Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Jan 1877, p. 1

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_ I, , C _ use" T "'1% or: F ", . t y .- ' _'.-' r1"? Ir' r r . " . = LEG 'l V A: a'iii-, ' '?-'Er;'3llMllW" s . C '.'f!' it " , :'l'.-'>"» A -aiiiUT, * t Gm" . r. fi. :f' ca, ttfr:. provlaiou mutt be made, " thin acetic-1. for - ' _- _ ".3 7 " ' the accommodation ot the innane, if our meant of receiving and caring icr thene at. Illfrlilllll T E ' _ flitthed perecne are to keep pace with the an- nual fgtt"'"'" which unhappily are to be an 0 pa t , lllliil n trum-tttMill SESSIUI. lrogret to fiad we em there is a no. ennui icr increased accommodation icr ---_- the lind and for deri muien. Th e Leomarrvn Mlle". tre,',,',"' ot an _,t.i'i,',e"t2,t for M. Ttmaths &d m" 1877, 'leg. tl,, th . iii "will?" run on 0 one an o unate "I. MO" "I" ot "I. third Parliament ciaraen will thereiore demand your humane . M the mun oi Ontario wan opened oeneideration. 's, gehei1ar b, Big Hm the mm N/rtri.uttrtt.ttdittg the large mme hitherto Governor. who leit Government Henna at Att,f,/ggtWJta:Yi', "My 2t,',',: ' . ca one are me e on Je. about 3'0 clock, eeocrted by the Governor- gall ot acme of the tuttinirhtd an well an of , a Gelatin Body-guard. A company at the the other projected railwayn, for (my; Xanth RoyaIn termed . M u Mp " manta. I commend to your prudent atten- the Parliament Buildingn, and up unual tu',',,', tl ttte, application! which mV g e ore you. 'ttt wan tired by a battery ot the Garrinon The - oi the Records in the Crown "r. Landn Department being or great importance q Amon thone on the a", oi the Chamber to the whole community. I invite you to con- ." on!" Jugthn Harrinon, Chancellor alder whether therein any guffioUett reaeon Spregge, Me Juetice Patternon, Mr J notice for inrther delay in erecting "ttit I 'stef, Burton, an Jueiice Mona. Mr Juetlce nor. building an my "ford the needed mu tr In rlaon, the Mayor of Toronto, the Arcbblrho inture. oi Toronto. the Very Rev 1'r'itJ.'.'ll'd,'ldl It inwith eatieiactionl note that, while Rooney, the Very Rev Principal Sncdgraee, the_labcricun and prudent character ot our the Rev Dr Topp, the Rev D J Mac. people ban eavedun irom muchoi thedepree- donnell, Rev Jno Smith. Rev Father Con- eion which etiil prevaile in no many couu- _ way. Rev, Father Morris, Rev Father m. trien,their one? and intelligence are open- lane-y, Eon David Chuirtie. Hon Wat Mo. leg up newmar eteicr the produce ot the. Master, Hon G W Allen, J n-Jge Mackenzie, Province. (V Judge Boyd, Mr B Homer Dixon, Sher-iii t lrejoiceto be able iroma pernona! viait McKellar, Dr J George Hodglnn, Deputy '0 give myteetimooy to the enooene which Minute}! of lildutmtion, .nd Mr Joseph Inga. attended the exhibition ot ODIN"!!! I". lie. The Minor Macdoncld were aocomo- W0" " Philadelphia. Too much and" dated with eeaie near the chair. A large cannot MIMI" the great seat and the number ot other ladiee were present, The intelligent etroru whieh WON dilpiayed in attendance ei membern wan unusually snail. - . epartmcnt by the 990910 ot Ontario. Ilia Rancur 3&er at zero: minute! after andwhtnh largetr oorttrittttud to Canada'n three rtfrndsd by Cal R L Danton. B ll, ttitting . proud poattton in itn rivalry with l Ctrl 'iiioiiirii,' Wi" Grant, and Sheriff J arvie. afgthr,ttti "g,'gtg1tt _ Hie Honour was then planned to open the tween 'lh',l'l',1', 1nd 'lrgt2t'd1t'gteg,ht, I "tsiias with tha "WWI" epeech '.-- reocive the attention of my Government. l can SPEECH mom was THRONE. . Bed?- h',",", 'e'ctgt',,e,o,t on the lubject, ,' T . _ . , , :0 ' - ,n r., n. men: one m overcmant met at Ottawa, 'tij/ttii)'.' a...d (Antwan ef tle, Lolita. by 'iiiiili'r'ih, . Committee ot the Gave-r;- , p ' P, . ernmen o'. uebec; and, aiter diecueeion, I I have much picalure in welcoming you a couree ot action, to obtain without further l again to your "a"! dati" in connection lore ot time an authoritative deeieionu _ with the legielation and government ot the " ttt tho award of 1870, war mutually I" l Province. 2'S'flaitt2c,e"'2igt being iound to be . clean a ct or " acceptance at theaward 1geiokatoUve it in re over to an- ' nouneo that the learned 'lg,,lellfo,d',, icr milligram oi the important matte" the Coneolidation of the Statutes have comv I? ' ' pieted their important "a 1attttrioaq and". _ B g, the determinaiion ot the PKOVIBOIII ' taking, and that the reeuit in ready to be lt'elt,'P, by the agreed mshhod of an "' _ tnbmitted to you. I hope that it will be l 't on, the appointment of . new "bi. found practicable to give to the people ot the " " on behalf of tho Proeinea 'ttttUry bo Province at your proeent eeeelon the bentetit 'l'l'l' ntotmNPr, tha dutiaguiahrad 'it,t',irt of thin wrrir, with such amendment: l ',t, wan to 0"an that pout'ea i la the existing lawn " your wisdom ' M. iU'du'.'",,f, to Ito relieved from " i. may "rggs" or epDI'OW- Billn embodying i "herald e, a provieional line had been mu. l various amendment: which have the recom- Rimming" "PM. in terms f.. the mendation ot the Commieaicuern will be laid l reec n Nt o thtt Rabin!" Aucrnbiy at a 2 hf". you. signals"? in: "tiftet' amount of " ! . the ma " 9 or t e ascertainment of ! A "e"", giving voter to the tone of the ultimate boundaricn had been collroted , i iermern in comic can" will be "bntittod for a new and an exhauttive etate t f th I your ttonridorattor. Alec, a Bill icr extend- cane of Ontario had been re 1'l'li'", oand e i lag the Votera' Liete Act, with centenary considerable . i p p a . i V . pen o the documentary and i taisdifieatltme, to Munioipal eleotione. other evidence affecting the queetlone e, I Further progrene and improvement maybe inane had been printed.' ' Aim-5g looked for in the great came of education. everything in now ready for the futtv1 row that it has reached another decision, within a few months, by able stag? of development under the Act I and competent referent, of queetione which oi iaet Ssedort, which edged the I for two centurion have given cccaeion to keen adminlatratior. of educational a airn to a I controversy, and often to fUroe oartfPats, be. teaponnible Department. It in prepared to tween the nationn. an well an the great public not your nuisance towardn layirseng.th' '. bodien, who have from time to time claimed qualli1et'-onp oi teachere, and in neouncg. I pcrtione ot the dieputed terrlto ' to all the echonlr, tenchorn properly trained I have given directionn that the public ac. in the beat method ot teaching. ccuntn for 1876 than be laid before you. . Re rte will be laid before you an to the p The eetimaten iorthe varicun branches vi the worhEg ot the law respecting the eale of ' Public eervice for the present year have been iermented and epirituonn liqucre node: I granted. and wlll be mhidttsd to You, a. :Aot of 1... 3mm, It will on will find that they havebeen iramed be eeen um on. Act bee already with - new! to economy N well as had a bemriioin edsot in diminiening the evile efrrpienar, againet ,rlnoh lg war directed. A Bill qriil I truat that your deliberations will receive be offered for your ooruideratlott embodying tha Divhse binning, , and will result in " some amendmentn which have been 1'r,1'gt,; l ,ttrttstrtg i)" pr-i'., and tttsppLea of all ed by experience " calculated to a vanoe cianeen CI the, people, the efiioUnt working ot the law. Bin Honour then left the Chamber. An agreement has been arrived at with the Aiter tome interval, Government of the Dominion tor the pur- The Speaker took the chair. ciaee ot the Rechwood Lunatic Aeyium, /i eubjtot to your approval and the ap- PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY- ' prove! of the Parliament ot the Do. Mr. SPEAKER Informed the Home that minim. Should thin agreement go into he had received the return at the judge: meet. the criminal location now otuitiued in sppoiued to try the controverted election thin a-yium will be removed, and room will for the county at Prince Edward thereby to. thyd, for "he; nttl,',2e SOUTH WELLING iia ea t at t, " atet our er ' I regret , mm Mr, SPEAKER alro informed the Route

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