-'-#--mbw' becauss the Minister of f f j B'mm" endeavoured as far ars he <romitut wou) 7 imitate the elegance of his new oo ss mene it aLot No hapedy tou, quarters at the Normal Sohool. _ This state oo mori es setudibfey wourd "oe done 2o of affairs was certainly not creditable to the M ireut too Llare of Trat would be done to richest Province of the Dominion, and P l:" glare of light from the windows it was the duty of hon, members on both 3." 6 south alde of the chamber fln sides of the House to express U Pols apiclmas 'lr;otl! in the faces of hon, members to thf . on the subjeoct without fear, favour, or affec: sys : of the Bpeaker, to the injury of their , tion, --He belleved if they did so they would chat ght. He suggested that the Speaker's 1 come to the conclusion that the present s r »hould be on the north side of th ' buildings were not such as Ontario should chamber, | and that the chatrs shoul4 be : have. (Hear.) That conclusion had been arranged to the right and lefs of Mr. Speak eome to over twon;{' years ago, during t:e as at presont, * or, Administration of Sir Francis Hineks, when Mr. SCOTT--The hon, gentlemam the following rerolutions had been passed:-- Oc izee s a° OO= u* & 6e exooses, : **'That the buildings heretofore used for (Laughter, ) 5. " the Houses of Parliament and the various Mr, HODGIN3 said that no | doubt 4 dcgmmnhouho ?'m service in the Ol'y hop, members to the right of Mr of Toronto are wholly Iradequate therefor fpesker were mow in Abs ?"" glare of » soming r ':"'f"'"d on which they stand ts {nb_l is opinton, buy ther ¢1d new wish to $urn coming rapidly to be within the commercieal heir backs upon the fighs by golng over to f "h'lh business portion of the city, so that the other side of the House. (Laughter ) w It will be cvery year loss J. ted to Mr, WILLIAMS said h« thought th Te rerviams io whigy it has hern sitbarte cvars Londs Hetidtng snonld, be storkist 1t can no longer be applied w.lt.: i. Eue '1g> "r.thh' es k +o ig viel on t mt onl ie aat ."C to economy, at he a due re-- po bfludl!g 'hl'. it had to l'.pglg tae Sppitcation to such . purposte -- oan viend Iniidteq were put on meoer Teools 1 w o cid greaily in the way of improvements urgent] Tosk iof many J proper repalr 1t wo iid | ' required in the said olty for commercial 3 solid than thy en h onl ntidice | r business purposes, and T the Pr9¥100® of any other public balldice | "*'That the boat site for the P M | tugs aforesaid would be, tho.lbro:?én 1a 5s | Jage Sould s uesd Tt poocuo0 * fieas ormin, of the Uni m ' i * 4. dowment, and El'oh' at tho.hud'mz O.o'; k ]I:::.":Ilr ;I.:::?%Q::d tC thay thiy way a h:!:Amu, which ground will not be re: proper time to Inisiate ie on betairare for quized for collegiate purposes," new Parliamentary buudl"...xp'r.nd"u" iL. At that time the old Parliament ot, Canada tare hadl met muol to vomplais of in the pro. ind eemonpaonly B4 mtmbrmy sed topen ts befansmaon it io oi te ber, he did not thisk that a 3m o eet OO Apomentt might not be suffi | ween the present resouroes and f Mr, MOWAT sai j onl us m at Oclatle ind Shoes of is ::u m 'ozméllo.' 'o' .;: sourke thegooa:lll: anad d lead * at soms d h who considered the ;.'.'::'t Any ons quire now Parli ay they would re. the conelaslon then come oo Shonls o belleved the g Shtenl matioest of Tht prople | ' * e revenue had a & e been from three _ to _ three and ho ut Tlims, " bake ): " e " "bed oo ASoue y ® I;u.m-nd it was now rapidly comin that ore reason for the . st 1 fiog b!o % amount, The losality had al.f | which now existed was 'th:m eallag 3 Cane 0::.:::.:1:?y Tha deot Prod 1n feveuk of . | fums vared Ior the Pur had beea between ths 4 Meo s1 ie poad of Ootiegs Avends is poriice | at Ottawa Jud ns nuvunt tnoy aohistly S of the Uaiversity ondowg.om"n" fe portion \ cost He th the amount they actually i ments of the clty made To frimel mio on | fhke Te pniigtograiny Sew y * 5* c : jeotlonable one. They had carried through | _ Mr. BELL cntended N [ laea 2s wall sf mmiee waler I9e io soabcs eriangemente of there builiiags mere wolk f | me water lots in defect! re moat § , tlon with the property, and f l lading detective, -- Baildings required by the P | 5. the precu in." Thare R 5 the fanding t ca might be erected for $200,000 or $300.. _ large _ appropriation !ar. u:l" been a | 000, or even $400,000 or $500,000, and the | of new Pariiament Buildings od ersotion { m' would be well 'P"" if it im.- ' ment House. The uloc\!o: ?0 fFE s | h the ranitary _ arrangements . of The feal Sf Governamay hat, Lywergt, bams | the Fouse and provided _ o f mrdn wsd bad @revomied any sotton; oaine commodatton "'Yor "" the . Dopariments, ' ards | vinoe d f ;." B"'I"{' e uootl:::i :lf. :::' 'P.;::. i :?:tyo '::ll i'l:l.l pm;p:; and for alvl;:w:: | . epare the De 4 ys at the same time. Thke The im miboats Teonaed the | ol Mr, SCOTT belleved the view that now | ereotion of Government House, and * 1| m Patliament buildings were required at new | ;::fld ul:umocn $450,000, The uoon:;"w.:: m.'?"QINC 4 was pre-- ' rather a F. LA y smounted " "to -- &m' "':cl:a."v ';;d lament bnudlnglun;'.l,': :w:;'.:" Par. / Acg l dihob.eomfit!on that | the fie fhousht bomever, that u7 n triban 4 ti he oh were required shoul | proof, which Involved an Addittone erected. The public opint ald, be | ditlonal th public opinton would jastit expense of about $1 e Governmen juaskify | Tetethat P We whnttinente o) the provins: buliginge "bo, 'nccommedate All" ihe dap in 0 favour of | ments anud to 1 ard« m i on Piop, on soie e roeyr ut they should at least «C gs from * Tai purposss, to veluable that 11 sold The ctabee for Toutk oree had aaid. the o ¥he proces¢s, along with a very small draft u Tive s infesndé. iweres o movinn ho ' : would t m&l" of nearly five mllllo':l.: bn!lm He objected, however, to movin t would be sutficient to erect appropriate dh'l from th.wn' .u'.' g the | 'Wh "t:'g-. The property had been es. Mr. SEXTON favoured the erectl | ' rhe at £$300,000, and _ suppo new Crown Lands office, to 1 erection of a | that the, coay of the now Dalld. new buildings to be bulls eventus part of the | fa "5- shculd bs half a million, they Ind. Mr, MACDOUG eventually, I n i e:,fi:::. &f. the un:::t required to ereok question must be o:hld'.,(.sju::::). said this | ; in renpronnin pain d ng on en en reud | a num t years. site of ed on the | s | Province of Ontario h; h!d Since the the Upper Canad : | Institat! m Oollego, If that | j ernment no less than $120, 00%:5"" Gov-- m on were to be continued he th ' pended vpon t} w been ex-- * might be removed to th ought ; 4 Tont sen, would l;'::':'hbllldlng-. That _R fl:mmodhh necessity Tor l:;:k'mogz;"; i ;onld ':'"':': 'hundontood the Mii::ltyuoz U:.wl?:)tBI']';lslgh' y ons 4 & eepin e atructure in * N also property of the Univeraity, whict unt bovs Pn o mb mss oo ies ings ; pon ® su Frased vanle it h "acsea bolgeqgs oi The mobion plmd" fovsthe proush | on :? in lots for the University E:'d'" o 44 : mht. se only .hl:dp" cont ol Ns Valas pasd l OENTRAL PRIGON. each year, He had no doubt that for a Y Mr, O'8ULLIVAN moved "Tha Parlia ;:l:. .b -lr h::ll::.'d under the Ao'.":' %t.loo.:' Committee, composed of M :m: f ra * | be presently available, . B ounad mald Nss "ofjeines, Lh " 25 Meredith, hoped the Gov. in quire into lllv:'ll'ntmb.. appointed _ t> l 1 management of the '