q ~ -- "" , .. 7 end it wee t " _ %i3t V .' _.. BT"; ' '0 "mtttthtutr_artxutrtottet " . . Sg, I q'f,",t',r)t,hd Idea', " it Jef l "" agafts they had ht , ' e on ion ' j))':'t't,,',ii?iti'tiilli'li,1 ttdd te,tat. We": "55. "5555 453.3% I n _ ccnne would have been pmn'difaznt this magma. be? te fl capo," to PM! I hear) m had the lethhctlon iri'u' r, "silhtion, and the y . crept into our . ' that hie Meade In South Victorh did 'g,'rlit this le and by, J2't, Hiding in ' '. I,',,',','?,',',, do nnythlng [noon-intent with tf, "d grouping 'tul;ltlt%, bruso _, Ill' 'l'lh'd I Tte',', of the Government, ttttt affecting ralltritr tadd' , I torin read 'e,th"G1gleff,t', the We ligeglclgglhtn: " true policy w" to grant llh , upon which they could jam; $30353 m" defined Show? with 33:105.!13: If, :13"! , e O _ 55?: "m w" sarrUd, a Win a. renew. I 'ad,l',lt2't/,',t aooordanoe with 5553:1133 h t th . i, totem In them"; in "g m! to other in. , Md ',t2e,t"eddr'l1,u'e'"tt'2t of the 3 ment aunt won .203: an? the Govara. a " per on them! to he l . __ e emouuto . ' aided undo th , tribute from] , --. -- .,.,-_ on - beretotore lu', (,',,tg.T,',tg Mt,',,',',':',": or tailrrsri, I 31mm: 'ter), 'itil {n "r'igurd bit ratified, mu be mended "In: itrf, duty least tttily one": tn: tes,', spplr, ttr " Jenn-tr. 1878, a" of 'cr/l/ttfs' Iti, rule We? 03%;?3111'? kt The Committee r " "F- to Wing manic! , '.e re- V which were referred 'e21ll" rasroitttiomr, ielt had in refer once 2ttl'hta "aim; 1 , _ 2 . f" " . a Ar,; filiofllg"tl,',Titit,e laced tending 3.. 337.3353"? if, 'etet mans: if ' oer +1 - n on " t1',1Wx'tlt,'dl'g'tt,t 'de 5-51-'513'35 'ill; 'tti"it"'upg1t,""i,tei, tl' rmult "33515 j 0," cy o the Grove I th . " nu ttornpttstu bo- ',; . on the first reading he would want tt e , 019M113: of the time all : an} otnervations further th 2t now In". 01mph"... Would claim owed the ' to on extension of t1 , 'tr,u'g'p"1ftghrdtt 't2ut',,ftt, s5td1,at'ttgt', 'tg2l" (idem la cough , e ha of the G i' . I ould not be r mentmsreltt my m ti d mm- who. with": e limited ti t) provisional "Romany; e wlth regard to the 3203:2164 agency we: 'eo'll'l'ld's, I: 55:11:; ~..5 //flf,"ly),2t',ttf , the .55.»; 5 T,',,",',,'.')':,'")',:.' ta'"g'd,"1'.,1,r,,a,, ttl . '9 n " e'enoeto u. of the In." . '." M" "Y aid. He contended th t e! n J. "V AM "ul than" n on t g_rsnttdtortstl-rhiots 121 d new" 815133"? Fund locked up in' "We J,'.',', o tinamsial bull. u about ts'00 056, "ftialent I Tt blah tshould be now nveileh'e f or the a", cunt granted by order ul" ii,' .Of the nm- "yt:. He concluded by Winn; r 1llT, been demanded Wh mun] had not In," Bill oonfiictod With I, ". g m ti . y would th f . otnitsion Act; In ' , locked up, and why chonld the 'le,'gt',2't l if. 2',,',ttte", limit of time for tha oom.' if?" . 'tew "home to and relive»? H. I p Ilutneht . mm eurtenrd by the Ifedaral twt :3 "Jt"g2 the Government should - I 'ii F P , ' uni-tn a. I 'lt 'thae to???" to J,'iJ,1'rl,1'1'f,t"f,itTxre,t he won do? There wee lilo n balan recon Fod. 'Rundrl'eld M 'tf, ill. "a" Donne! Mr. 7 Fund, and att-thor th 0. In the Snbuldy. , a can»: no oath! we! one tending to . g" irntt lumen d 5 to the credit of the Rifle Wu P" amount bwk stunt!- d " develop the "fficUnt to meet the cl Inn's" y ls and "tptr (do line s, m not to "mung" Wm th . of the milwars P g ' 3 " the preeent Go ' .hrmaxw prone-ed to aid, Since 1872 ji,t',1/tht A rtrOway to los',?,,"',":,:,' Pom 83 668 a had vented tor "in!" pnr- . m " stther . femur to name other line amount; ' 8, Ile did not - that the rr 'te owning up . "w portion of the had been 12lf' 11:, ltd,',' f.h1t,flt "I. grants .0 , C"/'l,s,',"r,"d 3:55" "home. his motion of the Home had made tho" ' t ho thought ; w ,'.' h , m . fen ignored,nnd the people tttN mute on. _ ' 5' t.'at now-tic. no bee ' brie." The true but. would b. the .;m ' 5: an by thug Gevunment and o',','.",.',', (fizz: , to 'dl' 'tle ti,? The Wellington. ('rey ur.rr, ""nmr) , ' "m ruce, t e Toronto, Grey and Ill',' , - " P55151115 ' ' I . a}: , a . 'cSt"gt,'atf, granting. 'liiiiiiiiiii,i, a; N rt, ."ert it" il,,'gf, 4,1612%}: alanine my. I eon In . ' . J "not l t 'ca, an fol while their gunk! ' coon , , . TI Mutant rend; in th " a . ' mm th "' it . ' "y"""rye 125$" trt: tttl Irt,1fte,'t','ttt, 1 t Lina Ln " M" "turaaurrr fir-Mum '.". e on that the on ltd of . ,/'~ Mr. GRANG bfpd,.1?ntl North fie-tinge 3:051:1me of "ding the "outiiu,ttuu, fat, to ii 164 Tg'"',',, ff, 'hi Gregg Valley, 1'y,21 to entail tire Tone! 'i'1"l'lsd/ 21 ' ' - l am n w o e -- h . ' . t?gt"lgtg,'f $4,551.); Norfolk, $4 tgl tritntod 1/ii1t, It,li,tl', /'ahetg dia. Gi A',',',',',?", 'lf'oi, Port Dover "ia' '. Port of a majority ot member; " the sup- Prince 'L",',"aeldi, nl\ 'tgt 55.770; and l are revenue one felling off Je'8t2 ed to have a strong "enrich! any that teem- I I e expense ot Govornment w" um 7-. "kin r I there-eh: tand tr t ' y " ,t,1,l?,et1tcg'2htf,;i'il?' 155555 onthe 3535?! l 'i'iii'i?'iiii? ','U'll ts1'2tld"ifflra,tiii by the Dominion that e or, 'IX,', chartered ( ', , t e respective revenue for mat yeer " _ bad a capital equ'el to shea?,,',',')', Junction . il',',":,?."'.',',,?: week! be nominally noting ,. Kingston and Pembroke, up per mu" the, 1 l h ' und tho teralt would be 3 continue! V . . £59,260; and duh: noon the 5:. 3:535:33ng 31mm; winch led',; I fe, chimed that 'Cl,,';")',',","',',',,', 33%;: _ '5 , . " ant ad not C a I m" ""3 heir: hart . on the mph..." tryatetn of ci t5 p F e c and by the Govern . ' outer! . l nut, and " w id . . rd?- J. CliNI? Lrgleleture seemed again: winch would 'dfil2 12yggettr"ut Show (r '-' . ' a!" up eepltelcf th Bl 5. .- . ' - agent)" Pe,' Heeling: 15mm; "lti - mi: GOW nid the members of the Opmr god, th . ll n regard to the Credit Valley line ttt to - on tMt purtiauar alumni Hutton and Notth.Wetfasrn no Tomato tft"; The mambo for 1Get iiiri'iif.-', WP thud: The Ncrlolk xeilwny had ntrt A thought the Government magnet); she North Mmamr, $2,500; tho hat] " gone fer 'enongh, While the "out ityaf [tl.,'-', 2.h't',y which was 'ttffl.' 1'lAtut',t't'tLtf, tdate gone . ',', e l, thy" ; the Pritaoe Ed . ' to " but ro. 1'31 :5" OOO; tht, "Mm. $15,000; with» ','af,,,t Je,',""), .largo "rttyttntot LT; I c'urte- (info Junction, 33.5"". OI the roads l than h 'tll?, oooulting the Home, yet, Jun q" odor [founmon Acts. the Greed he 1','lll Ioverpmw" took the Hones Into 1 King I?.' had a pid-ap sneak M 530.000, tLo l end 'd'fh'dl't no naked its ttoruidaratloet l 'llh'ifdl and _Pembrokc $75 275), "a the 'n'. G "tte In reference to these mii. ion] 'e and City don-w. itrt000 Not I 7dl/ul,'lh "(in member for South Simon f may) 'lld'l than "m. ittoottautartcio, but , ftirrd bad 'hh' Home m" mere mi. t we; ti,t,t,'el had Elven than companies l I like] to y. e Government we" tne more can. 0,2132): trad: l' t1): atnouat in some 3 'll'L"ll td,'retr,'," rhino, one ecoepc. .'" l',' rm e, n at are $9 000, .T'w . -' i I . g" When the '. 555.555.5555" tet/g', "M, 7t'U11t,',Qog,2i'tlt, tor 'lik ".55.: u' I out any oit whutev .. I Ir t i ' ' " granted the hid Lingo: hep~hnxrd Ionitlntlon 'l'C"iisa 'il, t 2"'tt,t,t,'t merely by " Order in Conn- 'tof , attorr phd to liter or repeal Dar" l ' I w . ' ought the scheme "o" mtltatittad '/l'r'; 'd; 1nt..tyi.'rss. ubteincd e,h (tn, m t','ll,'"ll' that thou"! receive the "pport ot i/iii' le 'Bhio if otesl, & 35.23.5513 ttLtht "I: Htnuur. Be partiimlatly i nu cw - T A: t'artisment.. the not ltrnctio t :9 "" itoorutermsd the con. - "MII' ' . x not. _'uthttretrntteettheGirtmd ri.."'. it. the 'itl'eitJ.,', fire l,?? It m re. t B" bum" with the mm" listen of St? i. L', n 's74thuUtrh, We]. . 'itlgutit,tt,t', J," Ji-iii,','?,? 20111115.)... Ed, not?" "til: £5331.ch 83:3; I e "te g . e own mutfrrtr ton J',g2,2tgtl'd,'t "Wg te,, eLti2ta,,dttm, tgt "5 JJ',' . cry unwor ' #flmflu on 'di, ' I