Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 19, 1956, p. 4

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p a the stouffviiu tribune 1mjsday jawua81t 19 1954 the stouffville tribune established 83 a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized u cc2caj mi poitolict dept ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada s250 elsewhere s350 c h nolan publisher jas thxas soe editor cbc take a bow while were not in the habit of handing out bouquets to the cbc we could not but cast an approving thought their way on friday evening as we heard ii v kaltenborn dean of american news analysts speaking on that popular ed murrow tv show per son to person state that american tv was falling down because of its few attempts to fulfill its purpose in the educational field and in the field of news anal ysis the cbc has several good programs along this line one ijeing a regular sunday night feature follow ing the 11 pm news action wanted now stouffville municipal council has held the first meeting of the new year with the second slated for this thursday evening jan 19th its not too soon to expect action to properly organize our police force which is presently practically nil one good officer has been engaged another should be added immediately along with suitable transportation the public is de manding action on this vital matter now our parking laws are being flouted on every hand the present officer is unable to be available at all times and thus general supervision is lacking he is also up to this week still without a uniform there is no proper transportation for the police and hooligans are finding it out every week we will soon be returned to the hectic days of the preopp era the percentage of residents who complained of the cost of policing by the opp was negligible but as was predicted now that there are neither sufficient policing nor costs there is grumbling on every hand stouffville is a busy growing community and the residents demand uptodate services few there are who complain of the cost if the service is good but curtail the service and complaints pour in on every hand it has always been an utterly ridiculous idea that one officer can be on 2lhour service seven days a week and we are sure the one new man engaged will agree the time to set this department up properly is now this is a vital matter and one on which council should not hedge stouftville has had councils in the past who operated on stall and delay tactics for an entire twelve months we believe the 1956 council is made up of vigorous members who will move with determination and we await with interest their course of action friday the thirteenth pity the poor soul who is overlysuperstitious in 1950 have you heard that this year friday 13 occurs three times v once this month once in april and once in july think of it three times in one year when bad hick can multiply we knew of a woman who was so superstitious that she just couldnt bring herself to go anywhere even to work on friday 33 it got to the point where she wouldnt even get out of bed on a friday 13 not only that but it is leap year too the un wary bachelor will surely get himself corallcd this year and probably on one of these fridays we dont happen to be superstitious so it shouldnt bother us we never care about walking under a ladder or spilling salt or breaking a mirror or having a black cat cross our path things like that are so childish really after all what could a black cat possibly have to do with our fate why thats silly we are not now never was and never will be superstitious ffmm for parents only m emotional stability fly xrmcy cleaver laff of the week mothers and fathers are often i i ifused by the emphasis to- ay on mental health ard the warnings to parents that much emotional instability begins in childhood it almost makes you scared when you find out that there are more mental patients occu pying hods in our hospitals than those suffering from all the other varied uinesses what if our boy or gir should become unbalanced in adult life because we have been unwise in our training one mother asked a friend we can only do the best we can and combine the good ad vice of experts with our own common sense the companion answered reassuringly jcol long ago dr w a card- e superintendent of the on- i hospital at penetartg in ch on mental disorders ir practical suggefons its the background una stability can be up by encouraging a child i masce his own decisions by j g him to make friends by uragh him to ke rftspon- and by providing en- portu for n to bring his i i tt into the open he miny forceful dotn tan r-r- entsare reluctant to allow their 1 child to make up his own mind about what he should do and j sometimes about what h e should think on controversial j subjects the hesitant adult- who has a hard time reaching a decision usually has had in- 1 sufficient practice in thinking leading to action in his child- j hood in choosing articles of cloth- ing boys and girls should have more and more chance as they j grow older to select their ap- parel within a price range which fits into the family bud- 1 get appearances matter so much to adolescents that they j often want to supplement with j j their own earnings money i i pent on clothes giving a child freedom to make a decision i lives him the possibility of i making a foolish choice but if he learn- from his mistake surely this is a to the good a childs friends are usually those living in the same regiiborhood in the lower grades in school a childs j friends are selected from among his classmates- as he becomes older ard has more individual interests he becomes more choosey about his ompanl 5ors parents help a child in j crja th of interest and aftee- j his peers by providing play material or equipment at home and by making his friends i now that you mention it she did say something about picking up charley horse at tennis last week religion in russia last june at the world baptist conference held in london england the president whose name was dr meclean who has visited russia several times since 1950 gave a report on his most recent visit in the spring of 1955 da jicclean began by expressing regret that most people used the term athiest and communist synonymously communism is a political term said dr meclean and there are thousands of communists in our churches in russia he visited christian churches in over a score of cities and said the churches are much stronger and more virile than for many years many i visited were filled to overflowing and i was amazed at the proportion of young people there was a fervent enthusiasm i have seldom seen equalled anywhere they have suffered but they have been purged and cleansed everywhere i went it was the same encouraging conditions this is good news and coroborates what observers other visitors to russia have reported it is evident that over the long history of the christian church persecution has cleansed and invigorated the church and no doubt history will repeat itself in russia during the first three hundred years of its history there was bitter persecution of christianity and thousands of devout people suffered many of them being tortured to death this is not to be wondered at considering the age in which these events took place the coming of christianity meant the overthrow of heathen systems of religion and so whenever there was a pagan festival there was a fanatical and savage wave of animosity against believers often in crowded arenas the spectators watched christians being torn limb from limb by wild beasts and while their heroic courage frequently impressed onlookers the lust for blood pre vailed as the frenzied crowds shouted away with the atheists among the many who showed almost unbelieveable courage was a young roman named adrian he was a praetorian guard during the reign of emperor galcrius maximian a reign char acterized by much savage and brutal persecution of christians in ad 280 adrian was twentyeight years of age and his skill and daring as a soldier had led to one promotion after another like the apostle paul many years earlier he had been zealous in the persecution of those who followed jesus and for the same reason he believed they were a menace but the calmness and courage of those he was sent to torture made a deep impression upon him there was nothing young adrian admired so much as fortitude under suffering and here among these christians he came face to face with such heroism as he had never seen on any field ol battle how great a struggle went on in the heart of adrian we do not know he was still young and his position well established no doubt his family was proud of a record so outstanding and a future so promising to one of the christians being tortured he said what gives you this strength and joy in the midst of your sufferings ouh lond jesus christ in whom we believe the martyr replied at that moment adrian made a swift and important de cision he stepped up to where the heathen judges sat and said put down my name among those to be tortured i also shall become a christian adrian lived for twentythree years after his conversion he suffered much but his was a magnificent record for never once did he flinch in his loyalty to christ in ad 303 he was slain at nicomedia his limbs were cut from his body on an anvil and he was then beheaded for seventeen centuries he has been the patron saint of soldiers who remember his fearless declara tion put down my name our quotation today is by dr milner persecution often does in lus life xvhat the yreal day will do for all oj s separate the wheat from the tares welcome when they drop in i spend some time during his or a child shows a very different j her lifetime in a mental insti- iside of his personality to a j union did you know that men- ichum from that which he shows j tal sickness accounts for more to a brother or a sister ted j lost time by wage earners than who is bossed around by older i cancer polio and th combined j brothers and sisters may be a in a recent year 1954 one out leading spirit in his own gang j of every 225 canadians was at school treated in a mental hospital learning to be responsible is we are challenged to do all in j a long slow process but it is a our power to give our children necessary part of growing up the emotional stability that will i busv mothers sometimes for- j help combat mental troubles get that a child must feel he has for our youngsters today and a stake in the job he is doing tomorrow wheres that high note mishel piastre conductor of the symphonette orchestra tries out a program idea on his blonde cocker spaniel amber a musical amber has attended backstage every one of the orchestras newyork concerts for the last five years to replace old jail kitchen and laundry facilities are obsolete as is the heating system a recent grand jury report termed the building a lire trap both the select committee and grand juries have given high praise to the jail governor mr james sutherland and his staff for a good job of housekeeping under difficult conditions security good security has been good two years ago two men engineered an escape one was picked up in a matter of hours the other eluded capture until he was picked up across the line on an other charge the last execu tion took place some eight years ago in the early days of the coun try idiots and imbeciles were housed in the jail today these unfortunates are given more hu mane treatment earlier this year the county property committee were au thorized by council to investi gate the jail situation negotia tions were opened with the department of reforms insti tutions and the city of oshawa preliminary talks were very encouraging the county jail subject of much criticism in the past is to be replaced by a new struc ture the welcome news of provincial government appro val of a new jail was relayed to county council recently by warden harry peel the old jail was built in 1s53 i the contractor was james yval- lace who started construction of both the court house and the jail in that year it was one of the provisions of separation of ontario coun ty from the united counties of j york peel and simcoe that be- fore the county could be set up it must have its own county buildings call for tender accordingly the provisional council of the county engaged the services of cumberland and storm a firm of architects of toronto previously the firm had submitted plans authoriza tion was given the architects to call for tenders for the coun ty buildings a tender submit ted by james wallace in the amount of 579 was accepted the cost of the old jail was not separated from the total the new jail will probably cost close to half a million dollars stone for the old jail was brought from queenston the walls of the jail and the divis ions between the cells are is inches thick many improvements have been made to the structure dur ing the years in an attempt to modernize it when electrical power became available the building was wired and electric fixtures replaced candles and coal oil lamps plumbing was installed to replace the outside j conveniences the results still fall far short of present day construction worst in province three years ago the jail was termed the worst in the prov ince by a select committee grand juries down through the year- have found many faults and brought in critical reports twentyfive years ago one cell block was remodelled the i stone walks were torn out and steel bar cells installed subse quent councils failed to con- l untie with this work in the be- i lief that money spent in the old building was to some extent wasted the jail was built to accom- modate 20 prisoners in recent i years as many as 19 have heen incarcerated in the same space the womens cell block has been used for male prisoners and any females have been de tained in a room set apart as i a hospital ward i business directory about the only thing around the house a woman wont slip cover is a stepladder beauty salon permanent wavtnj individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouftville 98w2 stouffville machine tool works telephone 23 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinkity machinery repairs ambulance service 1 y r ambulance m hour jervlce ambulance taxi brierbush hospital djt end night service maternity medical aid surslvj member of the allied prlvat hospital association government ijcenl main street kt stouffillle itirhmoml hill tl 4lvjo b y cabs richmond hill tl it40s it ch dental neil c smith iis nds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone lotw stouffville e s barker dds dds honor graduate of university of toronto office over harolds trill phono 274v stouffville medical marie jack hairdressing llovd avenue sloultrllle permanent waving hairstylins and shaping machine machineleaa cold war phone 381 betty beauty salon victoria street colt wave mach1ne1es3 hair styling shaping phone stouffville 287 r lladgero auctioneers dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 106 coroner for york county dr f j button br i w brodie telephone 871 373 w xkay hours dally 9 to 12 am and 130 to 300 pm evenlnss 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment oflico over rntton 151k drs mitchell smith physicians surgeons xray phone 2h0 stoufrvillo office hours daily 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 23 pm sellers atkinson ph aln 01w ph sto s6j licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in faem stock furni ture and property sales all salo personally listed and ad vertised 15111s prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete sorviea which really pays off no sale too big or too small chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am optometric e a grubin ro optometrist plclon stouffville at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays feb i a 7 mar 5 o afternoons and evenings only phones 80j2 and 2jl ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate srdes our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one milllken po ph ax 359s7 markham po ph mark 34 9 prentices have- been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxhrldge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 5311 barristers garnet v gray ro optometrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono 4012 for appointment hours 10 am to 1500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment insurance birkett son general insuranco agcney stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rate prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 ken laushway general insuranco phono 270wl 270w2 stouffville ontario fire automobile liability it pok thing- if he ay to himself if i forget or dont o this well mother will ce to it a child doe need lo bo reminded to feed his dog or to have a haircut but more ami more he should assume respon- i sibility for his pets meals and j burn for hi- personal appearance the chance to discuss a wor ry v ith an understanding par ent often makes i seem much iesjs troublesome little folk are copyright gormley mrs c mintcd mrs of the dark equentlv are e hunking of she- ited with her von and daughterinlaw rev and airs c e hunking congratulations are extended to mr- and mrs john lteeor on the recent birth of their son at newmarket mr ard mrs eric morby and will fail at j family were dinner gueis with s dread being mr and mrs s doier ly the channel calvin carrington made a re covery in hospital de- re- other hard experiences can bctrned home la- week mr and mrs georpe barrett entertained mr and mrs rob millen of toronto and mr ard mr- milton heise arj family of rora hil in honour of mr muiena brthd3j- troubled o elder children school teenagi unpopular if o of communlf between parjniarka enw ard children kept open j following his accident in o ihev c3n confide in each camber he and his mother er hard faced with courage mental health is the concern of every can idian citizen es- iallj parents did you ki that one out of every twelve children born each year will f g alsop insurance sloulfville ontario fire life auto casualty 11th year in business main si hast phone 220v paul w j ming ay ba barrister and solicitor wideman block markham tuesday thursday evenings a saturday mornings phone 708 residence eckardt avenue unionvihe phone 324 resident member of medeitmott memahox kogkus a mixgay barristers solicitors notariel 302 hay street toronto 1 phone em 42194 real estate when bnvlng or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison jtogd ileal estito ilrokcr phono 214 funeral directors l e oneill stoukfaue funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or xiglil phone stouffville 9swl i fred m pugh flcnenil insnninrc phone stmiflvjur ilhwh your widow wont be abl to meet recular biln without a regular income consult your local mutual iif of canada representative fred m iuah j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham ontario the director canadian government annuities department or ibour 0ttawaip03tce tree rlxase send me inrosmattos showing how a canastak govbtmmixt aniurrr cam bbing me retirement income at low cost i my name is insure today the coop way for information nnuiro at your local coop o- write to john sytema xrunijirkft ph 211 i i accountants j i live at late or birth 1 annuity to start ttixphcne tfcaf s bo til ui cj john c wylie fcis oiartrrwj srcrrtary pumic arroiintjnt auditor imnmc ti irturn uhjq st0uffvimk tkikphonk oljl country voiintinj sfrrlcfv stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop phone 70w

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