_ 1. -"""""'""'-"""r"-""-r"""'--""'e"e"". , . , , ___ T , C" _ b . " . l, nation went there was no reason why that The bonus had" fuitiiUd its Gi ose and had e estimate should not be correct That amount the eiiect of attracting a 1'2lhl,h",'dr'h,'l to ' _ would maintam the average revenue ot the Ontario. We had strong competitors in New . if". in" from that W1" "m Thes Zealand and other colonies in the matter of figures on which the estimate ot $688,000 securing immigrants. it was a severe contest . l, "YUM for 1876 iron: the Crown Lands De. which Canada and Ontario were carrying on . . i I an"? W Md I"."' the t2Pgi- in promoting emigration here from the Brit. . l i eA-i'stant COMM? "POM t at ish Isles and Europe, and our only advan- 5 f he antielpated the receipts as iollcws:-- tage layin the short sea voyage and the : Crown lands, $75,000; Grammar Salmon! comparative accessibility of Canada to , lands. $8,000; clergy lands, $30,000; Com. those countries. There was no neces- r men 3011001 lands, $15,000; woods and sity for excessive competition or tomb. 8430,000; and that 4tatirnasat ya pre- dilliculties between the Provinces Md under instructions from him Wr. on that subiect when they had one end to , ' Crooks) that it should be under rather than "we. Practically, . large amount of immi- _ i', twer thr, ee. TU trtsndiyrrts, gration would always seek Ontario, and then, tor IWti WM, by the pre- 1 there was no reason whythis Provinceshould sent "ttmates, 82,i35,245. Of 00W assume responsibilities which had been as- , there would be some additions made by sup- sumed by the Dominion Government. it ' ", [ elementary eatimaterg. It m- not possible, was only in those 1mm». in which ths. l nor W" if ahrara proper, to bring down the tario could not escape bearing its quota of . f will? 'ertiett.tt," tut lay.., period of the e uses that it would be called upon to pro- , _ session. Additional expenditures were otter: l viii: tor such. The accounts showed the T , rendered necessary In consequence of the ls. paymeut to the Dominion Government for ig V gislation of the session, and these amounts carrying immigrants to Ontario, and upon ta I had to be included in supplementary esti- . this Province devolved the duty of distribnt- l' . . I . l mates. For example, it additional asylum Ing them and maintaing them on ' I' itgryee1tttiet was tobo provided in com- til they obtained employment. The '. I pliance with the reference contained in his The Government took $25,000 to use on the _'g i Honour's speech, an additional amount for other side, if advantages adored, to assist the _ the maintenance of those institutions would transportation of those emigrants who l, have to be provided. There were some items were recommended, and for whom the i which would appear in the supplementary Dominion agent was responsible. The _ estimates, but the amount would not in con Immigration department was formerly a dia. . t tideratrle, and the Home could safely tinct department of the l lovemment. That . . , , count upon the sum being sonne- department had a very large amount of work L _ ' 3 thing about equivalent to that to discharge on account of the numerous V . f 1 voted in the supplementary estimates in arrivals and the different claims made for Mi, 1875. He might heietly rater to what the bonus payments. The work of the depart- Ki" ' estimates for 1876 contained. As a rule, ment ad, however, diminished under the C _ hon. members would find there were no con- new arrangement, so that the Commissioner ' siderable increases under the different heads in charge would be able, with the assistance . F of expenditure. There was a slight increase of one clerk, todischarge all the duties which inrespectto the expenses of government, the requirements of the public service de. tii, 000, on account oi the additional numbor mand. The expenditure on the other side of Lei members c. the Home. n'he increase of the Atlantic has been restricted to that 3 crime in this community and the gravity ot amount, which, under the arrangement with t I the offences, in many cases, had caused a the Dominion Government, the Province had i larger expenditure than formerly. The to pay. All that Ontario retained in Eng- l 'items for the maintenance of public institu- land was a sub-agent in the Dominion ticns showed small increases. H e next arm oftice in London; so nothing remained except i , to the subject of immigration, and the those particular items of expenditure which 1 House would observe that the estimates for it was incumbent upon the Province to as- l this year showed a reduction of /w $0,000 as some. having regard to its interests and the compared with those ot last year. The general desire to promote immigration. He amount proposed to be asked ems s79,000, would not trouble hon. members further on " compared with e121,s00 last year. thnttfoint, for the details of the expenditures . The items which gave rise to this decrease can! be referred to. m would next role: could be explained when they came to the to O tubicct on which he would be able to , discussion of the different items of this ser- allotd information which would enable the . , vice, but the chief ground was pretty fully hon member for East Grey to be more correct stated inthe report oi Port on immigration. in his speechea on future occasions. That The chief reason for the decrease arose from hcn. member had charged the present Reform , the change in the agencies under which this Government with extravagant expenditure, . , service was now being performed. The but he would, no doubt, agree that it was agency in Euros» had been reducedto $7,800 I well that hon. members should possess ' instead of ri13, 00, and the agencies in Cana. some data on which to make . their da had also been reduced from t45,000to statements. Bis (Mr. Crooks') contention $25,000. The reason for the former increase was that it did not follow tU 5 and the present decrease could be easily or because the expenditure in any departmen I ' plained. Until the convention at Ottawa in of the public service during one year was 1871, he believed the Dominion Government greater than that during another year, ex- defrayed almost the whole expense znvggmcoghouldbe attributed tttttteGov. ' of the service, and none ot the eminent therefor. The true way of consider- Provinces was directly instrumental ing the question was to look " the extent of in rcmoting immigration. Tho general of. the business transacted, and then apply the tics in London In charge ot Mr. Dixon was test of the expenditure incurred in regard the one in which all (migration efforts were thereto. Let them consider the volume of , promoted. The arencies in Quebec and other receipts and expenditures and then consider important points in Ontario were under the the expenditure, and by web a comparison a control of the Dominion Government, so that I..." would be provided either for a the Province of Ontario was relieved trom charge of extravagance or of ssffiea'enoy. _ spending much money in order to promote He denied entirely the ohargeof extravagance immigration; bttt the Dominion Government, in reference to Civil Government. Let them 1' on the representation of the other Prr vinces. take the years 1871 and 1873, Under the'hend I found that Ontario was gpractically getting of I'ivil Government, they would tind the _ l the lion's tshare-probably ree-fourths,of the average per cent. of cost having regard to the ', immigrants. It thus became necessary for receipts was $3 8ti, while on the receipts of l Ontario to submit to what the Dominion 1873 it was $3 87. Taking the expenditure r Government required. namely, that it should I iron: 1868 to 1871, they found the J1'ittt i pay a portion of the chttgo of conveying im. age to be 85 03. while in 1872 an 1873 it migrants from po1nto in Quebec to points was " 90, or, it they took into account the _ in f mum, the expense- of the additional payments for the Railway Fund, distribution ot the immigrants when they ar- " 10, rived in Ontario, and the maintenance of the Mr. MERRH ,'liu-Why not 1873 and 1874, emigrant sheds here. This took place in instead oflti72 and 1873? Is71, and the operations of 1572 and 187.", Mr. CROOKS said he had not been able to were based upon that arrangement. Against bring it so far, but the calculation for the that had to be set off the allowance of the later" years would be largely in his favour. Dominion Government, which one year voted The total expenditure foe the four years from $70,000 to be divided mow: the Province: was» 1871 inclusive amounted to $6,- in aid of Immigration, $23,000 of which came 023,000, or about a million and a half a to Ontario. in hi2 the bonus system was year. In 1872 and 1873 they had introduced for the tirst time, and in 1572 about 'l,380,000, while the total salaries 1 and 1873 there were large expenditures un. paid for the four years were 3339000, and derihat head which the House thought it for the two years $111,000, The expendi- f desirable to make. in 1.572, $25,000 was turesin 1374wou1d show entireiyin favour ' _ q paid for this purpose, Htd in 1573 of the Government. The true principle on the large sum ot $73,010 it which to judge of economical manage- ', was necessary . from. time to time snout was the cost ot the management 1 i to make changes 1n ttte immigration tDrisbern. as tested by the volume of the transactions.