sn Grnew_w_. tHST SESSIOR ---- THIRD PARUAMEXT. mm mmo mm Fr:ioAar, Daec. 3. The e1 took -- Al PXTITIONG, Fhe following petitions were presented: -- PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr Wilson--From the Dresden and O;1 31?'"*5' Railway, praying for an Act to amend their Act of Incorporation. Mr. Springer--Petition to L. Colonbon for an Aot to adm't him Barrister at-- Law. Hon, Mr. Currie--Petition from the Town Council of St Cathartnes for an Act to in, . eorporate them as a city, MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE # Mtr. CURRIE introduced a Bil! ent.. -- * l ** an Act respecting the franchise in Mn' eipal Elections." It was read the first tins«> l THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PRBO VINCHE, Mr, MACDOUGALL said that betore tod ordere of the day were called bo wished to ask thoe Attorney--General when the reports en the Borndary Question would be hron't \ down, Mr, MOWAT--Probably on Monday, -- THE BUDGET, Mr, CROOKS said that in accordance with . the usual custom in moving the House {--to Committeo of Supply, he would proceed to lay before hon. members a statement of the condition of the financial affairs of the Pro-- wince, Such & statement had been made oply on three cccoasions when the asccounts for the ccmplete financial year had been in the bands of membars. It was made by Mr. Wood in 18"70, by Mr, Mackenzie in 1872, ard by himsel{ in 1873, after the House had been in porsersion of the transactions of the Government for the _ prevous year, Honourable members would be able rewJily § to understand from the tE:xblic accounts of 1874 and the nine months' statement of 1875 what was the financial position of the Province, There appeared to be soms doubt as to whether'his statementoflast year would bear investigation or not, He had then brough his statement to the 30th September, , 1874, and he proposed now to take the same data as to the termination of the transao-- kions of 1875, in order that as far as possible hon, members might have a proper basts for their comparisons, 'The amount he took oredit jor as the _ excess of our assets _ over our liabilities on the 30th September, 1874, was $5,756,352. The statement he . now presented would show that the surpineion the 30th Saptember, 1875, was $5,096,376, He would explain how the difference arose, Last year he haca omit-- ted to introduce soime liabilities which [' had not then been ascertained, ard which he had now included. He had also introduced the $100,000 which had been added to the Railway Subsidy Fund, which was increasing as years went on, while our lability was dimmishing. He had only had three pay-- ments to charge against it last year, but th year he had four. -- The diiferonce of $65° 976 between our gurplug last lyear and ...--» | *was éaoiry explained by a reference to the | Kabilities which last year he did not chatrge against the surplus, and which e kHouse would have to take into con-- sideration in relation to the su?lns. Quebec's share of Common School Fan c:_;l- lections since July, 1867, amounted to $325,-- 657. Aid to counties for gaols under Prison Inspection Act was estimated at $60,000. ¥rom those statements hon, members would observe that the financial condition of the Province on 30th Sept , 1875, was substan-- tially identical with the position at that date last year, notwithstanding the very large #ransactions that had taken place, and the large payments the Government lud.been oalfed on to make in regard to the Railway Aid Fund, and the distribution of. the sur-- plas of $3,000,000 to the municipalties, _ He | would not weary the House by entering into | tke details of items which appeared as assots, azd which formed part of the records of the various Departments. If hon. members de-- sired any specific item he would be glad to