vvjt 10 the stourfiui tribune thursday aug 4 1955 classified refrigerator for mt erfect condition never r quires servicing ph s320 miscellaneous stouffville block plain and rock faes sho block is tie k jones sox ill sloutl 2913 51- if aiii foi i inch repairs call liurnte itarkey stourtillr vwil 3t or leave at his home corner of clarke main sis west end i if you wish tour pork or beef killed cured and p cewed ready to cook stored without pain to them or you just call 12tf schells meat market ltd slouitville lli tm will pck up and deliver cars for sale mi i dozing basements excavated back ing grading trench dig- cleanlng fence rows and dig pond- ail irl sellers vniouville ilione fill 6t electrical wiring installation service repairs leslie leonard ph 3svl stottffville 12tf septic tanks wo are in a position to install your septic tanks and drain digging and tile bed at lowest possible prices 4 3t f cull murray baker phono ori newmarket electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k ii middlemiss 16tf phone 3c7 stouffville ken ogdens garage hallantrae all makes of 22tf tractors cars repaired phone stouffville 00934 1934 plymouth belvedere hard top accessories include 2o paint sun visor cus tom radio heaiewbite wails etc original milage 1 300 cost sear 2000 make offer phone stoutfvllle su07 19s1 ford for ale automatic ustomiine twotone white- wall tires air conditioning heater dirctional signals undenoating driven only s000 miles herb yakeiey ph 3sj3 stouffville miscellaneous enfd for rent room and board on church street phone 243 articles for sale i sale register i lost found gormley wi couch fc- ja dropback style and i chesterfield chair ps stousvjlie costs motorboat for sale new 11- foot 200 ph 306j mark- ham for sale axminster rag size 9x12 in good condition mrs f harvey ph gormley 5341 for sale sntal beatty range gives excellent service see fred smith montreal street srouffvihe for sale a 2hurner rang- eue with an automatic oven also an oil burning floor fur nace phone stouff lwl accommodation for rem a lady wishes to share part of her home with or or two aduhs ph stouff 2stwl for sale solid walnut bed room suite 3piece complete with spring and mattress in good condition phone 65303 stouffville for sale space heater for coal or wood kitchen furni ture and floor coverings ph 61706 see same at 2nd farm west of ringwood combining v haling on short notice 6tf edgcvah farm- phone stouffville 7i0 water we have four ar tesian springs on our property and would be willing to sell water to interested buyers at a reasonable rate wm j stewart ph 62904 stouffville thursday august is dls- persal auction sale of regis tered it grade holstela cattle case tractor dtesei as mo del s farm implements hayi and grain household furnij small lost large truck believed between ri markham would finder please roatac mayfair restauraa stouffville reward celebrates dog pure white lure at lot 20 con 4 pick ering tif mile wet of brock on the whitevale rd the property of chas j bur ton terms cash sale at i pm dst lioyd turner clerk a s farmer auction eer phone gormley 5311 wanted highest prices paid for ali kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark issr 36tf boarders wanted adults preferred phone mt albert 7530 wanted to buy ail kinds of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouffville 2c7j 13tf s25th anniversary the 25th anniversary of the gormey womens institute french poodle lost near 3h j organization wa celebrated by concession west of stouffville a bh trip to midland and pene- reward mrs antonyshys 1 tanguishene on wednesday 190 berkeley st toronto ph july 2tth em 479s2 thirtyone ladies enjoyed this trip to midland where mrs l v zuefelt a life member of i the wi formerly of richmond h and now residing in mid- for rent unfurnished room a piloted the group to var- or win furnish ph 54j3 points of interest souhvile f visit was to fort ste j marie burial place of fathers unfurnished flat to let 5 brebeuf and laemam jesuit reoms selfcontained j3500 j martys of the 17th century monthly ph claremont 33612 these were onlv two of the fofiktioolprrtnrl wh burned a real estate bloomington mr and mrs a v storry mr arid mrs n storry diane and marlene visited with rela tives in htstriiton recently recent visitors with mr and mrs c lemon were mrs j itarr mrs c burghar ed and ibob of toronto mr and mrs j mitchell and mr and mrs l mitchell of per credit mrs j dennis of toronto was a visitor with mr 3nd mrs a storry recently v mr robert oarncs and boy friend of markham spent a week in the port severn dis trict miss helen lemon i holiday ing t the christian endeavour camp on lake simcoe urfurni 61305 lied ph iighest prices paid for good quality poultry live or dressed bruce rusneli pnone m stake bv cruel iroquois e indians in 149 the shrine i directly across the highway wanted to rent small f the for is of great house unfurnished immed- interest it is situated on the lately ph va 24661 tor- banks of the wye river and onto wm bailey stouffville 49w3 carpenter work wanted i alterations done phone ken for burkholder stouffville 46w2 or 324 h3 house wanted to rent in stouffville by sept 1 bv 4 2tf business man and family write box 9 c0 the tribune we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers olsoyles meat market ph 35 stouff 49tf painting v paperiianging call harry ilulliuwuy for painting decorating pupcrliungilig etc 10s phone stouffville 64007 hilltop body v fender complete rcftnishiug collision repairs wheel alignment steering service sl auto safety glass installed towing service uyrr1dge phone 84w kiniilay oval cook stove for sale heating oven and reser voir new bricks and castings good also quaker space heat er 10 burner complete with pipes good also boys bicycle cum perfect many accessor ies stan pringie markham ph 169w cut flowers gladioli for sale phone your order or call at glad acres 4 mile south of ringwood order for weekends by friday if possible ross vague phone stouffville 65715 910 byers heating air conditioning kavestrougiung sales installation- service mcclnry oil burners 4 9tf free estimates easy terms phone stouffville filso washing machines all makes repaired and serviced good supply of new used mnchines always on hand we nro exclusive beatty dealers for new washing machines ironcrs dryers efc c h bell son phono stouirvillo 281w trenching septic tanks tile beds ornamental ponds back-fill- ins and grading 50tf arnold rbi lunger stoultville rlil ontario phono 10s preston bros gene and claro excavating grading bulldozing wo specialize in ponds free estimates 22tf 2 machines to serve you better phone stouffville nlj8 complete television and electrical equipment repairs on all makes e h neville sons albert st stouffville phone 1540 7tf precast concrete septic tans delivered and installed york county approved brookliti concrete products phone 155 brooklln tf chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phono king lflw 1tf 21 hour service nnywh harold atkinson radio tv service 49tf phone stouffville 48w3 binder twine our 600 empire brand twine equals anything on the market and is priced at only is00 per hale free delivery s4 w a jones son phone 203wt piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard helms man phone lawrence barkey appliance repairs stf stouffville phone viwt all orderspromptly attended to live stock dairy goats and 3 yearling does cood milkers ph mark ham 366 102 goat saaxen good milker also i yearling and 2 kids phone mt albert 240s commutkrs wanted leav irs ranantrao at 7 am and i pagsmg through ringwood j arriving downtown toronto a s15 am leave toronto at j pm ph 63106 stouffville rent harn with suitable stouffville tribune 170 acre and or without holism families near rox 2 co the dead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffville 255wl or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd claremont 6w2 tf implements ihc combine sp like new priced for quick sale phone claremont ltw stf cocksiiutt repair parts 15 discount c ii bell son 6tt phone stoullville 28 1 it marvel grain throwers the choice of good farmers every where 600 bus per hour capa city 13050 deld 102 w a jones son stoultville 2f5w3 for sale team of work horses douglas gee gormley ph 54gs 12 pigs for sale s weeks old well started 9 each s a stouffer ph 64706 reg holstein bull 15 months old 3s6 butter fat reasonable phone claremont 13w stf pullets for sale 5 v4 months old started to lay call be tween five and seven phone stouffville 66507 shoe repair your shoe repair can all bo bandied at georges shoe repair fall or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done located in the iiolden block 23tf main street stouffville n goldkind son purchasers of all kinds of poultry 21lf 427 manning ave toronto phone wa 25260 or call booths ill isk1 stouff or slv i septic tanks 31 bedroom capacity pkecas r concrete steel reinforced vyc i ill sell you a lank or a complete installation york county approved a inspected 3 1tf cy bellman associates call stouffville 20o harold air conditioning heating iliaritae dealer for howard fnrnacef aod oil barnerj sle installations service vacuum cleaning 34tf fbone stoufltllle 60913 custom bulldozing mkk trout fishing then we can help you design your pond landscape your grounds also excavate basements backfill and do all other types of bulldozing irrigating we plan and install irrigation systems complete with tracto pump ark you irudivfi see our various catalogues on prefab stylo plans and prices homes summer cottages and garages 1tf art sreckley phone flofilfl or 00801 we move the earth trenching excavating grading terracing hackfilling etc cy bellman associates ill 200 slouffvllln 1ti aida cleaners try our new ieep cleaning with powper guaranteed odorless phone stouffville 343 markham 335 6tf for prompt utiu service call stouffville radio television centre next to th bowling alley etonjt 12i 4 3t for sale registered eng lish laige white gilts and sows due in four weeks also harley davidson motorcycle in al shape 194 model ph av 5- 246p i north way german shepherd kennels announces for sale another litter of puppies registered cham pion blood line bred for obed ience and temperament ideal cattle dogs watch dogs pets phone richmond hill tu 4- 1936 11- help wanted be your own ross high earnings with complete line of cosmetics and household necessities familex 1600 delorimier montreal experienced farmer want ed married man to operate dairy farm steady positfou ernest nerlich ph claremont 34s0s help wanted bright per sonable young man for bank work must have completed grade xi schooling apply to bank of nova scotia mark ham 4f internationa l harvester and mccormick tractors and farm machinery repairs service chas richards and son aptincouit and stouffville phone agin collect hid bus axminster 34331 after res axminster 34513 a m wood stouffville hay grain oats 10 acres standing ajax oats ready to cut f godfrey ph stouffville 66911 for sale 7room red brick dwelling on main st w has forced air oil heating all con veniences all in first class repair and nicely decorated lias a nice garden and lawn and good garage priced righ- for quick sale no information over phohe mrs ella ratcliff box 4 7 stouffville markham village 1 2 story brick dwelling new 6 rooms full basement bath room and washroom oil heav tng modern kitchen large well lighted living room laun dry room ample cupboard storage space hardwood and tile floors and many extras situated on large lot on peter street close to school and shopping owner occupied early possession priced at 15000 with 3000 down 2story brick dwelling on beau tifully landscaped l acre lot at mount alberr s rooms and full basement newly decorat ed bath and wash rooms 1 stairs suitable for two famil ies garage close to school church shopping and bus possession any time full price 10000 with a down payment of 5000 fred j mason peter street north markham this spot was the fortified head quarters of the jesuit mission aries over 0o years ago a tour through little lake park pre pared ai for their lunch at the chalet biue which is oper ated by aii institute memhjr of the vasey branch in that dis trict the huronia museum was next on the list and contains hundreds of pionear exhibits and indian relics at present this museum is in the old home stead of a late great lakes ship owner the museum is situated on a hill and overlooks the water where he could watch his boats there is to be a new building erected to house all these exhibits in the near future upon completing a tour of this building all boarded the bus again and drove to pene- tanguishene where a visit was made to the very old church of st lames on the lines built about 1s18 close by is the restored officers quarters of old fort penetanguishene this old stone building revealed many historical objects of interest including a complete dress of the soldiers in bygone days red coats epoulets caps etc their guns and gun racks books cooking utensils lamps furniture and dishes on the grounds are the salvaged ske letons of two warships editors mail who plans for who the markham township planning board disregarding the request of the meropo itan planning board contradic ting their own resolution of july lfih ignoring the re quested opinion of throe school trustee boards and the trus tees of the police village of unionvtue and directly con travening councils publicly stated policy regarding develop ment in the central section of the township are proceeding immediately witn the bernhart residential subdivision plan which will eventually place 25000 people north of no 7 highway in tne cnionville area metropolitian planning board has advised a wait and see hai happens in markham village policy there is most certainly a question as to whether the well will drain the whole area of water or be sufficient to supply the expect ed growth apparently psars for any form o industry below no 7 highway 10 support these residential sections have not even been considered by plan ning board or anyone else the deputyreeves sugges tion that planning board yield ed to pressure in the matter of the scuars farm is made at a crucit time in township artairs markham township needs these subdivisions about as much as a bathing beauty needs a third ieg planning board bedaaied with promises of one well and a packsewer plant have ejn gone as far as to request coun cil to provide them with their own lawyer to expedite mat ters between themselves and the developers even discussion between planning board and subdivid- ors costs the existing taxpayer money and planning board should not entertain for one moment any speculator wn cannot well afford to prwtect his investment for years if necessary as the only apparent plann ing pertains to subdivisions and gas stations a charge should be made to these people to help defray the already large expenses connected with plan ning which are charged to the existing taxpayer and benefit only the developers the two derelict develop ments already decorating the township are expensive monu ments to hasty and illconsider ed planning takpayof in memoriam custom combining baling we are prepared to take care of your custom combining and baling requirements at reason able rales 9tf call frank harris phone stouffville 200wl combining careful attention given to grain crops early orders sure prompt service w a jones v son phone 203wj all seed cleaning again prepared to take care of your cleaning and treating re quirements at reasonable rales phone for appointment now jones milling equipment phone 2o3wt 102 cards of thanks i would like to thank everyone who remembered me with frui flowers and cards while i was in the western hospital nelda dunkeid ham in loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother ruby ham who passed away so suddenly aug 3 1050 when twilight hour draws near and sunset flames the sky we think of you dear mother and the happy days gone by thoughts of you come drifting hack within our dreams to stay to know that you are resting when the twilight ends the day lovingly remembered by your daughter eileen isaac and grandchildren ormbrod in loving memory of murray ormerod who passed away aug 9 1951 always remembered by the family palmer in loving memory of a dear wife and aunt nellie palmer who passed away aug 6 1951 four years have passed aince that sad day the one we loved was called away god took her home it was his will but in our hearts she llveth still ever remembered by husband will hugh muriel and glen glen major mrs ed lones and marvin spent saturday with mr and mrs win fiss and mr george pickett monds and boys toronto spent the weekend at braeside with mr and mrs a c simmonds sorry to hear that mr j a hingston is in the hospital in toronto we hope he will soon be better sunday callers at the jones were mr tom walker toronto mr and mrs wm hopkins and maurice ashburn mr and mrs lloyd wilson and boys mt zion mr and mrs albert lee and martin spent last week with mr and mrs j a hingston several from here attended the holmanjohnson reception in mt zion church on satur day mr and mrs robert holman and doug toronto spent the weekend with mr and mrs j risebrough and betty gormley church mms st james presbyterian church stouffville rev d r mckillican ba bd sunday august 7 10 am morning worship reformed church of canada dutch meeting held in the fellowship centre lemonville pastor rev dykstra sunday august 7 10 am worship service 11 am sunday school bloomington and ringwood christian churches mr ken edwards of ajax will preach sundav august 7 bloomington 10 am sundav school 11 am worship ringwood 10 am sunday school 30 pm worship mon s pm christian endeav our airona 1030 am sunday school 730 pm worship wed 8 pm prayer meeting redshaw in loving memory of william redshaw who passed away aug 7 1942 gone but leaving memories death can never take away memories that will always linger while upon this earth we stay lovingly remembered by wife florence daughters aldlne bernice doris and son murry housework girl to live in doctors home in toronto s0 monthiy niivate room bath references for interview ph toronto ox 953 13 a- reverse the charges travelling e penses will be paid 10 redshaw in loving memory of a dear father william red shaw- who passed away aug 7th 1942 wonderful memories of one so we would like to lake thisj dear opportunity of thanking the are treasured still with i love stouffville aurora and mount sincere albert fire brigades for the jslill in our hearts he i living yet efficient manner in whirh thryifor we loved him too dearly to power machine operators operators to work on ladies and chiidrens wear experience preferred apply box 37 co th tribune handled the grass fire that hreatened our home and proper- ijty on saturday night a special j word of appreciation to the neighbors for their tireless effort in combating the hlae delos graham runbr to box s17 we wish to convey fiincere thank to ai our relative friends and nmehbors for their many acts kindness and ex- pressiotw of sympathy shnwn u- in our repeal bereavemem oj jtrax a beloved husband aad father also thanking fnc mt joy wms- for tbir kind services and r- memberinr kindness of mr cari iloidea and mr edward nd aio o our pas- nopitjiit7jton plan j frfurv rtetum hf kev h- rant we say thank 03 mr h stovr mi london canada lansus au ai etity wonderful opportunity ontario automobile association thr u an openjeg available for an aggressive r of rarn- tn bfttcr than xttet earning aim istsnjjrjsk ccuru and srtiiis t i- all appican cr an mt abpl acl r-hr- 1 mr and mrs clyde count- way and baby are visiting his parents at chester nova scotia for two weeks mr and mrs c r wilcox and family are holidaying in nova scotia for three weeks mrs l calvert of toronto is visiting her niece mrs d henry mr and mrs elmer hunking and family of corbetton spent sunday with mr e hunt and ruth miss evelyn doner and mas ter david james of stouffville spent last week with mr and mrs s n doner mr and mrs lloyd wideman of ixmg branch spent the weekend with mr seth wide- man miss reatha stecwey who is working at crystal beach spent the weekend at her home mrs n a johnston and sons are spending a week at hagers- ville miss nancy cober is improv ing after her recent fall mr and mrs c winger and family and mrs m kelly and family spent monday with mr and mrs fred ieebeek of stayner t s a number of young people of heise hill church attended the youth conference at niagara christian college fort erie for the weekend mr ard mrs harvey cassel srd family of preston spent the weekend with mrs w b hend erson mrs maekenzie of pickering ciaremon are happy to an- lis visiting her cousins mr and notince the birth of their son mrs roy brillingcr o- juv 2s lftw at the ajax- congratulations to mrs peter pickering general hospl brillingcr who will he ceebrat- wulack mr an i mrs lifk ing her ttth birthday on thurs- v llaee nee edna pugb areday happy to a inounce the birth j limmie pugh of willowdale j igrvte agitst was a weekend truest of judy iv a the hurob me- ard pai fohnstone at the d- cora hospital westoa imord j racx brethren in christ church heise hill gormley psior bishop a l winger sunday august 7 1000 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 7 pm evangelistic wed 730 pm prayer meet ing memorial christian church rer e c moddle pastor sunday august 7 10 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm song service and evening worship wed prayer meeting vivian mccormack memorial church rev w s tvhilrombc ma pastor prayer meeting the happy thurs 8 pm- fri 730 pm hour sunday august 7 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evening worship wed ladies picnic at tha home of mrs bruce hood cars leaving at 1030 am united missionary church gormley bethesda rev c e hunking minister sunday august 7 gormlev 1000 am worship service 1100 am sunday school 730 pm subject the judgment seal of christ friday evening vocational bible school closing exer cises bethesda 10 am sunday school 1100 am worship service broadcast time 845 each stirr day morning ck1r oshawa 1350 on your dial stouffville baptist church sunday august 7 1000 am church bible school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evening service rev matthew miller will be in charge of the services this sunday ever forget daughters ina ila ethel and luelia births waco ken and ruth wagg inec jefferson re happy to announce the arrival of their son douglas kenneth at the brierbush hospital stouff- july 20 19cv5 loe and freda tran of melville bethesda peaches ballantrae united churches rct h i moddlo sunday august 7 1000 am peachs 1130 am melville 11 am ballantrae 730 bethesda 3 peaches vis to be held at the church on tuesday aug 9 at 230 united church stouffville rev douglas davis minister sunday august 7 10 am sundav school 11 am morning worship mr hugh herbison will speak on the religion of the douka- bors in british columbia plan pray for the evan- gelistic campaign in tha arena sunday august 11 to 28 sunday school picnic to lake simcoe on wednesday aug 21 christ church anglican rt j d tiller rector sunday august 7 fth after trinity 1030 am holy communion that rock was chrifi 1 cor 10 4 evangelical baptist churches rev norman rowan pastor second markham sunday august 7 10 am sunday school llno am worship speaker u mr w cadcll- repre senting the gideons wed s pm prayer meeting biker hiix thurs 830 pm prayer meet ing at jacob bakers home 10 a m worship 1 1 am sunday school mr w cade reprc- ntir the gion- jvorship with us youth oi christ 715 pm saturday night 2nd markham church saturday night in the park we have a program planned for young anti old group singing and special musical numbers also the best in gospel films sunday night starting at t pm the pleasant sunday evening meeting for everyone k rowan director united missionary church rev h shanlz minister sunday august 7 mount joy 10 am sundav school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evangelistic thurs 8 pm prayer meeting dickson hill 10 am morning worship 1 am sundav school tuej 8 pm prayer meellnt fstorffville united misruqnary church rufg milliter sthur 8 pan prayer meeting sunday august 7 10 3 mi sunday school 11 am worship 1 730 pmevangeustic altona service i a m sunday school 7 30 pro e iagellmic i speaker u rev hvioa