TORONXTO, 8A1 URDAY, FEB & f Wien e ionceonmyetrransrie eetiteraniondtevie mrnorens on entarte ccaceemeiat n ie ie ie f --____.--.*__.--____.--..'----------'r----'.--_l , . THB LEGISLATURE. 1 At the meeting of the House yesterdasy | Mr. Hodgins moved for returns respec'-- ing the Parliamentary Bulldings. He called attention to the fact that one of the t returns he arked for was a report of the f 1 y P 1d j ustified his motion for enquiry. His re-- | t f Publis Works D»--partment of the 0| marks w o > 856 ere disected against the alleged | 1 Province of Ounada +o long since as 180 milécond ilsconcuct Uf tho I.'e b,."rd S:l)dmul + i He pointed out the defects of the present Includi [ » 1 | - cluding allegations of cruelty, levity, | J f buildings, their dirgracef«l appearance, sud fayrairlHf 8 + | | ¥~urlidsin o i n e | unxbealthiness, and want of convenienc», of alleged mt as well as to instances | t 1t e( *A&UDDPO}]» Om abo * ad urged that no one could some to" any ligtous pr iLs propriation of labour, Re ' 1 us prejudice Emtacdt tor is f ' other conclusion than the one arrived at provel! P !. f ces were also stated to have | t led so far as t ) JW 5 F6 trenty years azo, that the buildings were furs! of th & A: l. have led to the rs ' H Aag * C¥ 4+ M 4. all a'to even then in suflicient and unsuitable for The last e consolitions reiig'on 14 | b f > mome nnar's lilts 'T 5 their purp(s=. Fromthe data that report ersinal k 'Lom' of a prisaonar's life. The | ¢ 1 MA v t + c> N suy plied he believed that a sum of 8500,-- ["' A av'le f aud nduct of tre | a ' & ® 1 a 4 5 a # 000 would cover the eregtion of a tasteful A':'t n \;Lrn included in the indistmen & aud perf@c'ly fire--proof atructure fu'-- h ¥ .p;;] Ing for an bour and a half the | 1 ly ade--quate to _ all the deamands onourat 0' gentlemen -- conduded by | c of the public service. His policy n:,doatly d'!sclaiming the possesstion of | o «f would be to rell the present sit», :: ora orlcal powers of a Damosthenes or | t | wortb, as he b--ltsved, $300,000, and thus hc' ro, ard bemoaning tha iU!ustrations | ® leave oniy some $200,000 to be provided, :. f .".". "-~"()'. he had made aford»d of | « the exy--uditure f wnich would be extend-- man's inhumanity to man.' t is | ed over several years. The (.ml., on ro-- F:"pur to Dh'."'l' bowever, that the wholse | t paire of the buildings since Co fed=ratlon | <4 the allegations made by Dr. O'Sullivan | t | had amonuted to nearly $:20,000, aund | bad appeared in an evening paper puk-- | c | Vtha tendency wou'd pasuraily be towards i Mshed in this cliy, most, if mot all, of | ( inemnae rather than the reverse A ette | y which had hbeen 'J!'!. roved by the el-- ' ¢ 1a the Queen's Parkcould3, he suggeat. o. 1 . cence hfea by the IP'rovincial 8 cretary | ¢ be obtsined on l--ase at a very 8 nal dtulng his protract«d in vestigzatloa at the | | anuual cost. Mrc. Williams fav ured the Instance of the (Governmeont. wB'cy evi | p construcuton of a fHrepr of Cro®n Land , Peonce is ROw being pr'n ed !or the use ol | | buildiog. anud the th n or air of th« l t me lhbt!l. .\h' W ood FO8A a' & q larter to ' t [ Prseut §Ir I ', M + ' ' 6 air to rrl."' and pointed ou*t th«a extreme | motion was put out as a feeler to tea't 13e | . unfairnesscf making charges and alleoga. | i | ©gtnion ef l0 H regardri Ihe tions in the absence of the authoritative | | eyimate of cost as fa'lacious, and d« testimony that would shortly be aubmit. \ ) prescted a change of site. Nor did he ted to the House. Mr. Wood was sooak |1 | b--teve the time was opportune for Ing when the bour for recess arrived. and | i reconstruccion. Mr. Mowat thought the is 4, ThkME 1 ( * * ' the debate under the rules of the House | | tlmna would coms for rebuild ng, bus that | 1 steod over. j ublic outaolon would not watrant such a | ) | * .' +A ) 9 | On the House r""nlh),:, aft. r the } x 14 procacdlieg at present .A go d deal of | # slotted to I'rivate Bill be hou: s ) € ) ¥ 14. r ths oppostiion was no doubt owing to the | Wood a '1 e Bills had elapsed, Mr. | : O NFrOC ( r , ce t of tho Parliament Buldings a: 1 tol() F N;" with bhis speech in re; L23 r. U Sul sn Uttawa havin« largely exceeded the eat ¢ illivan. HMe sketched the in +1 % 3 '"ry ('{ t}' ) ; Y'!",'\v (]l,'fl MA '»l ';Acv 1 tes. This wasins reason Wny '9" 2e | s the ay; apure / | t ment of the Warden,describsd the char err--r al | r ;.,..«1., '}. valled | t--rof the punishments in use | race | pevertholess. Nir. Dell . I of J 1 Cealra! aud U n ' the unheal * ndittion of the c ber. | 1 entral and American prison , the natur | 1@ M 1 a C 1 + ')f'h(.",l ) PR . | Heo beliv:ied that buildings | be Col oi "<.ths A'"uucno of meals t' | s'trucied for $ or s f P 4 _-rni.. C;l::»'lultu evade work, and :| | beo «11 O R ; | much more mi,bt be expestged on orna-- | ; "_*_"__?L_PL{?CLM_ mentation,. BHe believed the Province | ' itUyxmwatised the allegations of the memier | f cou'!d welil afford the money for the pur-- | | or East Poterboro® as an almost rerbatim | 1 | pore without i ury to the claims of oth $ 4 pa velay «ues U4 glv e# a aspe ui @tivcie® l1 Jn 4 ! cbiects. Mr. Scott did not tht , & '