Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 29, 1956, p. 2

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vk 2 the stouffyaie tbmfflt thursday mach 29 b5 the stouffville tribune established 1828 a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations attiiorlmd u wctsitfciiu cull postoffic dept ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 5350 elsewhere 450 c h nolan pobllher ju thunsia assoc editor they bid for industry the smaller communities of ontario have entered the race for new industries and judging by recent acquisitions they are going to get their fair share determined councillors municipal officials and civic leaders are devoting hours days and weeks to the neverending task of deluging prospective business es with data on the attractions and advantages of their respective communities some have fulltime industrial commissioners others rely on municipal clerks or even private individuals to be supersalesmen the man on the street is also asked to play a part a taxi driver for instance chauffeuring a visiting in dustrialist can make a lasting impression and pave the way for a new industry to locate in his community tips from the individual citizen may lead to securing a large concern for his town why all the furor the answer is multiple new industry provides employment and a payroll resulting in increased business for the merchant and general prosperity the municipal treasury gets its share from taxes and just the sight of a fine new commercial building inspires confidence in a community in norfolk county the towns of simcoe port dover and delhi are putting forth a tremendous effort to attract industry they have chalked up several notable successes and have every hope of progress in this regard in the future like other ontario towns the norfolk trio is firmly convinced that decentraliza tion of industry is imminent in fact their view is that it has already started industrial promotion is of course only one phase of the busy whirl in the smaller communities in this modern age but it has become recognized as an essential activity and the next few years should see a spurt of competitive bidding for industry that will be unsurpassed for sheer aggressiveness the simcoe reformer hit and miss assessment hurting householders while we appreciate the sincerity and good inten tion of reeve daniels of stouffville in turning down a bid for measured assessment at a recent council meeting we believe that the lack of this uniform sys tem of assessment will work an increasing hardship on the householders of town a check on residential assessment between markham and stouffville reveals that houses of comparable assessment are carrying more than fifty percent more taxes here than in markham chief reason for the heavy residential taxes here is the very low assessment on commercial property in town with some homes bearing more assessment than the best commercial property on main st a number of the homes in our neighboring town found their taxes less under the measured basis be cause the mill rate was lowered so considerably even though their assessments were higher the county in estimating its share of local taxes is equalizing the assessments of all the municipalities so that the amount paid by stouffville and markham varies very little even though markhams total assess ment is more than twice as great a spot check of an average house in markham which carries an assessment of 2300 and one in stouffville with the same assessment reveals that the markham home pays 88 taxes as against 170 in stouffville reason the business and valuable com mercial property on markhams main st and along the highway is carrying its proper load while in stouff ville this is not the case the position of the assessor is made immeasurably more difficult under the present hit and miss method of assessing which in fact is no method at all since it is only one mans opinion against another when it comes to value on a proper measured basis nothing is left to chance since government rates have been established for each type of dwelling and other build ing and once the job of measuring has been completed and rates established for land the assessor has only to copy the rates provided deputyreeve kurk has shown opposition to the change he claims there was hardship in pickering township where he was once resident caused by measured assessment however it should be recalled that at the time the deputyreeve refers to measured assessment was in its infancy and pickering township was one of the municipalities which pioneered the uniform system there were difficulties and discrep ancies at that time but this is years ago and the sys tem has been worked into a smoothly operating assess ment roll since that time assessment in stouffville will always be an un popular jumble until a systematic system is established and no number of changes in assessors will remedy the situation if each continues to work on the eyeball system the true message of easter ending cigaret habit the tobacco habit once acquired is not easily broken even by persons who have fairly strong will power so it is interesting to read that an army doctor in texas has suggested a method for losing the tobacco habit which might work for some people peter briggs describes the method in the ladies home journal each day the smoker postpones for one hour longer the first cigaret on the first day as many cigarets as desired may be smoked on the second day the first cigaret is put off for one hour but after that the smoker consumes as many as he wishes on the second day no cigarets are smoked until two hours after rising but again as many thereafter as are craved if the program is carried out smoking will cease in about two weeks the theory is that if the smoker can consume an unlimited number of cigarets after his period of ab stinence he loses his fear of the program the cross the crown they crucised christ the saviour on a cross on calvary the symbol of our redemption given for you and me but on that easter morning gods angel did appear and said christ he is risen and said christ he is risen you cannot find him here it is by this sign we conquer and by this cross we live for god in a his wisdom his beloved son did give i that we his earthly children may find eternal rest and glory n his holiness wherein we wll be blest then may we help to bear his cross and hope to wear his crown to labour with him side by side may this joy to us be known the cross and crown must be our goal or great will be the loss for the heavenly gates are opened with the key of christs own cross ais iteuevisiox kas beex t sight for sore eves for thirty years five cr six years ago there was scarcely a television set in canadian homes now they run into more than a million it would appear that television cd and new weapons bs 7th in a series of 4 articles crude beginning more than 30 the evolution of weapons f- varies depending on the- fre orp tmes rotes that an with greater and greater pow- ngth of time it has drifted the overcomers a friend or mine who has several terms as principal of a city highschool but for nearly ten years had helped a large institution for handicapped children said it was his emphatic opinion that these crippled children were happier and more contented than the groups he had taught in city schools this is thouchtpbovokinc all the more so because it runs counter to accepted opinion we expect that the happiness of the handicapped will be considerably diminished yet their courage and cheerfulness is a constant source of wonder isaac watts one of the most voluminous of all hymn- writers as a baby was sick and puny and throughout life was so frail and delicate that his ljfe was often despaired of he was so small as to be almost insignificant that he was quite sensitive about his appearance is seen reflected in some of his hymns yet it was said of him that no matter what company he was in his conversation made others forget all about his dwarf ish appearance he was a giant in mind and soul he became minister in a church in london but from time to time was completely prostrated when spells of sickness came upon him it was his custom to write pastoral letters which were read to his congregation and the amazing courage of the chronic sufferer was a constance source of wonder to his people he seemed to have achieved such complete control over his body that even when racked with pain he managed to maintain a peace of mind which breathes in all his hymns temperamentally op posed to gloom no man did more to make public worship bright and interesting than isaac watts in 1707 he published the hymns and spiritual songs these hymns reverent confident and inspiring changed the character of worship in hundreds of churches the very pews seemed to vibrate with the fervor of the people and the flickering candles which stood up from the little round holes in the pew tops would start as if with alarm and quite frequently go out watts died in 174s yet after nearly two centuries there are about seventy of his hymns in constant use and watts is only one of thousands many afflicted worse than he was now it isnt that these people were resigned and accepted the inevitable with resignation and set teeth they were sup remely happy and their high spirits and vivacity astonished allwho knew them they ought to have been sad and dejected but no such thing happened there is something about all this hard to understand and which can only be explained on the basis of divine aid several years aco at the request of a man and his wife living in california i went to see a lady living at the home for incurables in a canadian city more than thirty years previous to this these people had been children together playing happily in an ontario village some strange malady unforseen in childhood had laid this woman aside i found her in a somewhat bare room and made known the reason for my visit i told her that her distant friends had not forgotten her that they were thinking about her and praying for her also i handed her some money they had sent for her comfort i had seen some inmates of the institution out on the veran dah and asked the lady how often she was able to go there i have never been out on the verandah she said i have a spinal disease which prevents my being moved this seems a cruel condition and i asked how long have you been here twentysix years i thought of twentysix years and all that had happened in my own life in so long a time do you mean to tell me i said that you have never been out of this small room in twentysix years i have never been over the thresh old since i was brought here twentysix years ago she answer ed there are times when conversation seems out of place and this was one of them it seemed to me that anything i might say would sound formal and insincere then that woman said something that i never want to forget it only comes a day at a time and god is so good twentysix years of almost con tinuous suffering the nurse told me afterwards that she was seldom out of pain for more than a few hours at a time and yet to talk about the goodness of god our quotation ron today is an old proverb keep busy even the devil himself cant fill your bag with beans i you have it filled with peas editors mail markham township dear sirs your treasurer whose duties terminate on march 31st will then be a free lance it is my intention to tell the residents of the township what they nvr should know instead of what lf a a ever destruction death is hou largely disappeared us- jsffiss injury but savs f f worth- ually within 4s hours a com- lc irgton federal civil defence munity could escape the danger j t which coordinator it were prepared first lt wji ud a tlnv oblong while the overall effects of m have means of learning than a a mass saturation raid such ashen and where the fallout rlntsseari took place in the summer of m3 appear then it must be 1943 on hamburg was tremen dous the atomic bomb is cap able of creating the same de gree of destruction from one bomber and one bomb in a mat ter of a few minutes in con sequence our danger is very much greater so civil defence today is dif ferent in many ways from that which was used during the 2nd world war it has had to change as the threats of new weapons changed the single atomic bomb that fell on hiroshima in august i as a matter of fact balrd sr a roade hs t weceifui broad- shelter quickly for at least 4sf wne months before that although it was as primitive as hours a community would then need to know when it was safe to come out it is because of these new dangers to even the small out- oftheway community that civ il defence planning has been extended to include the town and villages and the farms as well is the situation hopeless ci vil defence says no self pro tection measures become even more important since many dr bells first telephone call balrd was experimenting in a couple of rooms one upstairs the other downstairs in the soho area of london all of a sudden he found that he had transmitted an image between the two rooms so excited was he that he rushed into the street seized by the arm the first person he en countered who happened to be a policeman on his beat and lf destroyed 52000 of obooo j more people are likely to be wm the room buildings and damaged 6000 more beyond repair as a re sult of the bomb 800o0 of the citys 250000 population died the first hbomb tested de stroyed everything within 3 miles severely damaged every thing within seven miles and 10 fleeted community organiza tion is more essential than ever to take ccire of larger numbers of casualties and evac uees and cope with a greater amount of destruction than heretofore had been antici pated certain committees of council mor powerful bombs want you to know i will also give you the real reason why three employees resigned within a matter of two weeks we have all heard about hid den assets i am going to re verse the order and tell you of a few hidden liabilities keep your eyes open after the 31st for some facts about the internal workings of your township that do not appear in a balance sheet yours del ryder 240 main st box 8j agincourt have since been tested it became apparent says the federal coordinator that civil defence planning had to be re- african bible written word for word the first fullsize book in the vised emphasis was shifted language recently ar- from a policy of duck and co- 1 rived in french eouatorlal af- to one of evacuation laff of the week the following letter has been received from arthur l hore of markham village in an ac companying letter he notes the fluorine question is not yet settled forest hill council has beat the city of torontos decree to fluoridate the metro water supply we thrive on debate the doctor adds which improves the power of the mind here is the doctors letter markham ont editor the tribune dear sir we are still opposed to fluo ridation of our water and can give good reasons for it dr gillies and the toronto health league accused us as fanatics prejudiced and in want of com mon sense but as this world is an echo chamber they will hear the same voices applied to them as fanatic means in- temperately zealous wildly en thusiastic this will clear the air markham water comes from mineral springs and has the usual amount of fluorine in it and our foods also have 5 mgs of daily intake these two sour ces do supply all the required amounts to satisfy the crying of children for it most children cry for some mothers love we now wonder if the water in lake ontario has any fluor ine in it we await a reply from dr gordon bates and the health league in toronto markhams water supply comes from those oncefamous ramer mineral springs which attracted hundreds of the in valids from south pennsylva nia to resort here for its heal ing qualities it is pure at its source but they claim that it gets contaminated between the springs and the teakettle so that the other germkiller chlorine is constantly pumped into it there must be a leak somewhere when it keeps no less than six doctors going busy all the time to cope with health problems our suggestions have always been intended as constructive but so often action and re action are equal and opposite and one scarcely knows what is best to say one thing coun- icil could do is to cover that huge reservoir tank at the i pumping station to prevent strong gusts of wind from whipping up dust with colon bacilli and depositing them in the water and then even chlorine might not be needed thank you arthur l hore ver to one where time permits thats where the smaller communities come in they must be pre pared to offer assistance to stricken cities but what really brought the small community into the chan ging civil defence picture was the aftermath of atomic bombs nuclear radiation when the fireball of an atomic blast touches the ground it pulver izes everything brick steel stone earth in its path these highly radioactive par ticles are sucked into the air as high as 80000 feet air cur rents catch them up and carry them until they slowly drift to the ground as fallout this rived in french equatorial af rica according to two toronto missionaries working at kou- tou the ngambai new testa ment is here these exclamation marks mean we lack words to express the ecstasy of our joy wrote frances and victor veary this was the reaction of the missionaries the natives were equally ecstatic when one christian zacharie yangar by name was given a copy he took it handled it with awe slowly turned it over and over peeked inside as if afraid of when the books were delivered see the worlds first demonstra tion of television it the reaction of the people was remarkable wrote the vearys a naturally boister ous people whose feeling of jov and anger often run away with them we expected them to get excited some could not keep back the tears others fondled the book affectionately the british and foreign bi ble societys printers achieved an exquisite piece of craftsman ship in the ngambai new tes tament it is bound in three colours black royal blue and red the title on the front cover is in gilt letters to make the books more attractive the large clear type on the thin strong white paper inside in trigued the natives the words jump out of the so white page to be read they said the missionaries were re minded of their search for the 5000 words of which the new testament in ngambai consists what he might see shook his head incredulously and said is this it am i really holding for months and years they had gone from one native to an other with the questions what is this what is that this digging for ngambai words they likened to the search for diamonds in the mines nearby it was often very difficult to secure the right one to express the proper scriptural meaning a near tragedy occurred when the new book was being discussed at the bebalam bible institute one word puzzled a student the teacher wrote the word on the blackboard when reaching for the cloth used to erase the writing he caught only the tip of it between his fingers as he raised it from the floor to their horror the class saw a deadlv snake curled up beneath it they arose quickly and pounded the viper to death dear mr editor since the current rabies scare the heat has been turned on myself and other members of the canine world we want to do our part but we have a bone to pick with the methods used its discrimination what about cats why aint they tied the mealymouthed i little snitches can prowl the alleys 12 months a year and i nobody says a word but just let one of our boys tip 3 gar- 1 bage can and folks start writj irg letters to editors sending delegations to the stouffville continued on page 4 best customer the steel industrys best customer is the farmer directly the farmer as an individual is a buyer of steel and on the farmers prosperity rests the prosper ity of the farm implement business which is one of the three canadian industries using the most steel the two other largest direct customers 6f the steel industry are the railways and the automotive industry these also are largely dependent on the farmers pros perity moving crops to market is the part of railway business on which nearly all the rest is based motor vehicles owned by the farmer or by oilier people moving foodstuffs account for a large part of the total automotive business j because it is in the steel industrys interest that the farmer have profitable crops the industry musk try to keep down the costs of steel products the farmr must buy this company is constantly acquiring new facil ities to produce more steel for more people j the steel company of canada limited montreal 0an7n0que hamilton erahtforo toronto

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