0mm LEGISLATURE. . ---i---. " HIST SESSION - Tlilliil "lltllgllltlit, m---------- Wnnnnsnsr, Dec. 15. The Spesker took the chair at three o'clock. REPORTS. Mr. DEROCHE presented the third report oi the Committee on Standing Orders. BILLS INTRODUCED. - The following Bills were introduced and rrad the tut timet- Mr. 8INCLMR-'N suthorise the Lew Society of Ontario to admit Albert Monk. atm, ot Toronto, to practise at the Bar. Mr. CREIGBTON - To incorporste the town of Mentord. Mr. ROBINSON -To incorporate the Kingston Street Railway Co. Mr. ROSS (frarotsr--To "theme nope:- i {oration ci the County ot Huron to issue new debentures. l Mr. DEROCU E-To incorporate the Na. I tional Trust and Investment 00. of T.ronto l Mr. WATTERWORT R--To amend the Act to incorporate the Port Stanley, Strsth- , toy, end Fort Frank Railway Co. 3 Mr. BA XTEIt--'ro enable the vili:ge of Caledonia to issue debentures. l Mr, WIL'LI thiS- To enable the law I f. :oioiy of Ontario to admit Robb. A. Wad. dtil as Urriisterat Law. I 15am; OF wmrs I}? corms min I ELECTiON GASES. ', hr.. MEREDUH moved "That the Clerk i of the House do prepare . rc'urn showing I tU dates of the honipt by him of the reports of tho judges in the several contested elec- tion cases which have been tried subsequent to the lest genersl elections in which the elections were avoided, and the dates of the issue by the Clerk of his warrants, sad i by the Clerk of the Crown in (January of i the writs for the holding ot the elections ' which have taken place since the last general g election, and for copies ol all instructions l given to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery in reference to the irsne of such writs, or my of them." The hon. member "marked that in psssing the E3. etion Act cf 1868 the Legislature laid down are princi le that elem lions should be hold all on one day, and the Government should not erereise the power, which they previously exercised, of holding elections in such a manner as might continue to the interests of their party. By the Can- trovtrtcd Elections Act ot 1871 provision wee made for the issue of new writs immedi- ately after the reception of the reports from the judges in contested cases. la scv antecn taste the elections were voided by the action of the Courts during the psst year, and the writs to supply the wa. (sucks were unreasonably, delayed in many cases. Although the report in the Dundee case was made on the 6th July, the wrii wse not issued till 4th September; the report was received for South Essex on 5th August, writ issued on 26th August; report for Wellington received 13th July, writ ls. sued on 26th August. When the report was brought down it would appear that the delay was not duo to the action of the Clerk of the I House or the Clerk of the Crown in I Chancery, and that the Government of the I day had interfered to prevent the writ being issued immediately after the judge's report was received. It was said that in the one of Dundaa politiosl ressons had induced the Government to delay the issue of the new writ, and he demanded an explanation from ; some membcr of the Government of the l, reason for their interference which osusml t the delay. in the one ot Wellington and l, South Oxford the delays occurred in eonse- i .quence of the efforts msdoto secure a seat l tor the Treasurer. The exercise of' that i powar by the Government was, however, not only wrong in principle, but was a direct I Violation of the statute. His object in " moving for the return was to fix the respons- ibility of delaying the writ on some person, and in the event of it being found thst the provisions of the statute were not stoffittunt1y ttae,' the Legislature might enact addi. tion provisions to compel the issue of writs in oonhuUd election cues immediately ,