Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 26, 1956, p. 4

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wheat producers urged to hold back 56 crop goodwood ontario wheat producers are crop will be below last yews should be jughly tufaor being urged to refrain from mootooo bushels late seeding fjzzl ewly marketing of their 1336 xcesslve rain overquick 1 j hatiast vew cp jripening were major factors in 1 rmers were urged to hold back we welcome mr and mrs following a meeting today in cutting down the current crop 1 marketings with smart who moved recently toronto of the ontario wheat fact there is no sfresult that only about 30 rcommnity r p 0t l955 cfop w3s spent sunday tvtuar martin president said that the crop mr martin said coupled 4 durlng harvesting season smallwood at oakwood wheat association through its tt1th a sma wheat crop this mat this action helped prices i ji and mrs george todd vis county organizations will be ad- and light crops in other j j iarl said was evidenced ited with mr and mrs george vising wheat producers across g it is very apparent that by ne 05 cent per bushel rise rodanz last thursday evening ontario to withhold as much there vv be a good market for m w over a three week mr and mrs roy mcdonald sposiioie from marketing their our 55 wheat farmers thre- period in the midst of harvest- roger and marilyn of aurora j9o6 crop during the harvest- ore s not rush onto the f 1 visited with mr and mrs distln time market glut market at harvest time and un- those far who feel mcdonald last tuesday mr martin said that on the fairly push down prices if that they must sell their crop 1 bails of reports presented at producers throughout ontario j order to get cash mr martin au the wedding reception the meeting today in toronto it hold onto their crop on the farm j advised that they put it in stor- 0 ji thompsons sister mrs ppears that the 1956 wheat j or put it into storage there age and secure advances from grace willis of bradford and elevator operators stouffville parking areas three suggested areas that can accommodate your car while our town is crowded at shopping time 1 united church area 2 rear hendricks hardware 3 stouffville arena property courtesy stouffville business mens association w vfr w gormley oil furnaces gas coal gar wood lennox good cheer eavestroughing flashing sheet metal work for free estimates call d j smith co unionville phone 96 mrs c musted july 19 i misses shirley kingston of j long branch and karen sander- i son of pine orchard holidayed j with their uncle and aunt mr and mrs harry thompson miss ruth cober of fordwich is holidaying with relatives here mr and mrs roy briliinger attended the dedication service of their grandson baby kenneth j briliinger in the brethren in christ mission in toronto mr walter briliinger bishop and mrs alvin winger and mr harvey stickley spent sunday at fordwich mrs j a pope has been holi daying at her mothers at glen orchard mr jos jones left malton by plane on tuesday to visit his son and daughterinlaw in eng land mrs s n doner is confined to a wheel chair her friends hope her sore leg may soon be bet ter prize winners at ss 4 mark- ham were miss shirley wide- man for good conduct miss mar ilyn doner for greatest improve ment in reading and master bobbie reid for greatest im provement in spelling mrs roy bovair arrived home on saturday night after spend ing a pleasant holiday with rel atives in the canadian west mrs w b henderson and mr and mrs melvln henderson were guests at the wedding of mrs hendersons grandson mr moss climenhage at niagara christian college fort erie on saturday mrs w c noble and victor are holidaying this week with relatives at washago mr and mrs harry thompson mr walter pattenden of van- dorf at bradford on saturday i miss maude jaynes of ballan- trae is visiting miss arrilla forrester you it enjoy going anywhere by bus no driving worries no parking troubles fares are low bus charter a with a professional driver for your wexf group outing churchill dr ratepayers want guard rail for bathers at the regular meeting ofi the ratepayers association whltchurch twp council on j complained that cars and boat thursday evening a letter was trailers were parking 0 the received from mr eric hadfield j beach thus cutting down the president of the churchill drive picnic space it was felt that a ratepayers association mussel- guard rail would restrict the mans lake requesting that a area to bathers only guard rail be erected along the reeve p s legge said that on edge of the roadway to keep a recent visit to the lake he cars and boat trailers off the had noticed a car parked on the bathing beach beach with a boattrailer backed in 1953 the township gave the j into the water reeve legge ratepayers association the agreed that the association had privilege of using the property j improved the appearance of the for a bathing beach the town- j property he felt however that ship retains the deed to the land he would have to give the pro- the letter stated that the assoc- position more serious thought iation was doing everything fencing a lake can lead to a possible to maintain the beach lot of grief stated the reeve four loads of sand are spread on j deputyreeve geo richardson the beach each summer a wharf was of the opinion that the business directory has been constructed and a float placed in the water for complete information pleasure planned tears ah bus travel service see your local agent tickets and information snowballs barber shop phone stonffvillo 270j3 gssssss better ii tour fordmonarch dealer is ready to give yoo really outstanding buy on any ford you choose i it makes good sense to buy your new ear noiel your present ear will nerer be worth more than it is today and right now you can make a deal on beautiful new ford that will really amaze and delight you drop round to your fordmonarch dealers look oter his stock of brilliant cars drive a new ford then let your dealer prove to you that now it the time to buy cuitomuhi victoria faihahl town udan now is the time to drive better buy ford offers more of what you want most only in ford can you get the fresh modern styling that was inspired by the fabulous ford thunderbird only in ford can you get thunderbird power and you have the choice of the worlds bestselling v8 or canadas newest six the roadproved mileage maker only in ford can you get lifeguard design the whole group of safety features designed to protect you and your family yes ford offers most in style in performance in safety and in value your ford- monarch dealer is waiting to prote it to you ford v8 er six youll know its for you tcwztrcm rrm gtru4 m imumw ere sxtmurtr mom ii f mm em em atfera this is your invitation to visit your fordmonarch dealers see drive compare ford h murphy limited phonjs 159 phone 211 cbunt on these slgnsjfeha for the best values in used cars and trucks sunday school lesson continued from page 2 experience in answer to present continuous faith chap 56 humble your selves that he mayexalt you in due time this is a logical ex hortation following the state ment at the end 01 verse 5 the mighty hand is able to cast down the proud and to exalt the lowly but all in his own time verse 7 casting all your care upon him for he careth for you see psalm 5522 mat 625 this casting is a deliber ate act reason is that god makes us his care not anxiety verse 8 be sober be vigilant because the devil walketh about seeking whom he may devour sober means in pro per control an excitable spirit is as dangerous as lack of watch fulness in view of the activities of our enemy whatever clothing he may wear at times satan is still a destructive monster verse 9 whom resist sted- fast in the faith the same afflictions in your breth ren our standing up against satan must not be in selfconfi dence but in rocklike faith such afflictions as we endure are part of the lot of the great brother hood to which we belong we help our brethren thenwhen we stand fast verse 10 but the god of all grace after that ye have suffered a while make you per fect the little while of suffer ing is in preparation for the glory to which gods grace has called us and is also part of the means of repairing our defects strengthening our weakness and curing our instability verse 11 to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever amen a doxology to the god of all grace in recognition of his right to preeminence in view of his gracious work on our behalf the heart of the lesson in our two lesson portions we have a study in reverse order in the first chapter the apostle beter presents our happy con dition as children of god and then introduces a strange note of suffering in the fifth chap ter he presents the conflict and sufferings of the saintand in terjects into it a note of triumph we shall consider these two in the first chapter we see ourselves as the objects of gods abundant mercy as his begot ten children on the ground of the resurrection of christ and as men whose birth from above has made us possessors of a j sure and living hope 13 as children we are heirs so the apostle presents to us the na ture of our inheritance over against the corruptible defiled and fading inheritances of this world ours is incorruptible un defined and unfading moreover there is no possibility of its be ing wrested from us by theft or legal trickery for it is reserved in heaven for us v 4 in ad dition to all this we enjoy the personal guardianship of god who devotes his omnipotence to that task by which we are as sured that we shall reach the goal of eternal salvation all is enough to make us rejoice with exceeding great joy but it is right here that peter speaks of our experience of heaviness through manifold temptations v 6 these temptations are not necessarily inducements to evil but they include any cir cumstance which constitutes a test or a- trial this suffering however is purposeful it is in tended to prove our faith and at the same time to refine it even as gold is refined in the fire god wants to make demon strations of our faith in that great day when we shall stand before our saviour but even now as we keep on believing in the face of our trials we shall experience increasingly the pro association should erect the guard rail and not leave the responsibility to council council agreed to view the property and notify the associa tion of their decision auctioneers sellers atkinson i ph asia jolwj ph so ssj licensed auctioneers tad sale managers over 30 tears experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all tales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete servlca which really pays off no sale too bis or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at air and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one mullken po ph ax 3s9s7 markham po ph mark s6 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer vork cty uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 6311 barristers crochet pattern no 117 tempt your crochet hook with ihit pine applefan chair set youll find it fascinating to dp full crochet in struction inpattern brest pattern no 14s2 is cut in sizes 12 14 16 is 20 40 42 size 14 3 yards of 35inch yard contrast send s5e for each pattern with name address style num ber and sije to audrey lane patterns po box 70 place darmes montreal que rom 837 this is no unusual experience peter reminds us but is common to the entire christian brother hood we should not allow it therefore to appal us but re member that it is only part of the preparation for that eternal glory to which we have been called even as it is part of the discipline by which we are re paired strengthened and matur ed even in the presence of our enemy therefore we should be able to sing a doxology to our god and saviour whose are the glory and the dominion forever and ever bruce h grose ba barrister solicitor office spoftord co block hours mon to frl 9 am to 530 sat morning 9 am to 12 evenings by appointment phone 836 res 270wl paul w j mingay ba barrister and solicitor vvldeman block markham tuesday thursday evenings a saturday mornings phone 768 residence eckardt avenue unionville phone 324 resident member of mcdermott mcmahox rogers a mingay barristers solicitors a notaries 302 bay street toronto 1 phone em 42194 accountants john c wyue pcjs chartered secretary public accountant auditor income tax returns rrjj stolffville telephone oljl country accounting service ambulance service r y r ambulance 24 hoar jcrvlce ambulance taxi richmond h1u richmond hill tc 41500 tv 41405 b a v cabs r cab dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167w stouffville e s barker lds dds honor graduate of university of toronto omce over harolds grill phono 274w stonffvtlle medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien a main phone 196 coroner for york county real estate when buying or selling real estate 1 farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 244 funeral directors dr p j button dr d w brodie telephone 871 a 373w xray hours dally 9 to 13 am and 130 to 300 pm evenings 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment ofnco over button blk drs mitchell smith physicians surgeons xray phone 230 stouffville office hours dally 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sundaj- office open 23 pm chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stoulfviu monday and friday 9 to 12 am optometric brierbush hospital bay end night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east snaffvihe joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop i phone stouffville 98w2 betty beauty salon victoria strew gress of thatsalvation of which j c0ld wa mach1neless l e oneill stotjffvtllh funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 9swi j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham ontario stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs e a grubin ro optometrist plcton stonffvilu at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesday t sept 17 a 18 oct lsalfll nov 12 a 13 ncc 10 all afternoons and evenings only phones 86 j2 and 251 1 garnet v gray ro optometrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono 40j2 for appointment honrs 10 am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w our faith at first laid hold in the fifth chapter the apos tle calls to a life of selfcontrol and vigilance because we have not only a saviour but also an adversary ravening for the prey he may indeed appear at times as an angel of light but he is always a hon stalking those whom he thinks he can destroy instability and negli gence alike make us easy prey but if sober and watchful wc stand up against him not in any confidence in the flesh but fully trusting our triumphant saviour we shall find our selves more than conquerors through him that loved us hair styling shaping phonestonftvilie 287 r badgero professional services available now available coop fire insurance higher coverage lower rates 72 better service 1 o ii n s y ikha newmarket phone 21114 ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 270wl stouffville ontario fire automobile liability g 3 bent consulting engineer complete suhdlvlilon services layouts sexers watnrmalns roads sewage dlspotsl etc phones business av v3aai residence fir 1 pm i be 12320 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funera designs cut flowers phone 70r f g aisop insurance stouffville ontario fire life auto casuilty 12th year in business main st east phone 223 fred m pugh general insurance phone stouffville 88w3 vour widow wont be ble t meet regular hills without a regular income consult yonr local mutual life of canada representative fred m pugh insure today the coop way for information enquire at vour local coop or write to john sytema newmarket x jti 21jj4

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