e -r. m--.----------"""-" """' CC") I tliTllllli) LEGISLATURE i, "r-----'.""- WIRE nttt.MEtT-ttthll SESSIM. o.,..------. chrswrxvu ASSEMBLY» Toronto, 4th Jen, 1877. The Spceker took the cheir et 3 o'clock. - . PEHTIONS. The icliowkg petition: were immmh" BrtMr Wilson-v From W C Venluehirk- and new, cf St. Truman. for an Aot to in ccrporete Triuily Medical Shoot. By Mr mrdr--Brom Cherie- Rodglavutd othere, ot Brant, to the were effect. By Hon Mr'M?.ecdon--1?eoas A L McLerene end otherr, ot I'M-onto, to the eeme effect. By Mr Wattrrworth--6ottt Alexender Urehem. end when, of Middle to the eeme tffsof. Br Mr 1rodeiat-rProtn W Birdcn, end other, of Elgln, to the rerun effect. By Mr Thour-hom John McDlsnuld, and cthere, to the same effect. By Mr 1h'eaher--h"iom P Event, end others, ot CardrrW, to the true effect. By Mr WI "and I-morn D Banner, to the rune tfbeh, T I By Mr WlddibP.--.Pevn J L Rule. for an I Actto ineorp:is'.o the " Chrietien Church' i ot Cenet'm. , l By Er 8ieeJslr--rrom J A Campbell, tog in Act to did-Jo the tawnhip ot Eat ' Hm heihury. By Mr anwr--Frrm Town Council ot Whitby, for tvartuirntttita to Municipal Auto, and for equality of uxation emong property- hide". By Mr Hoet,.tw--Frotn County Ccuzoii of Oxford, to the eeme 'ffr.ct. Alto, from Rev il Civics end others, for en Amt to euthorize tho mortgage of certeiu lend: in Toronto. By Mr f?ctort-Irrr,at Rev T B Jones, for an Act feuthcriziug tho mortfcge ot certain law!- foe the bttuttit ot St A ben'e Church. 0.tewe. Also, from the Burn & Quebec Rei'wey Compeny, f ' an Act to emend their Act of L oorporetion. By Mr Rt-r-Front' Dennietou end _ cthere for en Act to incorporate the " Willieme Hell Peterhcro' Proteuteut Poor 'Ircet " By Mr 1Tardt--Prrrm the Town Council of Brentiord for en Act to incorporete the town of Bmtiord " e city. I By Mr Wihrott--1frotn W E Ieerdi, of St l, Thoma, for en Act to edmit him " e Pro. , vinciei Lend Surveyor. I By Mr C1aruuNorfoikl--Nnn the Port I Dover end Lake Baron Reilwey 00.. for en 1 Act to emend their Act of Inc "poration, l TEE IADDRIH8, I Mr. MILLER, on rising to move the Ad. g drone in reply to the Lieuteueut-Governor'e speech, expreeeed " regret that the hon. member for Eeet Kent had been prevented by illneee tram dhoUrgtng the duty which had " the loot moment been entrueted to him Orr. Miller), He believed etrcngiy tut the Home ehonld not be celled together before the commence- i ment of the new your la the bueineee ot l lumbering the month of November wee one of the bueieet in the your, when the work of the eummer wee being wound up end that of the winter wee beginning. m believed it wee pretty much the eeme with other cleeeee l oi the community. end fancied thet even ' with iewyere the prereut eeeeoe "orded e better opportunity for ettendiug to their tttf", dutiee thee en eeriier pert ot the ter. Since 9ordMetatiort, he believed, the House had never had en opportu. Bit! of diecueeiul the complete eceoeuu ot the yeer. Pertiei eccouutu were very " I 1atlrfatitorr, whether in otmunaroial or pull. I tlcei mettere, end it the opinion of the Home wee in ievcur at meeting in N oven. ber, the meet )eer mm end on the 30th September, but It the tiecel yeer wet to con. form to the celvnder Par, the intereeh of the eon-by demended that the Home would not meet till Jennery. Now they were promised the entire ecocunte for 1876, m hoped they would be before them et " only dey, end that the Opp which end the up. mrtore oi theGovanmeut end the country " ge would ecen them cloudy. m observed that they were promised e Bill for the ex- tension ot the frenchiue. m wee one of there who lud been tether of the opinion V thet the trench!" ought not to be extend" . 'I-i-tI-i-qt-------.--, 4-..h¥,,