Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 31, 1956, p. 6

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ftqt 6 the stouffviiu ts1wne wjwday may 31 1956 1956 farm census to provide data on farm sizes how many acres does a far- resulted n the reed for hiring rrer in the mariurres in quebec rrore labour ontario british columbia or the j in 1505 according to the cen- prairie provinces operate what sus of that year the average changes are taking place on area per farm in canada was canadian farms as a result of 12 acres the size increased wider use of tractors combines during each census period until end other largescale farm equip- 1951 when the average was 279 rnent the answers to these acres in quebec and ontario questions which are typical of the average rose from 104 acres many received bv the dominion in 1901 to 132 in 1951 and in the bureau of statistics will be ob- atlantic pegion from icc to 123 taied in the 3956 census which acres increases in the prairie starts in june next compari- provinces have been more spec- sons with earlier census data tacular rising from 279 in 1901 will show the extent of the to 49s in 1951 in british colum- changes i b the average declined from according to previous cen- 230 to 17s acres suses most farms in canada are what are commonly called fam ilysized farms they are oper ated by the owner or tenant with the aid of members of the fam ily and perhaps hired or season al help there is a growing tend ency however towards larger farms especially in the grain- growing areas of western can ada with the greater use of power equipment on farms in creased size has not necessarily for canada as a whole there were 64655 farms of 201 acres or over in 1901 by 1951 the number had grown to 239913 in 1901 the number of these farms accounted for 13 of the total farms and in 1951 for near ly 3sv farms of 100 acres or less in 1901 were 5sto of the total but by 1951 had fatten to about 34tc the 1956 figures will likely- show a continuation of this trend special this week zipciip swiveltop new 1956 model 80s rotomatic the cleaner rated so 1 b buy by leading consumer reporting croup alt thats modern in one cuaner and you save 201 8 pc mt btiwe atudlomttle clipon tools nsw ey ac zipcpp swellop super powoccimm thorouiwy no dut bu to empty- triple fater amuing 3d rot hozrt with floating brush so liht end quiet reduced suction for cleaning drapes markham twp planners discuss land zoning i ship roads interspersed with homes would be gas stations restaurants used car lots junk yards weed patches and so on sixteen of 29 new subdivisions get health unit approval polio vaccination a total of 9943 doses of polio myelitis vaccine have been giv en to school children in york county during the last 5 weqks and the entire present supply of polio vaccine has been exhaust ed a shipmentof additional vac- tine is being awaited in order to i continue the polio vaccination programme to supply second j doses for the school children re ceiving their first dose this year i and to supply third doses for children who received their first and second doses in 1955 subdivision sanitation in the first four months of 1956 plans for 29 subdivisions involving 2160 building lots and providing for a- potential addi tional population of 10440 per sons have been reviewed by the sanitation division of the health unit of these 16 subdivisions have received health unit ap- proval and 13 subdivisions have been disapproved as not meeting minimum public health stand ards for sanitation particularly with regard to water supplies and sewage disposal during the whole year of 1955 plans for 71 subdivisions in york county came up for pub lic health review and 56 of these received health unit approval providing for 3647 building lots or an estimated potential popu lation of 14588 additional per sons field training the york county health unit continues to provide field train ing for university of toronto public health students at the present time two student pub lic nurses miss mary malloy and mrs freda mckillop are taking extended field training in the county of york under the supervision of miss v smyth reg 9995 this sale only see live demonstration at our store now or complete with tools phone for lo day home trial uberal allowance for your old cleaner stouffville urniture phone 9svl public health nursing super visor of york county health unit in addition an advanced student miss margaret mcel- heran is pursuing supervision and administration in public health nursing in york county as part of her postgraduate training course with the univer sity of toronto heads mennoniie women mrs elmer g brubacher of kitchener was elected president of the ontario mennonite dist rict womens missionary and service auxiliary at the 39th an nual meeting in oxford county last week over 25000 in cash and gifts was contributed by the 50 adult auxiliaries during the year more than 7000 garments and 2000 pieces of bedding and linens were made for missions and re lief by the 1700 members in the district the group decided to sponsor a second missionary following the recommendation of the ex ecutive committee miss edna good of argentina said it is the mother who pre pares her children for sunday school and bible school she is the brave one to encourage her family to attend services article 2 by f h brennan any wellrun business organi zation expects to grow bigger and its officials formulate plans j eventually these ribbn develop- for its future physical expan- ments would require public in- sion and increased diversifica- j vestment in sewers water sup- lion so must markham twp j ply schools buses fire and po- and for this purpose the plan- lice protection yet the tax rev- ning board was appointed the enue from such an unplanned official plan recommended to j area would in no way meet an council last october shows the investment unnecessarily high way in which the planning j because the area is so spread board feels development should out best take place as with a bust- 1 there would be no protection ness organization circumstan- 1 or homes were land use not ces will arise which will neces- i controlled a man might build a itate constant revision of this j fine home and look forward to plan j evenings of relaxation in his the plan before approval of garden only to learn that a council was presented by plan- 1 stock car racing arena was to ning board to various groups i be built beside his property of property owners and rate- 1 a survey of job opportunities payers in the township many in markham township shows important suggestions arising that there are more workers out of these meetings were in- 1 than jobs the township might corporated before the plan was easily become a dormitory for finalized i toronto if a depression were when approved the plan will to come to whom would the un employed look for relief if the township is to become more and more urban then we must endeavour to at least parallel the residential development with suitable industrial development andor limit residential develop ment largely to the type of mentation of the plan planning i homes that more than pay their board will appear to be die- j cwn way tators bureaucrats and much i careful planning can make worse but what would happen i this township a better place in if no controls were applied i which to work and live sound there would be an influx of plarrisg will be in the ultimate uncontrolled building on un- best interests of all residents of serviced land adjoining town- the township be of groat assistance to indi viduals or firms wishing to move to the township as it will en able them to choose land in a zone appropriate to their needs perhaps to some present land holders and particularly during the initial stages of the imple- news from buttonville pitch dynaflow really gives you a double- quicks variable barreled thrill first it delivers a record amount of torque to turn those rear wheels even before you switch the pitch you splurge on pickup while saving on gas second comes a performance thrill just put your foot down and there you have it you switch the pitch and dynaflow serves up a dazzling burst of extra power to cut seconds off your passing and add new safety to it but theres a lot more than torque to talk about theres the buick ride for instance softer yet steadier cradling you in rubberbubble comfort leveling with you on every twist and turn a whole group of unseen marvels screens you from the harsh realities of the road including a new frontend geometry new dccpotcushioned shock absorbers new dcepcoii springs on all four wheels why not take a buick out on the road yourself so youll know what all the talk about were ready whenever you are arenlf rhnsf avl mi trjrf it u rtauuri rel el nrdftt rxt ml en tit sprint tsl et rttr ccit en etrr srrtsj f ry -s3o- comfort in your now bolck wlrh ftlccuh conomomnc mr ajr txm r v- uv i en tittirt 31v- fr- i fvfvo tsteiuurd r nzdztlrr anj super rf may 24 neighbourhood notes congratulations to beverley burr who was acclaimed girls intermediate track and field champion when thornhill high school held a track and field day recently other local prize winners were nancy brown and frazer craig mrs wm gibson of strath- roy is visiting her daughter mrs s r patterson at present mr leslie hood enjoyed a i fishing trip on the holiday week end richard tribbling is the new proprietor of the white rose service station at don mills rd and no 7 highway jack steph enson the former operator has found it necessary to return to his home in western canada and will leave immediately his many friends here will miss him dorothy hood spent the holi day weekend in muskoka david hord spent last week end with his parents mr and mrs ross hord mrs g purves has advised us that with several canvassers still to be heard from the east ern section of the richmond hill district unit of the can cer society has contributed more than 3000 to date have you noticed the fine new fence which surrounds the play grounds at buttonville school school property now amounts to three acres and on tuesday of last week an arbour day was held when the school children had a general cleariup in readi ness for the parents night on wednesday cgit explorers are com pleting plans for their lilac tea and sale which will be held in victoria square church on sat urday afternoon of this week there is always a very good selection of home baking and handmade articles at his tea so dont miss it wi meets at buttonville hall mrs charles hooper was in the chair on thursday evening of last week when buttonville womens institute held their may meeting in buttonville hall business discussed included plans for a strawberry festival to be held july 4 at buttonville hall the ladies also will hold a quilting in the hall this week programme was impromptu and concluded with a friendly tea hour hostesses were mrs clara aubrey stephenson and mrs g arnott wee donna lee bennett in fant daughter of mr and mrs kenneth bennett nee lois clarke was baptized in a mo- i titers day ceremony held at the knox presbyterian church in i agincourt farewell party held for boyntons a large gathering of friends met at leitchcroft hall on mon day evening of last week when the community held a party to honour mr and mrs charles a aost people arourij her ksoir aritin a newspaper columa bat my line a it ays at the top cars are my line in bundling ythlr as important as car though you set to kno- fraething sboat them you set to know ho the sweet purrt a good engine should sound you heir stories about old r and yoa get to know bow to look after a car you ret to know a soicar from a lemon beaum if you think about it a minut youll h thst we have to itlv cors as well as sell tlini so e have to know what a pood car l ami whik were about it we pirk up a lot of interctlnc tori we think are worth pasinj alonp lfs our shop talk just jke tie talk of the railway men who remember the record sit way back bv old no ss0 or sailors who remember ie big storm or army buddies ho remember the big war which is of course the one they fought in i hope youll enjoy stopplnr n this sot ctcry week nd 1 hope i ran pnss alons oie shop talk thatll be useful im not coins to get cowillealcil or tech- nlcal there are too many people tolt trying to bam- booxle others with big wortk and fane phrases all the fancy adornment hasnt been able to change some things like honest trade a dollar pad for a dollar value whatever you may think about th dollar today it wont buy more sound motoring than ato used ear lot as 1 said before we have to buy cars well as sell them and before we lake a car in we make sur its a sound tight clean car we make doubly sure after we have it and then we offer it on our lot specials for this week 1955 plymouth belvedere vs 2dor two- tone green finish custom radio heater sisnal lights oil filter special trim and white wheel rims this car has had the best of care being driven by one care ful owner 199500 1953 chevrolet belair convertible yellow body with a green top powcrglide transmis sion custom radio heater white wall tires ard wheel discs twotone green vinyl interior very low actual miles 109500 were in their classrooms to re ceive parents and assist with any problems during the ear lier part of the evening later the group assembled for the pro gramme with mr roberts act ing as chairman miss allen music instructress for the school conducted both boynton their daughter ellen junior and senior groups in a all reports it was most satisfac- driver tory mr murray roberts and i john van kessel vho lives miss jean howard teachers j close tb the scene of the acci- and mr mathew davis who last week moved to their new home in thornhill the family farm was sold recently after having been held in the boynton name for more than 80 years it was a comfortable evening of remin iscent conversation and cards mr aubrey stephenson read an appropriate address and gifts were presented to the guests of honour by mr elgin sherman and mr tim patterson mr boynton received a chair mrs boyntons gift was a coffee ta ble ellen was given a radio and matt an electric shaver the best wishes of the community go with them to their new home at the conclusion tea was ser ved by the hostesses mrs tim patterson mrs m sher man mrs elgin sherman and mrs douglas hood and others parents night at buttonville school what was probably the first parents night at buttonville school was held on wednesday evening of last week and from number of choral selections the highlight of the evening was a spelling match among the par ents women versus men of the two groups participating one contest was won by the men and the second was a tie speeding charge gets 150 fine dent said that he had mticed the car it was going awfil last he said when it had goi round the corner in the highway near my home i heard a eraii and ran to the car to see if aiyone was hurt passing sentence magistrate mitchell said that he was sonc- wliat surprised to hear of a transport driver driving in tils manner by and large h worship said transport driver are the best on the road mmjm0ny a man whose driving was de scribed as awful fast was fined 50in whitby traffic court recently on a careless driving charge constable w s hilliard of whitby detachment opp said that on answering a call to an j phy worry about it when iii accident near uxbridge he found a car upside down in a ditch by marks on the road the officer said the car had evidently skid ded for almost 100 feet part of the way on its roof the car he said was driven by walter pearson an uxbridge transport so easy to let an ad in this newspaper turn things you no longer need into v cash the stouffville tribune sxactscxxc you enjoy going anywhere by ttus no driving worries no parking troubles fares are low bus wlk itt csf i l v v wla cjxo tktm i livfl main pa trick motors st w stouffville on phone 372 charter a with a professional driver for your wexf group ouimg for complete information pleasure planned tours all bus travel service see your local agent tickets and information snowballs barber shop phone stoortrille 270j3 bond lake development oy economy construction co ltd exclusive agent annette cottrell limited 818 church street telephone wainut 1- toronto

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