f m thj stourtylue twbukf thlrsoay settbtte 25 55 raise your milk quota sell more milk by using calfpab iff economical i caifpab completely rploci mik from ih th day and for 30 doyi on 25 lb bag of calfpab equals 250 lbs milk thats oil o coif needs before starting to eot solid feed you save milk and build up your quota for bigger profits iti easyl stir a cupful of calfpab into a quart of warm water for two minutes thats oil i you follow the easy calfpab feeding directions if a moneymakerl calfpab actually contains mors essential nutrients than there are m milit itself you can sell all the milk while building bigger better calves with less feed at lower cost per calf write or call in for full information about blolcmords costcutting calfpab stiver bros unionville stouffvilie ontario i d ramer cr son richmond hill ontario r h brillinger markham ontario hometown paper is now big business luxbridgetwp raises pay of collector the hoxe- ur longer yqu gj tne vancouver town paper business members of oadian weekly newspaper a know about cancer socanon were old here at their annua meeang the council of the township of lxoridge on monday heard i a report from the tax colec- tor david mcdonald who re vealed that the tax roll for the this is tne second of four t0 as y ha reached a w hancs editor of tne st janices written especially for 93000 mark women by the canadian can cer society james man leader and chair man of the associations circu lation committee said the com bined circulation of cwna members now stood at 1028671 making the weekly press in canada a major and influential media cwna now has 523 members ranging from small weeklies with circulations under 500 to larpe newspapers which pub lished twice and three times weekly mr hanks said a threeyear effort by cwna to improve the relationships of what are the most dangerous types of cancer in women by what symptoms can women de tect these growths and by what means can they be treat ed this was he tenor of one group of questions asked of some 3000 canadian women in outlining to council the dif ficulties encountered in bring ing in this amount of money from the ratepayers mr mc donald requested an increase in his rate of pay which he felt to be too low after con sideration council by resolu tion increased the present fee safety work in ontario lauded banff september 14 a good roads oscar for its high way safety pubuc education program was today awarded to j the ontario safety league by i the canadian good roads asso- 1 ciation the presentation was it mace a tne roao associations annual convention at the ban8 1 springs hotel to w m v ash president of the ontario safety- league and vv b g reynolds general manager in making the presentation car b cooper chairman of cgras public information co mmittee praised the leagues efforts to reduce highway deaths the selection committee chose the ont- safety league grapes are in season the home economists of the canada department 0 agricul ture advise that when grapes are fully ripe the stems of the clusters turn brown and show some shrivelling and the seeds usually turn from green to brown and separate easily from the pulp bunches of grapes that have dry or brittle stems usually shatter badly a gentle shaking of a bunch will show whether or not the grapes are firmly attached to the stem as they should be good quality grapes are firm and plump and have a general appearance of freshness if they are wellcoloured for the variety they usually have rich flavour when buying grapes it is wise to see whether or not the grapes are wet and to check the container for mois ture or stains if there is mois ture present it is almost cer tain thai the fruit is overripe or has been injured or crushed or it may be a sign of decay mould and shrinkage of the grape at the stem end are other evidences of decay the canadian grape season is fairly short extending from about the last week in august until the middle of october there are over 80 varieties of grapes grown in ontario the an additional s2o0 voted for his nationwidtsurvev conducted i travelling expenses this brings bv the canadian cancer so- th c- stipend on a par cfttv and the survev indicated w fff f the 1 an alarming lack of knowledge debating he working t -vmn-m- anri natnr conditions ol cmplovess of tne weekly newspapers with their a ne mponv and nature hi counc conceded advertis bv making mem- of he disease knowledge that wnrjp counc concuaea aaertisng m maxing mem- that the time had come to ob- oers support their circulation i many lues figures with sworn statements i the 3000 women were select- had been successful mr hanks n f au the provinces from said where less than 50 per different age and income cent of cwna members had groups from highly industrial- 7ed areas and rural communi ties the questionnaire 1 was identical with one recently giv- en in england by dr ranton paterson of the holt radium institute in manchester which revealed a startling ignorance of cancer among british wom- have been spayed from sooo per vear to s600 with submission chiefly because of the scope and diversity of the leagues public information campaign for highway safety the league used all the media at its command including news papers booklets radio posters and television the message to the public was simple graphic and compelling mr ash and mr reynolds filed sworn circulation figures in 1s52 this 90 percent of all members now guaranteed and supported their circulation fig ures he said earliest varieties available are the fredonia very large blue- black grapes that are firm juicy and fineflavoured and the portland amberwhite grapes official plan markham township markham township ratepayers are invited to attend a meeting at cherry hill farm no 7 highway at con 7 markham twp on tuesday sept 27th at 830 pm at which time the proposed official plan for markham twp will be presented markham twp planning board centennial year at x markham fair friday sept 30 official opening at 2 pm premier frost of ontario old time costume contest miss markham fair contest evening concert featuring east york barber shop quartette guernsey holstein and sheep shows trotting and pony races saturday oct 1 light and heavy horses jerseys ayrshire and beef cattle swine and poultry trotting running and pony races checker tournament live stock parade mdhs girls trumpet band lindsay boys band both days greens shows on the midway big dance at night admission 50c autos 50c in 10 acre parking lot geo w henry r h crosby president sectreas markham mr mc en the canadian survev show- 1 donald requested authority ed that canadian women are from council to cancel lax am- better informed about cancer ounw totalling 83736 from the than the british women this is tax r and this was approveo of good size and sweet flavour accounted for by the fact that j the mast common variety ofp education has not been canadian grapes is the con- major p of the cancer fight red licence flax cord which accounts for so per- britain as it has in canada rapped cent of the total grape produc- the second group of ques- xorman borins toronto law- tion in ontario this familiar in the questionnaire sub- yer criticized the provincial dark blue grape is good for mined to the canadian women governments plan to issue red table use as well asfor making wa related to specific knowl- operators licences to drivers edge f cancer of the breast i whose licences have been sus- and female genital tract pended and then reinstated the highways department most serious typo announced that the licences these are two of the most will be red and will have ihe tain workmens compensation jfor its men and passed a by- law to authorize this protecjh trophy is now yours at tjon leas- for another year when we during the report on the tax will again consider submissions roll the tax collector reported for the tixphy i wish you all several cases where dog taxes good fortune in keeping it but had been collected and the own- frankly i also hope that you ers later moved or the dog died will have real competition and others where dogs assess- from the many organizations ed as bitches later were proved in canada both public and pr desserts jams jellies and juice the leading green grape grown in canada is the niagara which has larger bunches than the concord and has a much milder flavour the agawam is a pop ular variety of red grape the fruit being large dark red and led of cancer in 1953 the last of good quality delaware also reddish in colour is a smaller grape of especially fine quality very sweet with a delicate fla vour as choice a table fruit as may be found anywhere richly coloured clusters of grapes red green blue and purple or almost black make a display that is not only at tractive but also sweet and de licious to eat small bunches of grapes dipped first in egg white then in white sugar and allowed to dry for a few min utes make a different but tasty garnish for meat grapes are also suitable to serve as part of a salad plate they give an interesting texture variation and their flavours blend well with those of cottage cheese jellied salads and greens they may be tossed into salad bowl mixtures and of course while they are in season they should be used liberally for fruit cock tails for dessert and as a snack in between meals grapes eaten outofhantj are delicious and refreshing and when serv ed with cheese and crackers they are satisfying as well many people think of grapes only as a passing luxury which while plentiful may be enjoyed fresh and preserved in jams jellies and juice however like other fruits they make very good sauce puddings and des serts such as pie rolypoly up- selected from three groups sidedown cake and this gelatin wealthy average and poor the serious types of cancer in wom en of the 8345 women who year for which we have definite statistics 1738 died from can cer of the breast and 1032 died from cancer of the genital tract at the same time both of these are accessible sites can cers that can be detected from known symptoms and readily treated and respond compara tively well to early treatment by radiation or surgery or both the answers to the questions on cancer of these sites indicate that in all provinces except new brunswick and quebec 80 ctf the women considered a lump in the breast as indicat ing a cancer or a tumor of some kind in new brunswick 77 of the women were of this opinion while in quebec the proportion was only 59 in respect to cancer of the uterus onethird of the women ques tioned did not know the signifi cance of unnatural bleeding ten years after the menopause although this is a common sym ptom of cancer the canadian survey showed that there is no significant dif ference in cancer information among women of different age groups all held same opinion also socioeconomic status had little to do with cancer in formation participants were dessert as made in he consum er section kitohens grape velvet 3 tablespoons gelatine twothirds cup cold water 6 cups blue grapes vt cup sugar m teaspoon salt 2 egg whites beaten or 1 i cups whipping cream whipped soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes wash grapes place in saucepan and crush slightly roil gently for five minutes then rub through a sieve add sugar and salt to grape pulp and reheat stirr ing constantly until sugar is dissolved add soaked gelatine to grape mixture and stir until dissolved half fill individual jelly moulds with half the grape mixture to remaining grape mixture add the beaten egg whites or whipped cream when both mixtures are par tially set spoon the second one over the other mixture in the opinions held by women in each of the groups were essen tially the same as the overall average the english survey on the other hand revealed a considerable difference in the knowledge of cancer in the dif ferent socioeconomic groups again the difference can pos sibly be credited to the lay education programme carried on in canada a cancer so ciety official pointed out that one of the specific reasons for the founding of the canadian cancer society in 1e3s was to inform our canadian people about cancer there were ta boos surrounding the subject of cancer and people were gener ally poorly informed about the disease the medical profession considered it to be in the pub lics interest to form a lay- word reinstated stamped across the front it is contrary to the basic principles of criminal law in canada said mr borins it cannot help but prejudice thej investigating officer medical society to inform the people about the disease the results of this survey indicate that we have moved back the wall of ignorance slightly but there is still a great deal to be done vate that have an interest and concern in belter roads for a better canada the leagues entry in the competition was based in its programs of highway safety education which are aimed at making the public more safety- minded and thereby helping to prevent traffic accidents among motorists and pedestrians on the streets and highways it shows the league at work org anizing local safety groups helping to teach school children safely precautions working with truckers for a greater de gree of highway safety and hammering home a safety les son to the public at every op portunity art collector a man who makes his reputation on other peoples genius one of the seasons odder complaints was that of a fren chman who wanted to sue a gunsmith because the revolver the latter sold him failed to go off when he tried to shoot his wife beet pulp stretch your cattle feed by getting a supply of this economical feed we have a good supply at the moment so get your order in for prompt delivery reesors marmill limited markham phone 9600 t v l t l v l 1 v i v-l-l- 1 i i v v- msm lv 1 centennial bethesdn united church sunday sept 25 11 am dr pidgeon toronto with music by for mer choir members 730 pm rev chapin greenbank zion singers sunday oct 2 11 am rev l atkinson brampton music by former choir members 7 jo pm rev robins orillia bethesda young peoples choir and trio centennial tea wednesday sept 28th from 2 to 430 pm at the home of mrs clifford burkholder moulds chill until firm if desired serve with custard sauce yield 8 to 8 servings new stay- ahead driving powerfiite automatic transmission dodge trucks i f2et we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal k w retz construction co i stouffvilie ont phone stouff 195 i the new ihc 400 tractor with electro attachment for power when the hydro lines fail a power selfwashing cream separator and other new 4 j mccormick farm equipment a 1 see them at markham fair 9 ichas richards a son i 5 i agincourt and stouffvilie j i phone agin bus axminster 34331 5 s g after g pm res axminster 34513 8 i i xxkxsxsxsssssxsxssxsssssexssxxsss srass seed quality mixtures for all conditions for clay or sand in sunshine or shade from 50c per lb special prices on quantities everv seeding job should be fertilized we earn a full line of fertilizer our landscape department is prepared to do any size grading and seeding iob at prices that will sur prise you call now for free advice and estimates garden supplies sandy loam rotted manure peat moss available at our garden centre or delivered to your door special prices on truck loads unionville nurseries garden centre no 7 highway unionville phone unionville 95 tribune classifieds get results longlasting protzc770n beauty ffepaoof weathefzwfsb asphalt shingles bisce asphalt shingl roofi are proof againit fire wind and weornrwill givt your form buildings and horn xlra years of protection and beauty economical to buy ond eosy to install biseo asphalt shingles are available in many attractive plain and blended colours ond in a number of practical patterns to suit your particular nttd bishop asphalt papers limited plana ol portneuf station po toronto and london ont varenouses ond flrancnei qutbec montreal po toronto ont saint john n i stouffvilie c0qi stouffvilli oktario k