Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 10, 1956, p. 2

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tut 7 thf stourtylllf town thossday may 10 w36 the stouffville tribune laff of the week a v established aa8 nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations autfconten a ftecsclcusj nasi pojcce dpt ottjw printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere s450 c h nolia publisher jis toasi asjs ejor to the service of humanity within the metropolitan area the salvation army operates 18 centres of services each one of which is indispenable to a municipality of this size the record statistically is impressive last year for example he army provided free or at minimum charge 247500 meals for 3st6 families it gave warm clothing to 1990 families it gave help counsel and medical care to 231 unmarried mothers it provided shelter for the aged and the homeles it offered comfort and assistance to prisoners and exprisoners it found 71 missing persons it treated 336 alcoholics and in other ways it served humanity statistics however cannot tell the whole story no one can measure the good the salvation army does among the destitute the abandoned the lonely and among those without hope and sick in heart and soul the fruits of the blessed work of the army are incalcul able give alms of thy goods and never turn thy face from any poor man and then the face of the lord shall not be turned away from thee pay hike for councillors inevitable stouffville ratepayers voted overwhelmingly last year to finance a sewerage system in town and then elected a council on whose shoulders they placed the responsibility of carrying out the task of establishing this system it was inevitable that these men would and should receive better remuneration for their time than the small annual fee councils had been receiving even without the stupendous job of bringing in the sewer project ratepayers must expect to be called on for a better stipend for councillors most of them businessmen who must give hours and hours of their time to conducting the towns affairs municipal busi ness has become increasingly complex greater popula tion has brought greater problems and the necessity for more and more meetings last week alone the local council required four meetings to deal with all the pressing business time was when the local members could meet once a month and have time to spare these times have gone forever council now meets twice a month and as many more times in between on top of the actual meetings the only time for which they are paid councillors must hold committee meetings must run here and there to deal with one problem and an other all of which goes gratis with the position while it is true these men chose to run for the office of council but by equal token those ratepayers who elected them were equally as anxious to have someone shoulder this responsibility and most pre ferably anyone but themselves the operation of the municipality of stouffville is a business a one hundred thousand dollar a year business and even with the increases voted last week the total payment for the managers is likely to be less than 2000 canadians seek broader horizons following the increasing urge to broaden their personal horizons by travel more canadians are on the move around the shrinking globe than ever before a dominion bureau of statistics report shown that canadians last year spent 44 1000000 on visits to all countries the greater part of which 361000- 000 was spent on visits to the united states spent by visitors to canada during the year was 5329000000 less than either figure d ieo dolan director of the canadian govern ment travel bureau claims that canadians spend more per capita than the people of any other country on pleasure travel outside their own borders this is amplified by a survey by one of the worlds leading airlines which shown that europe and the caribbean were most popular with canadians last year among the more unusual ports of call for canad ians on business or pleasure were liberia and the gold coast in africa the azores iceland nicaragua and guatemala in central america and turkey and lib ation in the middle last rapidly gaining in favor are such south american countries as brazil argen tina colombia peru and chile among the factors increasing travel to south america are business investments lhere and trade possibilities climate lures canadians to the caribbean while hawaii long a favorite winter resort with well- todo westerners is now growing in favor with eastern ers as well there is one disquieting factor in the surveys the fact that canadians spend more than other people on travel outside their borders indicates perhaps that they dont spend as much on travel in their own country too bad there isnt a survey which would give details on this important aspect of canadian life sunday school lesson civil defence in rural areas 10th in a ries of 21 articles tre airpare is blamed for bringing war to the civilian pop ulation of countries jr the past the cities were considered the only areas in real danger the hydrogen bomb however un imaginable the idea may be has extended this threat to even the most remote farm it is this vast almost unbeliev- the actual strength of the shel ter is rot important the mater ia and the thickness of the wails and roof determine the degree of proteclion a farmer can provide his stock protection by keeping them in the barn since the dan ger from fallout might last js hours or more this means some one should stay in the barn all this time to avoid walking back able new danger that has posed and forth from the house for he two main problems before feeding and watering pbeaciuxg ro the gentiles lessor for may 13 golden text of a truth i perceive that god is no re-pec- tor of persons but in every nation he that feareth hun and vvorketh righteousness is accepted with him acts 10 3 35 the lesson as approach to the lesson two caesateas are mentioned verse was rotmng hath en arise peter slay his state el hunger ropraie occasion for is command vers s not so lord for common or unclean ted into my mouth here peter is really telling on himself was there ever a more contradictory statement than xot so lord he is not lod to whom you say no rejig- a whole ious scruples were more to pe- s ter at this point than obedience verse 9 what god hath cleansed that call not thou com- t men this is the big point m the new testament there is what the law marked as un clean lev it was to be reject ed but when god sanctified canadas civil defence planners how to save the population of the cities and how to save the rest of the population the only answer for cities is evacuation the main solution for rural peo ple is to provide adequate shel ter the farmers chief danger she told me to tell too she went ont with tom nt on ihe hick porch with oor cat that our lord went with his dis ciples on one of his retreats and it was here that peter made his great confession the other caesarea was o the shore of the mediterranean about mid way between joppa and mount carmel the herods had a home here and it was here too that herod antipas died a hor rible death after he had killed james the brother of john and attempted to bring peter to jud gment at caesarea also paul and his company landed on their way to jerusalem and here ag- abus warned him of the impris who stand and wait three centuries ago the english poet john milton realized that his eyesight was failing rapidly he continued to perform his official duties and for a while hoped that thevenot an eminent french oculist might restore his eyesight in this he was bitterly disappointed and there are few passages in all literature more thrilling than those in which this valiant heart accepted his fate before the final interview with thevenot he wrote whatever ray of hope there may be for me from the famous physician i prepare and compose myself accordingly my fre quent thought is that since many days of darkness are destined for everyone my darkness by the singular kindness of god will be amid rest and studies and the voices and greetings of my friends have been much easier to hear because of this verily god looks out for me and provides for me leading me forth with his hand through my whole life 1 shall willingly if it be his will give my eyes their long holiday after he knew that there was no hope whatever and that blindness would be his lot for the remainder of his life he wrote yet i argue not against heavens hand or will not bate a jot of heart or hope but still bear up and steer right onward miltons magnificent fortitude in the face of adverse cir cumstances has encouraged thousands to endure suffering with courage his blindness though it must have been a blow at the time at least gave him leisure to think in solitude about some great subjects which had his eyesight remained perfect he might not have felt he had time to study while he did not live in direst want it is evident that during the last fourteen years of his life he knew poverty as well as persecution he had inher ited very little from his father had failed to get the inheritance fromhis first wife had lost almost all the money he had loaned to others and by an accident his house was burned it seemed as if one calamity heaped upon another until in obscurity and loneliness he produced his great works during the first great war two young mechanics enlisted in the canadian army w ith all the enthusiasm of youth they were keen to go overseas but weeks and then months passed and they were given work around an airdrome making and repairing machines they saw hundreds of other young men don uniforms and go to the front while they chafed and bitterly complained their resentment reached the ears of a hih official who had them brought before him and listened to their story he asked them why they had enlisted they wanted to serve their country very well then he told them that their presence overseas could made little difference to the outcome of the war two soldiers more or less was not a matter of great consequence but their unusual mechanical skill was most invaluable at the airdrome of ten times more valuable than their presence at the battlefront could possibly be in short if they really wanted to serve their country best they could do it by doing the less spectacular thing remaining at home making and repairing airplanes several years ago a wellknown book bore the title ten pivotal figures of history in it the author selected ten persons who towered above all others in their gniignce but these estimates wore at best only guesses that saying of jesus many that are first shall be last and the last first surely applies here we must recall miltons own famous line they also serve who only stand and wait orn quotation today is by jcsus the greatest of all is the servant nf nil it is necessary too hat means of determining the strength of radiation in the fallout be avail able or that information on its danger be available from radia tion detection units in the near- est village or town so that a farm family will know when it is sage to come out again civil from an hbomh attack arises defence planning before such from its radioactive fallout the disaster comes is the onlv means dust of pulverized cities that of assuring the farmer this will settles over large areas follow- te available ing the blast this danger ox- the f mav h called on tends not only to the farmer and to help his citv neighbours too his family but to his livestock 0 that his place in civil defence tonll find her an1 cvpn his cl s weu is not just to learn how he mav there are ways to guard help himself but also how to against this fallout danger the help others less fortunate in first step is to be warned in disaster time that it is coming this can if c are wiped out only be done effectively through his crops and livestock his milk la wellorganized civil defence and eggs and butter would be- i setup that takes in every farmer co a vital necessity to the life in the district 0 the whole countrv his sup- it is impossible to predict the plies would be needed to help jsize and location of a fallout feed refugees from the cities area until a bomb is dropped his house and even his outbuild- know ivxrvprmeclhmure tl t bc to h i seeking sou cornelius the ro- snow evcij piotective measuie shelter them even his machini stiifinri that can be taken before such a erv his tractors trucks and disaster takes place this is one horses if he has them could be case in which ignorance would urgently useful but they would be useless if he were caught un prepared and all were contam inated and dead farmers them selves are notoriously useless civil defence in canada to achieve maximum results must caesarea piulippi north of the sea of galilee in the tetrarchy of philip whose wife herod his them they were no longer in tha brother stole it was to the re- category given them under tha gion of this caesarea philippi law verse 10 and this was done three times god was mak ing the truth very emphatic to peter for he was entrenched in that prejudice from which god would deliver him verse 11 and behold three men sent from caesarea unto me the three men were two household servants anil a soldier sent by cornelius ihe centurion of caesarea at the command of ihe angel to call peter 105s verse 12 and the spirit bade me go with them these six brethren accompanied me onment which awaited him in this was the application of tin j the holy city caesarea was al- vision peter must have expect- so the home of philip one oj the ed that his going would be dial- seven appointed to the minisira- lenged so his taking six fellow tion of the churchs benevolen- 1 believers with him as witnesses ces in jerusalem but who dc- was a wise precaution veloped into a noted evangelist j verse 13 he had seen an this was the caesarea to which j angel send men to joppa peter was called from joppa to and call for simon whose sur- i minister the word of life to be anything but bliss that why civil defence has become as important to the farmer as to any other citizen civil defence training can provide the farmer with knowledge that is power to protect himself radioactive fallout can con taminate animals crops and un- packaged foods it can contam inate houses cars yards and fields it ran contaminate water supplies so that they should not be used until they are decontam inated the only safe thing to do if preparing and warning farmers i fallout occurs is to take shelter j isolated places extend to every community no i sol from jcsus the beal ng matter how snrall f f worth- hls servant the centurion ington federal civil defence wmo supervised the crucifixion coordinator has said it is he of our lord and who recognized ing organized as a result on the unique character and nature an area basis comprising a num ber of towns and communities and said the coordinator it must also embrace means of name is peter the experience of cornelius was gods working at the other end of the line god is never at cross purposes but knows how to make things lit verse 14 who shall tell the words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved tha word of salvation was with pe ter he came as gods evange list to a seeker who was con scious of his need verse 15 and as i began to speak the holy ghost fell on them the holy spirit docs not need a complete sermon with of the one crucified the centur- j which to do ills work when he ion to whom was entrusted the breaks in the sermon can stop care of paul on his journey to it was that as on us at the be- rome and who treated the aposl ginning that really shook po- tie with such deference and re- iter here was the gentile pen- a centurion in the roman ar my held rank somewhat equiva lent to captain in the american army several of them are men tioned in the new testament and they are presented as men of high caliber we think of the centurion of capernaum who bales of iay- for parents only traffic safety rides by nancy cleaver since world war ii is greater than all the canadians killed in the land battles in summer is acomin in with i dents on the highway he point- vacation folk and tourists crow- i that the postwar traffic ding our highways boys and girls delight in holiday plans but parents realize that they must impress on their children which our troops fought with ihe importance of following le un forces in korea stalls- safely rules in traffic with tic may seem vcryeom land im- more hours of sunshine free- personal but what if your son dom from school and thousands daughter had been among more trucks and care on the meet the centurion of our lesson well sustains the record of his fellow captains but goes beyond them all in personal al- legiance to jcsus christ verso by verse acts 111 and the apostles and brethren heard that the gentiles had also received the word of god to those hebrew believers it really was startling news that the gospel had been preached to and accepted by gentiles to some it may have j been good news but to others it was utterly shocking i they had not been delivered from their exclusivcness verse 2 and they that were of the circumcision contended with him the phrase they that were of the circumcision contended with him the phrase they that were of the circum cision indicates the stricter group who insisted that gen tiles must come by way of cir cumcision and obedience lo the law into the benefits of the gospel verse 3 thou wentest in to men tecost verse 11 then remembered i john indeed baptized with water but ye shall he baptized with the holy ghost see acts 15 now peter sees ihe extei sion of this promise to the gen tiles verse 17 what was t that i could withstand god this is firm ground jewish scruples or gentile scruples cannot stand before the univcrsalitv of god verse is when they heard these things they glorified god saying then hath god nlso to the gentiles granted repentance unto life they may find fault i with peter but they must how lo the manifest work of god here was evidence that god in christ was gathering in the j gentiles the wall of partition is broken down eph 211 the heart nf the lesson i it is not surprising to find tha apostles haled before jewish and gentile courts lo answer for their doctrine and practice for they were preaching ihe mes- sago which challenged jewish overseas letter london england april 29 1936 theres always something hap pening in london as i expect you all know but the past 2 weeks have seen sights which surpass anything for the visit of the russian leaders marshal bul- ganin and mr kruschev was interesting to the man in the street with their cars and large escort speeding through the road the number of persons in jured and killed in traffic acci dents increases sharply in an average summer in on tario five hundred and sixty school age children were killed theres a big welcome on the or injured during july and aug- mat for all the various overseas visitors who are already begin ning to flock to england and theres a tremendous program of events being prepared for them more details of them in a later news loiter sir winston churchill is ro ust thirtyone of these young sters were playing on the street thirtyfive were crossing ihe street not at the corner and fiftyfive ran out from hehind a parked car country parents may be surprised lo learn that forty children were injured or reiving a visit at chartweli killed crossing a rural highway from members of the royal sus- two hundred and four boys and sex req ta he is their hon girls mostly ajo five to nine colonel the pariv is to consist were on foot bicyclists were in ten tips for safe holidays vacations and holiday week ends at the summer cottage will be safer and happier if the fol lowing ten tips are observed say safety officers of the ont pept of lands and forests they are in addition to the sea sonal advice to be careful at all times with fire in the wood- 1 remove dead tiees or bro ken limbs from the cottage site they might fall during high winds 2 make certain that the stove pipes and chimney are clean and sound better still install a spark arrcstor on the chimney 3 check the dock for broken plank i check water craft for weak points that might fal in roujh hollywood fantasy than the waters j usual parade this was really 5 use a safe gasoline can all that the general public saw and avoid spilling this highly of them however as long as 1 inflammable fuel in the boat this visit has opened up belter streets was something more like ni officers and 10 other ranks accidents loo one hundred unfortunately in spite of ail and thirtyeight mostly age ten where a spark might ignite it relations with the soviet union when youre a long way from i and ourselves everyone feels shore that it may have been worth 6 know the safe carrying while capacity of your boat or canoe naturally it has caused a and dont overload keep plenty tremendous amount of contro- of freeboard for while it may versy and their reception was be calm when you leave shore mixed theres no doubt largest land lizard in the world large waves from a storm or i thai the straiglu-from-the-shoul- the archbishop of canterbury other boats could wash over and ier talk they received at the has really shocked the cabinet vvamp your craft j labour party dinner shook with his attack on the govern- from accidents on the highways i up in a small hem up a lot the day after- menls policy on cyprus the and twentyfive thousand were efforts the toll of casualties in the metropolitan police district still rises 39 people being killed in march 8 more than last year total casualties were 1130 fill more than in march 1935 it makes one wonder where it is coming to the bbc are send ing an expedition to indonesia in an attempt to film and cap ture the komodo dragon the to fourteen the rest were hurt or killed riding in a motor ve hicle what are the chances that your child will he injured in a traffic accident he may not be as safe as you think did you know that in 1933 there were cloc to thiee thous and traffic deaths in canada every week fiftysix people die on our roads or streets in the same year in ontario alone a thousand and fifty persons died those suffering or dead from a traffic accident some parents wrongly believe that once a child graduates from a play pen if he is warn ed stay off the road it is safe to let him play on ihe street bin a preschool child is loo im mature to be trusted to keep out of danger in a recent graph showing fatal injuries lo chil dren age one in four motor ve hicles accounted for over one third 358 of the deaths the next three grave dangers were fire 128 fatalaties drowning him and poisoning 5ri deaths a very little child must have an enclosed place in which lo if i doubt or if a car is turn- plav being tethcied with a t a corner do you wait do rope is a second best but he you refuse lo gel on or off a cannot safely be given complete nnoving vehicle freedom if his ball rolls out on i ncrcumcised and didst f q ni cat with them sec 1028 peter sul however to find found himself in a hornets takcn lo task the npm church such was ihe situation verse i but peter rehearsed j which peter found himself and expounded here is what had he done to be called the chief of the apostles having on 1lc he had acted in to answer for his conduct lo hooping with the last instrur- ihe ordinary members of the tfoivs given by the lord before church his ascension to glory vff verse 5 t was praying j shall be witnesses unto me holh i saw a vision a great j in jerusalem and in all judaea sheet this was in the home and in samaria and unto ihe of his namesake simon the tan- uttermost pari of the earth nor his prayer room was the in taking the gospel to the po- roof he was hungry but stayed man centurion he was obeying at prayer while waiting for dinjthe spirit of that injunction in ner the trance slate was not unconsciousness but rather su- pcrconsciousness wise fi oin footed beasts wild beasts and creeping things and fowls a gooil represen tation of ihe various zoological categories this was a vision presented to his inward con sciousness mall boat or canoe s carry sufficient life pre servers for all aboard 9 dont travel at night with out lights to vears it was all to the good 0 pont leave the boat if it xn show him the difference he ipes hang on until you drift wards mr kruschev told mr george brown that he was as- 1 tonished he s i have not met people like you for 30 or o shore or until help comes crop c crowds and makm tvvecn a oneparty country like mendous hit government proposal to issue injured what if your boy or premium bonds is meeting a girl should be hurt this year very mixed reception every responsible citizen must the film carousal at the be concerned over the steady hay market is certainly drawing growth of road fatalities in can- tie- i nd run try like ours that there is j men here hi mtiocranc coun- r him to ieatn only a govertv an oppo r spring is really here in lon don now and it will very shortly may hae done him all the good in the world be tulip parks t seeing st time in the lis is a sih worth james park will he a ada since the war in 19tfi their were 1663 traffic deaths and in 193 the were 2906 deaths the managing director of the cana- lohdon dian good roads association mr c w gilchrist recently jolted canadians out of any fee the road he is very apt to run after it without looking an ab sentminded neighbour may back swiftly out of his driveway and knock 1 small child down who is crossing the driveway on his tricycle a child may be rac ing his scooter trip and fall in the path of an oncoming car there are a dozen common sit uations in which little children playing on a street arc injured example is more effective than scolding or punishment in- straree experts who have stud ied the details of hundreds of accidents point out by your actions are you demonstrating to your child the ways of safety do you go to the corner to cross the load when you are walking along a street do you stop at the curb at the corner and iwik both ways to v if it is safe do you obey the traffic policeman and cross on the picture cheerio wal srg of complacency about accig ng al an intersection i left and right when leaving a bus or streetcar in wet slip pery weather do you wear suit able footwear and cross the street with extra rare if theie is no sidewalk do you walk fac ing onoming traffic if pos sible after dark do you wear light colored clothing or carry a white object there is scarcely a newspaper that does not have an account of a traffic mishap do you read this aloud or better still have your child read it to you dis cuss how this particular acci dent might have hen avoided far too many lives are being lost and far too many people injured in traffic accidents tea- chers do a splendid fob r y education but during te ion summer months this training is a holiday extra which parcnw must after your child is cepnc nun copyright cidenlally he had not done it too willingly the lord had to ideal witli him in a unique fash- lion in order to overcome that jewish exclusivcness which made him avoid all gentile con tact it was nri natural impulse then that sent him lo the gen tile home but definite leading j which he could not mistake and dare not resist now the church in jerusalem with its strong le gal element calls him to answer lor his disgraceful conduct in entering a gentile home and ac tually eating with gentiles how will peter defend his action he offers a threefold defence n vision a roincidenre and a demonstration first he recounts tin- vision that god had given him on the roof of the home of simon the tanner in joppa tin which by the illustration of animals reckoned unclean under the law god taught him that what he sanctified was no more in the category of ihe unclean this was a preparation for what followed the second argument was a divinely ordered coincidence for indeed it was a coincidence that pete had only time lo give him elf to the contemplation of the vision when the servants of cornelius arrived with the that he n io caesarea to the home of the centurion ivit it was a coincidence wro ught b god himself in order loo c vcir fom hli prelu- c i jed then by the voice it the spin he accompanied consiauod oa pj l t

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