. "A, _ k _ . noun thouhthoreweeoéeuldmbl. . 1'l,'lfl e: I'Mfl'le, it wee that dieeaee or than M . not, Though tho y hod heretofore been with The following Item eleo pen Id _ out on ontolde hoopltol " thot trtrtttutitm, a Chance on on" Lends. 891,600. t'l,Ctd'd,t,2P" had ttten W for ( Refund account. $104,319. _ I Amount " per etoteutent No. 26 in tie ( 'did famous a: tUhr,,', notion 1' Public Aooounto al1875, $19,223 87, . I e the no no on em . blaming!" the Crown Londo Recorde. l 2."122t, 'tthu, he dil not on FRASER and u it wee thtatlr dociled --. moo-o o. no "new..." mu the Bit. to erect "' Inch "Mild. or "Milli. the counts for 1876 were brought down. 5 1'lrl'i',1dgt','2t'dS,a' Jegu'h"2lt The Committee thou race to report pro- !' "rule ; 'Te ttte, "a" "a then M,_ Mr. MOWAT moved on. odiourumout of L Aeylulu foe tho Insane, Toronto. 827,. "I. Home. . . , 075 c The Houeo adjourned et 10:45, I Min-n hm- Iuano, Ihadrn, 338.340. (W, oA'rsurutqiii""ii"iimaa, RAILWAY ( Aeylun for the Ineene, Hamilton, 8103,. : CO MPAN Y, l 950. i The Bill introduced by Mr. Hod'loe on _,' J Aeyluot toe Idlote, 0.l'lin, 36,732 g Monday wee 't,',gt"t// tutt hue . a tatttrtttahate oommenoetnon o e ' e or not " ', dtp.'"ul Re omatory, P... ' Roll-av, not the Toronto Street Roll way, or g Oeutaal he". Toronto, 315,250. gehshd Wm" ;- all" end Dumb tttttttttte, Bollovlllo, 828.. NOTICES " MOTION. I ' Hon. Mr, Perdee --qhst he will, on W Initiate, Brentlord, '23,02s. Thureday next, introduce e Bill to emend I h" 'rheotuartotrimm Guelph, 816,800. the Free Grant lid Homeoteed Act of ' ' ; Soho] of Pgaottaal Menu, Toronto, 8600. 1868, i Education D etna _ Mr. Hod lul- Order ot the mmm-. , _l" I Soloed, Toronto, 'm'll't" and Noemat That he will 'ley beiore the Home (I) Ho , NM School, 0.. 81 200 port of the Doyertmont of Public Work- of ' l o tqd "5 "- ' . the I... Puma etc-ac. dated the hd I q . mil, .000, April, 1856, on the probable coot ot erecting , l On tholten: Government Route, 820,000, Pullomentuy building- in the city ot N -- l Mr. BELL "pm "I, h thet the nonto. (2) Report ot ony etepe token by , I... ionoe to be P? orcund the annual" ', ouch Department or by tho Government of F N e Home would not, 1. the - one, ohut the late Province of Gouda toe the eoleotlou ( the pounce out on m}, from publle m, of e eito toe ouch Perilomeutoey 'ehtr in l 3 Mr FRASER ma the intention JG, t,2te,',2,', Park, rt'd,1t'ditsPa1,t At I ego Avenue pureceu 6 i 2'2" 'l.'l,11'" . m" mama... and . "' Victoria, ch. 1'61. and for the an ot the x " lend end - love mentioned in eoction 4 The item yoreod, " did the iollowln. .'-- oi the eaid Act. (3) A oteternent chewing Perlhmont Building» 32.500. the totol "haunt expended foe repelre of the ' Ahttrtm Diotrlot, $3 COO pneeot lorliexnontary and Dopartmeutel 1 r' ' . bulldluge, and for route end repair- ot l 'ltmnhe " mm". "400. tomporery offio", eiuco let J oly, 1867. (4) 3 Nlploolng do. 8200. An eotiuoato oi the value ot the loud end l 1htakoU do ivoildioge now need for Parliaments end ' . 8600. " Parry Bttttad do 8100 Dcpertmentel Buildinge, end on utiuuete of l 1 The tttturea a', det "a h " the probellle cont of erecting new public I "means; 21.4. ' ' ot bullet-tttOmar/Shri/a, Mcehoha Riva Workep (inclining t h.'t'gte.,e,ttai,,eetrty Thuredey i8800) " 800 row e ttext-Bill entitled An Act to amend the l . ' ' . Act reopectiog mortgegee end nice of per- Wye 1ttmr--amaut, (revole), 87.900. "I! WON"! " Rory out Fairy Leheo Worn. 86,000, f-r-er-er-er-leer-ere Sony. River orib-wook,&o , 81,000. PUBLIC ACOOUITS OOMMH'I' BB Bolton 1t)verr-ru" end boom to protect ---_i--- dun. end at outlet oi Burnt Rim, 82,000, TORONTO, J on. 23. T Gull end Burnt River Wake. 88,000. The Public Accouuto Committee met this Surveye, leopeotiou, erhltretione end 'ttotning, Mr. Cloth (Wellington) in the owerdo, end chem" not etherwloe provided , ohatr. Pmnta Nicene. propke, Wood, ; lot. 85,000. Cememn, Striker, Grbeon, Ferric. Morediah, beHrn, 32.000. Mr C. Cosmos tter, te"ag't aid r Lochmeeton'. ' . . that he woo on o cor tho on I on Utd telarioo, 'itat"""' M bridge ten Roede Branch of the Crow: Lough Depart- mout; t e eyetem pureuo wit roger ta g 4 at3)/ti1it't'tttegiye: t owl" wet to edvertleo for tendon for g a th ' 1' on colcnlz.tlcn roede loot year we! 3:. 'l J" 'ergu "rpfgd'g', 'eue, I tll1",ltiglttle 't,"g,f1'uhgpJ if?! in?" TJ,ue'alh?, w" tere/tate doubt that tho oxpondiluro under thin heed {to}: 1t,U"'g time noggin? J1hQtt woe e pretty lot-go one, but hon gentleman p.19... The lootrncilone ttivan by the Don- . 'ttNW'et,?,e'i2i :{Iofvrztd a"! mloelcuer were to nowhere eorviceeble good- Thund Y B ' "tt " " of medium quality, end to got at good velue - r th or ay to the Ottewe River. on! that " pouible tor tho money. They mode on . or" could be no doubt or to the greet : eotimeto " tho brginulug ot tho eeeeou of tho 1 necoeeity and edveutage ct opening up then l quantity of pork and fhstir required for eboul , {than to the lowly eettled diotricto one~heli tho eoeoon, end edvertiood for lfhd'fa Il',f, mile. of new road i tendon. Syrup. toot, end other goode of - _ . no 1'2 cl tde like remind. and I that kind had to be purcheeod from that to " , Mt ed th tin." erected. m bed 3 time, no they were ot o verl- A ; mud to: g ','N."t .8005 dent ot l able oherector. m kept himeeli [ ma would was, h lunch he hed , poetodontho current minor ot each gcodo r d. to the JI . ' o 'ttttl Mr. " it woe impoteible to tender for. By oom- C] ; l building kutIrd'tt,t" t2trrtt poring prlce lleto ot leediug doelore he war 1 g I know toottho amount woo not T, . h 0 able to oecortoiu where there goods tmah no - lean hon. "been qrttrttd llk 'IIS' " tone, rice, wrap, M ) could be nominated f pended, but it wee to be ' an" to the beat edvoutege. Smetimee the eup- T ttentUrrun "mun" "We" 2gt ply of pork end fhmr did not hold out. and nacho-m Itellnthot dl h Wu! d in ouch ceeee omall addition-l queutltiee had \ perhepe beletho public 'dttt H be to be purchaoed later on the eooeou end tenet. ' . higher prioee gold. The reuon why they ,Ilthd that ll they continued to expend I h h 1 f money oellherolly for thou purpose at they I on" pun ared m t . "I y p." of the tee- ! i had for the poet few "m. the time Wtttttd eon enough to iaet for ebout hall the eeeecu once: me wltea, thee II I l to '0 1d we; becoueo pork end fhmr were portal:- it". Mainly ttttod Node m h ed 'd eble, end they hod no plecetoetcro them coedod, though wtth "r, cooeldorohlo Jllli': except the ohautleo; loot yeer the Depart- culty,ln throwing upon ouch cryonized maul. cont hed tsdvertkrd tor mono pork end . oipnlltiu in there Metric to at bed a onuelder- ',elg'hhta', 'lf/tpo,,',,),:',"?:',':]," tt l e . j 'td, 'dell"'" the burdut ot "like their that "" which he no obtolned by going After Bttrgtq deoultc eround emong leading dealero; he could not f W commotion, ta. any whether tender- were noted (or in 1876