C¥ e o ie t Gel uie o0 WPQC he: We y o2e o aFf the above suits, Carried. | :1_:" ere t""t'h""fiflfflof wllnh'" sA pyers broughy ' * NAVIGATION _ OF WATERS FROM | hat 1t was nna fhely "Ol 1 00 db road, a * . ta be LAKEFIELD TO BALSAM LAKE, vithin the apeolfied ::m{ compieted j Mr, SCOTT moved for coples of all corres-- i Mr, WOOD contended th: t everyline mided ; pondence between the Ontario Government by the Government, except the g..d" Val S and the CGovernment of the Dominion in re-- }er, were of the clam contemplated in M: f ference to the navigation of the inland wators Rerdtield Maodonald's Act: viz , those ran A | of the Province extending from Lakefield to f 4 ning in the direction 0f the Frge 4rant Herri. A Ealsam Lake, Carriled. roiles, or of the inlaad waters, _ Hs referred | y LONDON ASYLUM, to the Ensnolal ba«in of the Caompany, aod | | o eaid 1t wer one which could leave y 0 reason . | Mr. TOOLEY moved for a returz showing able riubt toat the road woald be hati, He | a what €xpense was incurred in d"glflg drain }. »r ;!'ayp laken the giourd tha> if b | [ and Isying tile from, at, or near tae London pie'ry to raflways vhe sma\! sam * $2 000 (;{ Asylum to or near the concession line north §$3,0( 0 per mile th--y coutd serure the inves'. { * for thopnrpouolondavonringaoobtdnnnp- ment of the orpttal of the Poving= $1 tha | ;s ply of water for the use of the said|Asylum from exrnat of $15,000 per m'4=, ihe mmape ~L1 { f the farm of tu'.t'fh:.l Triblecook; i:l: ':fllll valivrpe cud $ | s of agreement entered into --between the G@ov. --*% | F. ernment or any member thereof, or any ofhi-- ! M'} 'DA:'; SS'N Tfig::i *h':' t':'d;';';fi | :" clal in the employ of the Government and the ';" ]" k uol a RTRE o th g (eration <f 1 U said Mr. Trebilcock, and the remsons why 'th" (," hi. ko :'"" 6 vonfiGorasion t | t such efforts were abandoned; also the depth the Government. a of the artesian well now being surk on sald Mr, CAMERON said that if the Com. ' Asylum farm at this date, and the expense pary did build the road they wonld do is oa atready incurred in sizking said well, Car. | a dobt of $34,000 per mile. He contended ried. | that the loronto, Grey, and br_uca T a6 RAILWAY AID | much mare deserving of ald than this one, | 7 * | _ Mr. CROOKS said the Toronto, Grey, and | | View Mr, CROOKS moved the House into Com-- Bruce bad been liberally aided by the G>-- t "_'-m" on the resulciions respecting railway | yverpment and the Legislature, and it should | aid, , be the lsst road to complain,. The only por. | On the first resolution, arantlog $2,000 a | tion which nad rot been aided had been ex-- | mile to the Lake Simcos Junotion Rall way cluded by the measure of the hon, member | Company, from Stoufiville on the Toronto for Hast Toronto, as it provided that money | and Niplsaing Railway to Jackson's Point, sbould not be granted on portions completed | Lake Simooe, a distance of about twenty--six | before a certain Gate, He (Mr. Crooke) had | and a half miles, | personally been in favour of altering the Aot | Mr, CROOKS unid the estimated cost of Tas, shouls Suouice ap ons enan # | the road was $360,000, which would be pro-- * 4 \ y 3 the Legislature had not been with bim. | vided within the small sum of $28,000, They had mad s | h 4 y had made an exception in favour of tae \ iems Mr, CAMERON said that undor the Ra'l To:ronto, Grey, and Bruce in giving it an addi-- \ way Aid Act no road should be aided unless tional $1,000 per mile which they had not I It ertablished to the satifaction of the Giov. made for any other road, | ernment that it conld complete tho work | Mr CAMERON said that the Govers. / vith the (.ov..'mmont ald, ment kak gone beyond the prescribed limit | Mr, CROOKS sald all that was required 2 in regard io other roads less deserving than | wak t'iat thelre Wll:i l:ewnon{\bled pni'b;bmty the Tororto, Grey, and Bruce. that the road won completed. The sub-- n . | acriptions of the mnn!clp.;htlea showed that gr;r::"' Committee roms and reported pro | the rond was of great local benefis, It being one o'clock, the Speaker left the | % Mr, HODGINS ratd ke thou,(h't the road obair. I would not be of looal benefit,as Lake Simave | > was frozen over aix monthbs of the year and fffier recess, | so there would be very Httle traffhic Txis | _ The clause paseed. | rallway had & cspital o' only $3,),()Q»D, of |\ _ The following clauses also passod : -- i which only $3,500 was pald up. He did not | 2. Tke Belleville and North Hastings Rail-- , | think is would be wiso to atd this roa*t, On way Company, from the point of junction | | the subscription of &3 500 the Raliway C m > > with the Grand Junction lallway for a digz-- | \| pany had received $100 00) from the caunict-- tance of twenty two miles northerly, at the | cijalities acd now asked for $53.000 from the rate of three thousand dollars per m{le ; | Gsvernment, 3, The Cobourg, Peterboro', and Marmors 4f ¥m MACDOUGALL (Simoce) sa'd there Railway Compary, for the distanoe between | & ¥hs no pricciple in this Bill as far as be sould Harwocd and Ashburnbam, about thirteen | | ree,. Hoolasimed that altogathor tog Tony miles, at the rate of two thousand dollars per ; lines kad been cblrknjf-t'f and Chat tho mile, | Govercment by clartering trem had to a 4 The Credit Valley Railway Company, tor \ certain extent yiven thom oxpectations of re-- the Gistance between the Brock Road and | ceiving aid, Ne did not belteve tn dribbling Ingerroll, fifty--%wo and one half miles, at | movey away on roads like tais that wouli the rate of two thouzand dollars per mile ; | not confer any grems amount of advantaze and for the distance between Cataraok zud \| upon the corntry. There were many rail-- | Elora, twenty--seven and ore--balt miles, at | & ways which had jast as strong a ciatm upon the rate of two thouzsard dollars per mile ; | £ the furds of the Province us thts short line, 5. The Stratford and Lake Huron Railway | f . It was not a road that dererved ald from the Company, for the distance batween Stratford | | bovernment, and Listowel, about twenty--five miles, at | ¥ Mr, PARDEE claimed that the G wvern-- the rate of two thousand dollars per mile, | ment bad not altered the principle npon That, subject to the conditions hereinaftor | which they pranted raillway a1d. No railway mentioned, increaséed ald shall be granted out | contrecior would ever bargain with a com-- of the Consolidated Revenue Fund to the pany that would be dependent on the caprice following railway companies to ensure the of any (xovern'ment from year to year, The completion of the portlons of railway hereia-- argument which had been used on that print alter mentloned :-- bed rever been applied to Sandficl4 Macdon ' o apea F 1 | ald's railway acheme. which was esseantially 1, The Victoria Ra\lway Company, from | the esme. It had been objscted to this road the town of Lindsay to Kinmouut, a distsuce | that i% ran along the lake, and that it would of about thirty three miles, at the rate of one | be bicoked up with snow during a portion of thourand doliars por mile; | the year, but the same whiog conld be 2. Tke Montreal and City of Ottawa June: | ' ssid of every opo of these roa's, tion Railway Compauy, from the boundary | yuoping northwards to the lakes (Heayr, line between Ontario and Quebec, to or near \| bear ) The rosd ba(la yoo¢, satiafactory, the City of Ottawa, a distance of about | tranctal basts; it was of groat local impgors-- aixty--alx miles, at the rate of one thousand \ ; ance, and therefore of Provincial importance €ollars per mile; | \ as we'l _ The Torouto, Cirey, and Brucs and 3. The Midland Rallway Company, from | the Foronto and Niptssing wou'!d not now be | Waubashene to Midiand %sy, a distance of l the important lHnes taey were but for the | about thirteen miles, at the rate of one ! l Covernment sid they bad received, ' thousarnd seven hundred and fitty dollars par | \ "Mr. HODGIN® said he bad always held mile, | [ 'e opinion that the Government aid shou'd 4. The Grand Junotion Railway Company, | 1 be based on tho subsoribed sto it, inda. from the point of presert oompylaflon,p::zr 1A & pesdently ot the muntcipal bonuses, which Stirling, to Peterborough, a distance of about | | was not being done in this case forty--five miles, at the rate of one thoussnd | 1 / 5 Mr. fSC;)TT 'n!d t);x: this road was not dollars per mile, | phZ of those for which the legtelation of 5 The Kingston and Pembroke Rallway | | 1871 had beeu ictended. Its fionncial basie | Company, furgtho distaunce of about lixtouyl | f was not so satisiactory as to entitle it to | miles, between Sharbot Lake and the River . | msrlstance by the Government; !t was not a Misaissippl, at the rate of three thousand | rca¢ of puablic and geseral importance, & 18 » s N _ : e oo es o