent elec:ors there | %, allowances as an an--British practice, | wis no sooh fecling as had bsen satd to exist, * ' Mr, SINCLAIR said that ho "was glad | Bus if suoh a restiment did exist in a E. .4 f that this dircussion bad taken place, as it tw loonlmua were they to be de-- e 8' @A kess ap would place hon, members right before the } terred from doing r'ght to thamselves and | * w & <. ocuctry. The conduct of some seotions of | the public? There was no other Assembly | S > /f the prors with regard to this matter bard | that cou d datermine what salary they were | * y c / been mors diegracefal, So long as members | to receive, Were they go to the country and { l c l2 O a ot the House conducted themselves in & | cor fem they w:re not worth the paltry sum | C *«\ prcper znd becoming manner and sought to | in question!? At the Houseof Commons the | M .. l do their Cuty to their constituents, they ° Ino:rcase of compensation and Miniaterial! | f 3 * 43 sheu'd not bave imputed to them such salaries was consented &5 by both aldes, aud | f "" f a moti:e! as some seotions of the press had was received with silence by the press | | T es 2 3 imputed to them with regard to the matier. | and tte _ public, Ho regreitedl that | || C as a_ member of the Reform party the -- Government _ had -- nor -- ruflisiont | | | :o e $2. be could not anpport the motion of 'u.! backbore to stand by their owa Act, | s .i 3 member fer B:aut. It that motion carrled Wiy did they ark the Honse to go to the | ~ «J ¢ : tne effects would be to allow only the rich ecuntry, and coufess themwelves robbers ? | * * _ * f 8 mes--lawjers and others--ia the to zns and |\ Sercdly the aotion cow tsken was a plece of a¢~ | 9 cities to come out as candidates, If no re-- | polittca' clap--trap, and would be so regarded | i. s 6. momcratiin were pald to memjars thore by the people, Oa the other side, it was | i Oke t might be a freliog among them that thay | notoricus that men went to the L--glslature | f hi | were con:erfing a favoue on thelr constita: with the cxpresscd objsot of making money. | - is |-- ents, avd a tendenoy to romunerate them« He quoted in support of bis a ssertion from a | : | selves in an improper mauner. It woald be work written by Mr. J--ra'rg», published ia | | o | well for the country to unders'a2d that mam-- the Uuitsd Stater, in which s he cpen barter-- s | bers themeelves couild not raise th«ir indem:« Ing of votes and the goneral corraptlon, | nity,and that vo addion to the bardoas of the bribery, 2nd fcaud practised in the Siate & | country could be made withou: a message Leglalatures were fravkly admitted and , s ® trom bis Honcur, The membirs of this deplored, _ He also quoud statements from : House deso:ved better treatment from the the New York papers to the same effect, and | ' E> country than they had received with regard sald that the same rasults would follow | | 6 | to this matter. He bad not signed the round here Ift punlc wrvaunts were haloqutdg \| | . f robin for the lacrease, but he had not op:-- remunerated. He was glad to ssy that sac \ f j 3 pored it in the House, almply because he cfliets bal_so far been unknowa io this | y belleved there wore other members whose ccuntry, _ With regard 6 the romarks of the | | . CR k servio:s were well worth the M'h':" figare. bop, member for North Bruos, he (Mr. Mao: | ' e He thooght it very unfair to the Govera: dovgall) had had ccosslon in speaking of the o ment thet members, after having urged | furo lons and jurlsdlotion of this Ltfihfinn | is * * the --Acministration to ralee the in-- | to iken it to & large municipal Councll. That % demrity, abould now come down and | | comparison, mwade in the seose in which Imi § ~ * say _ itat _ the rentiments of _ the ' | had made It, was, he telloved, a correct one | *A ' people weuld not justify the lacreassd | But that did not affect the fect that.ths mat-- ' V indemnity,. _ It plainly showed that those | | ters dealt with by this Leglelature ware of # memio«rs bad deliverately milsled the Gov-- | the utmosat Importance--matters :fiaotingl | y i ernment as to the feelings of the country, our «duoational ioterests, cus munislpel a'« ' a ard on their shculders the responelollity Sitre, tha resulsticns of our Hq 106 Ho saves, C P s rested. -- For hbis own part he belleved it queaticns immediately concorning the lives 7 would bave been peocuniarily to hle advan. | and morals of the people. All of thero wereot 1 & tage it he had nevor been elected a momber | more !mmediate 'mportance to the people «. W ot the House,. Though he blamed the press | ihan quertions regarding postal administra-- 4 x of the ccuntry to a large extent for the | tloz, banking, azd so on, He wou'd vote . masner in which this master had been dis:-- : for the estimaten as they had been submi{t. k | 2 | oossed, BUIl there was a groat deal of ; ted to the House, and If his servious were * , blame to be att:ibuted to those members . nok worth $800 to his constituents they f of the Houre who had systematically could get some one else to represent them, > : depreciated this Chember by calling 1t / PR He T e s ces sn ce es en TT TT e e tm e ncoman mm remecememnammmmmnammarernoeaameeemena e mn