m | "to the one now in w + , 7 n lMM o Tack t wer, At any rate k) administration * ' / | ";llpolihfic:l prindplo.x:wt otl?g; offdde"('!?"lrmm D. M. Lake and omcs he 4 f ! r. SMITH (Leeds) arysburgh, praying for the repeal tion, because Erid that ' | egplanations with ',,';.':fi":,f' i _ person 1 fiififii dn io ns mage '?::'!»szfihi; 6?01,;:,,,, Vintc'ial govem;':nflfiu'f;"},,f';' i:,l::ef it : e was elected to al . "--a positi e icipalities, certain details be y pro: | ftlat and he had ue s 62':""03:':'-'&3 _ \ir. Currie--From West Middleser Agd Tiar hed i':mfwfi:}?g{r.pi"'afifefidasfizfifi wong m:: g'l?t:ng';""l Mi::i :";te!;l'eeto t? eell oextcszy'lgz an "3? to enable them qu:ztitol:xet ll?f(il::ltd :he Op{f'-x o rrves on the n Pring the fn';'.,\ll' " Ece vaght he had Artwe u;aadypfizfe' ; es fmaily he stated :b::i?':;:'&'r':it':g:" it wae P ting them t cvernment in ac-- r. DE MA sett it « A ":tz'g'hozl. (L'::ghvl-oedm) h!limself nndexl-n.:v :l(zdress. He ul'i:d r}f:li::ld"dt:}::lg:: s : l:-(gle :!lett]e}('l P lei:' e:hofupre:n;t tii;:ld Hbc r, make, op .) He would, ho | tbat the debate was 1i yesterday id rot astert t * £ | tack of * he statemrent in reply to thi Y« | the epeech f as likely to be closed after had --recei o tha.' s Upper Canada youl) B I o Oy Shmner for Hoth " i ___| the speech from the leader of the Oppositi There aat aho 'thpace "of The arie that . o sk the h well. He | e members of . the G o . P iocs cre was any chance of the arbitrati I ltnm!ogslom:fi e hon. gentleman about perbaps it was just overnment. But being re opened o _arbxtntxon on thedesk of a ch he (Mr. Smith) sawl lag | close, for it was ,}us as wel that it did not Trensmerp tate Now, supposing, as the said, " If gentleman, who,holding i ying | tunit ound that when the oppor-- L. statcd, that the newspapers of | t was $ r their opini trati s rction with the arbi-- x Mr, McK | 4 very desirable, h 'E"""'l- stion which woe desired > 1 such a n;te.EL(I}Ji:E' --I am sure 1 never sont | g.','?',:"'" on the address ?l::lvlf(;' be ::mthg (Hear, hear.) He conte::lcdwthl:;e%::cor:; r «about it, us "the name and all | Sers 14 19e Hogeomboal) dosiey pay som To wis o have tos fiheis aad moot mat. | 5 | ouse should di ; ras to : [ Mr. SMITH--I h | terances and leave .r?: l&'l"c"" public ut-- plete discus:;:': Td -f,?nf'"t aud moskt com: t g 01:"?"' Brown hac.lv::l;;]y to say that the vate utterances a)l:)nea (ff:;:"l': and pri-- 4 took to corceal frg:'i::; :ng lfa:;e un.}der' 1% clectio ch a note previ considered that. when , hoar.) He in U ' r_ Canada--if we te laat aectioy.| It wan to Pay Tor slestion Ti figamamnin oi) fos in pmamasacenes Mr_McKE ignity of the Ho rom the ried out, w o me? ponne? : 4 of "Hest>) LLAR--I deny it. (Loudcrics g:: ;i (:]f icbate. ?;Iee::dh ;::v)ereii{ t'l;Le stand- :o find faul: :;finl%he: °oural%: ;;o:vlfr C;g:rda Mr. 8 resterday a ncticeable instanc Aiy p M ion, (Hear eatonn Aic mt tf,'(','fn"--.t' ualionge ths Hop. en Ture from thig mf:f* le instance of a depar«» err in Eome'vl))re:l'i';x);in" th: arbitrators did _ f --all I Say j y it. _ I state it on my veracity | Hon. Mr. WOOD A more manly for :;'y steps, was it not (6 --all I eay is that I saw the note with the ( ME RatDiF nd Ireretepred tnusess cupces 162 |(Heas) , We did not point there & reviget _ e WWAEKE M L EE said he referred to som things out with the vi e did not point there -- , Mr; MCKELLAR--All 1 ha arks which had fallen from ome re-- 1« wer Canads that the 1 of raising hopes in 1.\' I never sent such a note ve to say is &;Ocor"": 1ally came from the ';fientlentm:; tration wo:ld. :hat Nrodig ar's dag th&bi' ; ir. SMITH--This 4 + ountry as himself, ard f i on Te Gover e upset, but to show to th | matter, and I regret gi; a very unpleasant 4 m}:\ the hiphest respect pert o. whom he fenentnment that if they bad adopted a di'e man bas forced ng;. to at the hon. gentle-- whom,up to a very recent ti onaly, and n Lo course the agitation on the subj in | Te this dig Gebce politic ime, ho had conti-- wer Canada would 1e subject in Mr. {MoKELLA ow s disclosure. politically, He refe + * hea uld not exist (H j R--Well ber for North erred to the me ear. ) The Reform Lear, such a;note--the c ell, I never Leeds, (Mr. Smitl is ti ers accepted the arbit barge is o sent member for Leed & (Mr, Smith ) The on as a finalty, as fa + rbitra« . Mr. SMITH th ge is entirely untrue. conversati eds bad referred to a pri accept it '(ge'u- h r as it was possible to f marke, ctor en pProceeded with his re-- 4 f ion alleged to have take private that the leadi , hear.) They also knew marky oniming thay ho sopported wenntely on nailt n thes l en maug ? ole ;: Mim. people would ro-- . bad aluded toea u?ffte?ior'ge Browa. -- He thwfl[ of a single ind'iv;(;ludh:nli:x'illn?(tl P or E r, MAG ; s its natur y irictiy private i he House, or his «ide of speech from ltll; L said he considered that the ' tion chateha:ad Ch.'""'tcr. and to a con'vemut lieve that :mbg(t':n'il'ml other, who did not be-- € e Throne w e s taken place betw erga t ial justice had been & } As to the d as a model s vidvale, neith e between two indi-- o Lower Canad i done 4 epitlt sh arbitration he feared f peech. seat in. h'?'t er .of whom at that tin hln that practical j a. The belief was general v. t it WOllldO;n"':li:l;e Peogie of Q"Ob:comt:rte took p]utelabg:u';e' tfiflwr' hear l'e, \\a"glz Cuas" and h)eufif:;:({':ld beentdone to Lowe: || Ontari ears before th p , reen these two indivi sett] J 1e matter was finally [ Ontario wovld realire fully all the altramiages Ne sot a matter of public. importance, and retusth uit ropard to the addrenm It f great question, Mrm;'l a settlement of tgi; House, (Hear"?x baen repeated in . this was understood last !ees on uols The Mioks ment favourably on tha;;nll went on to com-- the member for \,ear.) Admitting taat all try would have read follzz;:_ thkat the Minis-- » of the speech, e several paragraphs , was there an)'ihix;goz't.ll:i gifi'ls said was true, ;ure fofr the consolidyntiol;: c:f' 'tel:s S UBlcipgt | * Hon. 1 son to be ashamed of ? W ny man bad rea-- avws cf the Province. e seuniaipal ' flainntyxr'ci?c{l;r;':fins Prgceeded to ex-- ' | ]vfgl':"m?te lthnt th: flion"lre:;i:(:tfper;;"ly gfsttlyuél" in the ldd'fel;:,w lv:!:l' l;:::hvlvng nueral Bill was int od" under which the | C should endoxse:;xote { r for Both« n isappointed at it, (Hear, h AB | why it was repeal % 'uced, and the reason: eorge Brown, and vice v or the Hon, 'ts cur municipal, laws Sevon, & heard that {):a ed. The government !m; hear.) Was thore an versa ? -- (Hear, it was _ almost imposaiblonow ols k C s for ral discoveri iere were very valuable mins-- who bad not asked y man in this Houre man to tell what th yeu " | Reea esnt mon fanssraneuns 0 lolglsinie it oh. jot on | should be ex t right that a royalty ny thing dishonourabl y ? Was there 1c pait of the government ) [ the Di bet t9s reevermalont thd Pivold tion expen e that a note for eles Sou cat oi e rartiiee is Tegueet to tbesk | , but the Cover n introduced? ment penses should be paid ?° T C e laws lact scssi as implied in respect to th [ reports of the mineral nment found that the ent of election expensss was j he pay» ivs lact scssion. (Hear, hea ese ; n e | y t cf the ad , hear.) As to that ! aggerated, and! re )e'l"ealth h'_"d been ex-- | (Hnmb]e as the payment of ho hal s hok 18{)' i address which referred f eogeded to 'oehkad ho oohes of ue l e (Mr. Pardee} regretted that the momser intject of Aminipation, he would observe ' | Government iue end the policy of th for North Leeds sh that the member that the policy of the G ould observe | | | o the matt -th" ] rivate s & ould have reported thi ratisfied th overnment had not I | gm,ts' which be ch er of the free | I, e conversation ; and h ported this C e demards of the count 0 | honest, liberal and characterized as a sound | ardee) would not havy oped he (Mr. ourtry would not be "satisfied oo o mm 4 | the remark hi 'ju.'!t one. _ He ref uy a matter of thi ave occasion to refer to pernny, neddling licy : with a half-- I 81'1;0 intm:n: o?kal;hgha,d been mad:r;fxitfi(; hear.) He was :;uiz,m:m';fi'"fw (Hear, 9\1'3'"'05 it demaggegytfistopwe"m:ed a broad , ;n( contended it ;.l.u:el:_:f o?:i lN cirth Leeds ; :3 ?'lemen on his side had sgm?ti:lmw t? nd zc(r':txl-!;?es:iby téza e'ubli'hmentgo? I;:{:f; y as not an oflice y legal, for it o conversations outsid es refer-- nmunpication direct between Ca (Mr. Richard's under the crown. _ . he believed th aide the House, but some point in that n Canada and | ) certain kn .\ To his wb ey only referred 4) then tion of rai country. | Let this $ Robert Baldwin was i owledge the Hon en they took place with £> them icn of railway communicati Th the ' celeciions from as in the habit of maki pying a public positi ith gentlemen occu-- North--West be agitated :ion with the ' T orform the dutlen of uneun's Gacued Ts Feference to bublic maticre. 'Pasmemueray womid be an Socosppliched fast, " Hs regret ' gIOYernme:g b":'ile: gier::ten.a !f,;onnsel?u';'it;f ?(;_fh;;'e]), illx l;illc 1;;:::;3. 12;'26 m.enl::xr for :3:%:?:'; thfi 'Pee'ihpl;l;fgdf;?;e bH,:n i me eir patronagé'in th mght to exercise cfer to a conversation t night, dil ite with respect to th h now | & Smith. Mr. Ri e appointment of 1 C have taken place b n that was afilcged to and its application f e snrl;l" t ~Bk 4 fend the uol ichards then went {r. | cral and etween the Attorney--G held it was desi or certain railways. H $ d the polic on to de-- some other O Orney--Mell-- t was desirable to € | ng Sp ioi o7 the Government on se mgmbeitd that the Altrmey thtnerat on e c anr | Mr. PARD £ public position, and thaf t,h ral occu-- Gor mercial principles. He h vs ¥ the debate, EE moved the adjournment of | ")ll(::c'-s,nt:}?etl't:}o:o & public mfltter'ec'i:fi'e'e::; : "g(')\el;!;:n:?tn?;;ueld ::t aek is Ho"':p;dv?t!: . Hon. M. C. CAMERON | Pardce} woul deav:';:{etnot'?aullel. He (Mr. in favoured local?tiea 'dl,zitrixbute to railways ; Jo',}':m:"* of the House, _ moved the ad-- | *bntlhfll been made byotli:ee'{',-: o the speech :;0':11% n{;t be asked to give four ((l)rtfli! e Hut:use C , The Hous C win® gentleman bad asurer. That nd dollars a mil i on owb i i clock. e rose at ten minutes to twel bers on this' sid;n ;(;,? ;CI}'"'QG against mem-- ran through sect'io:uto ;'fl ways which only acnmmmmenmmemmenenmmmemmmetmanmecnn s had alleged that me:xcxbe:: S: Ott]c-om?"t- He ;rere supporters of the"G::eemmpm'n"fi\" sys ipfguenctean ° ous Ptess maig o wit ' atey ¢ 5y ® * y) to i a K * 'ar ToroxtTo, Dec, 9 regardless of thcire:na?nvg'{n'the.'? told thom, Eende'-m"' Mr l'ard:e P:ozgzg:ltmn es The SPEAKER t f was incorrect pinions. This charge e belkieved in party ; eded to say that p.m. h opk the chair at 3:20 anything, it 'wag"l-t{w Reformers erred %n | faction. He beplai:v)c,d' -téut d'd,not belisve in | habit of acting o };e':,ame they wereiin the: | of the country that it to be in the interests | PETITIONS, ment. The c{n:m?'ai eir own individual judg» in order to ke);p ua wetShonld strain a point 1 The following petitio thenien on Lhe Othcry-'"{as the case with gen. way in which we l;op'lfi y, for it was the only } ' MJ Clewens Em ns were !f"ccsnte i One Inslance on 31. a:(} lee, and he woun'd give position,. (APDhuzcu) have a healthy Op-- | ciety of the South R'i'(']i;hoE'ARhcultm:ll SBo-- t].3th resoluticn of the il\";;viw:!:',). On the ; Mr. LAUDER o ; :ifo r'x""erlloo' praying th;f theec::;;l DfWhlion > "')';'j':; i?yhe:] tthl? :ote was taken, L{{::?cr;\efiu- | tion matter said\ § tfi%filfig toegle arbi tra j ion in electoral count + e of clec. pi oSb y side of the Hon: * upon the relimi Je question turned . se s inss the artroment wnoud by Che Protnnn Suded (hat the member for South Brase, in | _ Mr. Cockburn-- * TEGYP corscibhioes: "Imk yoled adcordine . objecting to th : uth Bruce, in | Hiof SMoveb: proping. shah all aoveers on on thedone : ut Inwedhtly aftrr Suien the spurme tken in Uhobe Be mad : | :::t:;'t:l?en:d'g da may be cancellsd and Foled in a sentisty direghite sud B th;; ;?:xe?otbat 'Ontario would b:e'l::lgéodlie ie | iesued to settlers in that district, _ prssd Abey 'did on ut the iostsnc he s support the arbitrato Eomead * Aro M at district, * y did so at the inst up> | very somy to fin rators; but he w Council ofcg?l!n (Elgin)--From the Count in::z;'z")'('etera], (Hear, bea?f)n]'}c: .]f the y Quebec w)as endo?e:gaithe course taken !:;" f ocbts in th 2 , praying for certain ame dy atal e of that kind could be glaring * | nent men, as th y some of our pmm'y e Act relating to juries. (2,) nd -- hgnmat members on this side of t'l'l directed Lad" doke, Hebl:ember for South Bru 1+ e * jge ,:;('{(';'."d fimn; that they did fdllfiwn't','i'?- gentleman was 1ctu1:::§d i that hononnb:' % > nags Mielli ies oiA lt \ atropg i)Oillt : a-Telaurer sought to makecx: charge his duty to the OOuyt: desire to dig' e gainst the Ieader of the Oppos: but l(tlht he had erred inn 3 l{dh go doing, . ho ooo s Soe site'> ceatatigy t P 6. 3 e would en H + gmfil! 7 FX "= _day think so bimself, j utt'.."fi': 5