s susy biographical background of i dr r m taylor rca victor 21 1956 console models a reg i i 29995 j i sole price 22995 j you save 7000 l oneill furniture stouffville ont phone 98w1 r preccist septic tanks sidewalks sump tile curbing etc large or small we build them all custom septic installations trenching ditch jxg backfilling a grading fabricated concrete specialties ltd formerly cy bellman associates 49tf stouffvillo 230 football a game that gives people something to kick about dicksons hill i mrs clare bolender of beth- csda spent a few days with her sister mrs a c barkey who j entertained a number at a quilt ing last week mrs murray little one of the canvassers for the canadian cancer pesearch fund has call ed on the homes in this imme diate district best wishes for recovery go to miss dorothea barkey who underwent a tonsil operation re cently also to mr lester eby who has undergone spinal sur gery in the toronto general hospital mr and mrs charles gostiek of stouffville and air gingrich of lethbridge are motoring to alberta accompanied by mrs charles hoover as far as es- panola she is visiting the hills on manitoulin island dr osborne and mr mallet were fishing at lake simcoe and their efforts were rewarded by catching an eight pound lake trout other local fishermen have supplied their neighbours dr taylor was born in van couver but has spent the major portion of his life in toronto where he received his education he received his ba from the university of toronto in 1936 and his md in 1939 following a year and a half of postgraduate study he joined the canadian army and served with the 4th and 5th canadian divisions over seas from 19411945 at the end of the war he returned to postgraduate study at the university of toronto and the toronto general hospital he was made a fellow of the royal college of physicians of canada in 194s and was appointed to the staff of the university and of the toronto general hospital in 1950 he accepted the post of director of the medi cal division of atomic energy of canada ltd at chalk river a position which he held until his appointment as executive director of tho national cancer institute and the canadian cancer society with plenty of suckers sympathy is extended to the families of mrs levi hoover mr geo hilts of gormley and mrs leslie grove of victoria square who have passed on to their heavenly home the wms of mount joy joined the local society in their easter thankoffering service conducted by pastor shantz mrs ralph baker of gormley gave a message of witness that was greatly appreciated everyone is invited to the an nual missionary convention be ing held this week there will be special missionary stories and offering for the missions in the junior sunday school under supt carl grove cancer campaign hears end april has always had a spe cial significance for the woman of the house bulbs are being planted the childrens heavy- winter things go back in the mothballs and the annual mar athon of soap water and skin ned knickles spring cleaning is with us again thats april but april in the last few years has tken on an added meaning april is can cer month in canada now cancer is not a pleas ant subject but it is worth while to face the facts as with so many things if we take a long hard look at a problem we reduce it to a manageable size some of us will be able to remember when tuberculosis wasnt talked about openly a few years back it was mental disease it is only recently that we have come around to accept alcoholism as a curable disease now slowly but surely we are facing to cancer and we are doing a great deal more than talk about it thou sands of volunteers in more than 700 canadian communities are organized under the ban ner of the canadian cancer so ciety to fight this disease how do they fight it by raising money to support fundamental cancer research by assisting cancer patients by informing the public of the facts about cancer this is done by an edu cational program that describes the symptoms of cancer and points up the necessity lor spot ting symptoms early and ob taining good medical advice the important thing to re member is that doctors can cure many- cancer cases if they are caught early enough that is the essential rule early diag nosis and immediate approp riate treatment everyone should be able to recognize cancers warning sig nals you should ask your doc tor abou them or write to your provincial branch of the cana dian cancer society for liter ature which outlines these war ning signals and tells you some thing about the success doctors are having now in treating can cer you can get that informa tion on cancer absolutely free from the ontario division of the canadian cancer society richmond hill box 216 and dont forget that this great national program of re search education and cancer control needs your help make a contribution to the canadian cancer society too wont you lets help science help us box grove sunday school shirley howard we are sure that april this year is the coldest on record and also the month with the fewest hours of sunshine how ever the skies did clear enough cn sucday morning early 1 ara for those who were still up to see a beautiful dis- play of the northern lights though its so cold we notice several robins building nests arrf starting to raise their fam ilies too bad mr and mrs robin cant hang out please do not disturb signs dont forget those two bother some but important days com ing soon one is sunday when we set our clocks ahead one hour for the start of daylight saving time and the other is monday the deadline for send- 1 irg in your income tax happy birthday this week to i i sharon thomson who will be 8 years old on thursday and also to her sister becky who i i will be 2 years old on sunday j most of the support for can- 1 cer research in canada comes from voluntary contributions collected during the april can- j cer campaign by the canadian evangelist comes to stouffvijie the stouftyllle trj8une thursday amr 26 1956 pige ii doityourseli rkinfouced sidewalk slabs i x so i i tmck concrete curbing ii msh 4 ft enths with rounded top fabricated concrete specialties ltd township of uxbridge the tasbip of vibridse will advrt daylight saving time rev frank r wellington l th founder and director of the evangelical sunday school bureau of canada formerly field secretary of the big bro- ther movement toronto work- cancer society the 1956 objee- j f three years as psycho- tive of the society is s21000o0 1 logical consultant and advisor although more research work throughout the world is being done on cancer than on any other medical problem scien tists still have not discovered the cause of cancer your dona tion will help to bring the day lormerr cr bellman associates 3tf stouffville 0 r period comnaencln at two oclock am oa sunday j april 23th and ending on sun- at the regular meeting of ttz t whitchurch twp council on thursday night a taxi license was granted to mr melville boyle at mussulmans lake by order of council church jfetrs amongst parents and boys and j prior to that pastor of calvary baptist church ottawa rev frank wellington will conduct a special series of serv ices for boys and girls in the united missionary church closer when this disease will be commencing on monday after- understood and cured the can- ioon at 1 oclock he will bring yasser for this area is mrs hi musical saw and other in- haines who will o around to striiments movies film strips sr i slides beautiful illuminated soon the boys from the flannelgraph tiny his ven- sc mi again to triloquist doll and surprises collect newspapers this time j galore the money realized will be used to buy sports equipment for the school the profit made by i the last collection was sent to vv as 0 the junior red cross and was the largest donation sent iu geo hilts from any school in the rural i area although many of the the death occurred in york schools are much larger than county hospital on saturday ours i of george t hilts of gormley we are pleased to report he was in his 88th deceased is that levi degeer mrs fiege- survived hy his wife the former hem and dorothy gray are all matilda shef fer and two daugh- feeling better now both doro- j tors vera at home and mrs thy and mrs feighen stepped earl doner of stouffville on rusty nails which caused se- 1 the funeral service on tues- vere infections tliat were treated day was conducted from the with shots unfortunately mrs j heiso hiil church gormley fiegehen had a severe reaction careful driver one who slows down as he passes a red light the stouffville fire brigade received a call on wednesday afternoon to fight their first grass fire of the season the outbreak was at loves mush room farm near gormley to her shot and is only now re j covering although she hurt her self over a week ago the box grove wa will hold their mav meeting next wed nesday may 2nd at s30 sharp sat the home of mrs coakwell projects for the evening are a miniature bake sale auction and articles for the bazaar fish pond also dont forget to save your woollens and cottons for fairfield blankets the shipment date is may 15th visiting with the raymers on monday was mrs cemetery jail farm after an accident a road hog is usually trie first to squeal fancy carriage dipsydoodles through canadian woods niece mrs dick brown of beamsville mrs raymer is do ing fine now and is able to be up for short periods of time every day a threealarm fire at the on tario mental hospital at lang- staff caused considerable dam age to the top floor of the building some 350 inmates were removed to the ground raymers j floor and then taken to another new multi- jointed pulp- wood vehicles do work of 40 men 8 horses if yon visit a pulpwood camp this winter chances are youll sec a vehicle the likes of which you have never seen before the paper company forest engineer who probably contributed to its design will point with pride lo this amaz ing conveyance that may soon repbee the horse and the tractor for the speedy econ omical transportation of pulp- wood in the forest a fancy carriage about as expensive as the continental automobile this forest vehicle is known as the mark iv logger and is the result of many years of research and ex periments by engineers of the pulp and paper industry commenting on the placing of the vehicle in commercial use wae pepler manager of tho woodlands section canadian pulp and paper as sociation stated that the mach ine will produce substantial savings in moving the pulp- wood harvest from stump to road or river the mark iv logger runs on sfoot tires over any kind of terrain through streams and deep snow over mud ice stumps and rocks carrying a load of hi cords of pulpwood which it picks up and dumps mechanically it is operated by one man towered by a 8mip 6- j cylinder engine the new industrial vehicle has a top speed of 36 miles per hour on the highway and of about seven in the bush it has four speeds both forward and re verie 4 according to mr pcplcr the chief characteristic of t h mark iv is the fart that it is both articulating and oscillat ing which means that its four wheels are always on the ground each wheel operates independently the logger hav ing 4wheel drive 4 wheel brakes and 4wheel steering thus it is under the complete control of the operator at all tures its universal joint is located midway between front and rear wheels permitting the front wheels to iw around at right angles with those in lh rear in other words the n vehicle is steered not like a truck but b nctnj of its articulation x i i t1 automation invades woodlands to help loggers move more pulpwood faster in the above pictures a new pulpwood vehicle called the mark iv logger shows its versatility in handling 4foot spruce bolts 1 cords at a time the amazing machine designed by engineeis of the woodlands section canadian pulp and paper association has 4 speeds fonvard and reverse 4wheel drive 4wheel brakes 4wheel steering reversible drivers seat two dashboards two steering wheels and a universal joint at dead centre for greater mobility it runs like a spider over any terrain as a standard truck while travelling and as an industrial lift truck while loading bottom left or unloading bottom right it travels with less effort and at greater speeds in deep snow than its predecessors the horc sleigh and the tractor skiddcr with which it is shown in the top photograph while loading its dumpbody acts as a fork and claw i wing botli richmond hill and north york fire departments answered the call markham twp constables bill shearn and eob hood assisted by provin- visiting with mrs gray this clal police officers from the weak are her mother and sister mrs marchant and doris of to ronto several of the local high school students among them joy and gladys gray and susan arm strong took part in the demon strations at the open house held at markham high school last friday evening one of the most interesting items of the eve ning was a fashion show in which the students modelled clothes which had been made by themselves this week will see the official closing of all the youth centre clubs except the hifi club which is planning to run all summer the tiny tot club is planning a party for thursday the girls club will be holding an open house on saturday af ternoon from 3 to 4 at the club house with the draw for the quilt and afghan to take place at 330 sharp with samena sis- sons officiating work done by bond lake detachment kept the heavy friday afternoon traf fic moving firemen worked for three hours before the outbreak was finally extinguished the girls in both the junior and tenders apply to the classified advs township of uxbridge tenders tor equipment sealed tenders marked as to content will be received by the undersigned until twelve oclock noon on saturday may 12th for the supply of a tractor loader and mower for the township of uxbridge for further information and forms upon which to submit under- senior club will he on display and coffee will be served every one welcome then next tues day at g30 there will be a joint banquet for all the members of the girls club and boys club the last but not least club at which we are going to take a look is the hifi club this club meets every friday evening from 830 till 1100 in the youth centre under the guidance of ron and kit hollingworth the membership includes girls and boys of high school status or older the meeting opens with a business session followed by refreshments after which the members either dance or go upstairs to the game room to play darts or pool or bowl as 1 we mentioned above this club i plans to go on all summer and when the weather jgned the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted john ashenhurst clerk lxbridse township goodwood ont 492 in memoriam xewns in loving memory of a dear husband dad and granddad waller newns who passed away april 24th 1553 in memory a daily thought in heart a secret sorrow sadly missed by wife and family nkwxs walter in loving memory of my dear father who pacd away sunday april 21th 1955 warmer i he is gone but not forgotten another feature which makes it so manoeuvrable is the fact that whib dumpinr or loadinf the operator faces the load he just swings around on his reversible seat and uses a second dashboard steering wheel and clutch as well as the lifting and dumping con trols all of which are behind him when he is driving the vehicle from stump to landing because of its remarkable off roa j manoeuvrability th- mark iv logger is of spe cial interest ta the department of national defence which has followed its development close ly major contributors lo the lesijning of the machine have been b j mccoll former member of the c p p as woodlands section staff who acted as design ensineer on toe logger j a mcxally and lvar pogh of canadian inter national paper montreal julian merrill woodlands man ager anglocanadian pulp and piper mills limited que- in montreal by bornard man ufacturing limited the log ger is about to be manufac tured commercially by the clark equipment company which is building a plant in st thomas ontario for the purpose the development of the mark iv iogcer was financed by a group of pulp and paper companies tho new machine and as dawns a year in our lonrly hours of thinking thoughts of him are always neir days of sadness will come oer will be planning picnics wiener roasts and swimming parties amon their projects arc raffles and bake sale- last saturdays alo being very successful with all the baking being sold quickly many think the wound is healed and a nice little profit being fiut little know the sorrow realized that lies in the heart concealed the prize winners at last fii- sadly missed by sunday april 22 christ church anglican rev j d tiller rector sunday april 2 1th after raster 1000 am morning worship 1000 am nursery sunday- school 11 am sunday school sat may 5th at 3 pm wa afternoon ten rake sale keep my commandments pro 31 united church stouffville bumlay april 29 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship rev john mclaehlan bd the evening services are with drawn for the summer months tiies 730 pm cubs scouts tliurs 4 pm the explorers thurs 7 pm cgit thurs s30 choir practice you are writing a gospel a chapter each day by deeds that you do by words that you say men read what you write whether reithless or true s3y what is the gospel ac cording to you bloomington and ringwood christian churches mr kenny edwards pastor sunday april 29 bloomington 10 am sundav school 11 am morning worship ringwood 1000 am sunday school 7 so pm worship service rev douglas percy special missionary meeting also sound film mighty voice will be shown after regular service by rev percy mon s pm christian endea vor brethren in christ church heise hill gormley pastor bishop a i winger sunday april 29 1000 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 7 pm evangelistic st james presbyterian church stouffville rev d r mckiiiican ba bd sunday april 29 10 am morning worship worship with us united missionary church rev h shantz minister sunday april 29 mount joy 10 am sundav school 11 am missionary rev chas hunsberger 7t0 pm missionary rev wayne brenneman fii s pm missionary rev charles hunsberger dickson hill 10 am mlrslonniy rev chas hunsberger 11 co am sunday school wed s pm prayer meeting vivian mccormack memorial church whltcombr ma pm prayer meet- rev w s thurs s15 ins and bible stud sunday april 29 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evening worship tues s15 pm young peoples wed s15 ladles meeting nt the home of mrs lloyd grose bee city all servinj on the i has been subjected to many periil committee headed by cordon godwin woodland ninager ontario paper com pany thorcld ontario the fie- experimental mi- chines now in use were built months of tests and its ability 13 reduce logging costs sub stantially has been amply dem onstrated demand for the logger is heavy both in can ada and in other countries days euchre were pearl but ler mrs hojhnger jean iegg cec crozier lome pegg mr feeman tho freezeout was won by jean carr and arli milroy wolves in g2ine3u pa 1 tided hunter- wonder hunter would be smart c o elude sj wolves harold md marguerite howie and linda hendlpson in loving mem ory of a dear husband and father walter henderson the world nay change from year to year and friends from day to dav bit never ill the one we loie t ront memory pa away kver remembered by wife itatuar aod family stouffville baptist church pnstoi iter m gibson sunday april 29 1000 am church bible sciiool 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evening service wed s pm prayer meeting frl s pm young peoples melville bethesda peaches ballantrae united churches licv h d mndille sunday april 29 mklv1llk 1130 am morning worship ukthksda 1000 am worship service peachs 10 am morning worship iiallantrak rev j axenroth 1130 am worship service united missionary church gormley belhesda rev c e hunking minister sunday april 22 ukthksda 11 am sunday school 12 noon worship service cokmlkv slj am broadcast 1350 kc 10 am worship service 11 am sunday schuol 730 pm young people apr 2 missionary convention concludes church broadcast cklb 1350 on your dial great missionary convention in progress check display advs in this issue evangelical baptist churches second markham llev bruce hisey wed 8 pm prayer service sunday april 29 1000 am bible school 11 am gospel service subject the faithful four 730 young peoples we invite you to our young peoplos service baker hill thurs 8 pm prayer service at the home of mr claude kerr itingwood next sunday 130 pm bible school 230 nin service subject plain counsel for christians heb 116 but without faith it is impossible to please god all welcome memorial christian church itcv f a dcnrmond pastor sunday april 29 10 am sunday blblo school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evening gospel hour wed s pm prayer and bible study hour nt the home of mr and mrs powell fri 7 pm junior choir prac tice fri 745 pm boys stockade reformed church of canada dutch meeting lcmonvillc pastor itcv dykstra sunday april 29 10 am worship service 11 am sunday school altona christian united missionary church sunday april 29 1030 am sunday school 730 pm worship service rev cameron orr speaker ctouffilleunitei missiqnaryachurch rcvt ti jiiimi fiiibtcr sunday april 29 1000 am sunday school rev frank wellington will speak in all service classes for all ages 11 0 am worship service 730 pm livening ssrvice monday to flday special childrens services the musical mytery man will b with in tlm- of service 00 pm saturday 715 pm m second markham church srouffvutf youth i i hi v intrrnntfftniil night nt voulli for jill- timr lilm ob cook iictorr ie- iiclink uormwmr vfc work muica we prcmrai ilir vkc rand th glrlv choir and our put the ken- tkmij lm6r thli mrk the vl iilr tuii rnffti the iihriic tn in the ivi lo out of thr- oiiiz nllii portion nrr i ionian chipt 12 urirl 15 mr ronu ill h- in rlmrar of this rail of fellohip tnnff in snnii i am cklb 0hw n rowan director ft