hair raising in case you are interested ladies here is one of the prizewinning coiffures in a contest held in vienna austria just the thing for around the house a new fiery red furnace this is a view of the new blast furnace for the production of high grade natural alloy pig iron which recently began operation at the orskkhalil iron and steel mill in the chkalov region of soviet russia it i ft new farm hand this small fry tackles a kingsized piece of farm machinery on his dads nebraska farm one day he hopes to pull his weight at harvest time m mmmm ills jul 1 filw strong sentiment house speaker sam rayburn totes a bag of texas onions as congressional texans distribute 20650 pounds of the vegetable to every member of congress onions were trucked to washington from the district of rep joseph kilgore just like mom in tucson ariz a mother anddaugh- tcr outfit means matching squaw dresses and boots km received with honor john sherman cooper new united stales ambassador to india is escorted by an officer of the indian army as he inspects the honor guard at rashtrapati bhavan official residence of the president of india dr rajcndra prasad golden trumpets serenading spring tvtarcissus pseudonarcissus or the common daffodil as we know it is growing l rapidly in popularity in the united states chiefly through flower shows such as the puyallup valley festival held annually at tacoma wash at one exhibition alone one may see 300 varieties of daffodils in pleasing displays simultaneously daffodils ap pear at shows and special events in hollywood new york detroit chicago and other cities the daffodil is found frequently in woods and thickets in most parts of northern europe but is rare in scotland the netherlands is one of the largest producers of daffo dil bulbs much of the land devoted to these cultures has been reclaimed from the sea daffodils being hardy must after they are planted in pots in september october or november be kept in cool dark cellars or buried under eight inches of soil outdoors and later protected by straw to prevent freezing by special precooling treatment prior to planting bulbs can be flowered weeks earlier leading yellow daffodil is king alfred doffodil are from yellow and white to pink and cpricof the netherlands export thousands of daffodils yearly daffodils with trumpetlike blossoms reach 18 inches distributed by king features syndicate polio victims circus fans in sweden arc seeing an unusual act put on by two acrobat karlerik hcllberg end svenerik wcstlund both arc polio victims vvv5 rcjgr i