amount by way of compensation, Mr. WOOD sald the hon,. gentleman de-- served credit for bringing this matter undor the consideration of the House. If it had hbeen bronght on earlier in the sessionit might have keen referred to a SelectCommittoe, but he was afraid the schemo was lmé)notica.ble. It would involve a very la:fo outlay. Many forelgn cars were constantly travelling oar our roads, and it would be impossible to dis. cover whether the man {«ll from a foreign car or one belonging to our owr com-- panles, He believed the _ other pro. visions of the Bill would be found Impracticable and too costly, especially as the hon. gentleman had not given ths Houss any statistics, _ The bon, gentleman's mo-- tives were good, but he had not schown sut. ficlent reasons for passing it now. He, thore. fore, asked him to withdraw it for the pre-- sent, eseeing that the session was so far ad. vanced, Mr, WILLS thought the Bill should bs allowed to go to a Select Committee, and do-- olined to withdraw it, _ He had no mearcs of gotting atatirtios, If the rallway men saw that the Houso intended to logislate on this matter, they would make improvements on their cars, -- He was prepared to accapt any amerdmeat having the end of raviog the lives of these meun, Mr, WOOD, while agresing that somse legislation in this direction might be desivr able, pointed out that unnecessary time would be occupled it the Bill were referred to a Committeo this session, Mr, MACDOUGALL (Simooe) said he did not think the measure would gain the object the hon, gentleman bhad in view, Promineut railway men had admitted to him that more rafeguards could be provided, though soms cf tke proposals in this Bill would be im. practicable. Hoe thought the Bil might very well ba referred to a Select Commitseo and rome progress made this session, A great improvement had been made by the adoption on some lizes of the Miller plat-- form, which had resulted in the saviag of many lives, Other improvements might bs adopt=d, and he thought a Committee might weli be appointed to consider the matter, Mr, PARDEE said the Bill conld only apply to rallways chartered by this Province Legis'ation ought not to take place aff:cting our railways exoept after the falleat inform-- ation. -- The House might be legislatiag astu-- ally to increase the danger instead of ra-- ducing it, Let the hon gontleman bring in his Biil early next seesion, and refor it to a Ceommittes then, The motion was lost on a division. TRAVELLING ON sNOW ROADS, Mr, MONK, in moving the socond reading of the Bill to facilitate travelling on snow roads, said the object was to provide for the widening of sleighs, as those now used woere too narrow to be drawn by a span of herses. He had in the Bil excepted outtors and pleasure sleighs and sleds used for drawing saw--logs. 'The sleighs he wanted to get at were the ordinary farmers' sleighs, which he proposed to widen from 3 feet 3 inchos to 4 feet, Ho did not destre to interlere with ci:lea and towns, but only with country dis: tricts, Mr, ROSEVEAR wou'd #support the Bill H# it referred to the hon. gontleman's own distrlct alone, but opposed its extension to the whole country. Mr. M@CMAHON belleved the Bll would remedy the evils complaincd of in many por« tions of the l'sovince. E'lllfr. BARR and Mr, HAY supported the 1 Mr, SINCLAIR suggested that an est!-- mate of the coet of altering the sleighs should be brought down, and that the Government sboula be asked to vote supplies to assist the farmers in the mattor, (Laughtor.) Mr. CURRIE would oppose the Bill raloss 1t was confined to the county of Ca:lston, Mr., SNETSINGER thought the msasure was next to impracticable, Mr. BOULTER said they could give the farmers time to wear out their presaat '"nar-- row gruge" mleighs, and Introduce tho now eystem by degrees, The prizciple of the measure was a good ona, Mr, WOOD showed that at a fair calcula-- | tlion the !pssug; of the Bill would favolvo an ont'ay of over half & million, Ho hoged the | Bill would boe withdrawn. ' Mr. BISHOP supported ths Bil, and zald most poople who had suflsred from the condition of the present roads would be willing to bear a share of the expense, The matter was one of considerably more impor-- tance to the {armers than such quastions as the Northern boundarles of the Provincs fl-a.'\xéh-t-e}--),' which some very learned members discussed with great abllity, (Hear, hear.) Mr. CREIGHTON said that the attentlon of the public had not been sufficlently disect. ed to the messure yst, but he was glad a dis. cussion had taken place upon it, Mr, MACDOUGALL showed that the same width of roaxd that would suit some perts of the Province would bo entirely ua. svited to others, Ho thought that if roads were found too narrow those who sufferel from the evil skould voluntarily make the suggested changes, but hs thought i would be rather arbitrary to compel every one to make the change. Mr.: BOULTER moved the recond reating | of the Bill to amend the Act imposing a tax | on dogs, and for the protection of sheag. \ _ The motion was carrled and the Bill re. | ferred to a Select Committtse, p Mr. MONK said he was glad to find that all who knew what they were talking about were with him on this matter. He would, Kowever, withdraw the Bill, boing satisfied that though the House did not at preseat favour the Bill it would yet become law, The motion was withdrawn, DRAINAGE AND ROAD IMPROVE. MENTS. |\ _ Mr, WOOD presenied return«= respect'ng ! fire insurance companies, Also, a snovle: | mentary return respocting the Credit V siley | Railway, On motioa of Mr. CROOKSthe House wont | Into Committce on the Bill reorpecting insar. | anon, Mr. COUTTS moaved the second reading of the Bill to amend the Municipal Institutions Aot in respect to drainage and road improve-- ments by Municipal Councile, The motion was carrled, ard the Bill re-- ferred to a Select Committee, : JOINT STOCK COMPANIES FOR SPE. ClAL PURPOsKS,. Mr, WILLS moved the sccond rsading of the Bill to facilitate the formation of joint stock companios for the manufacture of butter, cheero, and dairy products. He pointed out the difficulties of incorpo: rating the present Aot, and sald that he had framed the measure so as to render the pro-- cess as simple as possible, Mr, MOWAT said he had not bad an op-- Eortunity of looking over the Bill, and he oped his hon. friend woald allow the order to stand for a short time. Mr., WILLS congented. TAX ON DOGS AND SHEET, The Bill was reported with amendmeonts, which were concurred in, AMFNDMENT OF THE LA W. On the motion of Mr. MOWAT the Honsa went Into Committee on the Billi to carry into eif. ot certain euggest!lons for the amend:« ment of the law mado by the Commissloners for Consolidating the Statutes. The Bill was roported with certain smerdmenrts which were concurred iu, Scvoral amerdments were made, and the Oommittee reported progress, coUNTY COURT JUDGES, On the motion of Mr. MOWAT, the Honsa went into Committee on the Biil re:-- sproting Connty Court Judges, Mr, Deroshe in the cha'r. Somoe ameondments were madoe and con: curred in, Mr. MOWAT moved the adjournment of the House, The House adjourned at 11:15, VOTERSY' LI8ST®S, On ma¥#'on of Mr, MOWAT, t--a Hours went into Committca on the Bili to amead and eccpsolidate tin lsw resproting Vsters' L'Etlo Tho Hon, Attorney.--Cisneral--On Weines-- day next--That there shall be for the ra-- m:inderof this sesslion a sitting of this House on each Saturday, to commencs at 11 o'clock a m., Government orders to have precedence; also, that on and after Monday next, the 31st inst., thore shall be two distinct scssions of this Houso, the first sitting to commence at 11 o'ciock, a.m., and to contlaue till 6 p m., KoTICES OF MOTIONS. INSURANCE, REITURXNXS,. B .0