Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 2003, p. 35

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 13, 2003-B3 Marauders' record even after loss to Mississauga M il/ton deliverç çtron2.er çhoiiiiî ) ý re ever' h dsin the td o j t .-.4 j 4i1iL fi , , )c (YitL ' (/it ici in tilt By MURRAy TOWNSEND Special to The Champion The Milton Marauders dropped to 1-I1 with a 27-O road loss t0 the as-yet unheaten Mîssissauga Wolverjnes Saturday evening. The Wolverines were league finalists last season and defeated Milton 40-O in their only meeting. Thjs game was considerabi y différent than last year's miatch-up because this lime il %svas a gen- uine battie- and Mssissauga kniew il. Theit- touchdowns came from an interception (Jeep ils Milonter- rttory. a 75-yard pass play, a 1 0-yard pass Up the rniddle and a finai major with no imie remaining on the dlock. The Wolverines were smant on the 75-yard pass play. Defensive hack Sheldon MacFarlane had 10 corne off the field with an equtp- ment problem, and Mississauga, ftguring on some confusion with a last second replacement, atîacked îhaî area immediately for their only long gain of the nighî. They may nom have been so smart %shen they chose 10 go for the touchdown with lime icking down, when they could have taken a knee. At haif-time, Mississauga led 13-O, which prompîed somebody on the Wolverines t0 yell loudly enough 10 be heard fromt the side- fines, it's jusl (expletive) Milton, il should be 50)-." Jusi Milton'? On six of' nine possessions, the Wols'erines were ither forced 10 punt or lumed over the hall. Jusi Milton'? The Marauders defense held them 10 iwo or nega- tive yards on 13 of their rushing attempîs. Thaî's not 10 say that the Wolverines didn't deserve Io win. They forced several turmovers, kept the pressure on quarterback Ryan McGilI and got îîmely first downs when îhey needed them. But Milton had a blocked field goal attempt. tumed over the hall on downs twice on fourth and short yardage, had a hall go through Please fax your team reports to (905) 878-49043, or e-mail them to sl-eblanc@haltonsearch.com. Aimco Solrec Lî1mitsd 425 MorabBl DL., Milton 905-78-627 WORKING WITH THE COMMUNITY & THE CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE TO MAKE MILTON A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE 150 Steeles Ave. Milton, Ontario L9T 2X9 iilOi Àii~5iid U)i i.i 11,0,Casi. tCCiîi iiiîch shîscigýjjsC. Will Gearin had a sensational effo)rt on defense, wiîh an inter- ception, f umble recovery and a divîng tip 1o bat away ai bail head- cd iniotfli arms of a Wolverîne receiver. He was also second on the team in tackles behînd David Joseph. Ons offense, slippery Steve Lubhin was aI il again. shaktng oif tackles and hursîing through for more big gains. încludîng a 25- yarder. McGilI had 120 yards passing on the day. and hooked up wiîh Malt MacPhail l'or severai long gains. He had tlsree îecep- liotis for 54 yards. Marco Pereira and Nathan Smith also hauled ni three passes. Another possitive lor tihe Maraiders was the dynamîc <luo of' Flash and Dash. MacFarlane and Rayon Walker arc a dansce step away from going Al the ssay oin almost every kick or punI. They pîIled oh somne big reîums and were belped oui hy a 25-yard kick- offrunback hy qUarterback Dustîn Blair. A negalîve note was censtre Andrew Todd dislocaîing a knee. He'lI he oui for an undeïermined amoui of lime. 1 in 10Owomen wiII develo B REAS2[ CANCER The risk increases with age. The Ontario Broast Screening Program pravides breast examination und a mammogram at na (ast ta women who are 50 years af ago or over. Moka your appoiniment today.! For theo contre noarost you cati: 1-800-668-9304 M itonians ot Rick Hansen;ion t he move WHEELS IN MOTION Salurday, lune 14 as part oft Rîck Hansen's Wheels In Motion tundraîsing drive, ln the spirit ot the original Man ln Motion Wocld Tour, local resîdents - backed by pledges and donations- Pledge to WHEEL, BI1KE, SKATE, RUN OR WALK with Canadians ail across the country ta help improVE the qual[ty of life for people with spinal cord injury, Pick up your pledge forms at any Scotiabank, Pharmasave, Sport Chek or Home Depot location, or at www.rickhansen.com AndI lic s atit happy wîth the oficîjî.s. -WVe ssere 01n the receîv- ing end of' some bad calîs. Thaî's not an excuse, but the missed caIls tumed iniohig plays tor them.- Emo suggested that the offense didn't execute well and thaï they couldîsi' gel into any kind of rhythm in the second haîf. meaning the delense, whicb he satd had a phenomenal game. had bo spend too much ime on the field. Tise Marauders have a hye week conuing up and thets face the same Mississatîga îeam ai hume June 21 ai 3 p.m. ai Milton Districi Hîgh Sehool. We'li put n soi-e ness wrinkles," Emo sîici. "And we'll be a clîllereni loothail tram when ssc see themn again.: Itlsjus! (bleepin) Miton'? Maybe the Marauders wili show them what heing 'jist Milton' is alilabout in lwo weeks. Emo is even more confident. "Although we lost the game in Mississauga, they have 10 corne Io<sur bouse on June 21. We will not lose that game. In fact, 1'm so confident in our players and the abiliiy thaï they possess. I guarantee a win.- will vsalk, run, hike, mn-une skate or wheelchaîr along a designated course in support of those wîth spinal rrsrd înjury The Milton event will kick oft at E. C. Drury 5< hool tor the Deat lon Onîtario Street at ahout 9 a. m. For more infornmation rsn the loc ai testivitîes, cal organîzer Keîth Mackay ot Fîtness ý-db Technîque at (905) 875-0964. Sctiabank e JUNEN 40r ntia l r. 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Fili out this ballot, and deposit it at a Rick Hansen Wheels In Motion event on June 14, 2003.I SFirst Namne Last NamneI IAddress City Province I - ---- - -- --- ---- - - -- --- - --- - ----- -- --- - --- -- -- --- - - -- - - -- -- -- --- - - ---- -- --- - --- -- ----- - --- - ---.----- - - . - -- - - .- - - --- -- i Phone Email ----------- .......-..... ......... ------------.........------ -- - Cmplete Design.& Construction LOSA LNAS VEGAS &S 1MO MM#cqLAL IgUEeow Tel & Fax: (M0) 876-2836 CARRI0. USA & CANADA. T SMCARffRU o eIML90)86-31 LIC INSLJRED.EUI 4 IM.0 el (0)S751 YourCarier or ARRW Trck nesemai:info@mackinnnponds.com The21 T Cntuy 101 awsn RadMILONwww.mwckinonpmàd.comn 1 a - -- - - - 1 1 1 a olpe .416 2)4 zt_.

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