i A" "a bun tried it might be found necessary to mo 1.liillBlJmllgi, create another Beaumont, but " present it -h was not intended do so. ----_- Mr, CAMERON said in that one the law "it! - m 'M'E.L should be leit as at present. "--_-- Mr. MOWAT said it was impossible to say I y I 23" at present whether another Minister would JUDA ' a ' he required or not When the Chief Super- Th. Sm took the chair at 3 " oh. mom; that? the change, 'ht (futile tt BILL . I one e overnment was a we Th ' S INTRODUCED require another Minister. but the Chief " ' Allowing mu was read the first time t paintendent told it would not. It the Trea- Mr, Bag-ro make inrther provision for Inter were able to - out the duties in M. the insane. ditk n to those " present devolving on him, THIRD READING there would not be another; but it the Gor. The bile 3. {dormant came to the t'mt',ttttrtl'g, Bills were read the third t was necessa t ey eng ere "no ad pm '.--. 'tttlf, t, one, last 'ih'irit'ii'i1s'? Itll",- req e esano one o ouse . 2,t S3131"; ttht 'hei'tg'v', tMe to his solo, and other matters. They mm Ontario to admit John William Shackleton to try tite "what It all event- Is a Provincial Ind 8ttrvoror--hEr. Bod. Mr. CAMERON said it it was not the in. ttha, "gumbo: /,t'gtzgg',',',,' hamlet sooth: T t oer ere e ousemetaga theyoug t ssil'urt7lfphidt,?uf't,Tg,t g. . to leave it to he provided ior by a substan- tain powers to the Directors thsmot-Mr. live measure next session, it nwessary. I Gow. . Madge?" "All. it Ai,,,",,',", ttl',',','. I I more mp0s " carry on e a s e m- I qgl'fdt"l'l,', the I','; . t,thhttdtg'! I portant uepartment without another Minis- I a." Reserve "4 citrahrr. Bell. tor the hovernment must not shrink from I their du , but they did not anticipate that o amend the Aat incorporating the the eooas on would arise In an case an Central Station and Warehousing Company . ' y ' of T or onto-Mi Bell Sitftlei't ot 'tfa2fgtt't be provisional . . out o ouse san on . Il ting the oi of Toron the Tor. ti7'a't' Lttt"a other Ittdt.?st: The 212;;'111: gmMBEPS. _ To amend "W Aots rtlating to the London, . On the motion at Mr. MOWAT, the House Huron. and Bruce Railway Cotnpanr--MF, went into Committee on the Bill to further Meredith. amend the law ga't,"'ieg,tit' of mem- To amend the Act incorporating the Bras. hereof the Legislative mbly, and res- den and owl's-lugs Pltg af'it'ttTi and peeing the trial of such electrons. to change name to e arnia, C a am, Onthe let a"... and Em Ramen, Contpanr-ldr, Wiuon. Mr. CAMERON said it had been stated Remit" the Streetsville and Port Credit in hiusheha that the candidate supporting Jun Railway Calamity-Ml. Chisholm, the Government would have the patronage To incorporate the oi at St. Catharines, I on!" constituency, that the Government and to authorize the said city to no tiate a I would expend money tttt ttttionization ,t,t,1t I loan to pay existing 'lllc'dTa,'L'.lsTI Car. I End "If 2'gl'g,,t tl "Diana?" "0% 5 . aveteapo en asro asses." e, Hs, , thought that was as direct an act ot bribery To incorporate the village of L origtss1--. as could be imagined, because it would iaflu. R Blank". t th l' ited E t Cl lr- 2,fl .'1i"t, to "who? tt 't,'r"If, 1'tl' o corpora e e n mp." n e. c on: t t e w on Mr. Meredith. besmerdtd so as to cover such a case as Respecting certain lands held for Church that, " the Court had held that ture', ot England purposes in the city of Ottawa. law did not apply, because negro a we! --her, O'Doitoghae, made to any particular iudi dual. m To amend the Registry Atttr--Mr. Hardy, 'dhtlgy'" an amendment on tho third To amend the Act to in use a Urita , ' Pot 3, and for the protection of 8uep--hfr, The clause passed. Bouiter. f In the third clause. alumnus or THE HOUSE. te3dylii,A/,fldher,rt,'dit'2tq'ghg,e Mr. MOWAT said the motion he would al tor drinking on the polling day after make in reference to the sittings of the polling hours. House for the remainder of the session would Mr, MOWAT! objected to the amendment be somewhat diifercnt irom that ot which he giving liberty to persons to commence drink. had Emmifa 1tg, ttf the Tleg ing immediately after the close ot the poll. M" h tt "* tt tt After some discussion the clause passed. nid be faoilitated b their not sitting to. ;erow, so that the Light devote Saturday On tht, fifth clause. to other matters 'diUlllfl the advancement Mr, CAMERON said that though he of the business of the House. m also pro- objected to the income franchise altogether, stud that the timt sitting from. ,1,h',',,'2,'l =9 tte,1eh'e, just te t,1the,t'lt,1ll da should be at t 0 pm. a e ebarre m vo un ey p ',l"",','f,,',d am , and that during the their taxes, any more L',',' property voters remainder ot the Tttlt except i'ff"g'tt should. the first sitting on be? . 0 Mr, ROBINSON took the same view. norm and "a at 6, an the second " . Mr, l'p '38 said that tt any election took .30; e Speaker to leave the chair iroml iacebet eon the 15th do of Au t and to 2:30 p m.; and on Saturdays one sitting TI . . y gus ll . G aventtntrnt orders to the 1st of October. such voters would be :31"?! tll,?"" ' , enable to vote. fe thought this unjust. On the 10th It use, l u . 1.31::ng amended in then W cu Ml;- fi,eliyd Bros"?! tll nefge, In. ' sort e eat a co ara on a e per- Mr. CAMERON complained that under eon hing it was not interested in any but I this arrange went there would be little or no or m " I time for the consideration of Government g ' measures. The amendment was lost, Mr. MOWAT! said the House was in I On the 12th clause, possession ti all the Government measures Mr, IIODGINS said that the cost ot circu- . the railwa resolutions, and all the I lsting and posting up the proclamation ot except , facts upon which these were bated were also elections by the present system was very ex- Leitre the Home. I tgt/gt, m thought ttdrtpl't, ',',itlTi, , v i. , at " ere papers I op as _ 1"" SA slyi,p, 0 0K , th with the voter's lists. I 'd, . s on o r. s e , I vf'1, 11V'fi2'" Committee on the Bill re. _ se,,2,1dll',y! said he w.ul:l consider I vpeoi'c-s W 1idatmtion Dspartrnent, Mr. LAUDER thought there should he In an"? to Mr Cameron, some guarantee required from candidates that M r. CROOKS said the 'ggtuettl'd their ','ee,ttgitp, h1tht'iit deposit ot GS ornment WI! to car 3 o 0 co 0 we, or IOIIIE tt tstil",",',)'))? had been l',ral'llu' by the Mr. MOWAT! said these cases were very Gad" of the 'lt/r,',',',',',',","" t'fot.1 " tt "I... iment at ell even e . re) , l I Q,'ll'l be plum in thet with" of Milli"; 2?id2flldt J,tult,g'd motif: oi Education. When the "pull!" , law with regard to nominations. I , 'm,. Hr. PABDEE said the evil was every I