Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 19, 1956, p. 2

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p 2 the stouffv tkibcne thursday january 19 1956 j 70 acres of bushland for each canadian say forestry men sunday school convention held today in markham 00 toa pciy u to manage ghing employment to scores of 6 as renewable assets o thousands or the basis of productive possibilities canada has30 square miles of forest land in i i there are 477850 sj raises of inaccessible or unpro ductive fore- land 3s percent of canada is forested being as big two ontario counting forest ai jung of kinds canada has eight percent of d in exchange for the worlds forested area the forests are the founda- ion and support of the pulp rd paper industry the grea they may yield harvests in per- petulty ays the ontario dept of rids and forests every canadian has a stake in canadas forests because 1m of every s10o of our wealth and income branches out from our trees states district fcrester a herridge onequawer of things we need from abroad wood products sugar from the indie- oranges from the l ted states tableware from brii in thl rigs which we can- luml ro grow or make at home of forests are among our rive main natural resources the plen others being farm land mineral pose areas water power and fisher- ihin ics when combined forets be an i water power form the bais few i hundreds i isinesses we so accustomed to having ty of wood for many pur- 3 that we seldom stop to v of what conditions would ike without it look at a examples o canada s greatest industry pulp ind paper trees suited to commercial uc do not only offer an oppor- o satisfactory suostttute has been found for wooden crossties in railway line con struction canada has 37000 tunity for business profit but miles of railway lines and sid- yitaily affect the social life of i ngs each with 2800 ties eight canada besides the large firms feet long a total of about 2h employing thousands of per- million trees each 50 feet tall son- there are many small op- land a foot thick frame houses orators and individuals who are commonplace in canada find a source of income in the forming 72 percent of the total woods veterans of the wars dwellings our telephone poes have shown interest in estab- alone would form a large for- lishing themselves and their est of trees families in forest activity where it cannot be overlooked that they supplement their woods more than 92 percent of can- operations with such sidelines adas total forest land is owned as trapping guiding conduct ing fishing and hunting camps nd growing root crops fami ly the crown or in other words by the people the productive forest of canada works out at na- trs in many sections gain their i about 70 acres for every cans main cash crop by working in dian of voting age this mean that the share of anv 55adult the woods in winter it is common to look upon the forest as a kind of residuary in the forest scheme whatever land is not good enough for an nual crops is let run to trees that is a wrong view much land which was once densely persons could produce an an nual harvest of 1000 cords of wood and every cord is roughly equal to a ton of news print its a nice prospect but it carries responsibilities with it wooded then cut clean to make one is the responsibility for so way for the plough is now use less for either timber or agricul ture forests can be of permanent benefit not only by preserving handling the forests that they are renewable assets yielding harvests in perpetuity this means that if forest industries are to be kept in natures balance but by provid- healthy condition extensive in- j ing an annual cash income to vestment must be made now for maintain the farmers balance returns at distant dates this i in the bank or the woodsmans may vary according to the daily living they can supply kind of tree and conditions j raw materials for industrial use i from 25 to 100 years the stth annua convention of the markham twp sunday school association will be held in markham on thursday jan uary 19th the morning session will b hld in the presbteran church starting at 10 a-m- the president mr norman reid a il preside and reports and business of the association will occupy the morning until 1115 when a panel of sunday school teachers will discuss the in ternationa lesson for the sun day following the convention members of the pane will ne mrs arnold gardhouse miss dixon riley mr lambert stou- ffer and mr lome wideman the afternoon session of ad ults will be held in the united church and will be addressed by rev kenneth dowing of hamilton mr cecil roberts of kitchener and rev wm ber- iry of toronto rev dowing j was born in kenya africa and has spent his entire ministry in africa until becoming the general field secretary of the africa inland mission in hanul- ton rev dowings message will have a missionary empha sis as he follows the conven tion theme of the sunday i school and its evangelizing mission one of the very worthwhile i projects of the markham twp j sunday school association has i been the placing of bibles in i the public- schools of the town ship the association has been assisted in this by the gideon association a group of men i dedicated to making the bible available to any who will use it mr cecil robert- eastern i field secretary of the gideons j will discuss the work of the society briefly at 3 pm rev wm berry is the a-so- elate secretary of the board of evangelism social service of the united church he will ad dress the afternoon session and give the main inspirational ad dress of the evening session rev harry green of mark ham presbyterian church will take the devotional service at the morning session and rev g h thomas will have the ser vice at the evening session the markham township sun day school association is one of the oldest and most active in the province and it is the one common ground of all the denominational sunday schools in the township there are i many sunday school problems in this day of interse business activity and the counter attrac- 1 tios of sunday sports and other activities the conven tion is a good place to discuss the active sunday school work ers and the ministers of the township will attend dinner and supper will be served in the united church by the ladies of the markham and district churches note the location of the 1 convention is markham not j unfonville as earlier anrounc- ed coop fertilizers make their way by the way they are made health unit guards water the fact that water is s an every day requirement for domestic purposes makes it es sential that it be readily obtain able- likewise the knowledge that it can carry diseaseproduc ing bacteria and be responsible for a number of diseases makes it imperative that it be safe and of good quality all municipal water supplies are tested weekly water sam ples are examined baeteriologi- caily in the laboratory the samples ye collected and taken by the york sanitary inspector to the provincial laboratory private wells are also tested on request of the owner to the york county health unit the sanitary inspector takes the sample then sends the report to the owner of the well if the report is unsatisfactory a method of disinfecting the well is included in the report or a visit is made to the premises and the well is examined and recommendations made to re pair the well and ensure a safe water supply editors xote this is the 2cth in a series of articles de signed to better acquaint the residents of this district with the work of the county health unit other articles in the ser ies will appear in future issues of the tribune order in january and qualify for excel lent discounts coop fertilizer is semi- granular and does not harden in storage order now m wsm stuffville mpp phones 122 or 269 biq indoor farm machinery show next week i ami this is one convention w a husband may be an asset to his wife and also might rep resent a great lie ability the average person should try to live only a day at a time says a psychologist thats ex cellent timely advice in this era of high prices thats about as much as the average person again for the eleventh con- 1 ecutive year the ontario re tail farm equipment dealers association will stage its an- nual show in the coliseum building at the canadian na tional exhibition grounds to ronto january 21 to 27 inclus ive orfedas genial executive secretary i en i sykes fore casts that it will be the biggest and best show in the associa- i lions history innovation at this years even will be the inclusion of displays of heavy machinery j and crawler type tractors that are suitable for agriculture pur- i poses here at this colourful show distributors and dealers from across canada will have j the first opportunity of seeing what is new in farm machinery lines for h5i president s g hall peter borough and vicepres i a dalziel st catharines have each made extensive trips to northern ontario and have suc cessfully created interest am- dng dealers in that area who j have promised their support i and attendance of both them- 1 selves and their customers mr j sykes made an official trip to quebec for the same purpose who has put every and reports that an increased ward to provide new and aon- thl- is one convention where the ladies are always welcome members are requested to bring machines on i their wives as there are special womens features on the pro- ram the annual orfedv tionally good year under its j banquet new secertary ien l sykes fura experts in the soils and crops fields as well as having the opportunity of looking over the latest model display orfbda has had an exeep effort for- attendance from that province can be expected at the show in addition to displays of all the newest and the best in farm machinery there will also be such products a- fertilizers milk coolers and government al and institutional displays that will make their first ap pearance the show is held in conjunction with the ontario soil and crop improvement as sociation and thousands of on tario farmers will journey to toronto many in company with their local farm machinery dea lers during those four days to hear what is new from agricul- tional services that will be of benefit to the fast growing or fbda membership members obtain all kinds of j business information from their j association office and this year a new group insurance plan was inaugurated as a forward step in the services available to members in addition to this a complete bookkeeping system designed especially for farm equipment business is available to the membership orfeda has thought of ev- crvthing to provide an enjoy iblc will be held on jan 5th at the ultramodern sea way hotel on the lakeshore road in addition to the ban quet the program will feature top entertainment and dancing more than 00000 square feet of display space till on one moor makes the orfeda show canadas biggest indoor farm machinery event some people who try to keep up with the joneses lose their way and wind up at the pour- house captive kangaroos are easily taught to box men in exhibi- i tions the main problem is islt for7armei-sdistribu- j teaching them to forego their tors and dealers who attend terrible kick years our friendly service has made shopping a pleasure 20 reduction on all slippers men w omens childrens mens work socks regular price 89c to si 59 one low price per pair 69c in appreciation we offer big savings from january 19 february 4 mmmmmm hwmhw lmhwwlwnaimil hhhhhmmhmmm iiiii n mens shoes regularly priced from 895 to 1495 per pair anniversary price f women s shoes regularly priced from 695 to 995 per pair one low price 499 10 reduction on all winter footwear mens womens childrens childrens shoes reguler price s3951 o s595 one low price 299 all sales final ans s all sales final

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