Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Feb 1876, p. 3

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t § seven hundred and fifty dollars per mile. ' to grant lands, which wo::ll'd luvel beor:dequl'-' I h: | Some delay here took place in consequence ':]u"t to :htre:h:;g:: lt:m:;n Sit .t s inb : | of the absence of the leaders of the Opposi-- | TaIWaAy w i (la ns 3 the 4 $ tion, On their taking their seats, the fol-- | Dominion, Ontarlo was not in ary Wl: liable | K ' lowing passed:-- j for, 1 P | That all of the said grants of ail are res: | * Mr, MILLER said be thould be sorry to 460 ' pectively subject to the following condi-- | sce this grant fettered by any couditions & -- | TLE :-- i :i:!oh would prevent the im.inediate coastruc» J | 1. The Lieuterant Governor in Council do:t:ft?:: :::'a'::_'g&t"i;" bnl:-heohh.doull': §+ / / may require any rallway ccmpany so aided be constructed. He" belle'v);d l::nt b':unah #o | to enter into an agreement or agreements would be found to be much longer th I 0P 0 | with any other rallway company or compa: expected, and he did '°fl" ger tiku w}u, | id | . | nies containing such terms and details as the l hv!:d in the :h Ts t f% hp yA |l hn O | Lienterant Covernor in Council may approve fenr that Th '::ud m!pa'; %V atario 1: a4 | M 0 \ of, in order to secureo ranning powers or Ieunied overeth G:,, o hnoB e':: fe l / * '| © | rights of user to such company or companis® M e HeOorg ay hranch. B | over the line or portion of line of railway of it r, SCOTT objected to the House F nding & (| | the compary alded under this Act, or under | self bgforohmd to lhq construci10onh _ a; this former Acts, in the discretion of the Lieuten-- °§"e°*ms link, especially as he _ peljeyed $ @9 | ant--Goverror in Council, for the haulage l A ": wou!ld be no trade from tho V /aug to he ¥oi. 4 | thereover of the cars and traffic of such other | r"; 6's a Is would be a mera o Mon'zstion ; \ Wl | company or companies upon such terms as, | 1080, d'" there were otber roads 'which de» BJ _ in default of agreement between the respect: | rerved alid more than this, such _ 34 gno Vig-- B = . Ive companies, may be settled upon by the | tor's, and the Bollcville, and North Hast w ' Lieutenant--C:iovernor in Council, . ""i&r woop ; uk 2. No payment shall be made to any of the Vmdonkis lind .?:::lted ©" t that Sandficld o lwl f above--named companies in respest of the all;ailways with tthpo# rto great ald to K' | said grants of aid for any portion of thelr Ax to thm)\'i. C :"R 3' weat of the H use, P railway until the Commilestoner of Pablis Jt ;:ntcd tur:;'h ';' ' bs polntsed nas unat y | Works shall have reported to the l/jeuten: t) the F,_,,,],el; 'L ::dm , towoships belony!t»g 4 . ant--Governor in Council that such company H u:6 MublA not o YGompsuy, and thy hy :/ k has completed such portion of its road in ros: Lem fitine the 1 ;g,' » to runsidize a lize e cA ) pect to which pry ment is to ba made, includ-- Fy 040 (il.!u'u' ;:nz A that Compary. -- Thero o +d ' | Ing such sidings and station houres as the hia: 1:'a 1K) n"ex\{ sbi« exssomon roid wou'ld / e | Commissioner m¥ think necessary for the +s iuch it gw ©* at acolorizat m road, and S , / | accommedation of the public, within the si+ cornts *® Y jell worth §3 000 a mile to e [ -- | period tor completing the railway or portion '¥> C 3§1F E+ c Ad | thereof named in the Acts relating to tho ©.ongans bag -- RON #ald the Roslah Li--d iA | company, £ 2C CC pdune a great deal to sottle sis i d \ s Payment may be made as portions of the country, but had been Iinjared by the aotlon § . % \'\' raillway, not less than twenty continuous of the Gevernment in making free grants of C a \| miles, are completed, and in cases where the land adjoining the land of the Company,. x 4 | whole distarce aided is lisy, then for such 1# the Government entered into & | $s \ diatance, provisional contrsaot with any Company under §333 | 4. The increaged grants of ald to the Grand this measure it would bind the c«out:y. 7at | Junction Railway Company and k {ngston HRe contended that the provision was ';° en | and Pembrcoke Railway Company respective. loose, as it did not state what .""g': * is | ly are to be paid out of the appropriations here-- line was to be, or what side of btt"fll: "':M' | tofore made out of the Railway Aid Fand by w o n o n onancy. poWoven se | | Orders in Courcil in favour of said companieq j measure would pase throng% owe;eé, :: ht 1 respectively, so far an the respective amounts / the country, or rsther the or.u;,h. :th o ta~ may be sutiicient, and are payable for por-- much confidence is hon gentlemen CY y | Y pay P i allow them to do anything. (Hear haskey, . | tions of the respactive rallways not yet com-- wonld asiow them Y * * ho ut | yleted, and which extend beyoad the portions | hear. ) i | or which in creased ald is granted under this Mr., FARDEE contended that the plan | $ | Aot, | adopted by the Government war substan» | § 0_ | On the propcsition to pass the following re-- | tially the same as that which had be?'n par-- | $ o solution : -- That the Mentenant Governor sued in the past with regard to the rail ways. | § }9 in Ccurcll may aleo grant such bonus, sub-- | Mr. MACDOUGALL contended that the | 6. ~#8 | | ridy, or anrual payment to any compamy hands of the Legislature would be bound | e < C | | cow or hereaiter to be incorporated rot in with regard to this provisional arrangement, | j it excers of a present payment of $8,000 per | as they were giving their previous consent | E1. f | mile, in such mode and according to such | It wae merely a ratification by the Lepis | | terms and condiiions as will secure the cou-- lature of that which they had previ-- | f. 33 | structicn of & line of r:ilway extending from | | ously authorized the Government to do. | C. #f | a point in the District of Maskoha as far | The company would take the mstter as a it | rorth as Gravemnburat, so as to ponneot the | | poritive agreement on the part of the Gov» Ontarilo +ystem of railways with the proposed | | eroment. _ It was unfair that English cap!-- C lize of the Canadian Paoific Rallway (Geor | talluts who 'nvested their money in these ME g'an Bay branch) at some point west therest | rettlements should be treated differently | P * of the esstern end of Like Nipisring; thef from Cacadians who settled there They 'vf;':{ | grant o' such bonus, subridy, or annual pry: wire certainly entitled to the saume consid. fh.).6 M \ mert to any company shall be provistonal | eration as our own settlors -- The Provincial [ 8 \| until #anctioned by resolutlon of the Laogis: | Secretary should have insisted on the . | lative Assembly, and sbail cnly be upou pro-- Victeria road being aided, so that it might t )9 | per conditions for securing fall 'mnnh.:'z | | be pushed through to these rettioments. He 6: . K powers aird other rights of user for other rail-- | perfectly agreed with the suggestion that : § ways, and upon such other conditions fo: se-- | lards along colorization roads should not ' is . curing the due application of the grant, and come within the operations of the Free Grant . 34-- the construction of the railway, as the sy stem,. He believed thatthese English land. | h o j : eateroant--Governor in Councll msy require; ow ners would be willing to grant large bo-- it . 1 and no agreement in tho premises shall be nuses to belp a read through that section, c | operative until ratified by resolation of the Mr. HODGINS said the pro;rillon of the % l Legislative Assembily, Bill as to the ratification of th:d og:ttrgotEwu | M tiya bat the narrower than the one adopt e Eng. ". Mr. MACDOUGaALL "k?(-' '.Y[ M THay | lish Parliament, but he believed that not: Goverpment would do if the Gieorglon uK ithstanding they had the power of either | B--anch wes rot comstructed. lis had no withstanding they po ' | bjecticn to aldiog a colonization road, but acceptirg or rejecting the agreement, . He V / 'f,.' woeuld puurg to hbave it po-tp'onod cited precedents to show that the contract B ©. .. for another seassion, He heartily approved 12':'12*'"9"0'!1'1)"1111'0" lt"ld subjsct to the | sis M | of the action of the (Ci--verament in refusing ratiticetton ol Carament, | | y/. ' to grant the land for the line of Mr, Foator's, Mr, WOOD said that, as a member of the | o 8 9e | which wou'd be inimical to Ontario it 16 were Governmert, he was bound not to consider | o\ S \ carriecd out; but it seomed to him tha't tna the interests of localities but thoss of the | 6\ i aotlon of this Goverament had killed that whole Province, and be was convinced that | | ty& e en on np popen : n i not o uty to the Province ithe | a Ms, CLOOK®@ aald this onl¥ g::o( the\ | acted as t):loghon. mgnher for South Simeove : ' g | Government power to eater iato a provisiona & had stated he thould have noted. (Hoar «B ~ | p ic Rreaiiony Ausrmen, ue AuPag: nhadh yht hear,) _ He was also convinced that if he had B I Ontario system of rail ways with the (CGsorzian * t | ike Rall 1 told his colleagues that he insisted on ald . | Bay bravch of the Pacific Rallway. The being given to the Victoria road northwards, is | proposition was based only on the suppo. of elseghe would resign, they would &t agss , | rition that the Georglan Bay braach would have told bim to resi y'I.'!:e rouon?ho' $ I ; be built If it were not butlt it would be se of the older pufi of Ths Pravices k \ necemsary to adopt a difcrent pollsy. The lv)s'erl:, willing to give this moaney was that !t' f \ Domicion Government could still comply d th & h %r e of 1% dy belonging to | with the terms of the contract witr Mr. fl:"i, M ock T:f ];'. tnot th'°°8 che:' Foster, as they ccoald grant Jands in 1:1 hmvhl:d". * °f e the O.mtlon | the North--west or whorover they saw wno this °:.m°t ;:"d' thel 2 fit, The Government hai not sesen fit on supteo t PHfpost,

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